973 resultados para Venous leg ulcer


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The in situ saphenous vein bypass has been introduced in our department since 1989. A total of 26 bypasses in 22 patients have been followed prospectively. Indications for revascularisation have been severe arterial insufficiency in 73% of the cases (stage III or IV). With the exception of one postoperative death (myocardial infarction), all the patients have recovered uneventfully, with a regression to stage I. No amputation has been necessary. Morbidity has been 30%, with mainly minor local complications. The primary patency rate is 83% at one year and 78% after 2 and 3 years, whereas the secondary patency rate is 91% at one year, and remains constant thereafter up to 3 years. Considering our results and those from the literature, we believe that the in situ technique is very valuable, especially for below-knee vascular reconstruction. Technical difficulties of the method are analysed.


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Existen varias causas de la insuficiencia venosa profunda, la insuficiencia venosa superficial es una de ellas; por tal motivo, una intervención activa de la insuficiencia superficial ya sea cirugía convencional, esclerosis o radiofrecuencia mejora el reflujo del sistema venoso profundo. En nuestro medio no se acostumbra a intervenir los pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta bajo la creencia de exacerbar la enfermedad o generar complicaciones. Se pretende documentar los cambios clínicos y hemodinámicos en pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta según tipo de manejo, médico vs quirúrgico


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Analytical study of therapeutic nonrandomized intervention type, intra-group controlled, with the aim of analyzing the cost-effectiveness of compression therapy with manipulated Unna boot in relation to conventional therapy in the healing of venous ulcers (VU) of patients treated in ambulatory clinic. The study population was composed by patients with VU treated by angiologists in Surgical Clinic Ambulatory of the Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL) with a sample of 18 patients. It obtained the assent of the HUOL Ethics in Research Committee (Protocol 276/09). Data collection was performed over a period of four months by the own master's student and 34 nursing students, through the application of the research instrument in the admission of patients to the study and in the ten subsequent evaluations, performed at the time of changing Unna boot, weekly, for a maximum period of 10 weeks. The data were analyzed with SPSS 15.0 software, using descriptive and inferential statistics, and presented as tables, charts and graphs. Among those surveyed, prevailed: females, mean age 57.6 years, low education and income levels, most retired, unemployed or off work, with the standing position more than six hours per day and up to eight hours daily of domestic or occupational activities. In health status profile of respondents there were predominantly sleep, rest and inadequate elevation of the lower limbs, no smoking and/or alcohol use, presence of hypertension and no use of drugs. Most presented the first VU for over 10 years, recurrences, present VU for more than five years, involvement of left leg, in malleolar and / or distal leg region, mild edema, hyperpigmentation, lipodermatosclerosis, telangiectasies, reticular and varicose veins, mild pain, serous exudate in moderate quantity, small lesions (up to 50cm2), with predominance of granulation tissue and / or epithelialization and demarcated, elevated and irregular borders, with crusts and macerated. Most patients reported that in the 10 weeks prior to admission, made bandages at home and / or Basic Health Unit and / or ambulatory, with nursing aides or technicians, daily, and on weekends or holidays, performed by patients themselves, using healing ointment on the lesion, being observed granulation / epithelialization and increase in VU prevalent in the 10 weeks of traditional treatment. After follow up with manipulated Unna boot, was observed a decrease of lesions in all study patients, with complete healing in 27.8% of those between 1 and 5 weeks of treatment, with satisfactory evolution of the lesions, pain and ankle and calf circumferences, and unsatisfactory development of the borders of ulcers, edema, sleep, rest and elevation of the lower limbs, especially in more chronic patients. Furthermore, patients who achieved total healing and exhibited the greatest percentage reduction of lesions had a higher number of wound healing factors (ρ = 0.01 and ρ = 0.027, respectively). The manipulated Unna boot showed better results in those patients with shorter duration of injury, leading them to a satisfactory outcome within a short period of treatment. After the cost-effectiveness analysis, we conclude that the manipulated Unna boot is more effective than conventional therapy in the healing process of VU and is more cost-effective in patients with shorter lesions (ρ = 0.001), shorter treatment (ρ = 0.000) and greater number of wound healing factors (ρ = 0.005).


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Venous ulcers of the lower limbs complicated by infection or chronicity represent a serious public health problem. The elevated number of those afflicted burdens the health services, interferes in quality of life and causes absenteeism. Although there are 2,500 items on the market, ranging from the simplest dressing up to the most complex types of dressing, treatment remains a challenge. Among the substances used, fibrin sealant is the one that promotes diminution of bacterial colonization and of edema, controls hemorrhaging, alters the pain threshold by protecting the nerve endings, hydrates the wound bed and forms granulation tissue that favors healing. Its disadvantages include higher cost and utilization of human fibrinogen that can transmit infectious diseases. The Center for the Study of Venoms and Venomous Animals (CEVAP) at São Paulo State University (UNESP) developed a new sealant made up of fibrinogen extracted from large animals and from an enzyme obtained from snake venom. The present study, developed in the Health Education Clinic (CEPS) of Sacred Heart University (USC) aimed to evaluate the effect of the new sealant on the healing process of venous ulcers in 24 adult patients, seven of whom were male and 17 female. Two study groups were formed as follows: Group 1 (G1) - control group of 11 patients treated with essential fatty acid (EFA) and Unna's boot, and Group 2 (G2) - 13 patients treated with essential fatty acid (EFA), fibrin sealant and Unna's boot. The follow-up lasted eight weeks and the sealant was applied at only the first and fourth weeks. The results showed that Group 2 presented worse lesion conditions as to healing, but, when comparing the two groups, it was noteworthy that the the sealant was effective in healing venous ulcers. There is evidence that the new sealant is recommended for leg ulcers with the following advantages: ease of application, preparation of the wound bed, diminution of pain and a higher number of discharges in the eighth week. More important, other positive characteristics are non-transmission of infectious diseases, absence of adverse reactions, and economic advantage of being produced by Brazilian technology. Finally, it is suggested that the weekly application of sealant, for at least eight weeks, could improve the healing process and consequently life quality.


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Hansen's disease is an infectious illness caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It affects preferentially the skin and the peripheral nervous system leading to incapacities, such as leg ulcers, which happens due to the direct action of the bacillus on the organs or its indirect action on the peripheral nervous system. Leg ulcers can occur by two physiopathologic processes. There are many treatments for general leg ulcers, which include the ones caused by Hansen's disease sequels. Among them, surgical treatment shows to be effective when using skin graft, which can be performed by several techniques. Considering the low number of techniques known for treating leg ulcers in Hansen's disease sequels, the aims of this work were to standardize alternative techniques, to detect the main bacteria found in ulcer secretion cultures, to analyze the patients profile and the ulcers, to describe the histophatologies found, and to correlate these data with those of literature from all over the world. Skin graft punch type was carried out and analyzed; males had a mean age of 59.4 years old and females, 54.2 years old. Patients were 73.6% male and 26.3% female. Lepromatous type was present in 89.4% patients and tuberculoid type was seen in 10.5% of them. Associated systemic diseases were observed in 26.3% patients. Mean time of ulcers evolution was 11.6 years in male and 12.8 years in women. The average diameter of ulcers in the pre-treatment period was 8.5 X 9.5 cm in male and 10.2 X 6.8 cm in women. After the graft, their average diameters were 3.2 X 2.7 cm in male and 5.1 X 5.6 cm in women. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant correlation between the ulcer diameter and its reduction or not in the post-surgery period (p=0.269732). The mean age of patients whose ulcers diameter did not change or reduced by only 20% was 63.5 years. Using the Spearman's coefficient, it was possible to observe that there was no significant correlation between the patients' age and the ulcers diameter reduction after the skin graft (p=0.222531). Evolution time of ulcers that did not present any satisfactory result in the post-surgery period was 12.1 years. The Spearman's coefficient showed that there was no significant correlation between the ulcers evolution time and the ulcers diameter reduction in the post-surgery period (p=0.191655). Cultures presented 50% of cases with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Statistical analysis showed there is no correlation between the bacterial types found and the ulcer evolution in the post-surgery period (p=0.697531). The average of the ulcers diameter reduction was 42.4%, and in 26.3% of the patients the lesions disappeared after the skin graft.


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As partes aéreas de Indigofera suffruticosa Mill. (família Leg. Papilionoideae), planta incriminada pelos criadores de diversas áreas do Nordeste por doença caracterizada por hemoglobinúria em bovinos, foram administradas por via oral a seis bovinos, em doses diárias repetidas de 10 a 40 g/kg, Todos os animais experimentais apresentaram hemoglobinúria, porém passageira, apesar continuidade da administração da planta. Dois desses bovinos não apresentaram manifestações adicionais, um terceiro animal evidenciou manifestações leves, e os três outros, sintomas adicionais de intensidade moderada: apatia, mucosas visíveis de coloração esbranquiçada, pêlos arrepiados, anorexia, diminuição da freqüência e intensidade dos movimentos ruminais, taquicardia, pulso venoso positivo e dispnéia. Antes da crise hemolítica a urina apresentava coloração verde azulada. Nenhum animal experimental morreu, porém um foi sacrificado durante a fase hemoglobinúrica. À necropsia observaram-se anemia, bexiga contendo urina cor de vinho tinto, rins aumentados de volume com coloração marrom-escura, fígado, na superfície e ao corte, de coloração azulada com lobulação perceptível. As principais alterações histológicas foram verificadas no fígado, sob forma de necrose coagulativa e tumefação e/ou microvacuolização citoplasmática dos hepatócitos, e no rim representadas por acentuada nefrose, associada a grande quantidade de filtrado e/ou hemoglobina nos espaços de Bowman dentro de túbulos e do citoplasma das células epiteliais.


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IMPORTANCE Obesity is a risk factor for deep vein thrombosis of the leg and pulmonary embolism. To date, however, whether obesity is associated with adult cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) has not been assessed. OBJECTIVE To assess whether obesity is a risk factor for CVT. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS A case-control study was performed in consecutive adult patients with CVT admitted from July 1, 2006 (Amsterdam), and October 1, 2009 (Berne), through December 31, 2014, to the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, or Inselspital University Hospital in Berne, Switzerland. The control group was composed of individuals from the control population of the Multiple Environmental and Genetic Assessment of Risk Factors for Venous Thrombosis study, which was a large Dutch case-control study performed from March 1, 1999, to September 31, 2004, and in which risk factors for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism were assessed. Data analysis was performed from January 2 to July 12, 2015. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Obesity was determined by body mass index (BMI). A BMI of 30 or greater was considered to indicate obesity, and a BMI of 25 to 29.99 was considered to indicate overweight. A multiple imputation procedure was used for missing data. We adjusted for sex, age, history of cancer, ethnicity, smoking status, and oral contraceptive use. Individuals with normal weight (BMI <25) were the reference category. RESULTS The study included 186 cases and 6134 controls. Cases were younger (median age, 40 vs 48 years), more often female (133 [71.5%] vs 3220 [52.5%]), more often used oral contraceptives (97 [72.9%] vs 758 [23.5%] of women), and more frequently had a history of cancer (17 [9.1%] vs 235 [3.8%]) compared with controls. Obesity (BMI ≥30) was associated with an increased risk of CVT (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 2.63; 95% CI, 1.53-4.54). Stratification by sex revealed a strong association between CVT and obesity in women (adjusted OR, 3.50; 95% CI, 2.00-6.14) but not in men (adjusted OR, 1.16; 95% CI, 0.25-5.30). Further stratification revealed that, in women who used oral contraceptives, overweight and obesity were associated with an increased risk of CVT in a dose-dependent manner (BMI 25.0-29.9: adjusted OR, 11.87; 95% CI, 5.94-23.74; BMI ≥30: adjusted OR, 29.26; 95% CI, 13.47-63.60). No association was found in women who did not use oral contraceptives. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Obesity is a strong risk factor for CVT in women who use oral contraceptives.


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The authors describe the case of a 43-year-old man with a right-leg knee amputation performed 14 years prior. He presented to hospital with dyspnea. A pulmonary embolism was detected. A Doppler ultrasound test showed deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which affected the stump of the amputated limb. When a pulmonary embolism is detected in a patient with an amputated lower limb, an exploration of the stump should be performed to rule out this uncommon complication.


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Introduction: The treatment for venous ulcers in most cases is unsatisfactory, with recurrences and poor healing. Objective: to evaluate adjuvant therapy in the treatment of active venous ulcers. Methods: We analyzed 20 patients with active venous ulcers attending the general Surgery outpatient clinic at the “Dr. José eleuterio gonzález” University Hospital from October 2012 to January 2013. they were randomly divided into 2 groups: group A (11 patients) underwent compression therapy and group B (9 patients) underwent compression therapy plus removal of the vein that gives terminal relux to the ulcer, guided by ultrasound (microphlebectomy). Patients were evaluated weekly (8 weeks). At each assessment, photographs and lesion measurements were taken and pain was evaluated using the visual analog scale. Results: No significant differences were found between the study groups in terms of age, weight, height, body mass index (BMi), ankle-brachial index, and baseline measurement of the ulcer (p>0.05). Group B showed a greater reduction in ulcer size and a statistically signiicant lower score on the visual analog pain scale (p<0.05) from the second and third week of treatment, respectively. Conclusions: the results obtained in patients with surgical procedure (group B) are consistent with the reported eficacy of chronic venous ulcer treatment with saphenectomy (conventional surgery), the difference is that in this study we used a minimally invasive procedure (microphlebectomy).


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AIM: To establish the efficacy and safety of a 7-d therapeutic regimen using omeprazole, bismuth suticitrate, furazolidone and amoxicillin in patients with peptic ulcer disease who had been previously treated with other therapeutic regimens without success. METHODS: Open cohort study which included patients with peptic ulcer who had previously been treated unsuccessfully with one or more eradication regimens. The therapeutic regimen consisted of 20 mg omeprazole, 240 mg colloidal bismuth subcitrate, 1000 mg amoxicillin, and 200 mg furazolidone, taken twice a day for 7 d. Patients were considered as eradicated when samples taken from the gastric antrum and corpus 12 wk after the end of treatment were negative for Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) (rapid urease test and histology). Safety was determined by the presence of adverse effects. RESULTS: Fifty-one patients were enrolled. The eradication rate was 68.8% (31/45). Adverse effects were reported by 31.4% of the patients, and these were usually considered to be slight or moderate in the majority of the cases. Three patients had to withdraw from the treatment due to the presence of severe adverse effects. CONCLUSION: The association of bismuth, furazolidone, amoxicillin and a proton-pump inhibitor is a valuable alternative for patients who failed to respond to other eradication regimens. It is an effective, cheap and safe option for salvage therapy of positive patients. (C) 2008 The WJG Press. All rights reserved.


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Esophageal ulcer (EU) represents an important comorbidity in AIDS. We evaluated the prevalence of EU, the accuracy of the endoscopic and histologic methods used to investigate viral EU in HIV-positive Brazilian patients and the numerical relevance of tissue sampling. A total of 399 HIV-positive patients underwent upper gastrointestinal (UGI) endoscopy. HIV-positive patients with EU determined by UGI endoscopy followed by biopsies were analyzed by the hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and immunohistochemical (IH) methods. EU was detected in 41 patients (mean age, 39.2 years; 23 males), with a prevalence of 10.27%. The median CD4 count was 49 cells/mm(3) (range, 1-361 cells/mm(3)) and the viral load was 58,869 copies per milliliter (range, 50-77,3290 copies per milliliter). UGI endoscopy detected 29 of 41 EU suggestive of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection and 7 of 41 indicating herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection. HE histology confirmed 4 of 29 ulcers induced by CMV, 2 of 7 induced by HSV, and 1 of 7 induced by HSV plus CMV. IH for CMV and HSV confirmed the HE findings and detected one additional CMV-induced case. UGI endoscopy showed 100% sensitivity and 15% specificity for the diagnosis of EU due to CMV or HSV compared to HE and IH. HE proved to be an adequate method for etiologic evaluation, with 87% sensitivity and 100% specificity compared to IH. The number of samples did not influence the etiologic evaluation. The data support the importance of IH as a complementary method for HE in the diagnosis of EU of viral etiology.


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Objective: We tested the hypothesis that LED phototherapy with combined 660-nm and 890-nm light will promote healing of venous ulcers that failed to respond to other forms of treatment. Background Data: A variety of dressings, growth factors, and adjunct therapies are used to treat venous ulcers, but none seems to yield satisfactory results. Materials and Methods: We used a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind study to compare a total of 20 patients divided with 32 chronic ulcers into three groups. In group 1 the ulcers were cleaned, dressed with 1% silver sulfadiazine (SDZ) cream, and treated with placebo phototherapy (<.03 J/cm(-3)) using a Dynatron Solaris 705 phototherapy research device. In group 2 the ulcers were treated similarly but received real phototherapy (3 J/cm(-2)) instead of placebo. In group 3 (controls), the ulcers were simply cleaned and dressed with SDZ without phototherapy. The ulcers were evaluated with digital photography and computer image analysis over 90 d or until full healing was attained. Results: Ulcers treated with phototherapy healed significantly faster than controls when compared at day 30 (p < 0.01), day 60 (p < 0.05), and day 90 (p < 0.001), and similarly healed faster than the placebo-treated ulcers at days 30 and 90 (p < 0.01), but not at day 60. The beneficial effect of phototherapy was more pronounced when the confounding effect of small-sized ulcers was removed from the analysis. Medium- and large-sized ulcers healed significantly faster with treatment (>= 40% rate of healing per month) than placebo or control ulcers (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Phototherapy promotes healing of chronic venous ulcers, particularly large recalcitrant ulcers that do not respond to conventional treatment.


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Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of photocoagulation with high-intensity diode laser in the treatment of venous lake (VL) lesions. Background Data: VL is a common vascular lesion characterized by elevated, usually dome-shaped papules, ranging in color from dark blue to dark purple, seen more frequently in elderly patients. They often occur as single lesions on the ears, face, lips, or neck. Once formed, lesions persist throughout life. Although these lesions are usually asymptomatic, they can bleed if injured. Methods: Seventeen patients (7 men and 10 women) with VL on the lip were treated using a noncontact diode laser (wavelength 808 nm, power output 2-3 W in continuous wave). Results: After only one irradiation exposure, all lesions were successfully treated. Healing was completed in approximately 2 to 3 weeks, and none of the patients experienced complications. Postoperative discomfort and scarring were not present or were minimal. Conclusion: Photocoagulation with high-intensity diode laser is an effective, bloodless procedure for the treatment of VL.


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Commercial passenger flights have been increasing around the world. The effect of these flights on health is unclear. Venous thromboembolism has been noted after recent long-distance airplane flight, even in the absence of other risk factors. Hypoxia caused by the low ambient pressure during flights could contribute, and individuals with obstructive sleep apnea may be particularly vulnerable. The association between the effects of long airplane travel and sleep-disordered breathing deserves further study. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.