966 resultados para XCModel, cad 3d 2d, computer graphic, 64 bit porting, migrazione, analisi statica, metodi formali, modellazione resa rendering


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analisi sperimentale e progettazione di cinematismi atti alla movimentazione di devices protesici all’interno di una camera di deposizione pvd. descrizione delle tecniche di deposizione PVD attualmente esistenti. deduzione e progetto ex novo, con l'ausilio di Autodesk Inventor (CAD 3D), di movimentazioni per particolari devices medici dalla geometria complessa all'interno di una speciale camera di deposizione.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido na empresa Renault CACIA e tem como fundamento a implementação de um fluxo de abastecimento com 4 horas de autonomia em todas as linhas de montagem no departamento de fabricação de componentes mecânicos. No entanto, estas linhas deverão ter condições para poder armazenar esse abastecimento, pelo que terão de ser implementadas estruturas que o suportem. Com o objetivo de eliminar o excesso de stock existente na linha de montagem de bombas de óleo, a mais crítica da instalação, e as atividades que não acrescentam valor ao produto final, organizar o espaço disponível, melhorar as condições ergonómicas, propõem-se soluções que serão uma mais-valia para as empresas de fabricação. Durante o desenvolvimento do trabalho foi realizado um estudo aprofundado da linha de montagem e dos problemas existentes no processo de abastecimento e, posteriormente, foi determinada a quantidade necessária de embalagens de componentes para a autonomia requerida. Recorreu-se à ferramenta CAD 3D, Solidworks®, para o planeamento das estruturas, e ao software de simulação Arena®, para testar o funcionamento da linha de montagem com a implementação das estruturas para abastecimento. Verificaram-se melhorias conseguidas através da implementação das soluções sugeridas. A linha de montagem ficou mais organizada e arrumada, tendo-se reduzido cerca de 86,96% de stock global existente. Associado a este, existiam atividades realizadas pelo operador de montagem que não acrescentavam valor ao produto final, tendo-se obtido um incremento da produção na ordem de 1%.


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A agricultura foi a base de partida para a evolução do ser humano como civilização. Este projeto de dissertação consiste numa primeira instância uma análise que aborda historicamente a evolução humana como sociedade desde o Neolítico até aos tempos atuais e factos históricos imprevisíveis que influenciaram o seu percurso como sociedade. O desenvolvimento de um compostor com uma zona de cultivo modular tem o intuito de funcionar nos espaços das habitações urbanas como objectivo principal ser pedagógico e funcional. A metodologia utilizada remete para a análise de factos históricos da sociedade com posterior análise de produtos de excelência na área de compostagem e de cultivo. Para uma análise das necessidades dos utilizadores, foi desenvolvido um mind map, desenvolvido um questionário e analisado um conjunto de produtos do mercado. Estas análises deram origem a um conceito de um produto final, que posteriormente foi convertido no modelo CAD 3D, que serviu para simulações de pressão e para o processamento de renderes foto realistas que servem como representação do produto final. No contexto pedagógico foi desenvolvido um folheto focalizado na demonstração do funcionamento do produto.


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We evaluate the integration of 3D preoperative computed tomography angiography of the coronary arteries with intraoperative 2D X-ray angiographies by a recently proposed novel registration-by-regression method. The method relates image features of 2D projection images to the transformation parameters of the 3D image. We compared different sets of features and studied the influence of preprocessing the training set. For the registration evaluation, a gold standard was developed from eight X-ray angiography sequences from six different patients. The alignment quality was measured using the 3D mean target registration error (mTRE). The registration-by-regression method achieved moderate accuracy (median mTRE of 15 mm) on real images. It does therefore not provide yet a complete solution to the 3D–2D registration problem but it could be used as an initialisation method to eliminate the need for manual initialisation.


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Semantics, knowledge and Grids represent three spaces where people interact, understand, learn and create. Grids represent the advanced cyber-infrastructures and evolution. Big data influence the evolution of semantics, knowledge and Grids. Exploring semantics, knowledge and Grids on big data helps accelerate the shift of scientific paradigm, the fourth industrial revolution, and the transformational innovation of technologies.


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In this paper, we explore a novel idea of using high dynamic range (HDR) technology for uncertainty visualization. We focus on scalar volumetric data sets where every data point is associated with scalar uncertainty. We design a transfer function that maps each data point to a color in HDR space. The luminance component of the color is exploited to capture uncertainty. We modify existing tone mapping techniques and suitably integrate them with volume ray casting to obtain a low dynamic range (LDR) image. The resulting image is displayed on a conventional 8-bits-per-channel display device. The usage of HDR mapping reveals fine details in uncertainty distribution and enables the users to interactively study the data in the context of corresponding uncertainty information. We demonstrate the utility of our method and evaluate the results using data sets from ocean modeling.


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In this paper we explain the processing in the first layers of the visual cortex by simple, complex and endstopped cells, plus grouping cells for line, edge, keypoint and saliency detection. Three visualisations are presented: (a) an integrated scheme that shows activities of simple, complex and end-stopped cells, (b) artistic combinations of selected activity maps that give an impression of global image structure and/or local detail, and (c) NPR on the basis of a 2D brightness model. The cortical image representations offer many possibilities for non-photorealistic rendering.


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Performance modelling is a useful tool in the lifeycle of high performance scientific software, such as weather and climate models, especially as a means of ensuring efficient use of available computing resources. In particular, sufficiently accurate performance prediction could reduce the effort and experimental computer time required when porting and optimising a climate model to a new machine. In this paper, traditional techniques are used to predict the computation time of a simple shallow water model which is illustrative of the computation (and communication) involved in climate models. These models are compared with real execution data gathered on AMD Opteron-based systems, including several phases of the U.K. academic community HPC resource, HECToR. Some success is had in relating source code to achieved performance for the K10 series of Opterons, but the method is found to be inadequate for the next-generation Interlagos processor. The experience leads to the investigation of a data-driven application benchmarking approach to performance modelling. Results for an early version of the approach are presented using the shallow model as an example.


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Helicobacter pylori, un patogeno umano in grado di colonizzare la nicchia gastrica, è associato a patologie del tratto gastrointestinale di varia gravità. Per sopravvivere nell’ambiente ostile dello stomaco dell’ospite, e mettere in atto un’infezione persistente, il batterio si serve di una serie di fattori di virulenza che includono anche le proteine Heat Shock (chaperone). I principali geni codificanti le proteine chaperone in H. pylori sono organizzati in tre operoni trascritti dall’RNA polimerasi contenente il fattore sigma vegetativo σ80. La trascrizione di due dei tre operoni è regolata negativamente da due regolatori trascrizionali, HspR e HrcA, mentre il terzo operone è represso solo da HspR. Fino ad ora, studi molecolari per la comprensione del ruolo di ciascuna proteina nel controllo trascrizionale dei geni heat shock sono stati ostacolati dalla citotossicità ed insolubilità di HrcA quando espressa in sistemi eterologhi. In questo lavoro, è stata analizzata la sequenza amminoacidica di HrcA ed è stata confermata sperimentalmente la predizione bioinformatica della sua associazione con la membrana interna. La citotossicità e l’insolubilità di HrcA in E. coli sono state alleviate inducendone l’espressione a 42°C. Saggi in vitro con le proteine ricombinanti purificate, HspR e HrcA, hanno consentito di definire i siti di legame dei due repressori sui promotori degli operoni heat shock. Ulteriori saggi in vitro hanno suggerito che l’affinità di HrcA per gli operatori è aumentata dalla chaperonina GroESL. Questi dati contribuiscono parzialmente alla comprensione del meccanismo di repressione della trascrizione espletato da HrcA e HspR e permettono di ipotizzare il coinvolgimento di altri regolatori trascrizionali. L’analisi di RNA estratti dal ceppo selvatico e dai mutanti hrcA, hspR e hrcA/hspR di H.pylori su DNAmacroarrays non ha evidenziato il coinvolgimento di altri regolatori trascrizionali, ma ha permesso l’identificazione di un gruppo di geni indotti da HrcA e/ HspR. Questi geni sono coinvolti nella biosintesi e regolazione dell’apparato flagellare, suggerendo un’interconnessione tra la risposta heat shock e la motilità e chemiotassi del batterio.


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Il metodo agli elementi finiti è stato utilizzato per valutare la distribuzione dei carichi e delle deformazioni in numerose componenti del corpo umano. L'applicazione di questo metodo ha avuto particolare successo nelle articolazioni con geometria semplice e condizioni di carico ben definite, mentre ha avuto un impatto minore sulla conoscenza della biomeccanica delle articolazioni multi-osso come il polso. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di valutare gli aspetti clinici e biomeccanici dell’articolazione distale radio-ulnare, attraverso l’utilizzo di metodi di modellazione e di analisi agli elementi finiti. Sono stati progettati due modelli 3D a partire da immagini CT, in formato DICOM. Le immagini appartenevano ad un paziente con articolazione sana e ad un paziente con articolazione patologica, in particolare si trattava di una dislocazione ulnare traumatica. Le componenti principali dei modelli presi in considerazione sono stati: radio, ulna, cartilagine, legamento interosso, palmare e distale. Per la realizzazione del radio e dell’ulna sono stati utilizzati i metodi di segmentazione “Thresholding” e “RegionGrowing” sulle immagini e grazie ad operatori morfologici, è stato possibile distinguere l’osso corticale dall’osso spongioso. Successivamente è stata creata la cartilagine presente tra le due ossa, attraverso operazioni di tipo booleano. Invece, i legamenti sono stati realizzati prendendo i punti-nodo del radio e dell’ulna e formando le superfici tra di essi. Per ciascuna di queste componenti, sono state assegnate le corrispondenti proprietà dei materiali. Per migliorare la qualità dei modelli, sono state necessarie operazioni di “Smoothing” e “Autoremesh”. In seguito, è stata eseguita un’analisi agli elementi finiti attraverso l’uso di vincoli e forze, così da simulare il comportamento delle articolazioni. In particolare, sono stati simulati lo stress e la deformazione. Infine, grazie ai risultati ottenuti dalle simulazioni, è stato possibile verificare l’eventuale rischio di frattura in differenti punti anatomici del radio e dell’ulna nell’articolazione sana e patologica.


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We present a novel algorithm to reconstruct high-quality images from sampled pixels and gradients in gradient-domain rendering. Our approach extends screened Poisson reconstruction by adding additional regularization constraints. Our key idea is to exploit local patches in feature images, which contain per-pixels normals, textures, position, etc., to formulate these constraints. We describe a GPU implementation of our approach that runs on the order of seconds on megapixel images. We demonstrate a significant improvement in image quality over screened Poisson reconstruction under the L1 norm. Because we adapt the regularization constraints to the noise level in the input, our algorithm is consistent and converges to the ground truth.


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Given the importance of color processing in computer vision and computer graphics, estimating and rendering illumination spectral reflectance of image scenes is important to advance the capability of a large class of applications such as scene reconstruction, rendering, surface segmentation, object recognition, and reflectance estimation. Consequently, this dissertation proposes effective methods for reflection components separation and rendering in single scene images. Based on the dichromatic reflectance model, a novel decomposition technique, named the Mean-Shift Decomposition (MSD) method, is introduced to separate the specular from diffuse reflectance components. This technique provides a direct access to surface shape information through diffuse shading pixel isolation. More importantly, this process does not require any local color segmentation process, which differs from the traditional methods that operate by aggregating color information along each image plane. ^ Exploiting the merits of the MSD method, a scene illumination rendering technique is designed to estimate the relative contributing specular reflectance attributes of a scene image. The image feature subset targeted provides a direct access to the surface illumination information, while a newly introduced efficient rendering method reshapes the dynamic range distribution of the specular reflectance components over each image color channel. This image enhancement technique renders the scene illumination reflection effectively without altering the scene’s surface diffuse attributes contributing to realistic rendering effects. ^ As an ancillary contribution, an effective color constancy algorithm based on the dichromatic reflectance model was also developed. This algorithm selects image highlights in order to extract the prominent surface reflectance that reproduces the exact illumination chromaticity. This evaluation is presented using a novel voting scheme technique based on histogram analysis. ^ In each of the three main contributions, empirical evaluations were performed on synthetic and real-world image scenes taken from three different color image datasets. The experimental results show over 90% accuracy in illumination estimation contributing to near real world illumination rendering effects. ^


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The motivation for this paper is to present procedures for automatically creating idealised finite element models from the 3D CAD solid geometry of a component. The procedures produce an accurate and efficient analysis model with little effort on the part of the user. The technique is applicable to thin walled components with local complex features and automatically creates analysis models where 3D elements representing the complex regions in the component are embedded in an efficient shell mesh representing the mid-faces of the thin sheet regions. As the resulting models contain elements of more than one dimension, they are referred to as mixed dimensional models. Although these models are computationally more expensive than some of the idealisation techniques currently employed in industry, they do allow the structural behaviour of the model to be analysed more accurately, which is essential if appropriate design decisions are to be made. Also, using these procedures, analysis models can be created automatically whereas the current idealisation techniques are mostly manual, have long preparation times, and are based on engineering judgement. In the paper the idealisation approach is first applied to 2D models that are used to approximate axisymmetric components for analysis. For these models 2D elements representing the complex regions are embedded in a 1D mesh representing the midline of the cross section of the thin sheet regions. Also discussed is the coupling, which is necessary to link the elements of different dimensionality together. Analysis results from a 3D mixed dimensional model created using the techniques in this paper are compared to those from a stiffened shell model and a 3D solid model to demonstrate the improved accuracy of the new approach. At the end of the paper a quantitative analysis of the reduction in computational cost due to shell meshing thin sheet regions demonstrates that the reduction in degrees of freedom is proportional to the square of the aspect ratio of the region, and for long slender solids, the reduction can be proportional to the aspect ratio of the region if appropriate meshing algorithms are used.


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Tangled (2011) demonstrated that Walt Disney Animation has successfully extended the traditional Disney animation aesthetic to the 3D medium. The very next film produced by the studio however, Wreck-it Ralph (2012), required the animators (trained in the traditional Disney style) to develop a limited style of animation inspired by the 8-bit motion of 1980s video games. This paper examines the 8-bit style motion in Wreck-it Ralph to understand if and how the principles of animation were adapted for the film.