962 resultados para Virgin lime
The objective of this work was to evaluate the response of rangpur lime (Citrus limonia) to arbuscular mycorrhiza (Glomus intraradices), under P levels ranging from low to excessive. Plants were grown in three levels of soluble P (25, 200 and 1,000 mg kg-1), either inoculated with Glomus intraradices or left noninoculated, evaluated at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days after transplanting (DAT). Total dry weight, shoot P concentration and specific P uptake by roots increased in mycorrhizal plants with the doses of 25 and 200 mg kg-1 P at 90 DAT. With 1,000 mg kg-1 P, mycorrhizal plants had a transient growth depression at 90 and 120 DAT, and nonmycorrhizal effects on P uptake at any harvesting period. Root colonization and total external mycelium correlated positively with shoot P concentration and total dry weight at the two lowest P levels. Although the highest P level decreased root colonization, it did not affect total external mycelium to the same extent. As a result, a P availability imbalance affected negatively the mycorrhizal symbiosis and, consequently, the plant growth.
This report presents the results of a limited investigation of the use of lime as an auxiliary additive for improving the stabilization of soils with cutback asphalts. It is felt that the data obtained presents additional information on the subject of asphalt stabilization
Virgin T cells being primed to Th2-inducing or Th1-inducing Ags, respectively, start to synthesize IL-4 or IFN-gamma as they begin to proliferate. Parallel respective induction of B cells to produce gamma1 or gamma2a switch transcripts provides additional evidence of early divergent Th activity. This report concerns the roles of IL-4, IL-13, and B cells in these early events in vivo. Th2 responses were induced in lymph nodes against hapten-protein given s.c. with killed Bordetella pertussis adjuvant. In T cell proliferation in wild-type mice, IL-4 message up-regulation and gamma1 and epsilon switch transcript production were underway 48-72 h after immunization. The absence of IL-4, IL-13, or B cells did not alter the early T cell proliferative response. The gamma1 and epsilon switch transcript production was still induced in the absence of IL-4, IL-13, or both, but at a reduced level, while the dominance of switching to IgG1 in the extrafollicular hapten-specific plasma cell response was retained. The up-regulation of IL-4 message was not reduced or delayed in the absence of B cells and was only marginally reduced by the absence of IL-13. It is concluded that signals delivered by dendritic cells, which are not dependent on the presence of IL-4, IL-13, or B cells, can prime virgin T cells and induce the early Th2 activities studied. These early events that direct virgin T cells toward Th2 differentiation contrast with the critical later role of Th2 cytokines in selectively expanding Th2 clones and driving further IL-4 synthesis.
Disposal of lime sludge remains a major challenge to cities in the Midwest. Disposal of lime sludge from water softening adds about 7-10% to the cost of water treatment. Having effective and safe options is essential for future compliance with the regulations of the State of Iowa and within budget restrictions. Dewatering and drying are essential to all reuse applications as this affects transportation costs and utility. Feasibility tests were conducted on some promising applications like SOx control in power generation facilities that burn coal, replacement of limestone as an ingredient in portland cement production, dust control on gravel roads, neutralization of industrial wastewater pH, and combination with fly ash or cement in construction fill applications. A detailed report and analysis of the construction fills application is presented in the second half of the report. A brief discussion of the results directly follows.
Lime sludge, an inert material mostly composed of calcium carbonate, is the result of softening hard water for distribution as drinking water. A large city such as Des Moines, Iowa, produces about 30,700 tons of lime sludge (dry weight basis) annually (Jones et al., 2005). Eight Iowa cities representing, according to the United States (U.S.) Census Bureau, 23% of the state’s population of 3 million, were surveyed. They estimated that they collectively produce 64,470 tons of lime sludge (dry weight basis) per year, and they currently have 371,800 tons (dry weight basis) stockpiled. Recently, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources directed those cities using lime softening in drinking water treatment to stop digging new lagoons to dispose of lime sludge. Five Iowa cities with stockpiles of lime sludge funded this research. The research goal was to find useful and economical alternatives for the use of lime sludge. Feasibility studies tested the efficacy of using lime sludge in cement production, power plant SOx treatment, dust control on gravel roads, wastewater neutralization, and in-fill materials for road construction. Applications using lime sludge in cement production, power plant SOx treatment, and wastewater neutralization, and as a fill material for road construction showed positive results, but the dust control application did not. Since the fill material application showed the most promise in accomplishing the project’s goal within the time limits of this research project, it was chosen for further investigation. Lime sludge is classified as inorganic silt with low plasticity. Since it only has an unconfined compressive strength of approximately 110 kPa, mixtures with fly ash and cement were developed to obtain higher strengths. When fly ash was added at a rate of 50% of the dry weight of the lime sludge, the unconfined strength increased to 1600 kPa. Further, friction angles and California Bearing Ratios were higher than those published for soils of the same classification. However, the mixtures do not perform well in durability tests. The mixtures tested did not survive 12 cycles of freezing and thawing and wetting and drying without excessive mass and volume loss. Thus, these mixtures must be placed at depths below the freezing line in the soil profile. The results demonstrated that chemically stabilized lime sludge is able to contribute bulk volume to embankments in road construction projects.
Lime Creek is a sub-watershed of the Cedar River above; approximately 25 miles from Cedar Rapids. The lower half of the stream is on the Iowa 2004 Section 303(d) impaired waters list. Monitoring by the Cedar River Watershed Monitoring Coalition documents that Lime Creek delivers above average amounts of nitrate+ nitrite-N, ammonia-Nand total phosphorus (above the 901 percentile) compared to other Cedar River sub-watersheds. The Cedar Rapids water utility is concerned about increasing delivery of nitrate+nitrate to the Cedar River, which provides drinking water for about 125,000 people in the area. A group of local citizens has formed the Lime Creek watershed council with the goal of reducing pollutant delivery to the creek and promoting sustainable, watershed-wide action by producers, urban and rural residents for improved environmental management. The council has established a performance-based program that rewards cooperators for improvement in research-based test and index scores which directly measure environmental impact of BMPs. The Iowa Com Growers Association is funding the performance rewards. The Watershed Coalition is contributing in-kind monitoring. Council and performance cooperators participate primarily with commitment of their own resources. WIRB funds will be used to increase program cooperators and for staff support. In addition to improvement of water quality in Lime Creek, the project will establish baseline values for arket-based a pro ch to valuing pollutant reduction by intensive livestock operations in eastern Iowa.
Reaaliaikainen, ennakoiva kunnonvalvonta on erittäin tärkeä osa modernin tehtaan tai tuotantolinjan toimintaa. Diplomityön teettäjä haluaa edelleen kehittää akustiseen emissioon perustuvaa kunnonvalvonta järjestelmäänsä, jotta siitä olisi enemmän hyötyä asiakkaalle. Diplomityö sisältää johdannonakustiseen emissioon ja akustisiin emissio sensoreihin. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää päätöksentekojärjestelmä, jota käytettäisiin työn teettäjän valmistamien sensoreiden antaman tiedon automatisoituun analysointiin. Työssä on vertailtu kolmea eri ohjelmistotoimittajaa ja heidän ohjelmiaan, ja tehty ehdotus hankittavasta ohjelmistosta. Lisäksi työssä on kehitetty ohjeita, joiden avulla ohjelmisto ohjelmoidaan tuottamaan reaaliaikaista tietoa ja huolto-ohjeita sen käyttäjille. Lisäksi työssä annetaan ehdotuksia kunnonvalvonta- ja päätöksentekojärjestelmän edelleen kehittämiseen.
In the present work, the effect of twelve rootstocks on fruit quality of the nucellar clone IAC-5 of 'Tahiti' lime, (Citrus latifolia Tanaka) and the influence of fruit position on tree in fruit quality was evaluated in the Citrus Experimental Station of Bebedouro (EECB), located in the Bebedouro county, state of São Paulo, Brazil. A 8.0 x 5.0m planting frame was utilized. The evaluated rootstocks were: 'Carrizo' citrange (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.); the hybrids 'Rangpur' lime x 'Swingle' citrumello (C. limonia Osbeck x P. trifoliata Raf) and 'Changsha' x 'English Small'(C. sunki Hort. ex Tan. x P. trifoliata Raf.); the mandarins 'Sun Chu Sha Kat' (C. reticulata Blanco) and 'Sunki' (C. sunki Hort. ex Tanaka); the 'Rangpur' limes 'Cravo Limeira' and ' Cravo FCAV' (C. limonia Osbeck); the 'Swingle' citrumello (P. trifoliata Raf. x C. paradisi Macf.); the 'Orlando' tangelo (C. reticulata Blanco x C. paradisi Macf.) and the trifoliates cvs. 'Rubidoux', 'FCAV' and 'Flying Dragon' (P. trifoliata Raf.). The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design, with twelve treatments, six replicates and one plant per plot. The rootstocks induced differences in fruit quality; however, all the evaluated quality characteristics were within the values considered as normal and acceptable for the variety, constituting good alternative rootstocks for the 'Rangpur' lime. Additionally, the fruit position in the plant (northeastern or southwestern) had a significant influence on the external fruit color regardless of the rootstock.
The Tahiti acid lime in Brazil is mostly grown in the São Paulo State. The value of this crop production ranks among the ten most important fruits in the country. The Brazilian exports of Tahiti limes have increased in the last years with a corresponding increased demand for superior quality of fresh fruits, which is affected by mineral nutrients. Therefore, this study evaluated nutrient soil availability and its influence on nutritional status of trees based on the determination of leaf and fruit nutrient concentrations, fruit characteristics, and post harvest quality. Eleven commercial groves with trees older than 4-yr and differently managed were studied. Plots with six trees in each grove were sampled for soil (0-20 cm depth layer), leaf and fruit analyses with three replicates. Correlation coefficients were pair wised established for all variables. The results showed that N leaf concentration was well correlated with green color of fruit peel as measured by a color index (r = -0.71**), and which was optimum with Leaf-N around 22 g kg-1. Leaf-Ca was inversely correlated with fruit water loss after 14-day interval from harvest (r = -0.54*) demonstrating that Ca plays an important role in Tahiti fruit shelf-life. Data also suggested that increased fruit K concentration correlated with increased fruit water losses during storage (r >0.58*).
Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) in vitro organogenesis was studied based on explant type and cytokinin culture media supplementation. Four explants types collected from epicotyl or hypocotyl regions of in vitro germinated seedlings were evaluated. The epicotyl-derived explants consisted of epicotyl segments and the hypocotyl-derived explants consisted of the entire hypocotyl segment, the hypocotyl segment attached to a cotyledon fragment, and the hypocotyl segment divided longitudinally. The explants were cultured on EME culture medium supplemented with benzylaminopurine (0, 0.5, 1.0, or 1.5 mg L-1). The evaluation was performed after 6 weeks. Best results considering both the explant responsiveness and number of shoots developed per explants were obtained when epicotyl segments-derived explants were evaluated. Considering the explant responsiveness of hypocotyl segments-derived explants no difference was detected between the entire hypocotyl segment and the hypocotyl segment attached to a cotyledon fragment. Moreover, the percentage of responsive explants decreased when hypocotyl segments divided longitudinally were tested. No difference was detected for the number of shoots developed per explant considering the three types of hypocotyl-derived explants. Culture media supplementation with BAP was not essential for Rangpur lime in vitro organogenesis. However, adventitious shoot development was stimulated in concentrations between 0.5 - 1.0 mg L-1.
Inflammation is involved in cardiovascular diseases. Some studies have found that the Mediterranean diet (MD) can reduce serum concentrations of inflammation markers. However, none of these studies have analyzed the influence of genetic variability in such a response. Our objective was to study the effect of the -765G.C polymorphism in the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) gene and the -174G.C polymorphism in the interleukin-6 (IL-6) gene on serum concentrations of IL-6, C-reactive protein, intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 as well as their influence on the response toa nutritional interventionwithMD.An intervention study ina high cardiovascular riskMediterranean population (314 men and 407 women) was undertaken. Participants were randomly assigned to consume a low-fat control diet or a MD supplementedwith virgin olive oil ornuts.Measureswereobtained at baseline and after a 3-mointervention period.At baseline, the COX-2 -765G.C polymorphismwas associated with lower serum IL-6 (5.85 6 4.82 in GG vs. 4.74 6 4.14 ng/L in C-allele carriers; P ¼ 0.002) and ICAM-1 (265.8 6 114.8 in GG vs. 243.0 6 107.1 mg/L in C-carriers; P ¼ 0.018) concentrations. These differences remained significant aftermultivariate adjustment. The IL-6 -174G.C polymorphism was associatedwith higher (CC vs. G-carriers) serumICAM-1concentrations in bothmenandwomenandwithhigherserumIL-6 concentrations inmen.Following the dietary intervention, no significant gene x diet interactions were found. In conclusion, although COX-2 -765G.C and IL-6 -174G.C polymorphismswere associatedwith inflammation, consuming aMD(either supplemented with virgin olive oil or nuts) reduced the concentration of inflammation markers regardless of these polymorphisms.
ABSTRACT The macaw palm [Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lood. ex Mart] has been domesticated to subsidize biodiesel production programs in Brazil. However, little is known about the seedling production of this species. This study aimed to evaluate substrate mixtures, limestone and phosphorus rates for substrate amendment and topdressing frequency in macaw palm seedlings. Three trials were conducted in a greenhouse up to six months of nursery cultivation. Trial 1: determination of percent mineral and organic fractions of seven substrate mixtures. Trial 2: evaluation of four limerates for soil amendment versus four phosphorus rates. Trial 3: evaluation of N, K and Mg topdressing frequency. Significant differences were found in the three trials for most of the variables (plant height, leaf number, shoot dry mass, root dry mass, vigor and bulb diameter). The main results obtained were as follow: Trial1 - the best seedling growth was observed in substrates with at least 25% organic matter. Trial2 -lime rates ranging from 0.50 to 1.25 kg associated with 3 to 4 kg of single superphosphate per m3 of substrate provided the best seedling growth. Trial 3 - topdressing fertilization provided better development of seedlings regardless of frequency.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different irrigation levels on canopy and root growth, productivity, and fruit quality of young Tahiti acid lime trees. The experiment was installed in Piracicaba, Brazil in a 1.0-ha orchard plot with Tahiti acid lime trees, grafted on Swingle citrumelo rootstock and carried out from August of 2002 to May 2005. Each treatment was assigned to a drip irrigation level, based on ETc as follows: T1) non-irrigated, T2) 25%, T3) 50%, T4) 75% and T5) 100% of ETc determined by weighing lysimeter presented in the orchard plot. Trunk diameter and tree height were evaluated monthly. The roots were evaluated when the trees were 30 and 48 months old. The yield and fruit quality was evaluated in 2004 and 2005. The results showed that irrigation did not influence root distribution in depth, and trees irrigated with 75% and 100% ETc showed horizontal root distribution concentrated until 0.6 m from the trunk. Irrigation did not improve the quality of fruit. Yield increased in all irrigated treatment, but the most efficient yield mean per unit of water applied was the 25% ETc treatment.
The evaluation of technologies employed at the agricultural production system such as crop rotation and soil preparation, both associated with crop-livestock integration, is crucial. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the incorporation of lime for three no-tillage systems and cultural managements in system of crop-livestock integration, with emphasis on corn grain yield. The experiment was conducted from January 2003 to April 2005 at Selvíria city, MS, in Dystroferric Red Latosol, clay texture. The experimental design was randomized blocks with split plots consisted of three main treatments, aimed the soil physics conditioning and the incorporation of lime: PD - No-no-tillage; CM - minimum no-tillage, and PC - conventional no-tillage; and of two secondary treatments related to the management: rotation and crop succession, with four replications. Data on agronomic traits of maize were analyzed: plant height, stem diameter, height of the first spike insertion, 100 grains weight and grain yield. The results showed that the maize produced under the system of crop-livestock integration is quite feasible, showing that grain yields are comparable to averages in the region and the different soil physical conditioning and incorporation of lime did not influence the corn yield as well as the cultural managements, rotation and succession, did not affect the maize crop behavior after two years of cultivation.
Causticizing plant is an important part of kraft pulp mill. It uses green liquor from recovery boiler as a raw material and consumes lime to produce white liquor, which is an important chemical used in pulping. Lime kiln is a part of the causticizing process. It is used to convert lime mud, a by-product obtained from the causticizing back to lime in high temperatures. This conversion requires a lot of energy. The most common fuels used as energy source for lime kiln are heavy fuel oil and natural gas. In a modern pulp mill lime kiln is the only user of significant amount of fossil fuels. Replacing fossil fuels with biofuels can have prominent economical and environmental benefits. Interest in using biofuels as energy source of lime kiln has become a worldwide issue in the recent years. However fuels used for lime kiln have a lot of certain requirements. The purpose of this work is to study the required characteristics from liquid fuels used in pulp mill lime kiln and to map suitable liquid biofuels already available in the markets. Also taxation of liquid biofuels compared to heavy fuel oil in Finland, Sweden and Germany is shortly introduced.