996 resultados para Witness bearing (Christianity)


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Light Gauge Steel Framing (LSF) walls are made of cold-formed, thin-walled steel lipped channel studs with plasterboard linings on both sides. However, these thin-walled steel sections heat up quickly and lose their strength under fire conditions despite the protection provided by plasterboards. A new composite wall panel was recently proposed to improve the fire resistance rating of LSF walls, where an insulation layer was used externally between the plasterboards on both sides of the wall frame instead of using it in the cavity. A research study using both fire tests and numerical studies was undertaken to investigate the structural and thermal behaviour of load bearing LSF walls made of both conventional and the new composite panels under standard fire conditions and to determine their fire resistance rating. This paper presents the details of finite element models of LSF wall studs developed to simulate the structural performance of LSF wall panels under standard fire conditions. Finite element analyses were conducted under both steady and transient state conditions using the time-temperature profiles measured during the fire tests. The developed models were validated using the fire test results of 11 LSF wall panels with various plasterboard/insulation configurations and load ratios. They were able to predict the fire resistance rating within five minutes. The use of accurate numerical models allowed the inclusion of various complex structural and thermal effects such as local buckling, thermal bowing and neutral axis shift that occurred in thin-walled steel studs under non-uniform elevated temperature conditions. Finite element analyses also demonstrated the improvements offered by the new composite panel system over the conventional cavity insulated system.


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Cold–formed Light gauge Steel Frame (LSF) wall systems are increasingly used in low-rise and multi-storey buildings and hence their fire safety has become important in the design of buildings. A composite LSF wall panel system was developed recently, where a thin insulation was sandwiched between two plasterboards to improve the fire performance of LSF walls. Many experimental and numerical studies have been undertaken to investigate the fire performance of non-load bearing LSF wall under standard conditions. However, only limited research has been undertaken to investigate the fire performance of load bearing LSF walls under standard and realistic design fire conditions. Therefore in this research, finite element thermal models of both the conventional load bearing LSF wall panels with cavity insulation and the innovative LSF composite wall panel were developed to simulate their thermal behaviour under standard and realistic design fire conditions. Suitable thermal properties were proposed for plasterboards and insulations based on laboratory tests and available literature. The developed models were then validated by comparing their results with available fire test results of load bearing LSF wall. This paper presents the details of the developed finite element models of load bearing LSF wall panels and the thermal analysis results. It shows that finite element models can be used to simulate the thermal behaviour of load bearing LSF walls with varying configurations of insulations and plasterboards. Failure times of load bearing LSF walls were also predicted based on the results from finite element thermal analyses. Finite element analysis results show that the use of cavity insulation was detrimental to the fire rating of LSF walls while the use of external insulation offered superior thermal protection to them. Effects of realistic design fire conditions are also presented in this paper.


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The multilamellar structure of phospholipids, i.e. the surface amorphous layer (SAL) that covers the natural surface of articular cartilage, and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) on the surface of metal porous bearings are two prominent examples of the family of layered materials that possess the ability to deliver lamellar lubrication. This chapter presents the friction study that was conducted on the surfaces of cartilage and the metal porous bearing impregnated with oil (first generation) and with oil + h-BN (second generation). The porosity of cartilage is around 75% and those of metal porous bearings were 15–28 wt%. It is concluded that porosity is a critical factor in facilitating the excellent tribological properties of both articular cartilage and the porous metal bearings studied.


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Tilting-pad hydrodynamic thrust bearings are used in hydroelectric power stations around the world, reliably supporting turbines weighing hundreds of tonnes, over decades of service. Newer designs incorporate hydrostatic recesses machined into the sector-shaped pads to enhance oil film thickness at low rotational speeds. External pressurisation practically eliminates wear and enhances service life and reliability. It follows that older generating plants, lacking such assistance, stand to benefit from being retrofitted with hydrostatic lubrication systems. The design process is not trivial however. The need to increase the groove size to permit spontaneous lifting of the turbine under hydrostatic pressure, conflicts with the need to preserve performance of the original plane pad design. A haphazardly designed recess can induce a significant rise in bearing temperature concomitant with reduced mechanical efficiency and risk of thermal damage. In this work, a numerical study of a sector-shaped pad is undertaken to demonstrate how recess size and shape can affect the performance of a typical bearing.


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In the field of rolling element bearing diagnostics envelope analysis, and in particular the squared envelope spectrum, have gained in the last years a leading role among the different digital signal processing techniques. The original constraint of constant operating speed has been relaxed thanks to the combination of this technique with the computed order tracking, able to resample signals at constant angular increments. In this way, the field of application of squared envelope spectrum has been extended to cases in which small speed fluctuations occur, maintaining the effectiveness and efficiency that characterize this successful technique. However, the constraint on speed has to be removed completely, making envelope analysis suitable also for speed and load transients, to implement an algorithm valid for all the industrial application. In fact, in many applications, the coincidence of high bearing loads, and therefore high diagnostic capability, with acceleration-deceleration phases represents a further incentive in this direction. This paper is aimed at providing and testing a procedure for the application of envelope analysis to speed transients. The effect of load variation on the proposed technique will be also qualitatively addressed.


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Diagnostics of rolling element bearings involves a combination of different techniques of signal enhancing and analysis. The most common procedure presents a first step of order tracking and synchronous averaging, able to remove the undesired components, synchronous with the shaft harmonics, from the signal, and a final step of envelope analysis to obtain the squared envelope spectrum. This indicator has been studied thoroughly, and statistically based criteria have been obtained, in order to identify damaged bearings. The statistical thresholds are valid only if all the deterministic components in the signal have been removed. Unfortunately, in various industrial applications, characterized by heterogeneous vibration sources, the first step of synchronous averaging is not sufficient to eliminate completely the deterministic components and an additional step of pre-whitening is needed before the envelope analysis. Different techniques have been proposed in the past with this aim: The most widely spread are linear prediction filters and spectral kurtosis. Recently, a new technique for pre-whitening has been proposed, based on cepstral analysis: the so-called cepstrum pre-whitening. Owing to its low computational requirements and its simplicity, it seems a good candidate to perform the intermediate pre-whitening step in an automatic damage recognition algorithm. In this paper, the effectiveness of the new technique will be tested on the data measured on a full-scale industrial bearing test-rig, able to reproduce the harsh conditions of operation. A benchmark comparison with the traditional pre-whitening techniques will be made, as a final step for the verification of the potentiality of the cepstrum pre-whitening.


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Diagnostics is based on the characterization of mechanical system condition and allows early detection of a possible fault. Signal processing is an approach widely used in diagnostics, since it allows directly characterizing the state of the system. Several types of advanced signal processing techniques have been proposed in the last decades and added to more conventional ones. Seldom, these techniques are able to consider non-stationary operations. Diagnostics of roller bearings is not an exception of this framework. In this paper, a new vibration signal processing tool, able to perform roller bearing diagnostics in whatever working condition and noise level, is developed on the basis of two data-adaptive techniques as Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Minimum Entropy Deconvolution (MED), coupled by means of the mathematics related to the Hilbert transform. The effectiveness of the new signal processing tool is proven by means of experimental data measured in a test-rig that employs high power industrial size components.


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In the field of diagnostics of rolling element bearings, the development of sophisticated techniques, such as Spectral Kurtosis and 2nd Order Cyclostationarity, extended the capability of expert users to identify not only the presence, but also the location of the damage in the bearing. Most of the signal-analysis methods, as the ones previously mentioned, result in a spectrum-like diagram that presents line frequencies or peaks in the neighbourhood of some theoretical characteristic frequencies, in case of damage. These frequencies depend only on damage position, bearing geometry and rotational speed. The major improvement in this field would be the development of algorithms with high degree of automation. This paper aims at this important objective, by discussing for the first time how these peaks can draw away from the theoretical expected frequencies as a function of different working conditions, i.e. speed, torque and lubrication. After providing a brief description of the peak-patterns associated with each type of damage, this paper shows the typical magnitudes of the deviations from the theoretical expected frequencies. The last part of the study presents some remarks about increasing the reliability of the automatic algorithm. The research is based on experimental data obtained by using artificially damaged bearings installed in a gearbox.


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Fire safety has become an important part in structural design due to the ever increasing loss of properties and lives during fires. Conventionally the fire rating of load bearing wall systems made of Light gauge Steel Frames (LSF) is determined using fire tests based on the standard time-temperature curve in ISO834 [1]. However, modern commercial and residential buildings make use of thermoplastic materials, which mean considerably high fuel loads. Hence a detailed fire research study into the fire performance of LSF walls was undertaken using realistic design fire curves developed based on Eurocode parametric [2] and Barnett’s BFD [3] curves using both full scale fire tests and numerical studies. It included LSF walls without cavity insulation, and the recently developed externally insulated composite panel system. This paper presents the details of finite element models developed to simulate the full scale fire tests of LSF wall panels under realistic design fires. Finite element models of LSF walls exposed to realistic design fires were developed, and analysed under both transient and steady state fire conditions using the measured stud time-temperature curves. Transient state analyses were performed to simulate fire test conditions while steady state analyses were performed to obtain the load ratio versus time and failure temperature curves of LSF walls. Details of the developed finite element models and the results including the axial deformation and lateral deflection versus time curves, and the stud failure modes and times are presented in this paper. Comparison with fire test results demonstrate the ability of developed finite element models to predict the performance and fire resistance ratings of LSF walls under realistic design fires.


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Refugees flee their countries of origin due to supreme hardship and threat to life; frequently bearing witness to mass atrocity. This research is embedded in a salutogenic paradigm which emphasises strength and adjustment. Twenty-five refugees from Burma who were newly arrived in Australia were interviewed and transcripts were analysed using an Interpretive Phenomenological Analytic (IPA) approach. In addition to themes of distress, data revealed an extraordinary adaptive capacity and highlighted strengths, both individually and collectively. Specific adaptive strategies included religiousness, and a sense of duty to family, community and country. Findings have implications for policy and practice that aim to support refugees and asylum seekers.


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This study presents an acoustic emission (AE) based fault diagnosis for low speed bearing using multi-class relevance vector machine (RVM). A low speed test rig was developed to simulate the various defects with shaft speeds as low as 10 rpm under several loading conditions. The data was acquired using anAEsensor with the test bearing operating at a constant loading (5 kN) andwith a speed range from20 to 80 rpm. This study is aimed at finding a reliable method/tool for low speed machines fault diagnosis based on AE signal. In the present study, component analysis was performed to extract the bearing feature and to reduce the dimensionality of original data feature. The result shows that multi-class RVM offers a promising approach for fault diagnosis of low speed machines.


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Rolling Element Bearings (REBs) are vital components in rotating machineries for providing rotating motion. In slow speed rotating machines, bearings are normally subjected to heavy static loads and a catastrophic failure can cause enormous disruption to production and human safety. Due to its low operating speed the impact energy generated by the rotating elements on the defective components is not sufficient to produce a detectable vibration response. This is further aggravated by the inability of general measuring instruments to detect and process the weak signals at the initiation of the defect accurately. Furthermore, the weak signals are often corrupted by background noise. This is a serious problem faced by maintenance engineers today and the inability to detect an incipient failure of the machine can significantly increases the risk of functional failure and costly downtime. This paper presents the application of noise removal techniques for enhancing the detection capability for slow speed REB condition monitoring. Blind deconvolution (BD) and adaptive line enhancer (ALE) are compared to evaluate their performance in enhancing the source signal with consequential removal of background noise. In the experimental study, incipient defects were seeded on a number of roller bearings and the signals were acquired using acoustic emission (AE) sensor. Kurtosis and modified peak ratio (mPR) were used to determine the detectability of signal corrupted by noise.


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This paper presents the fire performance results of light gauge steel frame (LSF) walls lined with single and double plasterboards, and externally insulated with rock fibre insulation as obtained using a finite element analysis based parametric study. A validated numerical model was used to study the influence of various fire curves developed for a range of compartment characteristics. Data from the parametric study was utilized to develop a simplified method to predict the fire resistance ratings of LSF walls exposed to realistic design fire curves. Further, this paper also presents the details of suitable fire design rules based on current cold-formed steel standards and the modifications proposed by previous researchers. Of these the recently developed design rules by Gunalan and Mahendran [1] were investigated to determine their applicability to predict the axial compression strengths and fire resistance ratings (FRR) of LSF walls exposed to realistic design fires. Finally, the stud failure times obtained from fire design rules and finite element studies were compared for LSF walls lined with single and double plasterboards, and externally insulated with rock fibres under realistic design fire curves.


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Slippage in the contact roller-races has always played a central role in the field of diagnostics of rolling element bearings. Due to this phenomenon, vibrations triggered by a localized damage are not strictly periodic and therefore not detectable by means of common spectral functions as power spectral density or discrete Fourier transform. Due to the strong second order cyclostationary component, characterizing these signals, techniques such as cyclic coherence, its integrated form and square envelope spectrum have proven to be effective in a wide range of applications. An expert user can easily identify a damage and its location within the bearing components by looking for particular patterns of peaks in the output of the selected cyclostationary tool. These peaks will be found in the neighborhood of specific frequencies, that can be calculated in advance as functions of the geometrical features of the bearing itself. Unfortunately the non-periodicity of the vibration signal is not the only consequence of the slippage: often it also involves a displacement of the damage characteristic peaks from the theoretically expected frequencies. This issue becomes particularly important in the attempt to develop highly automated algorithms for bearing damage recognition, and, in order to correctly set thresholds and tolerances, a quantitative description of the magnitude of the above mentioned deviations is needed. This paper is aimed at identifying the dependency of the deviations on the different operating conditions. This has been possible thanks to an extended experimental activity performed on a full scale bearing test rig, able to reproduce realistically the operating and environmental conditions typical of an industrial high power electric motor and gearbox. The importance of load will be investigated in detail for different bearing damages. Finally some guidelines on how to cope with such deviations will be given, accordingly to the expertise obtained in the experimental activity.


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Rolling element bearings are the most critical components in the traction system of high speed trains. Monitoring their integrity is a fundamental operation in order to avoid catastrophic failures and to implement effective condition based maintenance strategies. Generally, diagnostics of rolling element bearings is usually performed by analyzing vibration signals measured by accelerometers placed in the proximity of the bearing under investigation. Several papers have been published on this subject in the last two decades, mainly devoted to the development and assessment of signal processing techniques for diagnostics. The experimental validation of such techniques has been traditionally performed by means of laboratory tests on artificially damaged bearings, while their actual effectiveness in specific industrial applications, particularly in rail industry, remains scarcely investigated. This paper is aimed at filling this knowledge gap, by addressing the diagnostics of bearings taken from the service after a long term operation on the traction system of a high speed train. Moreover, in order to test the effectiveness of the diagnostic procedures in the environmental conditions peculiar to the rail application, a specific test-rig has been built, consisting of a complete full-scale train traction system, able to reproduce the effects of wheeltrack interaction and bogie-wheelset dynamics. The results of the experimental campaign show that suitable signal processing techniques are able to diagnose bearing failures even in this harsh and noisy application. Moreover, the most suitable location of the sensors on the traction system is proposed, in order to limit their number.