937 resultados para YEAST THERMOTOLERANCE


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Total air suspended particles (PM 100) collected from an urban location near a traffic line in Wuhan, China, were examined for estrogen using a recombinant yeast bioassay. Wuhan, located at the central part of China, is the fourth biggest city in China with 7 million populations. Today, Wuhan has developed into the biggest city and the largest traveling center of central China, becoming one of the important bases of industry, education and research. Wuhan is right at the confluent point of Yangzi River, the third longest river in the world, and its largest distributary Hanjiang, with mountains and more than 100 takes in downtown area. Therefore, by its unique landscape, Wuhan has formed clear four seasons with relatively long winter and summer and short spring and autumn. Foggy weather usually happen in early spring. The yeast line used in this assay stably expresses human estrogen receptor-alpha. Weak but clear estrogenic activities were detected in the organic phase of crude extracts of air particle materials (APM) in both sunny and foggy weather by 0.19-0.79 mug E2/gPM(100) which were statistically significantly elevated relative to the blank control responding from 20% to 50% of the maximum E2 response, and the estrogenic activity was much higher in foggy weather than in sunny weather. The estrogenic activities in the sub-fractions from chromatographic separation of APM sampled in foggy days were also determined. The results indicated that the responses of the fractions were obviously higher than the crude extracts. Since there is no other large pollution source nearby, the estrogenic material was most likely from vehicle emissions, house heating sources and oil fumes of house cooking. The GC/MS analysis of the PM100 collected under foggy weather showed that there were many phenol derivatives, oxy-PAHs and resin acids which have been reported as environmental estrogens. These results of the analysis of estrogenic potency in sunny and foggy weather in a subtropical city of China indicate that further studies are required to investigate the actual risks for the associated health and atmospheric system. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Estrogenic activities of emission samples generated by fossil fuel combustion were investigated with human estrogen receptor (ER) recombinant yeast bioassay. The results showed that there were weak but clear estrogenic activities in combustion emissions of fossil fuels including coal, petroleum, and diesel. The estrogenic relative potency (RP) of fossil fuel combustion was the highest in petroleum-fired car, followed by coal-fired stove, diesel-fired agrimotor, coal-fired electric power station. On the other hand, the estrogenic relative inductive efficiency (RIE) was the highest in coal-fired stove and coal-fired electric power station, followed by petroleum-fired car and diesel-fired agrimotor. The estrogenic activities in the sub-fractions from chromatographic separation of emitted materials were also determined. The results indicated that different chemical fractions in these complex systems have different estrogenic potencies. The GC/MS analysis of the emission showed that there were many aromatic carbonyls, big molecular alcohol, PAHs and derivatives, and substituted phenolic compounds and derivatives which have been reported as environmental estrogens. The existence of estrogenic substances in fossil fuel combustion demands further investigation of their potential adverse effects on human and on the ecosystem. The magnitude of pollution due to global usage of fossil fuels makes it imperative to understand the issue of fossil fuel-derived endocrine activities and the associated health risks, particularly the aggregated risks stemmed from exposure to toxicants of multiple sources. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Global transposable characteristics in the complete DNA sequence of the Saccharomyces cevevisiae yeast is determined by using the metric representation and recurrence plot methods. On the basis of the correlation distance of nucleotide strings, 16 chromosome sequences of the yeast, which are divided into 5 groups, display 4 kinds of the fundamental transposable characteristics: a short increasing period, a long increasing quasi-period, a long major value and hardly relevant.


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生物质燃料乙醇是一种高度清洁的交通液体燃料,是减少温室气体排放,缓解大气污染的最佳技术选择。以非粮原料生产燃料乙醇可以在进行能源生产的同时保证粮食安全,有利于产业的可持续发展。在众多的非粮原料中,甘薯是我国开发潜力最大的生物质能源作物之一。我国占世界甘薯种植总面积和产量的90%。同时,甘薯的单位面积燃料乙醇产量远大于玉米和小麦。其成本是目前酒精中最低廉的,因此利用甘薯生产乙醇是发展生物质燃料乙醇的首要选择。目前采用薯类全原料主要采用分批发酵生产乙醇,其技术水平低,发酵强度低,一般在0.7-2.5g/(L•h),乙醇浓度低,甘薯发酵乙醇为6-8%(v/v),能耗高,环境负荷大,污染严重。针对上述问题,本文从菌株选育、原料预处理、中试放大、残糖成分分析等方面进行研究。 为了研究乙醇发酵生产规模扩大过程中,大型发酵罐底部高压条件下,CO2对酵母乙醇发酵的影响,我们通过CO2 加压的方法进行模拟试验,研究结果表明,发酵时间随压强的升高而逐渐延长,高压CO2 对乙醇发酵效率影响不大,在0.3 MPa 以下时,发酵效率均可达到90%以上。高压CO2 对发酵的抑制作用是高压和CO2 这两个因素联合作用的结果。高压CO2 条件下,酵母胞外酶和胞内重要酶类的酶活均表现出特征性。0.2 MPa 下,酶活性的变化趋势和0.1 MPa 条件下的较为一致。而0.3 MPa 下的酶活变化趋势与0.4 MPa 下的酶活更为接近。通过全基因表达分析发现在CO2 压力为0.3 MPa 下,乙醇发酵途径中多个基因表达量下调,同时海藻糖合成酶和热激蛋白基因表达量上调。 筛选耐高温的乙醇酵母菌株能够解决糖化温度和发酵温度不协调的矛盾,实现真正意义上的边糖化边发酵。高温发酵还能够降低发酵时的冷却成本,实现乙醇的周年生产。本研究筛选出一株高温发酵菌株Y-H1,进而我们对该菌株的胞外酶和胞内乙醇代谢重要酶类的酶活性进行了分析。结果表明Y-H1 能够在40 ℃条件下正常进行乙醇发酵,发酵33h,最终乙醇浓度达到10.7%(w/w),发酵效率达到90%以上。同时发酵液最终pH 在3.5 左右,显示菌株具有一定的耐酸性能力。同时观察到40 ℃下,菌株的胞外酶和胞内乙醇代谢重要酶类的酶活性发生了变化,乙醇发酵途径中关键酶基因表达下调,而海藻糖合成酶与热激蛋白基因表达量上调,这些结果为进一步研究酵母菌耐热调控机理提供了依据。 糖蜜是一种大规模工业生产乙醇的理想原料,本研究利用选育高浓度乙醇发酵菌株结合配套的发酵稳定剂,研究了糖蜜高浓度乙醇发酵情况。结果表明采用冷酸沉淀预处理糖蜜溶液,采用分批补料的发酵方式,乙醇浓度最高达到了10.26% (w/w),发酵时间为42 h。同时观察到在糖蜜发酵中,乙醛含量与乙醇浓度存在一定的相关性。 快速乙醇发酵对于缩短乙醇生产周期、降低乙醇生产成本、减少原料腐烂损失具有重要意义。本研究诱变和筛选得到了一株快速乙醇发酵菌株10232B。在优化后的发酵条件下,采用10L 发酵罐进行分批乙醇发酵,经过18h,乙醇的最终浓度达到88.5g/L,发酵效率93.6%,平均乙醇生产速度达到4.92 g/L/h。此菌株在保持较高乙醇生产浓度的同时,拥有快速生产乙醇的能力,适合作为快速乙醇发酵生产菌种。 由于鲜甘薯具有粘度大的特点,传统液化糖化处理很难在短时间内充分糖化原料;高粘度的醪液也难以进行管道输送,容易堵塞管路;同时,也会降低后续的乙醇发酵效率。 本文采用了快速粘度分析法对鲜甘薯糊化粘度特性进行了分析,进而对预处理条件进行了研究,在最佳预处理条件下,糖化2h 后,醪液葡萄糖值最高可达99.3,粘度4.5×104 mPa.s,而采用传统糖化工艺,醪液DE 值仅为85.8,粘度大于1.0×105 mPa.s。 此预处理方法也可用于快速糖化不加水的醪液。后续的乙醇发酵试验表明,通过此预处理方法获得的糖化醪液对乙醇发酵无负面影响。 在前期已实现了实验室水平的鲜甘薯燃料乙醇快速乙醇发酵基础上,进一步将发酵规模扩大到500L,在中试水平上对甘薯乙醇发酵进行了研究。结果表明在500L 中试规模,采用边糖化边发酵(SSF)工艺,在料液比为3∶1,发酵醪液最高粘度为6×104mPa.s 条件下,发酵37h,乙醇浓度达到了12.7%(v/v),发酵效率91%,发酵强度为2.7 g/(L•h)。与目前国内的薯类乙醇发酵生产技术水平具有明显的优越性。 为研究甘薯、木薯乙醇发酵中残糖的组成,采用了高效液相色谱—蒸发光散射检测法,对乙醇发酵残糖进行了分析。结果表明,甘薯、木薯乙醇发酵残糖均为寡聚糖,主要由葡萄糖、木糖、半乳糖、阿拉伯糖和甘露糖构成。随着发酵时间延长,寡聚糖中的葡萄糖、半乳糖、甘露糖可被缓慢的水解释放。提高糖化酶量仅在一定程度上降低残糖,过量的糖化酶反而会导致残糖增加。同时发现3, 5-二硝基水杨酸法不能准确测定甘薯、木薯乙醇发酵中的残总糖含量。进一步筛选了两株残糖降解菌株,对甘薯乙醇发酵残糖的降解利用率均达到了40%以上,而且还能显著降低发酵醪液粘度。经形态学和rRNA ITS 序列分析,确定这两株菌分别属于为木霉属和曲霉属黑曲霉组。 通过对以甘薯原料为代表的非粮原料发酵技术研究开发,以期形成乙醇转化率高,能耗低,生产效率高、季节适应性好,原料适应性广,经济性强,符合清洁生产机制的燃料乙醇高效转化技术,为具有我国特色的燃料乙醇发展模式提供技术支持。 Sweet potato is one of the major feedstock for the fuel ethanol production in China. The planting area and the yield in China take 90% of the world. Sweet potato is an efficient kind of energy crops. The energy outcome per area is higher than corn or wheat. And the manufacture cost of ethanol is the lowest, compared with corn and wheat. So sweet potato is the favorable crop for the bioethanol production in China. However, the low-level fermentation technology restricts the development of ethanol production by sweet potato, including slow ethanol production rate, low ethanol concentration and high energy cost. To solve these problems, we conducted research on the strain breeding, pretreatment, pilot fermentation test and residual saccharides analysis. To study the impact of hyperbaric condition at bottom of the large fermentor on yeast fermentation, high pressure carbon dioxide (CO2) was adopted to simulate the situation. The results showed that the fermentation was prolonged with the increasing pressure. The pressure of CO2 had little impact on the ethanol yield which could reach 90% under the pressure below 0.3 MPa. The inhibition was combined by the high pressure and CO2. Under the high CO2 pressure, the extracellular and important intracellular enzyme activities were different from those under normal state. The changes under 0.1 MPa and 0.2 MPa were similar. The changes under 0.3 MPa were closer to those under 0.4 MPa. The application of thermotolerance yeast could solve the problem of the inconsistent temperature between fermentation and saccharificaton and fulfill the real simultaneous saccharification and fermentation. And it could reduce the cooling cost. A thermotolerance strain Y-H1 was isolated in our research. It gave high ethanol concentration of 10.7%(w/w)at 40 ℃ for 33 h. The ethanol yield efficiency was over 90%. At 40 ℃, the extracellular and important intracellular enzyme activities of Y-H1 showed the difference with normal state, which may indicate its physiological changes at the high temperature. Molasses is another feedstock for industrial ethanol production. By our ethanol-tolerance strain and the regulation reagents, the fermentation with high ethanol concentration was investigated. In fed-batch mode combined with cold acid deposition, the highest ethanol concentration was 10.26% (w/w) for 42h. The aldehyde concentration in fermentation was found to be related to ethanol concentration. The development of a rapid ethanol fermentation strain of Zymomonas mobilis is essential for reducing the cost of ethanol production and for the timely utilization of fresh material that is easily decayed in the Chinese bioethanol industry. A mutant Z. mobilis strain, 10232B, was generated by UV mutagenesis. Under these optimized conditions, fermentation of the mutant Z. mobilis 10232B strain was completed in just 18 h with a high ethanol production rate, at an average of 4.92 gL-1h-1 per batch. The final maximum ethanol concentration was 88.5 gL-1, with an ethanol yield efficiency of 93.6%. This result illustrated the potential use of the mutant Z. mobilis 10232B strain in rapid ethanol fermentation in order to help reduce the cost of industrial ethanol production. As fresh sweet potato syrup shows high viscosity, it is hard to be fully converted to glucose by enzymes in the traditional saccharification process. The high-viscosity syrup is difficult to be transmitted in pipes, which may be easily blocked. Meanwhile it could also reduce the later ethanol fermentation efficiency. To solve these problems, effects of the pretreatment conditions were investigated. The highest dextrose equivalent value of 99.3 and the lowest viscosity of 4.5×104 mPa.s were obtained by the most favorable pretreatment conditions, while those of 85.8 and over 1.0×105 mPa.s was produced by traditional treatment conditions. The pretreatment could also be applied on the material syrup without adding water. The later experiments showed that the pretreated syrup had no negative effect on the ethanol fermentation and exhibited lower viscosity. The fuel ethanol rapid production from fresh sweet potato was enlarged in the 500L pilot scale after its fulfillment on the laboratory level. The optimal ratio of material to water was 3 to 1 in 500L fermentor. With low-temperature-cooking (85 ℃) using SSF, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae was able to produce ethanol 97.44 g/kg for 37h, which reached 92% of theoretical yield. The average ethanol production rate was 4.06 g/kg/h. And the maximum viscosity of syrup reached 6×104mPa.s. The results showed its superiority over current industrial ethanol fermentation. The compositions of the residual saccharides in the ethanol fermentation by sweet potato and cassava were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with evaporative light-scattering detector. The results showed that all the residual saccharides were oligosaccharides, mainly composed of glucose, xylose, galactose, arabinose and mannose. The glucose, galactose and mannose could be slowly hydrolyzed from oligosaccharides in syrup during a long period. To increase the glucoamylase dosage could lower the residual saccharides to a certain extent. However, excess glucoamylase dosage led to more residual saccharides. And the method of 3, 5-dinitrosalicylic acid could not accurately quantify the residual total saccharides content. Two residual saccharides degrading strains were isolated, which could utilize 40% of total residual saccharide and lower the syrup viscosity. With the analysis of morphology and internal transcribed spacer sequence, they were finally identified as species of Trichoderma and Aspergillus niger.


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A novel method has been developed to easily isolate the mutants with high lipid yield after irradiating oleaginous yeast cells with carbon ions of energy of 80 MeV/u. Pre-selection of the mutants after ion irradiation was performed with culture medium in which the concentration of cerulenin, a potent inhibitor of fatty acid synthetase, was at 8.96 mu mol/l. Afterwards, lipid concentration in the fermentation broth of the pre-selected colonies was estimated by the sulfo-phospho-vanillin reaction instead of the conventional methanol-chloroform extraction. Two mutants with high lipid yield have been successfully selected out by the combined method. This easy and simple method is much less time-consuming but very efficient in the mutant isolation, and it has demonstrated great potential on mutation breeding in oleaginous microorganism.


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To evaluate biological action of microorganism exposed to charged particles during the long distance space exploration. Induction of inactivation and mutation in a red yeast strain Rhodotorula glutinis AY 91015 by carbon beams of different LET values (14.9-120 0 keV mu m(-1)) was investigated It was found that survival curves were exponential, and mutation curves were linear for all LET values The dependence of inactivation cross section on LET approached saturation near 120 0 keV mu m(-1) The imitation cross section saturated when LET was higher than 582 keV mu m(-1) Meanwhile, the highest RBEI for inactivation located at 120 0 key mu m(-1) and the highest RBEm for mutation was at 58.2 key mu m(-1) The experiments imply that the most efficient mutagenic part of the depth dose profile of carbon ion is at the plateau region with intermediate LET value in which energy deposited is high enough to Induce mutagenic lesions but too low to induce over kill effect in the yeast cells (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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利用100MeV/u的12C6+离子束辐照酵母Saccharomyces cerevsiea YY,选育出一株高产突变菌株C03A,考察C03A发酵过程中不同温度、pH、糖汁浓度对发酵的影响。通过正交实验确定最佳发酵条件为:糖汁浓度24%、温度35℃、pH5.0。在10L发酵罐实验中,C03A发酵速率相对原始菌株高,36h发酵完全,比原始菌株缩短12h;发酵产酒率达到13.2%(V/V),比原始菌株高1.6%(V/V)。


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Identifying protein-protein interactions is crucial for understanding cellular functions. Genomic data provides opportunities and challenges in identifying these interactions. We uncover the rules for predicting protein-protein interactions using a frequent pattern tree (FPT) approach modified to generate a minimum set of rules (mFPT), with rule attributes constructed from the interaction features of the yeast genomic data. The mFPT prediction accuracy is benchmarked against other commonly used methods such as Bayesian networks and logistic regressions under various statistical measures. Our study indicates that mFPT outranks other methods in predicting the protein-protein interactions for the database used. We predict a new protein-protein interaction complex whose biological function is related to premRNA splicing and new protein-protein interactions within existing complexes based on the rules generated.


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We study the origin of robustness of yeast cell cycle cellular network through uncovering its underlying energy landscape. This is realized from the information of the steady-state probabilities by solving a discrete set of kinetic master equations for the network. We discovered that the potential landscape of yeast cell cycle network is funneled toward the global minimum, G1 state. The ratio of the energy gap between G1 and average versus roughness of the landscape termed as robustness ratio ( RR) becomes a quantitative measure of the robustness and stability for the network. The funneled landscape is quite robust against random perturbations from the inherent wiring or connections of the network. There exists a global phase transition between the more sensitive response or less self-degradation phase leading to underlying funneled global landscape with large RR, and insensitive response or more self-degradation phase leading to shallower underlying landscape of the network with small RR. Furthermore, we show that the more robust landscape also leads to less dissipation cost of the network. Least dissipation and robust landscape might be a realization of Darwinian principle of natural selection at cellular network level. It may provide an optimal criterion for network wiring connections and design.


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The structural stability and redox properties of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c and its mutant, F82H, were studied by surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) spectroscopy. Phenylalanine, which exists at the position-82 in yeast iso-1-cytochrome c, is replaced by histidine in the mutant. The SERRS spectra of the proteins on the bare silver electrodes indicate that the mutant possesses a more stable global structure with regard to the adsorption-induced conformational alteration. The redox potential of the mutant negatively shifts by about 400 mV, relative to that of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c. This is ascribed to axial ligand switching and higher solvent accessibility of the heme iron in the mutant during the redox reactions.


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C-type lectins are a superfamily of carbohydrate-recognition proteins which play crucial roles as pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) in the innate immunity. In this study, the full-length cDNA of a C-type lectin was cloned from scallop Chlamys farreri (designated as Cflec-5) by expression sequence tag (EST) analysis and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approach The full-length cDNA of Cflec-5 was of 1412 bp. The open reading frame encoded a polypeptide of 153 amino acids, including a signal sequence and a conserved carbohydrate-recognition domain with the EPN motif determining the mannose-binding specificity The deduced amino acid sequence of Cflec-5 showed high similarity to members of C-type lectin superfamily. The quantitative real-time PCR was performed to investigate the tissue distribution of Cflec-5 mRNA and its temporal expression profiles in hemocytes post pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) stimulation. In healthy scallops, the Cflec-5 mRNA was mainly detected in gill and mantle, and marginally in other tissues The mRNA expression of Cflec-5 could be significantly induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and glucan stimulation and reached the maximum level at 6 h and 12 h, respectively But its expression level did not change significantly during peptidoglycan (PGN) stimulation The function of Cflec-5 was investigated by recombination and expression of the cDNA fragment encoding its mature peptide in Escherichia coli Rosetta Gami (DE3) The recombinant Cflec-5 agglutinated Pichia pastoris in a calcium-independent way The agglutinating activity could be inhibited by D-mannose. LPS and glucan, but not by D-galactose or PGN. These results collectively suggested that Cflec-5 was involved in the innate Immune response of scallops and might contribute to nonself-recognition through its interaction with various PAMPs (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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Nitrogen is the most abundant element in atmosphere and fundamental component of proteins, nucleic acids and other essential molecules. In the past century the industrial use of nitrogen compounds has grown exponentially causing widespread pollution. Nitrogen pollution has wide-ranging impacts including contributions to global warming, acid rains and eutrophication. Reduction of nitrogen use in industry and agriculture coupled whit remediation treatments could represent a solution. To this purpose we isolated from environmental samples a nitrophile strain capable of removing nitrogen compounds efficiently from the medium. Through the molecular characterization, we identified the strain as a Rhodotorula glutinis that we called DSBCA06. We examined the main metabolic features of the strain, also to determine the best growing conditions. At the same time, the ability of the strain to grow in presence of high nitrite concentrations was assayed, being a relevant feature poorly studied earlierfor other environmental yeasts. The ability of the strain to grow in presence of heavy metal cations was also tested, showing a noticeable tolerance. The cost of bioremediation treatments is often a problem. One of the way to obviate this is to produce valuable secondary metabolites, capable of positively impact the cost of the processes. In this context the ability of the strain to produce carotenoids, natural molecules with antioxidant properties used for food production, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry, has been evaluated. The strain Rhodotorula glutinis DSBCA06 showed interesting features suggesting its possible use in bioremediation or industrials process for production of secondary metabolites such as lipids and carotenoids.