921 resultados para Whole Chromosome Introgression


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Hybrid mice carrying oncogenic transgenes afford powerful systems for investigating loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in tumors. Here, we apply this approach to a neoplasm of key importance in human medicine: mammary carcinoma. We performed a whole genome search for LOH using the mouse mammary tumor virus/v-Ha-ras mammary carcinoma model in female (FVB/N × Mus musculus castaneus)F1 mice. Mammary tumors developed as expected, as well as a few tumors of a second type (uterine leiomyosarcoma) not previously associated with this transgene. Genotyping of 94 anatomically independent tumors revealed high-frequency LOH (≈38%) for markers on chromosome 4. A marked allelic bias was observed, with M. musculus castaneus alleles almost exclusively being lost. No evidence of genomic imprinting effects was noted. These data point to the presence of a tumor suppressor gene(s) on mouse chromosome 4 involved in mammary carcinogenesis induced by mutant H-ras expression, and for which a significant functional difference may exist between the M. musculus castaneus and FVB/N alleles. Provisional subchromosomal localization of this gene, designated Loh-3, can be made to a distal segment having syntenic correspondence to human chromosome 1p; LOH in this latter region is observed in several human malignancies, including breast cancers. Evidence was also obtained for a possible second locus associated with LOH with less marked allele bias on proximal chromosome 4.


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Diploid (2n = 2x = 24) Solanum species with endosperm balance number (EBN) = 1 are sexually isolated from diploid 2EBN species and both tetraploid (2n = 4x = 48, 4EBN) and haploid (2n = 2x = 24, 2EBN) S. tuberosum Group Tuberosum. To sexually overcome these crossing barriers in the diploid species S. commersonii (1EBN), the manipulation of the EBN was accomplished by scaling up and down ploidy levels. Triploid F1 hybrids between an in vitro-doubled clone of S. commersonii (2n = 4x = 48, 2EBN) and diploid 2EBN clones were successfully used in 3x × 4x crosses with S. tuberosum Group Tuberosum, resulting in pentaploid/near pentaploid BC1 progenies. This provided evidence of 2n (3x) egg formation in the triploid female parents. Two selected BC1 pentaploid hybrids were successfully backcrossed both as male and as female parents with S. tuberosum Group Tuberosum. The somatic chromosome number varied greatly among the resulting BC2 progenies, which included hyperaneuploids, but also a number (4.8%) of 48-chromosome plants. The introgression of S. commersonii genomes was confirmed by the presence of S. commersonii-specific randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers in the BC2 population analyzed. The results clearly demonstrate the feasibility of germplasm introgression from sexually isolated diploid 1EBN species into the 4x (4EBN) gene pool of the cultivated potato using sexual hybridization. Based on the amount and type of genetic variation generated, cumbersomeness, general applicability, costs, and other factors, it would be interesting to compare the approach reported here with other in vitro or in vivo, direct or indirect, approaches previously reported.


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In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, meiotic recombination is initiated by transient DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) that are repaired by interaction of the broken chromosome with its homologue. To identify a large number of DSB sites and gain insight into the control of DSB formation at both the local and the whole chromosomal levels, we have determined at high resolution the distribution of meiotic DSBs along the 340 kb of chromosome III. We have found 76 DSB regions, mostly located in intergenic promoter-containing intervals. The frequency of DSBs varies at least 50-fold from one region to another. The global distribution of DSB regions along chromosome III is nonrandom, defining large (39–105 kb) chromosomal domains, both hot and cold. The distribution of these localized DSBs indicates that they are likely to initiate most crossovers along chromosome III, but some discrepancies remain to be explained.


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A whole genome cattle-hamster radiation hybrid cell panel was used to construct a map of 54 markers located on bovine chromosome 5 (BTA5). Of the 54 markers, 34 are microsatellites selected from the cattle linkage map and 20 are genes. Among the 20 mapped genes, 10 are new assignments that were made by using the comparative mapping by annotation and sequence similarity strategy. A LOD-3 radiation hybrid framework map consisting of 21 markers was constructed. The relatively low retention frequency of markers on this chromosome (19%) prevented unambiguous ordering of the other 33 markers. The length of the map is 398.7 cR, corresponding to a ratio of ≈2.8 cR5,000/cM. Type I genes were binned for comparison of gene order among cattle, humans, and mice. Multiple internal rearrangements within conserved syntenic groups were apparent upon comparison of gene order on BTA5 and HSA12 and HSA22. A similarly high number of rearrangements were observed between BTA5 and MMU6, MMU10, and MMU15. The detailed comparative map of BTA5 should facilitate identification of genes affecting economically important traits that have been mapped to this chromosome and should contribute to our understanding of mammalian chromosome evolution.


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High resolution gene maps of the six chromosomes of Dictyostelium discoideum have been generated by a combination of physical mapping techniques. A set of yeast artificial chromosome clones has been ordered into overlapping arrays that cover >98% of the 34-magabase pair genome. Clones were grouped and ordered according to the genes they carried, as determined by hybridization analyses with DNA fragments from several hundred genes. Congruence of the gene order within each arrangement of clones with the gene order determined from whole genome restriction site mapping indicates that a high degree of confidence can be placed on the clone map. This clone-based description of the Dictyostelium chromosomes should be useful for the physical mapping and subcloning of new genes and should facilitate more detailed analyses of this genome. cost of silicon-based construction and in the efficient sample handling afforded by component integration.


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Whole genome linkage analysis of type 1 diabetes using affected sib pair families and semi-automated genotyping and data capture procedures has shown how type 1 diabetes is inherited. A major proportion of clustering of the disease in families can be accounted for by sharing of alleles at susceptibility loci in the major histocompatibility complex on chromosome 6 (IDDM1) and at a minimum of 11 other loci on nine chromosomes. Primary etiological components of IDDM1, the HLA-DQB1 and -DRB1 class II immune response genes, and of IDDM2, the minisatellite repeat sequence in the 5' regulatory region of the insulin gene on chromosome 11p15, have been identified. Identification of the other loci will involve linkage disequilibrium mapping and sequencing of candidate genes in regions of linkage.


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Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries have been widely used in different aspects of genome research. In this paper we report the construction of the first mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) BAC libraries. These BAC clones were obtained from two ligations and represent an estimated 3.5 genome equivalents. This correlated well with the screening of nine random single-copy restriction fragment length polymorphism probes, which detected on average three BACs each. These mungbean clones were successfully used in the development of two PCR-based markers linked closely with a major locus conditioning bruchid (Callosobruchus chinesis) resistance. These markers will be invaluable in facilitating the introgression of bruchid resistance into breeding programmes as well as the further characterisation of the resistance locus.


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Klebsiella pneumoniae U25 is a multidrug resistant strain isolated from a tertiary care hospital in Chennai, India. Here, we report the complete annotated genome sequence of strain U25 obtained using PacBio RSII. This is the first report of the whole genome of K. pneumoniae species from Chennai. It consists of a single circular chromosome of size 5,491,870-bp and two plasmids of size 211,813 and 172,619-bp. The genes associated with multidrug resistance were identified. The chromosome of U25 was found to have eight antibiotic resistant genes [blaOXA-1, blaSHV-28, aac(6’)1b-cr, catB3, oqxAB, dfrA1]. The plasmid pMGRU25-001 was found to have only one resistant gene (catA1) while plasmid pMGRU25-002 had 20 resistant genes [strAB, aadA1, aac(6’)-Ib, aac(3)-IId, sul1,2, blaTEM-1A,1B, blaOXA-9, blaCTX-M-15, blaSHV-11, cmlA1, erm(B), mph(A)]. A mutation in the porin OmpK36 was identified which is likely to be associated with the intermediate resistance to carbapenems in the absence of carbapenemase genes. U25 is one of the few K. pneumoniae strains to harbour clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) systems. Two CRISPR arrays corresponding to Cas3 family helicase were identified in the genome. When compared to K. pneumoniae NTUHK2044, a transposase gene InsH of IS5-13 was found inserted.


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Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) is rapidly becoming the first-tier test in clinics, both thanks to its declining costs and the development of new platforms that help clinicians in the analysis and interpretation of SNV and InDels. However, we still know very little on how CNV detection could increase WES diagnostic yield. A plethora of exome CNV callers have been published over the years, all showing good performances towards specific CNV classes and sizes, suggesting that the combination of multiple tools is needed to obtain an overall good detection performance. Here we present TrainX, a ML-based method for calling heterozygous CNVs in WES data using EXCAVATOR2 Normalized Read Counts. We select males and females’ non pseudo-autosomal chromosome X alignments to construct our dataset and train our model, make predictions on autosomes target regions and use HMM to call CNVs. We compared TrainX against a set of CNV tools differing for the detection method (GATK4 gCNV, ExomeDepth, DECoN, CNVkit and EXCAVATOR2) and found that our algorithm outperformed them in terms of stability, as we identified both deletions and duplications with good scores (0.87 and 0.82 F1-scores respectively) and for sizes reaching the minimum resolution of 2 target regions. We also evaluated the method robustness using a set of WES and SNP array data (n=251), part of the Italian cohort of Epi25 collaborative, and were able to retrieve all clinical CNVs previously identified by the SNP array. TrainX showed good accuracy in detecting heterozygous CNVs of different sizes, making it a promising tool to use in a diagnostic setting.


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The search for an Alzheimer's disease (AD) biomarker is one of the most relevant contemporary research topics due to the high prevalence and social costs of the disease. Functional connectivity (FC) of the default mode network (DMN) is a plausible candidate for such a biomarker. We evaluated 22 patients with mild AD and 26 age- and gender-matched healthy controls. All subjects underwent resting functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in a 3.0 T scanner. To identify the DMN, seed-based FC of the posterior cingulate was calculated. We also measured the sensitivity/specificity of the method, and verified a correlation with cognitive performance. We found a significant difference between patients with mild AD and controls in average z-scores: DMN, whole cortical positive (WCP) and absolute values. DMN individual values showed a sensitivity of 77.3% and specificity of 70%. DMN and WCP values were correlated to global cognition and episodic memory performance. We showed that individual measures of DMN connectivity could be considered a promising method to differentiate AD, even at an early phase, from normal aging. Further studies with larger numbers of participants, as well as validation of normal values, are needed for more definitive conclusions.


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Aeschynomene falcata is an important forage species; however, because of low seed production, it is underutilized as forage species. Aeschynomene is a polyphyletic genus with a challenging taxonomic position. Two subgenera have been proposed, and it is suggested that Aeschynomene can be split in 2 genera. Thus, new markers, such as microsatellite sequences, are desirable for improving breeding programs for A. falcata. Based on transferability and in situ localization, these microsatellite sequences can be applied as chromosome markers in the genus Aeschynomene and closely related genera. Here, we report the first microsatellite library developed for this genus; 11 microsatellites were characterized, with observed and expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.0000 to 0.7143 and from 0.1287 to 0.8360, respectively. Polymorphic information content varied from 0.1167 to 0.7786. The departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium may have resulted from frequent autogamy, which is characteristic of A. falcata. Of the 11 microsatellites, 9 loci were cross-amplified in A. brevipes and A. paniculata and 7 in Dalbergia nigra and Machaerium vestitum. Five of these 7 cross-amplified microsatellites were applied as probes during the in situ hybridization assay and 2 showed clear signals on A. falcata chromosomes, ensuring their viability as chromosome markers.


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The family Malpighiaceae presents species with different habits, fruit types and cytological characters. Climbers are considered the most derived habit, followed, respectively, by the shrubby and arboreal ones. The present study examines the relationship between basic chromosome numbers and the derivation of climbing habit and fruit types in Malpighiaceae. A comparison of all the chromosome number reports for Malpighiaceae showed a predominance of chromosome numbers based on x=5 or 10 in the genera of sub-family Malpighioideae, mainly represented by climbers with winged fruits, whereas non-climbing species with non-winged fruits, which predominate in sub-family Byrsonimoideae, had counts based on x=6, which is considered the less derived basic number for the family. Based on such data, confirmed by statistic assays, and on the monophyletic origin of this family, we admit the hypothesis that morphological derivation of habit and fruit is correlated with chromosome basic number variation in the family Malpighiaceae.


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FISH has been used as a complement to classical cytogenetics in the detection of mosaicism in sex chromosome anomalies. The aim of this study is to describe three cases in which the final diagnosis could only be achieved by FISH. Case 1 was an 8-year-old 46,XY girl with normal female genitalia referred to our service because of short stature. FISH analysis of lymphocytes with probes for the X and Y centromeres identified a 45,X/46,X,idic(Y) constitution, and established the diagnosis of Turner syndrome. Case 2 was a 21-month-old 46,XY boy with genital ambiguity (penile hypospadias, right testis, and left streak gonad). FISH analysis of lymphocytes and buccal smear identified a 45,X/46,XY karyotype, leading to diagnosis of mixed gonadal dysgenesis. Case 3 was a 47,XYY 19-year-old boy with delayed neuromotor development, learning disabilities, psychological problems, tall stature, small testes, elevated gonadotropins, and azoospermia. FISH analysis of lymphocytes and buccal smear identified a 47,XYY/48,XXYY constitution. Cases 1 and 2 illustrate the phenotypic variability of the 45,X/46,XY mosaicism, and the importance of detection of the 45,X cell line for proper management and follow-up. In case 3, abnormal gonadal function could be explained by the 48,XXYY cell line. The use of FISH in clinical practice is particularly relevant when classical cytogenetic analysis yields normal or uncertain results in patients with features of sex chromosome aneuploidy. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):545-51


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OBJECTIVE: To determine if some stimulated whole saliva parameters are influenced by an increase of Body Mass Index. METHODS: Controlled cross-sectional study involving 90 school children of both genders between 7 and 10 years of age, from Bragança Paulista - SP. Three groups were formed: overweight, obese and control. Body Mass Index and diet intake by the Food Register method were evaluated. The salivary pH, flow rate, buffer capacity, protein, phosphate, calcium, fluoride, total and free sialic acid, and peroxidase activity were determined. RESULTS: The overweight and obese groups showed greater energy and lipid intake (P< 0.001) than the control group. There was no difference in the saliva flow rate between groups, however only the control group showed a mean value considered normal. In the overweight and obese groups a decrease in both the concentration of phosphate (P< 0.001) and peroxidase activity (P<0.001) was observed. In the obese group an increase in the concentrations of free sialic acid (P= 0.004) and protein (P= 0.003) occurred. CONCLUSION: Overweight and obese children show alterations in the concentrations of phosphate, free sialic acid and proteins, and in the peroxidase activity that are favorable conditions for dental caries.


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In about 50% of first trimester spontaneous abortion the cause remains undetermined after standard cytogenetic investigation. We evaluated the usefulness of array-CGH in diagnosing chromosome abnormalities in products of conception from first trimester spontaneous abortions. Cell culture was carried out in short- and long-term cultures of 54 specimens and cytogenetic analysis was successful in 49 of them. Cytogenetic abnormalities (numerical and structural) were detected in 22 (44.89%) specimens. Subsequent, array-CGH based on large insert clones spaced at ~1 Mb intervals over the whole genome was used in 17 cases with normal G-banding karyotype. This revealed chromosome aneuplodies in three additional cases, giving a final total of 51% cases in which an abnormal karyotype was detected. In keeping with other recently published works, this study shows that array-CGH detects abnormalities in a further ~10% of spontaneous abortion specimens considered to be normal using standard cytogenetic methods. As such, array-CGH technique may present a suitable complementary test to cytogenetic analysis in cases with a normal karyotype.