742 resultados para Wanting


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This an implementation manual for institutions wanting to implement XCRI-CAP for PG courses and send feeds to Prospects


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As câmaras municipais constituíram-se em um dos mais notáveis mecanismos de manutenção do vasto império ultramarino português. Originavam-se dos antigos conselhos medievais, aglutinavam os interesses das elites coloniais ao serem compostas pelos homens bons da colônia, detinham considerável poder sobre a sociedade local além de terem a liberdade de representar ao rei de Portugal seus anseios ou dificuldades. Paralelo, ao poder do senado da câmara municipal, encontravam-se as autoridades nomeadas pelo rei de Portugal: governadores coloniais. Este compartilhamento do poder na colônia gerava, muitas vezes, conflitos entre a câmara municipal e os funcionários régios. No Rio de Janeiro, setecentista, vários fatores internos e externos à colônia deterioraram as relações entre os governadores coloniais e os membros do senado.Tal situação agrava-se com as incursões corsárias francesas de 1710 e 1711 que demonstraram a fragilidade do império português que há muito deixara de ter um poder naval significativo, perdendo espaços para potências como a França, Inglaterra e Holanda. Incapaz de conter os inimigos no vasto oceano, desprovido de meios navais capazes de patrulhar os litorais de suas colônias na África, Ásia e América, em especial o do Brasil, o império português dependia cada vez mais dos recursos humanos de suas colônias para a manutenção do seu território ultramarino. A corte portuguesa sofreu duro impacto com a conquista da cidade do Rio de Janeiro por Duguay-Trouin e, ao longo dos próximos anos, procurou fortalecer o sistema defensivo de sua colônia com o envio de tropas e navios além da construção de novas fortalezas e o reaparelhamento do sistema defensivo já existente.Todo este esforço para a guerra era bancado, em sua maior parte, com recursos da própria colônia do Rio de Janeiro. Obviamente este ônus não agradava a incipiente elite mercantil que florescia na colônia resultando no fato de que a política de enclausurar o Rio de Janeiro entre muralhas e fortificações, ás custas da economia colonial, colocou em campos opostos os funcionários do rei e os membros do senado por várias vezes nas primeiras décadas do século XVIII. Surgiram inevitáveis conflitos pelo uso e posse do território urbano do Rio de Janeiro cada vez mais pontilhado por fortalezas, sulcado por extensas valas e trincheiras a impedir-lhe o crescimento urbano. Além do conflito territorial, em função da expansão da atividade mercantil desenvolvida pelos colonos, as disputas comerciais envolveram as elites locais, ávidas por lucros e impulsionadas ao comércio devido à descoberta do ouro na região das Minas, e as autoridades e comerciantes lusos, uns querendo controlar a atividade comercial que crescia em acelerado ritmo, outros querendo lucrar e disputar espaços com as elites coloniais locais. No meio destes embates encontrava-se a Câmara Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, objetivo maior desta pesquisa, a defender os interesses das elites da colônia, pois delas era representante. Era uma disputa em que, muitas vezes, seus membros pagaram com a perda da liberdade e dos seus bens frente a governadores coloniais mais intolerantes


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[eus] Egun, adin txikikoenekin batera eskolako testuinguruan barneratzean, irakasleek familiak haurren garapen psikologikoan eta pertsonalean zuzenean eragiten duela hautematen dute. Izan ere, seme alaben hezkuntzan familiak duen hezteko estiloak eta inplikazio mailak, seme alabek bizitzak eta hezkuntza akademikoak planteatzen dizkieten erronkei aurre egiteko dituzten jarreretan eragingo du, euren errendimendu akademikoa baldintzatuz. Horren ondorioz, lan honetan, bilaketa bibliografiko baten bidez, ikasleen ikaskuntza prozesua, garapen pertsonala eta psikologikoa ahalik eta modu hoberenean estimulatzea ziurtatuko dituzten aspektuak ikertzen dira. Horrela, hauen errendimendu akademikoa eta ongizate psikologikoa bide positibo batetik bideratu eta ikasleei, irakasleei eta familiei erantzuteko bideak ireki nahi direlarik.


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Lugar de criança é na escola? Talvez sim. Talvez não. Talvez exista um problema em querer determinar um lugar para crianças que estão em movimento, que se movimentam por diversos e variados espaços e tempos. O caminho que percorre este texto se põe a caminhar nessa questão inicial, mas não se preocupa em respondê-la. Busca, antes, pensar uma escola de educação infantil habitada e habitável por crianças, onde suas vozes se fazem ouvir em contraponto às dos adultos na experiência de uma infância que é mais do que mera etapa em um desenvolvimento cronológico. Uma infância que nos faz seres à espreita, sensíveis ao novo que nasce para o mundo, e a devires que nos levam a renovar o mundo. Essa escola vai sendo contornada na ideia de skholé, um espaço de tempo livre. Um tempo que iguala todos que nela estão em torno de algo comum, algo que é suspenso, profanado, feito comum, algo que nos atrai para o presente. E que presente seria esse? Um presente que se vê em um ponto entre um passado e um futuro ou um presente que acontece em um instante de intensidade que tudo muda? Entre crianças e adultos, em suas incessantes movimentações, encontra-se uma escola feita de experiências, de um aprender que nos leva a decifrar o mundo em individuações em que somos unos e múltiplos. Uma escola que faz professores-pedagogos e crianças-alunos, e que é feita por eles. Poderia o brincar, em uma tal escola de educação infantil nos igualar ao mesmo tempo que nos diferencia, fazendo-nos dissolver; levar-nos a habitar o presente, a fazer um mundo?


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This paper concerns the optimisation of casing grooves and the important influence of stall inception mechanism on groove performance. Installing casing grooves is a well known technique for improving the stable operating range of a compressor, but the wide-spread use of grooves is restricted by the loss of efficiency and flow capacity. In this paper, laboratory tests are used to examine the conditions under which casing treatment can be used to greatest effect. The use of a single casing groove was investigated in a recently published companion paper. The current work extends this to multiple-groove treatments and considers their performance in relation to stall inception mechanisms. Here it is shown that the stall margin gain from multiple grooves is less than the sum of the gains if the grooves were used individually. By contrast, the loss of efficiency is additive as the number of grooves increases. It is then shown that casing grooves give the greatest stall margin improvement when used in a compressor which exhibits spike-type stall inception, while modal activity before stall can dramatically reduce the effectiveness of the grooves. This finding highlights the importance of being able to predict the stall inception mechanism which might occur in a given compressor before and after grooves are added. Some published prediction techniques are therefore examined, but found wanting. Lastly, it is shown that casing grooves can, in some cases, be used to remove rotor blades and produce a more efficient, stable and light-weight rotor. © 2010 by ASME.


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Spin information processing is a possible new paradigm for post-CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) electronics and efficient spin propagation over long distances is fundamental to this vision. However, despite several decades of intense research, a suitable platform is still wanting. We report here on highly efficient spin transport in two-terminal polarizer/analyser devices based on high-mobility epitaxial graphene grown on silicon carbide. Taking advantage of high-impedance injecting/detecting tunnel junctions, we show spin transport efficiencies up to 75%, spin signals in the mega-ohm range and spin diffusion lengths exceeding 100μm. This enables spintronics in complex structures: devices and network architectures relying on spin information processing, well beyond present spintronics applications, can now be foreseen. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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行为学研究显示,对毒品相关刺激的注意偏向是海洛因成瘾者的认知特点。本文介绍的一系列实验室研究,试图借助成熟的认知心理学研究方法,深入探讨这个现象。首先,在先期实验中,考虑到配对图片的情绪色彩的情况下,利用点-探测范式复制出注意偏向的现象。在此基础上,借助事件相关电位技术,利用提示-靶刺激范式试图为毒品相关性注意偏向提供一些电生理证据,并验证了诱因-敏化理论。 本文的主要结论是: 1、中国黄种人中的海洛因成瘾者也存在着对毒品相关刺激的注意偏向,为前人研究提供了跨种族、跨文化的支持性证据。 2、在控制了配对图片的情绪色彩之后,成瘾者仍然表现出对毒品线索的注意偏向。 3、首次为海洛因成瘾者对毒品相关刺激的注意偏向提供了较为严谨的电生理学依据。毒品线索视觉提示对其后的视觉加工具有调节作用。这种调节作用表现在ERP上,是对顶枕部P1波幅的调节。毒品相关注意偏向引发的偏差行为,很可能源于偏差了的感觉加工。 4、行为学数据与脑电数据显示出高度的一致性:海洛因成瘾者的注意偏向发生在脱离(Disengagement)阶段,而没有发生在投放(Engagement)阶段,即成瘾者的注意力更不愿意从毒品处脱离而不是毒品信息更容易攫取他们的注意力。这一结果验证了诱因-敏化理论,证实毒品线索会诱发成瘾者对毒品的病理性欲望(Wanting)。 5、海洛因成瘾者对毒品线索注意偏向的程度受成瘾时间、戒毒次数及其控制力的影响。


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Irish literature on Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) is very scant and is mainly deficits and/or needs based. The focus is generally on how to manage the short term needs of the younger population with ABI. The starting position of my thesis is that people living long-term with ABI are important participants in developing knowledge about this social phenomenon, living with ABI while accepting that their brain injury does not determine them. Six mature adults with ABI and their six significant others participated in this longitudinal study. Using a narrative approach in interviews, over twenty months, five repeat individual interviews with each of the twelve participants was held. From this I gained an understanding of their lived experiences, their life-world and their experiences of our local public ABI/disability services, systems and discourse. Along with this new empirical data, theoretical developments from occupational therapy, occupational science, sociology, and disability studies were also used within a meta-narrative informed by critical theory and critical realism to develop a synthesis of this study. Social analysis of their narratives co-constructed with me, allowed me generate nuanced insights into tendencies and social processes that impacted and continues to impact on their everyday-everynight living. I discuss in some depth here, the relational attitudinal, structural, occupational and environmental supports, barriers or discrimination that they face(d) in their search for social participation and community inclusion. Personal recognition of the disabled participants by their family, friends and/or local community, was generally enhanced after much suffering, social supports, slow recovery, and with some form of meaningful occupational engagement. This engagement was generally linked with pre-injury interests or habits, while Time itself became both a major aid and a need. The present local ABI discourse seldom includes advocacy and inclusion in everyday/every night local events, yet most participants sought both peer-support or collective recognition, and social/community inclusion to help develop their own counter-discourse to the dominant ABI discourse. This thesis aims to give a broad social explanation on aspects of their social becoming, 'self-sameness' and social participation, and the status of the disabled participants wanting to live 'the slow life'. Tensions and dialectical issues involved in moving from the category of a person in coma, to person with a disability, to being a citizen should not demote the need for special services. While individualized short-term neuro-rehabilitation is necessary, it is not sufficient. Along with the participants, this researcher asks that community health and/or social care planners and service-providers rethink how ABI is understood and represented, and how people with ABI are included in their local communities


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International unions and international solidarity strategies have been changing partly as a response to changes in the global economy. Global union federations have played an important role in expanding communication and developing alliances with other social movements. One of the issues facing trade unions wanting to be effective at an international level is to what extent national concerns can inform and even be transcended by international perspectives. Proposals for studying the global labor force "horizontally", that is, according to different categories and forms of work rather than on a nation-by-nation basis, demonstrates a recognition of global- national dimensions (Harrod and O'Brien 2002:49). This paper will discuss the development of a global trade union "space", which enables national and global unions to work together effectively, using a series of case studies drawn from the experience of global and European public service unions.


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Aims and objectives. This study explored decision-making experiences of patients with stage 5 chronic kidney disease when opting for conservative management of their renal failure.

Background. Dialysis is an invasive treatment, and for some older patients, there is an associated treatment burden of dialysis-related symptoms. An alternative choice is conservative management, but little is known about those who make this decision and how they are supported through the process.

Design. Qualitative practitioner research study.

Method. Data were generated from nine patients' naturally occurring clinic consultations with a renal clinical nurse specialist between May 2010 - July 2010. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and findings fed back at three multi-disciplinary meetings to check for relevance and resonance. Common themes were identified and codes applied.

Results. Patients reported age and having to travel three times a week to hospital for dialysis as reasons not to opt for treatment. Others felt well without dialysis not wanting to upset the 'status quo' or to burden loved ones. Most felt equipped to make the decision following explanation and discussion with the clinical nurse specialist in the renal clinic.

Conclusions. Patients opting for conservative management give numerous reasons for this including old age, travel limitations, feeling well without dialysis and not wanting to be a burden, but appear content with their decision. One-to-one discussions with the clinical nurse specialist appear helpful during the decision-making process presenting an opportunity for advancing nursing roles in the chronic kidney disease service.

Relevance to clinical practice. Understanding patients' reasons for refusing dialysis assists in supporting until death. There is an opportunity for developing nursing practice to meet the multi-faceted needs of this group.


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The number of children identified as having intellectual or developmental disability is rising worldwide and their education has been found wanting. It has been said that “they simply need better teaching.” At the same time, there is an increasing evidence base that pedagogy that is based on the discipline of behaviour analysis offers the best prospect for individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. On the basis of this evidence, it is proposed that behaviour analysis should be applied more broadly to improve teaching for all children with intellectual or developmental disability.


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Architects and designers have a responsibility to provide an inclusive built environment. However for those with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the built environment can be a frightening and confusing place, difficult to negotiate and tolerate. The challenge of integrating more fully into society is denied by an alienating built environment. For ASD pupils in a poorly designed school, their environment can distance them from learning. Instead, if more at ease in their surroundings, in an ASD-friendly environment, the ASD pupil stands a greater chance of doing better.

However a difficulty exists in that most architects are not knowledgeable in designing for those with ASD. Any available design guidelines for architects tend, because of the inherent difficulties associated with a spectrum, to be general in their information. Therefore, if wanting to provide an ASD-friendly learning environment, there is a need to ensure that teachers, as the experts, can most clearly and effectively impart their knowledge and requirements to architects.

This paper sets out the challenges and difficulties inherent in the design process when designing for ASD. It then sets out an alternative strategy to the usual method of drawing-centric dialogue between teacher and architect by using models instead as a basis for a more common language. An ASD Classroom Design Kit was designed and developed by Queen’s University of Belfast Architecture students. It was then used by ASD teaching staff from the Southern Education and Library Board in Northern Ireland as a case study to trial its effectiveness. The paper outlines how the study was carried out before concluding with reflections by both teaching staff and architect on using the ASD Classroom Design Kit.

It is hoped that this paper will firstly highlight the need for better dialogue between expert and architect when considering ASD and the Built Environment and secondly, that it may encourage others to consider using models to convey their ideas and knowledge when designing, not just for ASD, but for other Special Educational Needs and disabilities.


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Background: An estimated 30-60% of older
adults fall every year and about 1% of falls result in a hip fracture. Hip fracture is a serious and growing problem, with a 3-10 fold rise in worldwide incidence predicted by 2050 (Gullberg, et al 1997). Hip protectors are underwear with built in protection for the greater trochanter. They are designed to prevent hip fractures by dispersing or absorbing the force of a fall. Trials
published to 2001 were broadly supportive of
the effectiveness of hip protectors, and this
was reflected in a Cochrane review in 2000.
However, earlier trials were methodologically
flawed and subsequent trials have not demonstrated effectiveness. The most recent Cochrane review describes only a marginal benefit (Parker et al, 2005).
Review and Discussion: This presentation
evaluates the current evidence for the use
of hip protectors and discusses the use of
that evidence by manufacturers, suppliers,
professional groups and guideline developers.
Interestingly, despite the limitations of the
evidence base, most advice has been broadly
supportive. Reasons for this are proposed
and discussed in the context of a critique of
evidence-based healthcare. protectors. However, the available evidence can be used in different ways and for different purposes by those with an interest in promoting
the use of hip protectors. A conservative
approach is warranted, where, if we cannot
demonstrate that hip protectors work, we
presume that they do not. This presentation will be of use to practitioners wanting to evaluate the evidence base for hip protectors (and other recommended interventions) on behalf of clients. It will also be of interest to policy makers who must assess the claims made for health care technologies as part of the decisionmaking process.
Recommended reading:
Gullberg B, Johnell O, Kanis JA (1997) Worldwide
projections for hip fracture. Osteoporos
Int. 7(5):407-13 .
Parker MJ, Gillespie WJ, Gillespie LD (2005) Hip
protectors for preventing hip fractures in older
people. The Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews Issue 3. Art. No.: CD001255.pub3. DOI:


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RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Health care services offered to the public should be based on the best available evidence. We aimed to explore pharmacy tutors' and trainees' views on the importance of evidence when making decisions about over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and also to investigate whether the tutor influenced the trainee in practice.

METHODS: Following ethical approval and piloting, semi-structured interviews were conducted with pharmacy graduates (trainees) and pharmacist tutors. Transcribed interview data were entered into the NVivo software package (version 10), coded and analysed via thematic analysis.

RESULTS: Twelve trainees (five males, seven females) and 11 tutors (five males, six females) participated. Main themes that emerged were (in)consistency and contradiction, confidence, acculturation, and continuation and perpetuation. Despite having an awareness of the importance and potential benefits, an evidence-based approach did not seem to be routinely or consistently implemented in practice. Confidence in products was largely derived from personal use and patient feedback. A lack of discussion about evidence was justified on the basis of not wanting to lessen patient confidence in requested product(s) or possibly negating the placebo effect. Trainees became acculturated to 'real-life' practice; university teaching and evidence was deemed less relevant than meeting customer expectations. The tutor's actions were mirrored by their trainee resulting in continuation and perpetuation of the same professional attitudes and behaviours.

CONCLUSIONS: Evidence appeared to have limited influence on OTC decision making. The tutor played a key role in the trainee's professional development. More work could be performed to investigate how evidence can be regarded as relevant and something that is consistently implemented in practice.


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This article explores perceptions on the suitability and effectiveness of Lifetime Homes Standards (LTHS) for those with visual impairment in Northern Ireland.
LTHS are a series of mandatory United Kingdom (UK) public sector housing design interventions, providing a model for ensuring accessible and adaptable homes throughout an occupant's lifespan. An ageing demographic with increasing incidence of diabetes, has led to rising numbers of elderly visually impaired people wanting to remain in their homes for longer.
Qualitative semi structured interviews were conducted with thirteen key stakeholders and thematically analysed. Although findings show that employing LTHS offers benefits to visually impaired residents, short-comings were also identified. Evidence indicates a need for Policy Makers, Health Care Professionals and Housing Associations to modify practices to better meet the housing needs of visually impaired people. Findings may also be applicable to those with other impairments and disabilities in relation to housing for elderly residents.