878 resultados para Verb phrase ellipsis


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This paper attempts to investigate the discourse manifestations of the grammatical relation direct object with respect to the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic properties that underlie this element. The research adopts theoretical orientation of the functionalism from North American and Brazilian schools inspired in Givón (1995, 2001), Hopper and Thompson (1980), Chafe (1979), Furtado da Cunha, Oliveira, Martelotta (2003) inter alia. From functionalism, the research uses principles of iconicity, markedness and informativity and it analize categories of transitivity, grounding and animacy. This research is anchored in prototype model (TAYLOR 1995); construction grammar model (GOLDBERG 1996, 2002). Both theoretical orientations share the view that language is a malleable living organism subject to socio-cultural context. Grammar is then the result of created, maintained, and systematized linguistic patterns developed from and used for language use. According to a functional linguistics and cognitivist linguistics verbs are stored in the speakers lexicon in syntactic-semantic frames which are more frequent. These frames carry information concerning obligatory and optional arguments and the semantic roles these arguments take in the clause. The analysis focuses on the semantic type of the verbs and its relationship with the argument encoded as a direct object observing the aspectual nature of verbs. Direct objects are classified according to their morphology (lexical or pronominal noun phrase), semantic role, informational content and animacy. This study discusses pedagogical implications with relation to how the grammatical concepts touched on this paper are treated in school textbooks. The empirical data come from Corpus Discurso & Gramática: a língua falada e escrita na cidade do Natal (FURTADO DA CUNHA, 1998). This corpus is composed of texts that contain spoken and written modalities. These modalities are in turn organized according to different types: personal narratives, retold narrative, description of preferred place, procedural place, procedural description and report on argumentation. The sample data totals 40 texts produced by four language consultants of the last graduation date. The paper shows that the same syntactic structures (formed through Subject-Verb-Object) correspond to different semantic-pragmatic structures in relation to specific communicative purposes even verb is an event, process or state. The argument structure are not aleatory but are related to experience; that is the way humans conceptualize the world and talk about it


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Based on studies on the structure of copulates sentences in Brazilian Portuguese (PB), according to grammar theory, it s analyzed on this dissertation, the complex copulate sentences what, in the PB, initiated by the formation é ruim que in the PB, bringing the hypothesis that they can have one predicacional reading (PRED) and other especificacional reading (ESP). It s revealed what, though they are similar slightly, that makes the different that are triggered is structural configuration of sentence and the form as come emerged the its constituents: that of PRED interpretation, that we defined as Common Copulate Sentence (or SCC), it s checked that the constituent ruim, and only it, is predicate of a Small Clause, and appears in the structure on even position wherein is pronounced, not passing by the method of movement, from where introduce wide predication on all subject, that is the CP built-in; those sentences é ruim que understanding ESP, that denominate of Negative Copulate Sentence (or SCN), whereas the fixed expression contradict or right what is asserted in built-in, it s perceived what the ruim is a part of this fixed expression, and surely crystallized, which appears in structure per movement, germinated as adjunct of Inflexional Phrase (IP) and being elevation to specifier to FocP (or SpecFocP), where acquires discursive interpretation of focus. Besides the mode as the ruim or the fixed expression emerge in that sentences, the relation between the copula and main verb likewise contribute to distinguish the sentences: 1) regarding flexion of mode, when is a SCC, the copula must be in the mode indicative, and the main verb, in the subjunctive; when is a SCN, copula and main verb must be always on indicative; 2) regarding flexion of temp, both the copula as main verb of the SCC can be flexed, whereas at the SCN, the main verb can vary in present, past and future, but the copula should appear, necessarily, in third persona of present of indicative, what confirms our hypothesis that there is an fixed expression at the copulate sentences with é ruim que ESP. Other two evidences are pointed as characteristics that distinguish the sentence with é ruim que PRED of sentence with é ruim que ESP: 1) in semantics, the constituent ruim equals not good, that has appreciation, when the reading will PRED; already the pair é ruim equals not, at the ESP; 2) in prosody, there discrete sound elevation the ruim on the other constituents of SCC, PRED, while there is accentuated acoustic elevation on the ruim of SCN, ESP. Our search it is grounded in authors as Zanfeliz (2000), Modesto (2001), Mioto (2003), Kato & Ribeiro (2006), Lobo (2006), Quarezemin (2006, 2009, 2011, 2012) e Resenes (2009), researchers that devoted their attention on studies the formation and organization of the constituents of cleaved sentences and focalization of constituent, basing itself in approach generative of linguistic


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A ordenação de constituintes oracionais nas variedades portuguesas é aqui tratada considerando-se três moldes de conteúdo, Tético, Apresentativo e Categorial. A linearização das estruturas oracionais refletem decisões assumidas na formulação do Nível Interpessoal e configuram predominantemente Molde de Conteúdo Categorial Tópico-orientado, com o constituinte Tópico ocupando a posição P I, a palavra verbal, a posição P M, e os outros constituintes, as posições à direita e à esquerda de P M. em Construções Téticas, a oração toda, por ser focal, ocupa o domínio de P F, já em Construções Apresentativas a cópula vazia assume a posição absoluta P M, e o sintagma nominal Tópico/Foco posiciona-se em P F.


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O objetivo principal dessa Dissertação de Mestrado é caracterizar a variação prosódica dialetal do português falado no município de Abaetetuba (PA). Todos os procedimentos metodológicos adotados, aqui, neste estudo, seguem as orientações estabelecidas pela equipe do Projeto AMPER, na condução do tratamento dos dados, para a confecção do Atlas Prosódico Multimídia das Línguas Românicas. As produções linguísticas dos falantes foram gravadas usando um único padrão, garantindo uma produção do sinal acústico de qualidade uniforme e uma boa representatividade da variedade dialetal. O corpus é constituído de 102 frases, SVC (sujeito + verbo + complemento) e suas expansões (sintagma adjetival e preposicionado), estruturadas com as mesmas restrições fonéticas e sintáticas. Cada uma das sentenças foi repetida seis vezes, por cada um dos quatro informantes, e o corpus total é composto por 612 frases. O pitch, para os informantes do sexo masculino, está entre 50 Hz e 250 Hz; e 110 Hz a 370 Hz para os informantes do sexo feminino. Foram utilizados três parâmetros acústicos controlados: a Frequência fundamental (F0), a Duração (ms) e a Intensidade (dB). O tratamento dos dados foi realizado por meio de sete etapas: 1) codificação das repetições, 2) isolamento de cada sentença em áudio individual; 3) segmentação fonética realizado no software PRAAT; 4) aplicação do PRAAT script; 5) seleção das três melhores repetições; 6) aplicação da interface MATLAB; e 7) utilização do EXCEL para gerar os gráficos para análise comparativa dos dados. Os resultados mostram que “as três maiores variações dos parâmetros acústicos controlados ocorrem preferencialmente na sílaba tônica da parte central do sintagma e/ou no sintagma final do enunciado” (CRUZ; BRITO, 2011).


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal caracterizar a variação prosódica dialetal do português falado na zona rural da cidade de Belém (PA), distrito de Mosqueiro. A pesquisa de campo foi feita com base na metodologia utilizada pelo projeto AMPER, com o corpus constituído de 102 frases, obedecendo às mesmas restrições fonético-sintáticas. Dessa forma, as frases utilizadas nas gravações para a composição do corpus da zona rural de Belém analisadas neste trabalho são do tipo SVC (Sujeito + Verbo + complemento) e suas expansões com a inclusão de Sintagmas Adjetivais e Adverbiais. As sentenças do corpus têm 10, 13 e 14 vogais, sendo que os dois últimos tipos apresentam sintagma com extensão adjetival ou adverbial, respectivamente, à direita do verbo, como em “O pássaro gosta do Renato nadador” ou “O pássaro gosta do Renato de Mônaco”. Cada sentença foi repetida seis vezes, formando um corpus total de 612 frases por cada informante. Os parâmetros acústicos utilizados foram: a duração, a frequência fundamental e a intensidade. A análise dos parâmetros foi feita por meio de dados gerados nos aplicativos PRAAT, Interface MatLab e gráficos gerados no Excel. A pesquisa reuniu dados referentes a seis informantes adultos, de ambos os sexos, com nível de escolaridade fundamental, médio e superior. Os resultados forneceram um desenho entoacional comparativo entre as frases declarativas e interrogativas, além de breves observações sobre o comportamento das vogais pretônicas, postônicas e tônicas, de acordo com as estruturas acentuais e das palavras em diferentes posições frásicas. O foco foi direcionado para o Sintagma Nominal Final e suas extensões sobre o qual verificamos que a sentença interrogativa inicia sua curva melódica baixa em decorrência do pico entoacional no verbo “gosta”, e posterior ascendência na sílaba tônica; e a declarativa inicia a curva com ascendência até a pré-tônica e posterior descendência no final do percurso melódico.


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This study describes the sociolinguistic situation of the indigenous Hungarian national minorities in Slovakia (c. 600,000), Ukraine (c. 180,000), Romania (c. 2,000,000), Yugoslavia (c. 300,000), Slovenia (c. 8,000) and Austria (c. 6,000). Following the guidelines of Hans Goebl et al, the historical sociolinguistic portrait of each minority is presented from 1920 through to the mid-1990s. Each country's report includes sections on geography and demography, history, politics, economy, culture and religion, language policy and planning, and language use (domains of minority and/or majority language use, proficiency, attitudes, etc.). The team's findings were presented in the form of 374 pages of manuscripts, articles and tables, written in Hungarian and English. The core of the team's research results lies in the results of an empirical survey designed to study the social characteristics of Hungarian-minority bilingualism in the six project countries, and the linguistic similarities and differences between the six contact varieties of Hungarian and Hungarian in Hungary. The respondents were divided by age, education, and settlement group - city vs. village and local majority vs. local minority. The first thing to be observed is that Hungarian is tending to be spoken less to children than to parents and grandparents, a familiar pattern of language shift. In contact varieties of Hungarian, analytic constructions may be used where monolingual Hungarians would use a more synthetic form. Mr Kontra gives as an example the compound tagdij, which in Standard Hungarian means "membership fee" but which is replaced in contact Hungarian by the two-word phrase tagsagi dij. Another similar example concerns the synthetic verb hegedult "played the violin" and the analytic expression hegedun jatszott. The contrast is especially striking between the Hungarians in the northern Slavic countries, who use the synthetic form frequently, and those in the southern Slavic countries, who mainly use the analytic form. Mr. Kontra notes that from a structural point of view, there is no immediate explanation for this, since Slovak or Ukrainian are as likely to cause interference as is Serbian. He postulates instead that the difference may be attributable to some sociohistoric cause, and points out that the Turkish occupation of what is today Voivodina caused a discontinuity of the Hungarian presence in the region, with the result that Hungarians were resettled in the area only two and a half centuries ago. However, the Hungarians in today's Slovakia and Ukraine have lived together with Slavic peoples continuously for over a millennium. It may be, he suggests, that 250 years of interethnic coexistence is less than is needed for such a contact-induced change to run its course. Next Mr. Kontra moved on to what he terms "mental maps and morphology". In Hungarian, the names of cities and villages take the surface case (eg. Budapest-en "in Budapest") whereas some names denoting Hungarian settlements and all names of foreign cities take the interior case (eg. Tihany-ban "in Tihany" and Boston-ban "in Boston). The role of the semantic feature "foreign" in suffix-choice can be illustrated by such minimal pairs as Velence-n "in Velence, a village in Hungary" versus Velence-ben "in Velence [=Venice], a city in Italy", and Pecs-en "in Pecs, a city in Hungary" vs. Becs-ben "in Becs, ie. Vienna". This Hungarian vs. foreign distinction is often interpreted as "belonging to historical (pre-1920) Hungary" vs. "outside historical Hungary". The distinction is also expressed in the dichotomy "home" vs. "abroad'. The 1920 border changes have had an impact on both majority and minority Hungarians' mental maps, the maps which govern the choice of surface vs. interior cases with placenames. As there is a growing divergence between the mental maps of majority and minority Hungarians, so there will be a growing divergence in their use of the placename suffixes. Two placenames were chosen to scratch the surface of this complex problem: Craiova (a city in Oltenia, Romania) and Kosovo (Hungarian Koszovo) an autonomous region in southeast Yugoslavia. The assumption to be tested was that both placenames would be used with the inessive (interior) suffixes categorically by Hungarians in Hungary, but that the superessive suffix (showing "home") would be used near-categorically by Hungarians in Romania and Yugoslavia (Voivodina). Minority Hungarians in countries other than Romania and Yugoslavia would show no difference from majority Hungarians in Hungary. In fact, the data show that, contrary to expectation, there is considerable variation within Hungary. And although Koszovo is used, as expected, with the "home" suffix by 61% of the informants in Yugoslavia, the same suffix is used by an even higher percentage of the subjects in Slovenia. Mr. Kontra's team suggests that one factor playing a role in this might be the continuance of the former Yugoslav mentality in the Hungarians of Slovenia, at least from the geographical point of view. The contact varieties of Hungarian show important grammatical differences from Hungarian in Hungary. One of these concerns the variable use of Null subjects (the inclusion or exclusion of the subject of the verb). When informants were asked to insert either megkertem or megkertem ot - "I asked her" - into a test sentence, 54.9% of the respondents in the Ukraine inserted the second phrase as opposed to only 27.4% in Hungary. Although Mr. Kontra and his team concentrated more on the differences between Contact Hungarian and Standard Hungarian, they also discovered a number of similarities. One such similarity is demonstrable in the distribution of what Mr. Kontra calls an ongoing syntactic merger in Hungarian in Hungary. This change means effectively that two possibilities merge to form a third. For instance, the two sentences Valoszinuleg kulfoldre fognak koltozni and Valoszinu, hogy kulfoldre fognak koltozni merge to form the new construction Valszinuleg, hogy kulfoldre fognak koltozni ("Probably they will move abroad."). When asked to choose "the most natural" of the sentences, one in four chose the new construction, and a chi-square test shows homogeneity in the sample. In other words, this syntactic change is spreading across the entire Hungarian-speaking region in the Carpathian Basin Mr. Kontra believes that politicians, educators, and other interested parties now have reliable and up-to-date information about each Hungarian minority. An awareness of Hungarian as a pluricentric language is being developed which elevates the status of contact varieties of Hungarian used by the minorities, an essential process, he believes, if minority languages are to be maintained.


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