933 resultados para Vibro-acústica


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PURPOSE: to analyze the levels of noise emitted by nationally-sold toys for use by children from 1 to 5 year old; to compare the values among the toys with and without the seal of Inmetro (National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality) and to analyze the sound spectrum of toys, in order to identify the area of the cochlea that may be more affected by these noises. METHOD: measurements were performed on 20 sound toys (10 with the seal of the Inmetro and 10 without the seal) with the use of digital sound level meter in an acoustically treated room, and the sound analysis was performed using the Praat program. RESULTS: toys placed at 2.5 cm from the equipment with the seal of the Inmetro had an intensity ranging from 61.50 to 91.55 dB (A) and from 69.75 to 95.05 dB (C), positioned at 25 cm ranged from 58.3 to 79.85 dB (A) and from 62.50 to 83.65 dB (C). The results of the toys without warranty stamps placed at 2.5 cm ranged from 67.45 to 94.30 dB (A) and 65.4 to 99.50 dB (C) and the distance of 25 cm recorded from 61. 30 to 87.45 dB (A) and 63.75 to 97.60 dB (C), so that the findings demonstrated that there are noisy toys that go beyond the values recommended by the current legislation in both groups, with and without warranty stamps . CONCLUSION: the toys without the seal of Inmetro showed intensities values significantly higher than the other group, offering more risk to the children s hearing health.


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This paper presents an analysis of the content in acoustics present in physics textbooks recommended by PNLEM, which used the same criteria of evaluation from used by experts in the analysis of such books. In this way, we observed that such texts have evolved little in comparison with the textual presentations reviewed in 1998 and published in the journal Science and Education [1], which were analyzed ten physics textbooks for high school, among which the most commom, at the time, in Brazilian schools. Although we identified the inclusion of some aspects of the culture of sound and music, there are still several conceptual and historical distortions, besides the little importance has been given to links CTSA, among them, studies of soundscapes that, even, are mentioned.


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Para a realização deste experimento, foram utilizados um rebolo de óxido de alumínio instalado em uma retificadora plana, um dispositivo em forma de balança juntamente com o sensor de deslocamento, um sistema de aquisição de sinais e um dressador de ponta única de diamante. O processamento digital dos dados foi obtido com o software Matlab. Nos ensaios, foram aplicados diferentes graus de recobrimento e profundidade de dressagem e comparada a agressividade obtida. A partir dos dados resultantes, os parâmetros RMS, DPO e DPKS mostraram-se bons indicadores para a operação. Também ficou comprovado que para recondicionar e definir novas características para o rebolo é necessária a remoção de 120 um. Do estudo do espectro do dinal de EA, notou-se que não há componentes hormônicas com frequência superior a 200 KHz.


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We studied in this work some aspects of the physics of sound and music as a tool for physics teaching. The theory of sound since it is generated by some stimulus to its uptake by the human body, in areas such as: frequency, intensity, tone and propagation. The literature of the subject research was combined with the study of free software that captures waves on a computer, using a microphone, and allows to analyze the waves and frequencies involved in the sound, being able to distinguish tones, frequencies and intensities. We have analyzed some instruments (guitar, harmonica and pitch), including voice, from the quantitative and qualitative point of view. Finally we analyze textbooks in their acoustic topics and try to understand how important these materials give to this topic in basic education. We suggest a teaching sequence that could be applied in a high school classroom


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In this work, we present a numerical study of the use of reconfigurable arrays (RCA) for vibro-acoustography (VA) beam formation. A parametric study of the aperture selection, number of channels, number of elements, focal distance, and steering parameters is presented to show the feasibility and evaluate the performance of VA imaging based on RCA. The transducer aperture was based on two concentric arrays driven by two continuous-wave or toneburst signals at slightly different frequencies. The mathematical model considers a homogeneous, isotropic, inviscid medium. The point-spread function of the system is calculated based on angular spectrum methods using the Fresnel approximation for rectangular sources. Simulations considering arrays with 50 x 50 to 200 x 200 elements with number of channels varying in the range of 32 to 128 are evaluated to identify the best configuration for VA. Advantages of two-dimensional and RCA arrays and aspects related to clinical importance of the RCA implementation in VA, such as spatial resolution, image frame rate, and commercial machine implementation, are discussed. It is concluded that RCA transducers can produce spatial resolution similar to confocal transducers and steering is possible in the elevational and azimuthal planes. Optimal settings for number of elements, number of channels, maximum steering, and focal distance are suggested for VA clinical applications. Furthermore, an optimization for beam steering based on the channel assignment is proposed for balancing the contribution of the two waves in the steered focus.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar o desempenho em habilidades auditivas e as condições de orelha média de crianças de 4 a 6 anos de idade. MÉTODO: foram aplicados os testes de detecção sonora (audiômetro pediátrico em 20dBNA), a Avaliação Simplificada do Processamento Auditivo (ASPA) e as medidas de imitância acústica (handtymp com tom de 226Hz) em 61 crianças com média de idade de 5,65 anos. Para comparar os resultados das provas de habilidades auditivas e das medidas da imitância acústica foi aplicado o teste exato de Fisher com nível de significância de p< 0,05. RESULTADOS: houve alteração em pelo menos uma das habilidades auditivas investigadas em 24,6% das crianças. Houve alteração timpanométrica em 34,4% das crianças e 64% foram classificadas no critério "falha" para a pesquisa do reflexo acústico ispilateral. As crianças mais jovens apresentaram maior ocorrência de alterações de orelha média, mas não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as diferentes idades para as provas realizadas. CONCLUSÃO: as crianças mais jovens apresentaram maior ocorrência de alterações nas provas de habilidades auditivas e nas medidas de imitância acústica. Programas de investigação e acompanhamento das condições de orelha média e das habilidades auditivas em idade pré-escolar e escolar podem eliminar ou minimizar intercorrências que alterariam o desenvolvimento sócio-linguístico.


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The use of numerical simulation in the design and evaluation of products performance is ever increasing. To a greater extent, such estimates are needed in a early design stage, when physical prototypes are not available. When dealing with vibro-acoustic models, known to be computationally expensive, a question remains, which is related to the accuracy of such models in view of the well-know variability inherent to the mass manufacturing production techniques. In addition, both academia and industry have recently realized the importance of actually listening to a products sound, either by measurements or by virtual sound synthesis, in order to assess its performance. In this work, the scatter of significant parameter variations on a simplified vehicle vibro-acoustic model is calculated on loudness metrics using Monte Carlo analysis. The mapping from the system parameters to sound quality metric is performed by a fully-coupled vibro-acoustic finite element model. Different loudness metrics are used, including overall sound pressure level expressed in dB and Specific Loudness in Sones. Sound quality equivalent sources are used to excite this model and the sound pressure level at the driver's head position is acquired to be evaluated according to sound quality metrics. No significant variation has been perceived when evaluating the system using regular sound pressure level expressed in in dB and dB(A). This happens because of the third-octave filters that averages the results under some frequency bands. On the other hand, Zwicker Loudness presents important variations, arguably, due to the masking effects.


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[ES]El diseño de entornos de simulación aplicados al estudio, aprendizaje y adquisición de competencias es un campo de trabajo activo en todos los niveles educativos. Los sucesivos avances experimentados por las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones (TIC), las plataformas que las sustentan y los estudios e investigaciones llevadas a cabo en el campo de la Interacción Persona Ordenador (Human Computer Interaction, HCI), soportan y hacen posible la realización de herramientas como la que aquí proponemos. Se trata de un entorno de simulación que ha sido diseñado con dos grandes objetivos: fomentar el aprendizaje activo y mejorar el rendimiento académico, como los más destacados. Para ello hemos elegido la Realimentación Acústica en los sistemas de refuerzo sonoro, fenómeno que exige un estudio detallado de los parámetros que lo controlan, que presentado de la forma que aquí proponemos permitirá un mejor aprovechamiento del escaso tiempo disponible para la experimentación en situaciones reales.


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Porous materials are widely used in many fields of industrial applications, to achieve the requirements of noise reduction, that nowadays derive from strict regulations. The modeling of porous materials is still a problematic issue. Numerical simulations are often problematic in case of real complex geometries, especially in terms of computational times and convergence. At the same time, analytical models, even if partly limited by restrictive simplificative hypotheses, represent a powerful instrument to capture quickly the physics of the problem and general trends. In this context, a recently developed numerical method, called the Cell Method, is described, is presented in the case of the Biot's theory and applied for representative cases. The peculiarity of the Cell Method is that it allows for a direct algebraic and geometrical discretization of the field equations, without any reduction to a weak integral form. Then, the second part of the thesis presents the case of interaction between two poroelastic materials under the context of double porosity. The idea of using periodically repeated inclusions of a second porous material into a layer composed by an original material is described. In particular, the problem is addressed considering the efficiency of the analytical method. A analytical procedure for the simulation of heterogeneous layers based is described and validated considering both conditions of absorption and transmission; a comparison with the available numerical methods is performed. ---------------- I materiali porosi sono ampiamente utilizzati per diverse applicazioni industriali, al fine di raggiungere gli obiettivi di riduzione del rumore, che sono resi impegnativi da norme al giorno d'oggi sempre più stringenti. La modellazione dei materiali porori per applicazioni vibro-acustiche rapprensenta un aspetto di una certa complessità. Le simulazioni numeriche sono spesso problematiche quando siano coinvolte geometrie di pezzi reali, in particolare riguardo i tempi computazionali e la convergenza. Allo stesso tempo, i modelli analitici, anche se parzialmente limitati a causa di ipotesi semplificative che ne restringono l'ambito di utilizzo, rappresentano uno strumento molto utile per comprendere rapidamente la fisica del problema e individuare tendenze generali. In questo contesto, un metodo numerico recentemente sviluppato, il Metodo delle Celle, viene descritto, implementato nel caso della teoria di Biot per la poroelasticità e applicato a casi rappresentativi. La peculiarità del Metodo delle Celle consiste nella discretizzazione diretta algebrica e geometrica delle equazioni di campo, senza alcuna riduzione a forme integrali deboli. Successivamente, nella seconda parte della tesi viene presentato il caso delle interazioni tra due materiali poroelastici a contatto, nel contesto dei materiali a doppia porosità. Viene descritta l'idea di utilizzare inclusioni periodicamente ripetute di un secondo materiale poroso all'interno di un layer a sua volta poroso. In particolare, il problema è studiando il metodo analitico e la sua efficienza. Una procedura analitica per il calcolo di strati eterogenei di materiale viene descritta e validata considerando sia condizioni di assorbimento, sia di trasmissione; viene effettuata una comparazione con i metodi numerici a disposizione.


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Il monitoraggio delle vibrazioni e del rumore per la diagnosi delle condizioni di funzionamento dei macchinari ha acquisito un’enorme importanza dovuta alla sempre maggiore accessibilità, in termini di costo e di facilità di utilizzo, delle strumentazioni per l’acquisizione del comportamento vibratorio. L’investimento viene ampiamente giustificato dai vantaggi sia in termini di efficacia nell’individuazione preventiva di difetti e cause di guasto, che di caratterizzazione oggettiva della qualità di funzionamento della macchina. Il presente lavoro relaziona dell’analisi vibro-acustica applicata ad un riduttore epicicloidale prodotto da STM spa attraverso gli strumenti per l’analisi recentemente introdotti nella sala prove dell’azienda, poichè esso presenta, allo stato attuale di produzione e commercializzazione, una rumorosità troppo elevata di cui non si conoscono le cause. Le modifiche introdotte sono state scelte sulla base dell’esperienza tecnica dell’azienda, con l’intento di ridurre il livello di emissione acustica del riduttore. Gli effetti di tali modifiche sono stati valutati in riferimento ai livelli di emissione acustica e di severità di vibrazione, due valutazioni di tipo globale poi affiancate e confrontate con l’analisi spettrale, allo scopo di giustificare e comprendere meglio i risultati ottenuti.


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The goal of this research is to provide a framework for vibro-acoustical analysis and design of a multiple-layer constrained damping structure. The existing research on damping and viscoelastic damping mechanism is limited to the following four mainstream approaches: modeling techniques of damping treatments/materials; control through the electrical-mechanical effect using the piezoelectric layer; optimization by adjusting the parameters of the structure to meet the design requirements; and identification of the damping material’s properties through the response of the structure. This research proposes a systematic design methodology for the multiple-layer constrained damping beam giving consideration to vibro-acoustics. A modeling technique to study the vibro-acoustics of multiple-layered viscoelastic laminated beams using the Biot damping model is presented using a hybrid numerical model. The boundary element method (BEM) is used to model the acoustical cavity whereas the Finite Element Method (FEM) is the basis for vibration analysis of the multiple-layered beam structure. Through the proposed procedure, the analysis can easily be extended to other complex geometry with arbitrary boundary conditions. The nonlinear behavior of viscoelastic damping materials is represented by the Biot damping model taking into account the effects of frequency, temperature and different damping materials for individual layers. A curve-fitting procedure used to obtain the Biot constants for different damping materials for each temperature is explained. The results from structural vibration analysis for selected beams agree with published closed-form results and results for the radiated noise for a sample beam structure obtained using a commercial BEM software is compared with the acoustical results of the same beam with using the Biot damping model. The extension of the Biot damping model is demonstrated to study MDOF (Multiple Degrees of Freedom) dynamics equations of a discrete system in order to introduce different types of viscoelastic damping materials. The mechanical properties of viscoelastic damping materials such as shear modulus and loss factor change with respect to different ambient temperatures and frequencies. The application of multiple-layer treatment increases the damping characteristic of the structure significantly and thus helps to attenuate the vibration and noise for a broad range of frequency and temperature. The main contributions of this dissertation include the following three major tasks: 1) Study of the viscoelastic damping mechanism and the dynamics equation of a multilayer damped system incorporating the Biot damping model. 2) Building the Finite Element Method (FEM) model of the multiple-layer constrained viscoelastic damping beam and conducting the vibration analysis. 3) Extending the vibration problem to the Boundary Element Method (BEM) based acoustical problem and comparing the results with commercial simulation software.


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Las TIC cada vez tienen un mayor impacto social en el mundo de la enseñanza a distancia, están surgiendo nuevos conceptos relacionados con la forma de llevar el aprendizaje a las personas. La generación de contenidos supone una práctica costosa en tiempo, recursos y personas, es por eso la tendencia a que sean reutilizables, accesibles, portables y durables. Es aquí donde toman su importancia las píldoras formativas o de conocimiento, estando asociadas a un concepto y con una duración entre 5 y 15 minutos. Este trabajo pretende desarrollar píldoras formativas a modo de videos de corta duración sobre conceptos acústicos y guiones de prácticas de laboratorio tratados a lo largo del máster. Se desarrollará también a modo de videojuego el guión de una de las prácticas sirviendo como complemento a los videos. El trabajo se divide en dos partes bien diferenciadas, una de estudio teórico tanto de la tecnología para el desarrollo de los videos, que servirá de guía para futuras píldoras, como del contenido de éstos, y otra parte que tratará la implementación y adaptación de los videos y de los videojuegos. SUMMARY ICTs are becoming a greater social impact in the world of distance learning are emerging concepts related to learning how to take people. Content generation is a costly exercise in time, resources and people, is why the tendency to be reusable, accessible, portable and durable. This is where the importance of taking pills training or knowledge, being associated with a concept and with a duration between 5 and 15 minutes. This work aims to develop training pills as a short videos on concepts and scripts acoustic laboratory practices discussed during the Master. Also be developed as a script for a game of serving practices to supplement the videos. The work is divided into two distinct parts, a theoretical study of both the technology for the development of the videos, which will guide future pills, and the content of these, and another part that will address the implementation and adaptation of the videos and of video games.