999 resultados para Water erosion
El objetivo de esta investigación consiste básicamente en probar la aplicabilidad para las condiciones físico-geográficas características de Costa Rica, del modelo para la predicción de suelos Watcr Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP), el cual es desarrollado por el Servicio de Conservación de Suelos de los Estados Unidos.Los pronósticos efectuados por el WEPP, son comparados con mediciones reales de erosión y escorrentía efectuadas por medio de parcelas tipo USLE (café, pastos y tabaco-maíz-frijol) ubicadas en la localidad de Cerbatana de Puriscal (1990-1995), junto con mediciones de las condiciones climáticas y análisis de las características de los suelos.Los resultados indican que ci modelo tiene un aceptable pronóstico en los datos de la erosión y de la escorrentía, sobre todo si se le compara con pronósticos hechos con la Ecuación Universal de Pérdida de Suelos. Los parámetros de entrada (input) que requiere el WEPP son muy abundantes en cantidad y muy sensibles en su efecto sobre los pronósticos, por lo tanto el uso y la interpretación de los resultados deben efectuarse con un enfoque muy crítico.Abstract: the objective of this invcstigation basically consists of testing the suitabiiity of the model Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) to predict soil erosion given the physical geographical charactcristics of Costa Rica. The model was developed by the Soil Conservation Service of the United States.Thc effectted predictions of the WEPP are compared with real soil erosion and surface runoff measurements taken at a typical USLE site (coffee, pasture and tobacco-corn-bean), located in the surroundings of Cerbatana of Puriscal (1990-1995). This data was taken in conjuntion with measurements of ciimactic conditions and analysis of soil characteristics.The results indicate that the model has an acceptable ability to predict soil erosion and surface runoff data, particularly if one compares thern with predictions made with the Universal Soil Loss Equation. Thc input variables that are rcquired by WEPP are quite abundant in quantity and are very sensitive in their effect of the predictions made. For that reason, the uses and interpretation of the results should be put into use with a very critical eye.
Interrill erosion occurs by the particle breakdown caused by raindrop impact, by particle transport in surface runoff, by dragging and suspension of particles disaggregated from the soil surface, thus removing organic matter and nutrients that are essential for agricultural production. Crop residues on the soil surface modify the characteristics of the runoff generated by rainfall and the consequent particle breakdown and sediment transport resulting from erosion. The objective of this study was to determine the minimum amount of mulch that must be maintained on the soil surface of a sugarcane plantation to reduce the soil, water and nutrient losses by decreasing interrill erosion. The study was conducted in Pradópolis, São Paulo State, in 0.5 x 1.0 m plots of an Oxisol, testing five treatments in four replications. The application rates were based on the crop residue production of the area of 1.4 kg m-2 (T1- no cane trash; T2-25 % of the cane trash; T3- 50 % trash; T4-75 % trash; T5-100 % sugarcane residues on the surface), and simulated rainfall was applied at an intensity of 65 mm h-1 for 60 min. Runoff samples were collected in plastic containers and soon after taken to the laboratory to quantify the losses of soil, water and nutrients. To minimize soil loss by interrill erosion, 75 % of the cane mulch must be maintained on the soil, to control water loss 50 % must be maintained and 25 % trash controls organic matter and nutrient losses. This information can contribute to optimize the use of this resource for soil conservation on the one hand and the production of clean energy in sugar and alcohol industries on the other.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study was to analyze the erosion of API 5L X65 pipe steel whose microstructure consisted of ferrite and martensite obtained by quenching from intercritical temperature (770 °C). Jet impingement tests with sand-water slurry were used. The changes in mechanical properties, caused by heat treatment carried out, did not induce changes in either the mechanism or erosion resistance. The erosion rate increased with angle of attack until 30° and later decreased until 90°. The microtexture of the eroded surfaces, at angles of attack of 30° and 90°, were similar for both conditions and were composed of craters and platelets at several stages of evolution. The erosion mechanism was by extrusion with the forming and forging of platelets.
Recent studies have identified relationships between landscape form, erosion and climate in regions of landscape rejuvenation, associated with increased denudation. Most of these landscapes are located in non-glaciated mountain ranges and are characterized by transient geomorphic features. The landscapes of the Swiss Alps are likewise in a transient geomorphic state as seen by multiple knickzones. In this mountain belt, the transient state has been related to erosional effects during the Late Glacial Maximum (LGM). Here, we focus on the catchment scale and categorize hillslopes based on erosional mechanisms, landscape form and landcover. We then explore relationships of these variables to precipitation and extent of LGM glaciers to disentangle modern versus palaeo controls on the modern shape of the Alpine landscape. We find that in grasslands, the downslope flux of material mainly involves unconsolidated material through hillslope creep, testifying a transport-limited erosional regime. Alternatively, strength-limited hillslopes, where erosion is driven by bedrock failure, are covered by forests and/or expose bedrock, and they display oversteepened hillslopes and channels. There, hillslope gradients and relief are more closely correlated with LGM ice occurrence than with precipitation or the erodibility of the underlying bedrock. We relate the spatial occurrence of the transport- and strength-limited process domains to the erosive effects of LGM glaciers. In particular, strength-limited, rock dominated basins are situated above the equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of the LGM, reflecting the ability of glaciers to scour the landscape beyond threshold slope conditions. In contrast, transport-limited, soil-mantled landscapes are common below the ELA. Hillslopes covered by forests occupy the elevations around the ELA and are constrained by the tree line. We conclude that the current erosional forces at work in the Central Alps are still responding to LGM glaciation, and that the modern climate has not yet impacted on the modern landscape.
"May 1979."
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
"Motion pictures" : p. 101-104.
Includes index.
Water ice covers the surface of various objects in the outer Solar system.Within the heliopause, surface ice is constantly bombarded and sputtered by energetic particles from the solar wind and magnetospheres. We report a laboratory investigation of the sputtering yield of water ice when irradiated at 10 K by 4 keV singly (13C+, N+, O+, Ar+) and doubly charged ions (13C2+, N2+, O2+). The experimental values for the sputtering yields are in good agreement with the prediction of a theoretical model. There is no significant difference in the yield for singly and doubly charged ions. Using these yields, we estimate the rate of water ice erosion in the outer Solar system objects due to solar wind sputtering. Temperature-programmed desorption of the ice after irradiation with 13C+ and 13C2+ demonstrated the formation of 13CO and 13CO2, with 13CO being the dominant formed species.
This study ascertained whether under dental erosion models that closely mimics the real-life situation enamel and root dentin from bovine origin would be reliable substitutes for human counterparts. Through a 2x2 crossover design, in a first trial, 14 volunteers wore a palatal device containing slabs of bovine and human enamel. Half of the participants ingested (4x daily, for 10 days) orange juice first, crossing over to mineral water, while the remainder received the reverse sequence. In a second trial, volunteers wore devices with slabs of bovine and human root dentin. Except for the duration of each intraoral phase, which lasted 2 rather 10 days, the experiment with root dentin run exactly as for enamel. Dental substrates were analyzed for surface microhardness. Two-way ANOVAs (α=0.05) indicated no difference between the microhardness values recorded for human and bovine enamel (p=0.1350), but bovine root dentin had lower microhardness compared to its human counterpart (p=0.0432). While bovine enamel can reliably substitute its human counterpart in in situ dental erosion models, bovine root dentin does not seem to be a viable alternative to the corresponding human tissue.
A duplex surface treatment consisting of High Temperature Gas Nitriding (HTGN) followed by Low Temperature Plasma Nitriding (LTPN) was carried out in an UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel. The HTGN treatment was intended to produce a relatively thick and hard fully austenitic layer giving mechanical support to the thinner and much harder expanded austenite layer. HTGN was performed at 1200 degrees C for 3 h, in a 0.1 MPa N(2) atmosphere while LTPN, was carried out in a 75% N(2) + 25% H(2) atmosphere, at 400 degrees C for 12 h, under a 250 Pa pressure, and 450 V. An expanded austenite gamma(N) layer, 2.3 mu m thick, 1500 HVO.025 hard, was formed on top of a 100 mu m thick, 330 HV 0.1 hard, fully austenitic layer, containing 0.9 wt% N. For comparison purposes LTPN was carried out with UNS S30403 stainless steel specimens obtaining a 4.0 mu m thick, 1500 HV 0.025 hard, expanded austenite layer formed on top of a fully austenitic matrix having 190 HV 0.1. The nitrided specimens were tested in a 20 kHz vibratory cavitation-erosion testing equipment. Comparison between the duplex treated UNS S31803 steel and the low temperature plasma nitrided UNS S30403 steel, resulted in incubation times almost 9 times greater. The maximum cavitation wear rate of the LTPN UNS S30403 was 5.5 g/m(2)h, 180 times greater than the one measured for the duplex treated UNS S31803 steel. The greater cavitation wear resistance of the duplex treated UNS S31803 steel, compared to the LTPN treated UNS S30403 steel was explained by the greater mechanical support the fully austenitic, 330 HV 0.1 hard, 100 mu m layer gives to the expanded austenite layer formed on top of the specimen after LTPN. A strong crystallographic textured surface, inherited from the fully austenitic layer formed during HTGN, with the expanded austenite layer showing {101} crystallographic planes//surface contributed also to improve the cavitation resistance of the duplex treated steel. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.