982 resultados para Vehicle safety.


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A range of risk management initiatives have been introduced in organisations in attempt to reduce occupational road incidents. However a discrepancy exists between the initiatives that are frequently implemented in organisations and the initiatives that have demonstrated scientific merit in improving occupational road safety. Given that employees’ beliefs may facilitate or act as a barrier to implementing initiatives, it is important to understand whether initiatives with scientific merit are perceived to be effective by employees. To explore employee perceptions pertaining to occupational road safety initiatives, a questionnaire was administered to 679 employees sourced from four Australian organisations. Participants ranged in age from 18 years to 65 years (M = 42, SD = 11). Participants rated 35 initiatives based on how effective they thought they would be in improving road safety in their organisation. The initiatives perceived by employees to be most effective in managing occupational road risks comprised: making vehicle safety features standard e.g. passenger airbags; practical driver skills training; and investigation of serious vehicle incidents. The initiatives perceived to be least effective in managing occupational road risks comprised: signing a promise card commitment to drive safely; advertising the organisation’s phone number on vehicles for complaints and compliments; and consideration of driving competency in staff selection process. Employee perceptions were analysed at a factor level and at an initiative level. The mean scores for the three extracted factors revealed that employees believed occupational road risks could best be managed by the employer implementing engineering and human resource methods to enhance road safety. Initiatives relating to employer management of identified risk factors were perceived to be more effective than feedback or motivational methods that required employees to accept responsibility for their driving safety. Practitioners can use the findings from this study to make informed decisions about how they select, manage and market occupational safety initiatives.


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Vehicular accidents are one of the deadliest safety hazards and accordingly an immense concern of individuals and governments. Although, a wide range of active autonomous safety systems, such as advanced driving assistance and lane keeping support, are introduced to facilitate safer driving experience, these stand-alone systems have limited capabilities in providing safety. Therefore, cooperative vehicular systems were proposed to fulfill more safety requirements. Most cooperative vehicle-to-vehicle safety applications require relative positioning accuracy of decimeter level with an update rate of at least 10 Hz. These requirements cannot be met via direct navigation or differential positioning techniques. This paper studies a cooperative vehicle platform that aims to facilitate real-time relative positioning (RRP) among adjacent vehicles. The developed system is capable of exchanging both GPS position solutions and raw observations using RTCM-104 format over vehicular dedicated short range communication (DSRC) links. Real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning technique is integrated into the system to enable RRP to be served as an embedded real-time warning system. The 5.9 GHz DSRC technology is adopted as the communication channel among road-side units (RSUs) and on-board units (OBUs) to distribute GPS corrections data received from a nearby reference station via the Internet using cellular technologies, by means of RSUs, as well as to exchange the vehicular real-time GPS raw observation data. Ultimately, each receiving vehicle calculates relative positions of its neighbors to attain a RRP map. A series of real-world data collection experiments was conducted to explore the synergies of both DSRC and positioning systems. The results demonstrate a significant enhancement in precision and availability of relative positioning at mobile vehicles.


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Heavy-vehicle driving involves a challenging work environment and a high crash rate. We investigated the associations of sleepiness, sleep disorders, and work environment (including truck characteristics) with the risk of crashing between 2008 and 2011 in the Australian states of New South Wales and Western Australia. We conducted a case-control study of 530 heavy-vehicle drivers who had recently crashed and 517 heavy-vehicle drivers who had not. Drivers' crash histories, truck details, driving schedules, payment rates, sleep patterns, and measures of health were collected. Subjects wore a nasal flow monitor for 1 night to assess for obstructive sleep apnea. Driving schedules that included the period between midnight and 5:59 am were associated with increased likelihood of crashing (odds ratio = 3.42, 95% confidence interval: 2.04, 5.74), as were having an empty load (odds ratio = 2.61, 95% confidence interval: 1.72, 3.97) and being a less experienced driver (odds ratio = 3.25, 95% confidence interval: 2.37, 4.46). Not taking regular breaks and the lack of vehicle safety devices were also associated with increased crash risk. Despite the high prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea, it was not associated with the risk of a heavy-vehicle nonfatal, nonsevere crash. Scheduling of driving to avoid midnight-to-dawn driving and the use of more frequent rest breaks are likely to reduce the risk of heavy-vehicle nonfatal, nonsevere crashes by 2–3 times.


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Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death and injury among children aged between 4-14 years1,2 and premature graduation to adult seat belts2,3 and restraint misuse4 are common and known risk factors. Children are believed to prematurely graduate to adult belts and misuse the seat belt in booster seats if uncomfortable2,5,6. Although research has concentrated on educating parents and designing better restraints to reduce errors in use, comfort of the child in the restraint has not been studied. Currently there is no existing method for studying comfort in children in restraint systems, although self-report survey tools and pressure distribution mapping is commonly used to measure comfort among adult in vehicle seats. This poster presents preliminary results from work aimed at developing an appropriate method to measure comfort of children in vehicle restraint systems. The specific aims are to: 1. Examine the potential of using modified adult self-report/survey and pressure distribution mapping in children 2. Develop a video based, objective measure of comfort in children.


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The aim of this paper is to analyse the influence of the load centre of gravity on heavy vehicle acceleration. This analysis is done through a method in which a vehicle centre of gravity map is used. A model for the driving force is presented for bus, truck and tractor-semi trailer combinations. The proposed model takes into consideration the resistance forces (drag, rolling resistance, translation and rotation acceleration, climbing resistance) and the 4 X 2 traction system. The positions of the vehicle centre of gravity as a function of the position of the load centre of gravity are determined. The vehicle acceleration is calculated based on the position of the load centre of gravity. This study analyses the acceleration of one of the Mercedes-Benz do Brasil tractor-semitrailer vehicle. A comparison of the acceleration for different maximum adhesion coefficients and ramps are presented, showing new results. An example showing the variations of the load centre of gravity position with the acceleration time and distance is provided. The load centre of gravity position is important for vehicle safety and the efficiency and economy in the transportation of the load.


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Preformed structural reinforcements have shown good performance in crash tests, where the great advantage is their weight. These reinforcements are designed with the aim of increasing the rigidity of regions with large deformations, thus stabilising sections of the vehicle that work as load path during impact. The objective of this work is to show the application of structural reinforcements made of polymeric material PA66 in the field of vehicle safety, through finite element simulations. Simulations of frontal impact at 50 km/h and in ODB (offset deformable barrier) at 57 km/h configurations (standards such as ECE R-94 and ECE R-12) were performed in the software LS-DYNA R (R) and MADYMO (R). The simulations showed that the use of polymeric reinforcements leads to a 70% reduction in A-pillar intrusion, a 65% reduction in the displacement of the steering column and a 59% reduction in the deformation in the region of the occupant legs and feet. The level of occupant injuries was analysed by MADYMO (R) software, and a reduction of 23.5% in the chest compression and 80% in the tibia compression were verified. According to the standard, such conditions lead to an improvement in the occupant safety in a vehicle collision event.


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Recent developments in vehicle steering systems offer new opportunities to measure the steering torque and reliably estimate the vehicle sideslip and the tire-road friction coefficient. This paper presents an approach to vehicle stabilization that leverages these estimates to define state boundaries that exclude unstable vehicle dynamics and utilizes a model predictive envelope controller to bound the vehicle motion within this stable region of the state space. This approach provides a large operating region accessible by the driver and smooth interventions at the stability boundaries. Experimental results obtained with a steer-by-wire vehicle and a proof of envelope invariance demonstrate the efficacy of the envelope controller in controlling the vehicle at the limits of handling.


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This study will look at the passenger air bag (PAB) performance in a fix vehicle environment using Partial Low Risk Deployment (PLRD) as a strategy. This development will follow test methods against actual baseline vehicle data and Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 208 (FMVSS 208). FMVSS 208 states that PAB compliance in vehicle crash testing can be met using one of three deployment methods. The primary method suppresses PAB deployment, with the use of a seat weight sensor or occupant classification sensor (OCS), for three-year old and six-year old occupants including the presence of a child seat. A second method, PLRD allows deployment on all size occupants suppressing only for the presents of a child seat. A third method is Low Risk Deployment (LRD) which allows PAB deployment in all conditions, all statures including any/all child seats. This study outlines a PLRD development solution for achieving FMVSS 208 performance. The results of this study should provide an option for system implementation including opportunities for system efficiency and other considerations. The objective is to achieve performance levels similar too or incrementally better than the baseline vehicles National Crash Assessment Program (NCAP) Star rating. In addition, to define systemic flexibility where restraint features can be added or removed while improving occupant performance consistency to the baseline. A certified vehicles’ air bag system will typically remain in production until the vehicle platform is redesigned. The strategy to enable the PLRD hypothesis will be to first match the baseline out of position occupant performance (OOP) for the three and six-year old requirements. Second, improve the 35mph belted 5th percentile female NCAP star rating over the baseline vehicle. Third establish an equivalent FMVSS 208 certification for the 25mph unbelted 50th percentile male. FMVSS 208 high-speed requirement defines the federal minimum crash performance required for meeting frontal vehicle crash-test compliance. The intent of NCAP 5-Star rating is to provide the consumer with information about crash protection, beyond what is required by federal law. In this study, two vehicles segments were used for testing to compare and contrast to their baseline vehicles performance. Case Study 1 (CS1) used a cross over vehicle platform and Case Study 2 (CS2) used a small vehicle segment platform as their baselines. In each case study, the restraints systems were from different restraint supplier manufactures and each case contained that suppliers approach to PLRD. CS1 incorporated a downsized twins shaped bag, a carryover inflator, standard vents, and a strategic positioned bag diffuser to help disperse the flow of gas to improve OOP. The twin shaped bag with two segregated sections (lobes) to enabled high-speed baseline performance correlation on the HYGE Sled. CS2 used an A-Symmetric (square shape) PAB with standard size vents, including a passive vent, to obtain OOP similar to the baseline. The A-Symmetric shape bag also helped to enabled high-speed baseline performance improvements in HYGE Sled testing in CS2. The anticipated CS1 baseline vehicle-pulse-index (VPI) target was in the range of 65-67. However, actual dynamic vehicle (barrier) testing was overshadowed with the highest crash pulse from the previous tested vehicles with a VPI of 71. The result from the 35mph NCAP Barrier test was a solid 4-Star (4.7 Star) respectfully. In CS2, the vehicle HYGE Sled development VPI range, from the baseline was 61-62 respectively. Actual NCAP test produced a chest deflection result of 26mm versus the anticipated baseline target of 12mm. The initial assessment of this condition was thought to be due to the vehicles significant VPI increase to 67. A subsequent root cause investigation confirmed a data integrity issue due to the instrumentation. In an effort to establish a true vehicle test data point a second NCAP test was performed but faced similar instrumentation issues. As a result, the chest deflect hit the target of 12.1mm; however a femur load spike, similar to the baseline, now skewed the results. With noted level of performance improvement in chest deflection, the NCAP star was assessed as directional for 5-Star capable performance. With an actual rating of 3-Star due to instrumentation, using data extrapolation raised the ratings to 5-Star. In both cases, no structural changes were made to the surrogate vehicle and the results in each case matched their perspective baseline vehicle platforms. These results proved the PLRD is viable for further development and production implementation.


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"Reprint from the Code of Virginia of 1950 and the 1952 cumulative supplement."


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, Washington, D.C.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.