894 resultados para Water in landscape architecture
The cancer risks (CR) by oral ingestion, dermal absorption, and inhalation exposure of trihalomethanes (THM) from tap water of ten districts in Fortaleza, Brazil were estimated. The mean levels of THM compounds were obtained in Fortaleza tap water as follow: 63.9 mu g L(-1) for chloroform (CHCl(3)), 40.0 mu g L(-1) for bromodichloromethane (CHBrCl(2)), and 15.6 mu g L(-1) for dibromochloromethane (CHBr(2)Cl). Bromoform (CHBr(3)) was not detected. The mean CR for THMs in tap water is 3.96 x 10(-4). The results indicate that Fortaleza residents have a higher CR by inhalation than dermal absorption and oral ingestion. The CR for CHCl(3) contributes with 68% as compared with the total CR, followed by CHBrCl(2) (21%), and CHBr(2)Cl (11%). The hazard index (HI) is about ten times lower than unity, not indicating non-cancer effects.
Our aim was to assess the importance of dunging gutters filled with water in finishing barns for the prevalence of pigs shedding Salmonella enterica. Some finishing barns in Brazil are provided with a dunging-gutter system which consists of a continuous water flow at the back of solid-floored adjacent pens. Because there is transfer of faecal material between adjacent pens by water in this system and the faecal-oral route of transmission is so important for enteric pathogens, we tested the hypothesis that the presence of this kind of dunging-gutter system in finishing barns affects the prevalence of slaughter-age pigs shedding salmonella organisms in their faeces. The cross-sectional study was conducted on six farms each having barns with and barns without a dunging-gutter system. Breeding, management, nutritional and seasonal factors were similar in both barns on each farm. The two systems did not differ in prevalence of pigs shedding salmonella organisms. Five S. enterica scrotypes were isolated: S. Agona, S. Javiana, S. Rissen, S. Sandiego and S. Senftenberg. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The occurrence of Aeromonas spp., Vibrio cholerae, and Plesiomonas shigelloides in fresh water from various sources in Araraquara, State of São Paulo, Brazil was determined. Samples from ten distinct irrigation systems used in vegetable cultivation, from five distinct streams, from two reservoirs, from one artificial lake, and from three distinct springs were analyzed. All isolates were serotyped and tested for hemolysin, cytotoxin, heat-stable (ST) and heat-labile (LT) enterotoxins production; presence of plasmid; autoagglutination and drug resistance. V. cholerae isolates were also tested for cholera enterotoxin (CT) production, and Aeromonas isolates for suicide phenomenon. No P. shigelloides was found. V. cholerae non 01 was found in five irrigation water samples and in three stream samples. Aeromonas sp. were isolated in two samples of irrigation water, in three streams, and in one reservoir. All the V. cholerae and Aeromonas isolates were positive for P-hemolysin production, and all Aeromonas isolates were positive for suicide phenomenon; cytotoxic activities were observed in two Aeromonas strains. Cholera enterotoxin was not found in eight V. cholerae non-01 isolates tested by the Y-1 mouse adrenal cell. All isolates were also negative for the other virulence markers. Ii cholelerae isolates were found to be sensitive to the majority of drugs tested, while Aeromonas strains presented multiple drug resistance..
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência das formas do relevo na variabilidade espacial de atributos físicos e suas relações com a mineralogia da argila de um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, utilizando a técnica da geoestatística. Os solos foram amostrados nos pontos de cruzamento de uma malha, com intervalos regulares de 10 m, nas profundidades de 0,0-0,2 m, 0,2-0,4 m e 0,4-0,6 m para os atributos físicos e 0,6-0,8 m para os atributos mineralógicos. Os valores médios para a densidade do solo e resistência do solo à penetração são maiores no compartimento I onde a relação Ct/Ct+Gb é relativamente maior, indicando a presença de maior teor de caulinita. No compartimento II a condutividade hidráulica e a macroporsidade são maiores, influenciados provavelmente pelo predomínio da gibbsita. Portanto, conclui-se que a identificação das pedoformas é muito eficiente para compreender a variabilidade espacial de propriedades do solo. Sendo que, as variações na forma da paisagem promovem variabilidade espacial diferenciada das propriedades físicas e mineralógicas do solo.
Observed deviations from traditional concepts of soil-water movement are considered in terms of fractals. A connection is made between this movement and a Brownian motion, a random and self-affine type of fractal, to account for the soil-water diffusivity function having auxiliary time dependence for unsaturated soils. The position of a given water content is directly proportional to t(n), where t is time, and exponent n for distinctly unsaturated soil is less than the traditional 0.50. As water saturation is approached, n approaches 0.50. Macroscopic fractional Brownian motion is associated with n < 0.50, but shifts to regular Brownian motion for n = 0.50.
The spatial distribution of water and sugars in half-fresh apples dehydrated in sucrose solutions (30% and 50% w/w, 27 degrees C) for 2, 4 and 8 h, was determined. Each half was sliced as from the exposed surface. The density, water and sugar contents were determined for each piece. A mathematical model was fitted to the experimental data of the water and sucrose contents considering the overall flux and tissue shrinkage. A numerical method of finite differences permitted the calculation of the effective diffusion coefficients as a function of concentration, using material coordinates and integrating the two differential equations (for water and sucrose) simultaneously. The coefficients obtained were one or even two orders of magnitude lower than those for pure solutions and presented unusual concentration dependence. The behaviour of the apple tissue was also studied using light microscopy techniques to obtain images of the osmotically treated pieces (20%, 30% and 50% w/w sucrose solutions for 2, 4 and 8 h). (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Half-fresh apples were immersed in sucrose solution (50% w/w, 27 degrees C) during different times of exposition (2, 4, and 8 h). Then each fruit was sliced from the transversal exposed surface. Density, water, and sugar content were determined for each slice. A mathematical model was fitted to experimental data of water and sucrose content considering the global flux and the tissue shrinkage. By numerical analysis, the binary effective diffusion coefficients as a function of concentration were calculated, using material coordinates and integrating simultaneously two differential equations (for water and sucrose). The coefficients obtained are one or even two orders of magnitude lower than the ones for pure solutions and present an unusual concentration dependence. This comparison shows the influence of the tissue resistance to the diffusion.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to investigate entrapped water in poly(o-methoxyaniline) (POMA) in powder form. Two endothermic peaks were attributed to removal of water molecules that were adsorbed with distinct energies. By obtaining thermograms at various heating rates, we succeeded in applying Kissinger's approaches to estimate activation energies for the water adsorbed. The values obtained were ca. 25 and 53 kJ/mol, which correspond to H-bonding interactions, probably at the amine and imine centers of POMA, respectively. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Measurements of ultrasonic attenuation and velocity in milk and low concentration water-in-oil (W/O) emulsion were conducted, using a measurement cell with a double-element transducer that eliminates diffraction losses. The milk is characterized by the attenuation coefficient, while in the case of water-in-oil emulsions, the characterization is best represented by the propagation velocity.
Water samples (24 untreated water, 12 treated water and 24 served water) used in different stages of the slaughter process were examined to identify a possible source of pathogenic mycobacteria. The isolates were identified based on microscopy, morphological and biochemical features, mycolic acid analysis and molecular method - PCR-restriction-enzyme analysis. Eighteen mycobacterial strains were isolated from 60 water samples: 11 from untreated water, 5 from treated water and 2 from served water. All mycobacteria isolated were identified as Mycobacterium gordonae and showed the following PRA genotypes: III (27.8%), IV (38.9%) and V (33.3%).
Ethanol with added water may be found during the process of assessing its physical and chemical properties. This addition can damage automotive vehicle engines and also may contribute to tax evasion. The present contribution describes a method based on a photothermal transparent transducer to determine the water content in ethanol. A chamber with a window of lithium tantalate coated with a thin layer of indium tin oxide was used, and a 1450-nm laser diode was employed as the excitation source. The results indicated a nearly linear response of the apparatus, as a function of the water content in water/ethanol solutions ranging from 0 to 100 (vol.%). The results for the dependency of the photothermal signal on the laser power and chopping frequency suggested that reliable results can be obtained using laser power and chopping rates above 100 mW and 10 Hz, respectively. The results reported here may be useful in the development of an alternative method that can provide real-time data on the water concentration in ethanol in a rapid, portable and unambiguous way, and that can be easily used in laboratory analyses or in gas stations. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
No ano de 2007, águas superficiais foram coletadas a partir de 21 pontos de amostragem na cidade de Barcarena, Região Norte, Brasil: um ponto de amostragem localizado em um pequeno córrego que recebe descarga de resíduos a partir da indústria de beneficiamento do caulim e deságua no Rio Curuperê, três pontos de amostragens localizados próximos de fontes que emergem na margem esquerda e deságuam no Rio Curuperê, nove pontos de amostragem no Rio Curuperê, que deságua no Rio Dendê, e oito no Rio Dendê, afluente da margem esquerda do Rio Pará. Para todas as amostras de água foram quantificadas 14 variáveis físico-químicas e níveis de 12 metais. Os resultados nos pontos próximos das fontes do Rio Curuperê apresentaram perfil físico-químico e níveis de metais típicos para águas superficiais e esses valores foram utilizados como referência para comparar e identificar possíveis alterações nas características químicas para os demais pontos de amostragem. Quando os resultados das fontes do rio Curuperê foram comparados com os resultados do ponto próximo a descarga de resíduos industriais foram observadas fortes alterações nos valores de 6 variáveis físico-químicas (pH, condutividade elétrica (EC), total de sólidos suspensos (TDS), nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH4), sulfato (SO4) e salinidade) e aumento em magnitude dos níveis de quatro metais (Al, Fe, Mn e Zn), caracterizando que esses resíduos eram descarregados no ambiente sem tratamentos adequados. Os resultados nos demais pontos de amostragem demonstraram que estas condições anômalas também foram encontradas ao longo dos Rios Curuperê e Dendê, principalmente durante a maré baixa. A partir desta caracterização química das águas foram identificadas condições prejudiciais aos ecossistemas aquáticos e potencial risco à saúde da população local que usa os rios para consumo, recreação e transporte.