978 resultados para Vitamin-K-antagonisten


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Coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) concentrates are used in the treatment of patients with Hemophilia A. Human FVIII was purified directly from plasma using anion exchange chromatography followed by gel filtration. Three Q-Sepharose resins were tested, resulting in 40% recovery of FVIII activity using Q-Sepharose XL resin, about 80% using Q-Sepharose Fast Flow and 70% using the Q-Sepharose Big Beads. The vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors co-eluted with FVIII from the anion exchange columns. In the second step of purification, when Sepharose 6FF was used, 70% of FVIII activity was recovered free from vitamin K-dependent factors.


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Premesse: Gli eventi ischemici (EI) e le emorragie cerebrali (EIC) sono le più temute complicanze della fibrillazione atriale (FA) e della profilassi antitrombotica. Metodi: in 6 mesi sono stati valutati prospetticamente i pazienti ammessi in uno dei PS dell’area di Bologna con FA associata ad EI (ictus o embolia periferica) o ad EIC. Risultati: sono stati arruolati 178 pazienti (60 maschi, età mediana 85 anni) con EI. Il trattamento antitrombotico in corso era: a) antagonisti della vitamina K (AVK) in 31 (17.4%), INR all’ingresso: <2 in 16, in range (2.0-3.0) in 13, >3 in 2; b) aspirina (ASA) in 107 (60.1%); c) nessun trattamento in 40 (22.5%), soprattutto in FA di nuova insorgenza. Nei 20 pazienti (8 maschi; età mediana 82) con EIC il trattamento era: a)AVK in 13 (65%), INR in range in 11 pazienti, > 3 in 2, b) ASA in 6 (30%). La maggior parte degli EI (88%) ed EIC (95%) si sono verificati in pazienti con età > 70 anni. Abbiamo valutato l’incidenza annuale di eventi nei soggetti con età > 70 anni seguiti neo centri della terapia anticoagulante (TAO) e nei soggetti con FA stimata non seguiti nei centri TAO. L’incidenza annuale di EI è risultata 12% (95%CI 10.7-13.3) nei pazienti non seguiti nei centri TAO, 0.57% (95% CI 0.42-0.76) nei pazienti dei centri TAO ( RRA 11.4%, RRR 95%, p<0.0001). Per le EIC l’incidenza annuale è risultata 0.63% (95% CI 0.34-1.04) e 0.30% (95% CI 0.19-0.44) nei due gruppi ( RRA di 0.33%/anno, RRR del 52%/anno, p=0.040). Conclusioni: gli EI si sono verificati soprattutto in pazienti anziani in trattamento con ASA o senza trattamento. La metà dei pazienti in AVK avevano un INR sub terapeutico. L’approccio terapeutico negli anziani con FA deve prevedere un’ adeguata gestione della profilassi antitrombotica.


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In Medicina Veterinaria l'avvelenamento da rodenticidi anticoagulanti è conosciuto e studiato ormai da anni, essendo una delle intossicazioni più comunemente riscontrate nelle specie non target. In letteratura si rinvengono numerose pubblicazioni ma alcuni aspetti sono rimasti ancora inesplorati.Questo studio si propone di valutare il processo infiammatorio, mediante le proteine di fase acuta (APPs), in corso di fenomeni emorragici, prendendo come modello reale un gruppo di soggetti accidentalmente avvelenati da rodenticidi anticoagulanti. I 102 soggetti avvelenati presentano un valore più elevato di proteina C reattiva (CRP)con una mediana di 4.77 mg/dl statisticamente significativo rispetto alla mediana delle due popolazioni di controllo di pari entità numerica create con cross match di sesso, razza ed età; rispettivamente 0.02 mg/dl dei soggetti sani e 0.37 mg/dl dei soggetti malati di altre patologie. Inoltre all'interno del gruppo dei soggetti avvelenati un valore di CRP elevato all'ammissione può predisporre al decesso. La proteina C reattiva assume quindi un ruolo diagnostico e prognostico in questo avvelenamento. Un'altra finalità, di non inferiore importanza, è quella di definire una linea guida terapeutica con l'ausilio di biomarker coagulativi e di valutare la sicurezza della vitamina K per via endovenosa: in 73 cani, non in terapia con vitamina k, intossicati da rodenticidi anticoagulanti, i tempi della coagulazione (PT ed aPTT) ritornano nel range di normalità dopo 4 ore dalla prima somministrazione di 5 mg/kg di vitamina k per via endovenosa e nessun soggetto durante e dopo il trattamento ha manifestato reazioni anafilattiche, nessuno dei pazienti ha necessitato trasfusione ematica e tutti sono sopravvissuti. Infine si è valutata l'epidemiologia dell'ingestione dei prodotti rodenticidi nella specie oggetto di studio e la determinazione dei principi attivi mediante cromatografia liquida abbinata a spettrofotometria di massa (UPLC-MS/MS).


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In Deutschland wird zur oralen Vitamin-K-Antagonistentherapie überwiegend der Wirkstoff Phenprocoumon (PPC) eingesetzt und die meisten Patienten werden durch ihren Hausarzt betreut. In einer deskriptiven, nicht-interventionellen Studie wurde die Ist-Situation der Versorgung von PPC-Patienten im ambulanten Sektor untersucht. Ziel war es, die Qualität und Effektivität der bisherigen Standardtherapie zu evaluieren. In Anbetracht der Einführung der neuen oralen Antikoagulantien (NOAC) ist die Untersuchung der PPC-Therapie von besonderem Interesse. Dem „Throughput-Modell“ folgend sollten „Input“- und „Outcome“-Parameter analysiert werden. rnIn einer klinischen Studie wurden 50 ambulant behandelte Patienten mit PPC-Therapie jeweils über einen Zeitraum von 3 Jahren retrospektiv beobachtet. In 5 niedergelassenen Arztpraxen in Rheinland-Pfalz wurden dazu 10 Patienten pro Praxis rekrutiert. Anhand der Patientenakte wurde eine Dokumentenanalyse durchgeführt. Die Selbstmedikation wurde mit einem eigens erstellten Fragebogen erfasst. rnIm Studienkollektiv wurden im Median 3 Comorbiditäten ermittelt. Die mediane Wochendosis betrug 4,0 Tabletten à 3 mg PPC. Die Patienten wurden im Median mit weiteren 15 verschiedenen Wirkstoffen therapiert, einer davon wurde in Selbstmedikation eingenommen. Im gesamten Beobachtungszeitraum fanden pro Patient im Median 57 Arztbesuche statt, die durch die Phenprocoumon-Therapie bedingt waren. INR (International normalized ratio)-Messungen (Median 47) waren der häufigste Grund für die Arztbesuche, so dass ein 3-Wochen-Rhythmus vom Gesamtkollektiv zu 97% erreicht wurde. Die „stabile“ INR-Einstellung wurde im Median nach 94 Tagen erreicht. Die prozentuale Rate (INR (%)) für die Einhaltung des INR-Zielbereiches (ZSB) erreichte internationale Benchmark-Werte, was auf eine gute Versorgungsqualität hindeutete. Die genauere Analyse ergab jedoch große interindividuelle Schwankungen. Während der „stabilen“ INR-Einstellung wurden bessere Ergebnisse als im Gesamtbeobachtungszeitraum erzielt. Drei Patienten (6%) erreichten die „stabile“ INR-Einstellung innerhalb von 3 Jahren nie. Die Auswertung für den erweiterten ZSB (ZSB ± 0,2) ergab bessere INR (%)-Ergebnisse als für den ZSB. Die Zeit im INR-ZSB (TTR (%)) erreichte mit 75% höhere Werte als INR (%) im ZSB mit 70%. Tendenziell war das Patientenkollektiv eher unter- als übertherapiert (Median „Under-INR“ 18% bzw. „Over-INR“ 8%). Erkrankungen und Impfungen stellten die wichtigsten der zahlreichen Einflussfaktoren für INR-Shifts hin zu Werten außerhalb des ZSB dar. Patienten, die Comedikation mit hohem Interaktionspotential einnahmen, erreichten in den INR-Qualitätsindikatoren schlechtere Ergebnisse als Patienten ohne potentiell interagierende Comedikation (Mann-Whitney-U-Test; p-Wert=0,003 für TTR (%), p=0,008 für INR (%)). In Zeitintervallen der „stabilen“ INR-Einstellung war der Unterschied nur für TTR (%) auffällig (Mann-Whitney-U-Test; p=0,015). Für den erweiterten ZSB waren die Unterschiede bezüglich beider INR-Qualitätsindikatoren nicht auffällig. Insgesamt wurden 41 unerwünschte Ereignisse (UAW) beobachtet, davon 24 (59%) in der Phase der „stabilen“ INR-Einstellung (21 leichte Blutungen, 1 schwere Blutung, 2 thromboembolische Ereignisse (TE)). Je 4 leichte Blutungen (19%) wurden in einen möglichen bzw. sicheren kausalen Zusammenhang mit der VKA-Therapie gebracht, wenn ein Zeitintervall von 3 Tagen zwischen der INR-Messung und Auftreten der UAW geprüft wurde. Ein TE wurde als sicher kausal gewertet. Von insgesamt 5 Krankenhausaufenthalten waren 3 bzw. 2 durch Blutungen bzw. TE veranlasst. Des Weiteren wurde im 3-Tage-Zeitintervall für 4 INR-Shifts hin zu Werten außerhalb des ZSB eine Interaktion mit verordneter CM als in sicherem oder möglichem kausalen Zusammenhang bewertet. Bei 49% der beobachteten Grippeimpfungen wurde ein INR-Shift festgestellt, der in ca. 60% der Fälle zu einem subtherapeutischen INR-Wert führte. Insgesamt war das klinische Ergebnis nicht optimal. rnDas „Outcome“ in Form der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität (LQ) wurde retrospektiv-prospektiv mittels SF-36-Fragebogen ermittelt. Die Patienten zeigten gegenüber der Normalbevölkerung einen Verlust an LQ auf körperlicher Ebene bzw. einen Gewinn auf psychischer Ebene. Das humanistische Ergebnis erfüllte bzw. übertraf damit die Erwartungen. rnInsgesamt wiesen die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass Qualität und Effektivität der Antikoagulationstherapie mit PPC im ambulanten Sektor weiterer Optimierung bedürfen. Mit intensivierten Betreuungsmodellen lässt sich ein besseres Outcome erzielen. rn


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QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: To determine the perception of primary care physicians regarding the risk of subsequent atherothrombotic events in patients with established cardiovascular (CV) disease, and to correlate this perception with documented antithrombotic therapy. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study of the general practice population in Switzerland, 381 primary care physicians screened 127 040 outpatients during 15 consecutive workdays in 2006. Perception of subsequent atherothrombotic events in patients with established CV disease was assessed using a tick box questionnaire allowing choices between low, moderate, high or very high risk. Logistic regression models were used to determine the relationship between risk perception and antithrombotic treatment. RESULTS: Overall, 13 057 patients (10.4%) were identified as having established CV disease and 48.8% of those were estimated to be at high to very high risk for subsequent atherothrombotic events. Estimated higher risk for subsequent atherothrombotic events was associated with a shift from aspirin monotherapy to clopidogrel, vitamin K antagonist or aspirin plus clopidogrel (p <0.001 for trend). Clopidogrel (12.7% vs 6.8%, p <0.001), vitamin K antagonist (24.5% vs 15.6%, p <0.001) or aspirin plus clopidogrel (10.2% vs 4.2%, p <0.001) were prescribed in patients estimated to be at high to very high risk more often than in those at low to moderate risk. CONCLUSIONS: Perception of primary care physicians regarding risk of subsequent atherothrombotic events varies in patients with CV disease, and as a result antithrombotic therapy is altered in patients with anticipated high to very high risk even though robust evidence and clear guidelines are lacking.


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Introduction: The aim of the present work was to verify whether calculating a ratio between clotting times obtained with the sensitive PTT-LA and a less sensitive activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)-reagent may represent a valuable aPTT-based screening strategy for lupus anticoagulants (LA). Methods: For the pilot study, plasma samples from normal subjects (n = 15) and from patients with LA (n = 10), therapeutic anticoagulation with vitamin K-antagonists (VKA) (n = 15) or unfractionated heparin (n = 15), coagulation factors deficiency (n = 16), and inhibitory antibodies against factor VIII or IX (n = 11) were studied. For the evaluation study, 1553 consecutive plasma samples from nonanticoagulated patients investigated for LA between January 2005 and December 2007 at our institution were studied. Following screening strategies were employed: Pathromtin-SL (aPTT-SL), PTT-LA (aPTT-LA), ratio aPTT-LA/aPTT-SL (aPTT-ratio), and Russell's viper venom (RVV) based LA-Check. LA positive samples were identified by mixing studies and diluted RVV confirmation test (LA-Check/LA-Sure). Results: Pilot study: All screening strategies had a 100% sensitivity, and the aPTT-ratio reached the highest specificity (82%; 95%CI: 74-90%). Within the evaluation study, following sensitivities for LA screening were observed: aPTT-SL 59.0% (95%CI: 57-61%), aPTT-LA 82.1% (95%CI: 80-84%), aPTT-ratio 92.3% (95%CI: 91-94), and LA-Check 83.3% (95%CI: 82-85%). Conclusion: Calculating a ratio between the LA-sensitive PTT-LA and the less sensitive Pathromtin-SL improves the performance of the PTT-LA itself and represents a simple and sensitive aPTT-based integrated strategy for LA screening.


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This review describes some natural proteins, which can be employed, either as factor concentrates derived from human plasma or as recombinant drug, to modulate the coagulation system. I will address some biochemical characteristics and the physiological role of von Willebrand factor, the coagulation factors of the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways, and the physiological anticoagulant protein C. In addition, I will detail the pharmacological compounds, which are available for influencing or substituting the coagulation proteins: desmopressin (DDAVP), single coagulation factor concentrates, prothrombin complex concentrates, and protein C concentrate. In particular, I will address some treatment topics of general medical interest, such as the treatment of massive bleeding, the correction of the coagulopathy induced by vitamin K-antagonists in patients with cerebral haemorrhage, and of the coagulopathy of meningococcemia. Finally, I will describe some properties and practical clinical applications of the recombinant anticoagulans lepirudin and bivalirudin, which are derived from hirudin, the natural anticoagulant of the medical leech.


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Coronary artery disease (CAD) and atrial fibrillation (AF) are major determinants of morbidity and mortality. A combined treatment with antiplatelet agents and vitamin K antagonists limits the risk of stent thrombosis and stroke while increasing the rate of bleeding. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of atrial fibrillation (AF) on long-term clinical outcomes in patients with CAD undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with drug-eluting stents (DES).


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Systemic thrombolysis with alteplase is the only approved medical treatment for patients with acute ischaemic stroke. Thrombectomy is also increasingly used to treat proximal occlusions of the cerebral arteries, but has not shown superiority over systemic thrombolysis with alteplase. Many patients with acute ischaemic stroke are pretreated with antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs, which can increase the bleeding risk of thrombolysis or thrombectomy. Pretreatment with aspirin monotherapy increases the bleeding risk of alteplase in both observational and randomised trials with no effect on clinical outcome, and the risk of intracerebral haemorrhage is increased with the combination of aspirin and clopidogrel. Antiplatelet drugs should not be given in the first 24 h after alteplase treatment. Data from pooled randomised trials and a large observational study show that thrombolysis can probably be done safely in patients given vitamin-K antagonists if the international normalised ratio is less than 1·7, although bleeding risk is slightly raised. Almost no data are available for the safety of alteplase in patients with atrial fibrillation who have been given novel oral anticoagulants (NOAC) for stroke prevention. Some coagulation parameters could help to identify patients treated with NOAC who might be eligible for thrombolysis. Thrombectomy can be done in patients given antiplatelets and probably in those given anticoagulants; however, conclusions about anticoagulants are based on findings from observational studies with small patient numbers.


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Background: New oral anticoagulants (NOACs) are predicted to become the new standard treatment for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation, and may replace vitamin K antagonists (VKAs). NOACs are prescribed less than expected, even though they do not require international normalised ratio (INR) monitoring. In this study we assessed methods for INR monitoring after the introduction of NOACs a in heterogeneous sample of countries. Methods: We asked representatives of the Vasco da Gama Movement, a network of junior and future gen- eral practitioners (GPs) in Europe, and WONCA, the World Organization of Family Doctors, to describe the way INR is monitored in their respective countries. Results: Representatives of 14 countries responded. In most countries, the INR is monitored by GPs; in some countries, these patients are treated by other specialists or in specialised anticoagulation centres. In only a few countries, anticoagulated patients monitor the INR themselves. Conclusion: Our study showed several strategies for managing anticoagulation in different countries. In most countries, the INR is monitored by GPs. These consultations offer opportunities to address other is- sues, such as blood pressure control or medication adherence. These factors may be considered when de- ciding to switch patients from VKAs to NOACs.


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Atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with an increased risk of thromboembolism, and is the most prevalent factor for cardioembolic stroke. Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) have been the standard of care for stroke prevention in patients with AF since the early 1990s. They are very effective for the prevention of cardioembolic stroke, but are limited by factors such as drug-drug interactions, food interactions, slow onset and offset of action, haemorrhage and need for routine anticoagulation monitoring to maintain a therapeutic international normalised ratio (INR). Multiple new oral anticoagulants have been developed as potential replacements for VKAs for stroke prevention in AF. Most are small synthetic molecules that target thrombin (e.g. dabigatran etexilate) or factor Xa (e.g. rivaroxaban, apixaban, edoxaban, betrixaban, YM150). These drugs have predictable pharmacokinetics that allow fixed dosing without routine laboratory monitoring. Dabigatran etexilate, the first of these new oral anticoagulants to be approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency for stroke prevention in patients with non-valvular AF, represents an effective and safe alternative to VKAs. Under the auspices of the Regional Anticoagulation Working Group, a multidisciplinary group of experts in thrombosis and haemostasis from Central and Eastern Europe, an expert panel with expertise in AF convened to discuss practical, clinically important issues related to the long-term use of dabigatran for stroke prevention in non-valvular AF. The practical information reviewed in this article will help clinicians make appropriate use of this new therapeutic option in daily clinical practice.


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BACKGROUND Venous thromboembolism (VTE) often complicates the clinical course of cancer. The risk is further increased by chemotherapy, but the safety and efficacy of primary thromboprophylaxis in cancer patients treated with chemotherapy is uncertain. This is an update of a review first published in February 2012. OBJECTIVES To assess the efficacy and safety of primary thromboprophylaxis for VTE in ambulatory cancer patients receiving chemotherapy compared with placebo or no thromboprophylaxis. SEARCH METHODS For this update, the Cochrane Peripheral Vascular Diseases Group Trials Search Co-ordinator searched the Specialised Register (last searched May 2013), CENTRAL (2013, Issue 5), and clinical trials registries (up to June 2013). SELECTION CRITERIA Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing any oral or parenteral anticoagulant or mechanical intervention to no intervention or placebo, or comparing two different anticoagulants. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Data were extracted on methodological quality, patients, interventions, and outcomes including symptomatic VTE and major bleeding as the primary effectiveness and safety outcomes, respectively. MAIN RESULTS We identified 12 additional RCTs (6323 patients) in the updated search so that this update considered 21 trials with a total of 9861 patients, all evaluating pharmacological interventions and performed mainly in patients with advanced cancer. Overall, the risk of bias varied from low to high. One large trial of 3212 patients found a 64% (risk ratio (RR) 0.36, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.22 to 0.60) reduction of symptomatic VTE with the ultra-low molecular weight heparin (uLMWH) semuloparin relative to placebo, with no apparent difference in major bleeding (RR 1.05, 95% CI 0.55 to 2.00). LMWH, when compared with inactive control, significantly reduced the incidence of symptomatic VTE (RR 0.53, 95% CI 0.38 to 0.75; no heterogeneity, Tau(2) = 0%) with similar rates of major bleeding events (RR 1.30, 95% CI 0.75 to 2.23). In patients with multiple myeloma, LMWH was associated with a significant reduction in symptomatic VTE when compared with the vitamin K antagonist warfarin (RR 0.33, 95% CI 0.14 to 0.83), while the difference between LMWH and aspirin was not statistically significant (RR 0.51, 95% CI 0.22 to 1.17). No major bleeding was observed in the patients treated with LMWH or warfarin and in less than 1% of those treated with aspirin. Only one study evaluated unfractionated heparin against inactive control and found an incidence of major bleeding of 1% in both study groups while not reporting on VTE. When compared with placebo, warfarin was associated with a statistically insignificant reduction of symptomatic VTE (RR 0.15, 95% CI 0.02 to 1.20). Antithrombin, evaluated in one study involving paediatric patients, had no significant effect on VTE nor major bleeding when compared with inactive control. The new oral factor Xa inhibitor apixaban was evaluated in a phase-II dose finding study that suggested a promising low rate of major bleeding (2.1% versus 3.3%) and symptomatic VTE (1.1% versus 10%) in comparison with placebo. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS In this update, we confirmed that primary thromboprophylaxis with LMWH significantly reduced the incidence of symptomatic VTE in ambulatory cancer patients treated with chemotherapy. In addition, the uLMWH semuloparin significantly reduced the incidence of symptomatic VTE. However, the broad confidence intervals around the estimates for major bleeding suggest caution in the use of anticoagulation and mandate additional studies to determine the risk to benefit ratio of anticoagulants in this setting. Despite the encouraging results of this review, routine prophylaxis in ambulatory cancer patients cannot be recommended before safety issues are adequately addressed.


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BACKGROUND Polypharmacy, defined as the concomitant use of multiple medications, is very common in the elderly and may trigger drug-drug interactions and increase the risk of falls in patients receiving vitamin K antagonists. OBJECTIVE To examine whether polypharmacy increases the risk of bleeding in elderly patients who receive vitamin K antagonists for acute venous thromboembolism (VTE). DESIGN We used a prospective cohort study. PARTICIPANTS In a multicenter Swiss cohort, we studied 830 patients aged ≥ 65 years with VTE. MAIN MEASURES We defined polypharmacy as the prescription of more than four different drugs. We assessed the association between polypharmacy and the time to a first major and clinically relevant non-major bleeding, accounting for the competing risk of death. We adjusted for known bleeding risk factors (age, gender, pulmonary embolism, active cancer, arterial hypertension, cardiac disease, cerebrovascular disease, chronic liver and renal disease, diabetes mellitus, history of major bleeding, recent surgery, anemia, thrombocytopenia) and periods of vitamin K antagonist treatment as a time-varying covariate. KEY RESULTS Overall, 413 (49.8 %) patients had polypharmacy. The mean follow-up duration was 17.8 months. Patients with polypharmacy had a significantly higher incidence of major (9.0 vs. 4.1 events/100 patient-years; incidence rate ratio [IRR] 2.18, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 1.32-3.68) and clinically relevant non-major bleeding (14.8 vs. 8.0 events/100 patient-years; IRR 1.85, 95 % CI 1.27-2.71) than patients without polypharmacy. After adjustment, polypharmacy was significantly associated with major (sub-hazard ratio [SHR] 1.83, 95 % CI 1.03-3.25) and clinically relevant non-major bleeding (SHR 1.60, 95 % CI 1.06-2.42). CONCLUSIONS Polypharmacy is associated with an increased risk of both major and clinically relevant non-major bleeding in elderly patients receiving vitamin K antagonists for VTE.


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BACKGROUND Despite substantial evidence supporting a pharmacogenetic approach to warfarin therapy in adults, evidence on the importance of genetics in warfarin therapy in children is limited, particularly for clinical outcomes. We assessed the contribution of CYP2C9/VKORC1/CYP4F2 genotypes and variation in other genes involved in vitamin K and coagulation pathways to warfarin dose and related clinical outcomes in children. PROCEDURE Clinical and genetic data for 93 children (age ≤ 18 years) who received warfarin therapy were obtained. DNA was genotyped for 93 selected single nucleotide polymorphisms using a custom assay. RESULTS With a median age of 4.8 years, our cohort included more young children than most previous studies. Overall, 76.3% of dose variability was explained by weight, indication, VKORC1-1639G/A and CYP2C9 *2/*3, with genotypes accounting for 21.1% of variability. There was a strong correlation (R(2) = 0.68; P < 0.001) between actual and predicted warfarin dose using a pediatric genotype-based dosing model. VKORC1 genotype had a significant impact on time to therapeutic international normalized ratio (INR) (P = 0.047) and time to over-anticoagulation (INR > 4; P = 0.024) during the initiation of therapy. CYP2C9*3 carriers were also at increased risk of major bleeding while receiving warfarin (adjusted OR = 11.28). An additional variant in CYP2C9 (rs7089580) was significantly associated with warfarin dose (P = 0.020) in a multivariate clinical and genetic model. CONCLUSIONS This study confirms the importance of VKORC1/CYP2C9 genotypes for warfarin dosing in a young pediatric cohort and demonstrates an impact of genetic factors on clinical outcomes in children. Furthermore, we identified an additional variant in CYP2C9 of potential relevance for warfarin dosing in children.


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BACKGROUND Rivaroxaban has become an alternative to vitamin-K antagonists (VKA) for stroke prevention in non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF) patients due to its favourable risk-benefit profile in the restrictive setting of a large randomized trial. However in the primary care setting, physician's motivation to begin with rivaroxaban, treatment satisfaction and the clinical event rate after the initiation of rivaroxaban are not known. METHODS Prospective data collection by 115 primary care physicians in Switzerland on consecutive nonvalvular AF patients with newly established rivaroxaban anticoagulation with 3-month follow-up. RESULTS We enrolled 537 patients (73±11years, 57% men) with mean CHADS2 and HAS-BLED-scores of 2.2±1.3 and 2.4±1.1, respectively: 301(56%) were switched from VKA to rivaroxaban (STR-group) and 236(44%) were VKA-naïve (VN-group). Absence of routine coagulation monitoring (68%) and fixed-dose once-daily treatment (58%) were the most frequent criteria for physicians to initiate rivaroxaban. In the STR-group, patient's satisfaction increased from 3.6±1.4 under VKA to 5.5±0.8 points (P<0.001), and overall physician satisfaction from 3.9±1.3 to 5.4±0.9 points (P<0.001) at 3months of rivaroxaban therapy (score from 1 to 6 with higher scores indicating greater satisfaction). In the VN-group, both patient's (5.4±0.9) and physician's satisfaction (5.5±0.7) at follow-up were comparable to the STR-group. During follow-up, 1(0.19%; 95%CI, 0.01-1.03%) ischemic stroke, 2(0.37%; 95%CI, 0.05-1.34%) major non-fatal bleeding and 11(2.05%; 95%CI, 1.03-3.64%) minor bleeding complications occurred. Rivaroxaban was stopped in 30(5.6%) patients, with side effects being the most frequent reason. CONCLUSION Initiation of rivaroxaban for patients with nonvalvular AF by primary care physicians was associated with a low clinical event rate and with high overall patient's and physician's satisfaction.