870 resultados para Women immigrants--Social conditions.


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The influence of social factors on birthweight and fetal and infant mortality was investigated in the Swiss birth cohort from 1979-85 (N = 519,933). The proportion of newborns with low-birthweight (less than 2500 g) was higher in lower social classes. Stillbirth-rate, neonatal and postneonatal mortality were higher in lower social classes, too. When controlling for birthweight, the increase in mortality in the lower social classes became somewhat less striking. Marked social differences in perinatal mortality were found in the newborns with normal weight, whereas almost no difference could be detected in the low-birthweight-group.


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Existen muchas desigualdades entre las diversas poblaciones que viven en España. Se han medido muchas que distinguen a españoles y extranjeros. Las mujeres constituyen un colectivo específico. La gran diferenciaentre un colectivo local, que ha nacido en un lugar y los que vienen de fuera se refiere, en primer lugar, a la estructura de edades. Mientras que en los primeros están todospresentes, en el segundo grupo, normalmente, se desplazan las personas en edad activa, que también corresponde a la edad fecunda de las mujeres. Esto establece una diferenciafundamental entre unos y otros.Entre los migrantes, ya pueden ser internos o externos, las familias jóvenes abundan y la tercera edad resulta normalmente ausente. Los jóvenes son los que tienen los niños, los que usan las escuelas y los que menos usan elservicio de salud o menos gastas provocan, de acuerdo con su franja de edad. Si después de pasada la edad activa retornan o se quedan, eso establecerá la gran diferencia.Pero, en el caso de España, sólo se puede hacer este enunciado para el futuro de los extranjeros y para el pasado de los desplazamientos internos. Se ha visto que muchos vuelven al pueblo, pero queda en el mismo Estado. Con los que vinieron de fuera, no se sabe lo que va a suceder.


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Los problemas de población pueden ser considerados desde un punto de vista sociológico, como conflicto social entre grupos insolidarios que defienden su propio interés.Frente al dilema ético de los límites de la investigación y de su aplicación al ser humano y desde el punto de vista social; el futuro se puede plantear en términos de egoísmo o de solidaridad, de derechos o de disminución de recursos, de enfrentamiento o de consenso.


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Actualment el flux migratori internacional s"ha feminitzat, quasi la meitat és compost per dones. No obstant això, malgrat exercir una influència en el comportament i en els projectes migratoris, la variable de gènere habitualment no ha estat recollida com a variable específica. L"article posa atenció en el col·lectiu de treballadores de la llar atesa la poca visibilitat que tenen en el debat públic. Al mateix temps, ha d"assumir un triple risc d"exclusió social (dones, migrants i amb precarietat laboral). Aquest col·lectiu ha estat un suport important per a moltes famílies europees en permetre a la dona, que continua assumint amb major grau la responsabilitat de la llar, conciliar la vida familiar i professional. Les qüestions clau sobre les quals reflexionarem són les possibilitats de conciliació que tenen les mateixes «reconciliadores », i també les oportunitats de participació i, per tant, d"integració a la societat d"acollida. El sector econòmic no afavoreix l"accés a aquests dos processos atès que l"accés a drets laborals és desigual i també hi ha una part important de situacions dins l"economia submergida. Aquesta realitat no ha estat abordada en profunditat dins del debat públic. Són els moviments de dones dins del marc del feminisme dialògic els que estan formulant estratègies més efectives i equitatives d"inclusió social i d"igualtat d"oportunitats. Paraules clau: gènere, immigració, conciliació, inclusió.


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This article explores the case of Barcelona as paradigmatic global city in such transnational productions as Vicky Cristina Barcelona by Woody Allen (2008) and Biutiful by Alejandro González Iñárritu (2010). Allen"s film shows the extreme dilution that national and linguistic identity undergoes under foreign eyes in its rendition of a"hip Barcelona" for tourists"invaded" by transnational subjects in search of bourgeois pleasures. Maybe in pursuit of a more"real" city, Iñárritu"s Biutiful moves to the Barcelona of the immigrants and the undocumented, a transnational and paradoxical location inhabited by those who need to cross borders in order to survive. Through reference to the work of Manuel Castells, Saskia Sassen, Neil Smith and Michel De Certeau among others, we argue that neither of these representations of the city is more real or unreal than the other. In their drastically divergent ways, both films contribute their external perspectives to the imaginary construction of Barcelona as a fascinating global city and can be seen as a dyptich of a transnational Barcelona. Further, they contribute to the ongoing debate about the polarization between the local and the global, the construction of urban boarders inside cities through gentrification, the transformation of the places we (would like to) inhabit, and the translation of all these into visual terms.


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El presente trabajo pretende mostrar los resultados de un estudio cuya intención era identificar posibles variables que afectan a los procesos y estrategias de integración laboral de personas procedentes de otros países; las necesidades formativas en relación al colectivo de referencia y ampliar el conocimiento del fenómeno en aras de la intervención psicoeducativa y social. A partir de una metodología de investigación de orientación cualitativa se ha concluido que las diferencias en cuanto a las estrategias de integración y sus logros están más determinadas por los niveles de cualificación en el país de origen que por las propias diferencias culturales. The article shows the results of a study carried out by the authors to identify possible variables that affect the processes and strategies of occupational integration of people coming from other countries, to establish training needs in relation to the reference group and to extend the knowledge of the phenomenon for the sake of the educational and social intervention. Using a qualitative research methodology, it was concluded that the differences in integration strategies and their accomplishments are better explained by the levels of qualification attained in the country of origin than by cultural differences.


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El presente trabajo pretende mostrar los resultados de un estudio cuya intención era identificar posibles variables que afectan a los procesos y estrategias de integración laboral de personas procedentes de otros países; las necesidades formativas en relación al colectivo de referencia y ampliar el conocimiento del fenómeno en aras de la intervención psicoeducativa y social. A partir de una metodología de investigación de orientación cualitativa se ha concluido que las diferencias en cuanto a las estrategias de integración y sus logros están más determinadas por los niveles de cualificación en el país de origen que por las propias diferencias culturales. The article shows the results of a study carried out by the authors to identify possible variables that affect the processes and strategies of occupational integration of people coming from other countries, to establish training needs in relation to the reference group and to extend the knowledge of the phenomenon for the sake of the educational and social intervention. Using a qualitative research methodology, it was concluded that the differences in integration strategies and their accomplishments are better explained by the levels of qualification attained in the country of origin than by cultural differences.


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Introduction: The composition of the Spanish population has recently changed due to immigration. The present study aimed to estimate the magnitude of change in the calculation of healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability, taking the population of foreign residents into account. For this population, there is no information on mortality or the prevalence of disability. Material and methods: Data were extracted from the 1999 Survey on Disabilities, Handicaps and Health Status to estimate healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability using the Sullivan method. Data were taken from the Spanish Statistical Institute and the World Health Organization, Sullivan's method was adapted to the case of two different populations, and possible scenarios were established. Results: The differences between the mortality table estimated for the foreign resident population and that estimated for the Spanish population were considerable and were more evident in women. At 65 years of age and in the worst scenario, which occurs when all the members of the foreign resident population are disabled, life expectancy in disability would be 2 more years for men and 3 more years for women than when the foreign population was not considered. Conclusions: Our scenarios reveal that the impact of immigration on the calculation of healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability is moderate.


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Introduction: The composition of the Spanish population has recently changed due to immigration. The present study aimed to estimate the magnitude of change in the calculation of healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability, taking the population of foreign residents into account. For this population, there is no information on mortality or the prevalence of disability. Material and methods: Data were extracted from the 1999 Survey on Disabilities, Handicaps and Health Status to estimate healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability using the Sullivan method. Data were taken from the Spanish Statistical Institute and the World Health Organization, Sullivan's method was adapted to the case of two different populations, and possible scenarios were established. Results: The differences between the mortality table estimated for the foreign resident population and that estimated for the Spanish population were considerable and were more evident in women. At 65 years of age and in the worst scenario, which occurs when all the members of the foreign resident population are disabled, life expectancy in disability would be 2 more years for men and 3 more years for women than when the foreign population was not considered. Conclusions: Our scenarios reveal that the impact of immigration on the calculation of healthy life expectancy and life expectancy in disability is moderate.


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This paper presents the qualitative data collection process aimed at the study of the impactsocial relations and networks have on educational paths of immigrant students. In theframework of a R & D longitudinal study funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation(2012-2014), the research team tracked the path of 87 immigrant students, from whom only 17successfully achieved the transition through the first and second year of Post-16 Education.A vast range of literature notes that relationships are an important part of migration process andsocial integration analysis, as well as school history in terms of success or failure. Through thefieldwork researchers collect the personal networks of all immigrant students from 3 highschools who were at that time attending last course of compulsory school. The network structureinfluences their social capital and therefore determines the resources, goods and types of supportindividuals can access. All these aspects are influential elements in the configuration anddevelopment of academic trajectories of immigrant students.At the end of the second year of Post-16 Education (two years later), the study captures personalnetworks of these students again, analyses and discusses their evolution and influence on theirpaths through qualitative interviews. Such interviews facilitated the discussion of theirrelationships while providing interesting narratives that are presented in the text. In order to do so, the biographical interpretive narrative method of interviewing is implemented.


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This paper presents the qualitative data collection process aimed at the study of the impactsocial relations and networks have on educational paths of immigrant students. In theframework of a R & D longitudinal study funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation(2012-2014), the research team tracked the path of 87 immigrant students, from whom only 17successfully achieved the transition through the first and second year of Post-16 Education.A vast range of literature notes that relationships are an important part of migration process andsocial integration analysis, as well as school history in terms of success or failure. Through thefieldwork researchers collect the personal networks of all immigrant students from 3 highschools who were at that time attending last course of compulsory school. The network structureinfluences their social capital and therefore determines the resources, goods and types of supportindividuals can access. All these aspects are influential elements in the configuration anddevelopment of academic trajectories of immigrant students.At the end of the second year of Post-16 Education (two years later), the study captures personalnetworks of these students again, analyses and discusses their evolution and influence on theirpaths through qualitative interviews. Such interviews facilitated the discussion of theirrelationships while providing interesting narratives that are presented in the text. In order to do so, the biographical interpretive narrative method of interviewing is implemented.


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Purpose: The objective of the study is to quantify the wage gap between native and immigrant women in Spain, taking into account differences in their characteristics and the need to control for common support. If immigrant women are segregated in occupations with few native women, it is important to take this into account to analyse wage differentials between both collectives. Methodology: We use microdata from the Continuous Sample of Working Histories (Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales) on wages and other personal characteristics such as gender, country of origin, and age to apply the matching procedure and the decomposition of the wage gap along the lines of Ñopo (2008) for the analysis of wage differentials between native and immigrant women. The advantage of this procedure is that we can simultaneously estimate the common support and the mean counterfactual wage for the women on the common support (i.e., comparing native and immigrant women with similar observable characteristics). In addition, we can describe differences not only at the mean but also along the entire wage distribution. Findings: The results obtained indicate that, on average, immigrant women earn less than native women in the Spanish labour market. This wage gap is bigger when we consider immigrant women from developing countries, but our main finding is that an important part of this wage gap is related to differences in common support (i.e., immigrant women are segregated in certain jobs with low wages different from those occupied by native women). If the need to control for common support is neglected, estimates of the wage gap will be biased. Originality: Studying the case of Spain is particularly interesting because it is a country with abundant and recent immigration. Immigrant women account for more than half of the total immigrants in Spain, and unlike other host countries, they come from a highly varied range of countries, with origins as diverse as Latin America, the Maghreb and Eastern Europe. To our knowledge, no other study has explicitly focused on the analysis of the wage differential of immigrant women in the Spanish labour market by taking into account the need to control for common support. Moreover, published papers illustrating the potentiality of Ñopo"s (2008) methodology are also very scarce.


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This study main purpose was the validation of both French and German versions of a Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion Questionnaire. The sample group comprised 5065 Swiss men from the "Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors." Multigroup Confirmatory factor analysis showed that a three-factor model fits the data well, which substantiates the generalizability of Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion Questionnaire factor structure, regardless of the language. The Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion Questionnaire demonstrated excellent homogeneity (α = 95) and split-half reliability (r = .96). The Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion Questionnaire was sensitive to community size and participants' financial situation, confirming that it also measures real social conditions. Finally, weak but frequent correlations between Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion Questionnaire and alcohol, cigarette, and cannabis dependence were measured.


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Using a social identity theory approach, we theorized that recruiters might be particularly biased against skilled immigrant applicants. We refer to this phenomenon as a skill paradox, according to which immigrants are more likely to be targets of employment discrimination the more skilled they are. Furthermore, building on the common ingroup identity model, we proposed that this paradox can be resolved through human resource management (HRM) strategies that promote inclusive hiring practices (e.g., by emphasizing fit with a diverse clientele). The results from a laboratory experiment were consistent with our predictions: Local recruiters preferred skilled local applicants over skilled immigrant applicants, but only when these applicants were qualified for a specific job. This bias against qualified and skilled immigrant applicants was attenuated when fit with a diverse clientele was emphasized, but not when fit with a homogeneous clientele was emphasized or when the hiring strategy was not explained. We discuss the implications of our findings for research on employment discrimination against skilled immigrants, including the role of inclusiveness for reducing discriminatory biases.


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La oferta del microcrédito por parte de las instituciones microfinancieras distingue dos enfoques, el llamado 'alivio de la pobreza' y el de 'autosostenibilidad financiera'. En este trabajo se hace una comparativa mundial de cuatro regiones de países en vías de desarrollo con el fin de identificar bajo qué enfoque la población accede al microcrédito y a su vez verificar si existe un trade off entre ambos enfoques. Para su contrastación se han utilizado diez indicadores financieros y sociales clasificados en dos categorías, la sostenibilidad financiera y el alcance (nivel de pobreza). Los resultados obtenidos concluyen que el modelo financiero se presenta con más notoriedad en las regiones de América Latina y el Caribe y Oriente Medio/África del Norte mientras que en África prevalece el modelo social y en la región de Asia Meridional se aprecia un equilibrio entre ambos enfoques. Igualmente, se constata la contribución al alivio de la pobreza cuando el acceso del microcrédito se dirige mayoritariamente a la mujer.