990 resultados para Vehicle Power Trains.


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In this paper a novel approach to the design and fabrication of a high temperature inverter module for hybrid electrical vehicles is presented. Firstly, SiC power electronic devices are considered in place of the conventional Si devices. Use of SiC raises the maximum practical operating junction temperature to well over 200°C, giving much greater thermal headroom between the chips and the coolant. In the first fabrication, a SiC Schottky barrier diode (SBD) replaces the Si pin diode and is paired with a Si-IGBT. Secondly, double-sided cooling is employed, in which the semiconductor chips are sandwiched between two substrate tiles. The tiles provide electrical connections to the top and the bottom of the chips, thus replacing the conventional wire bonded interconnect. Each tile assembly supports two IGBTs and two SBDs in a half-bridge configuration. Both sides of the assembly are cooled directly using a high-performance liquid impingement system. Specific features of the design ensure that thermo-mechanical stresses are controlled so as to achieve long thermal cycling life. A prototype 10 kW inverter module is described incorporating three half-bridge sandwich assemblies, gate drives, dc-link capacitance and two heat-exchangers. This achieves a volumetric power density of 30W/cm3.


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In the laser induced thermal fatigue simulation test on pistons, the high power laser was transformed from the incident Gaussian beam into a concentric multi-circular pattern with specific intensity ratio. The spatial intensity distribution of the shaped beam, which determines the temperature field in the piston, must be designed before a diffractive optical element (DOE) can be manufactured. In this paper, a reverse method based on finite element model (FEM) was proposed to design the intensity distribution in order to simulate the thermal loadings on pistons. Temperature fields were obtained by solving a transient three-dimensional heat conduction equation with convective boundary conditions at the surfaces of the piston workpiece. The numerical model then was validated by approaching the computational results to the experimental data. During the process, some important parameters including laser absorptivity, convective heat transfer coefficient, thermal conductivity and Biot number were also validated. Then, optimization procedure was processed to find favorable spatial intensity distribution for the shaped beam, with the aid of the validated FEM. The analysis shows that the reverse method incorporated with numerical simulation can reduce design cycle and design expense efficiently. This method can serve as a kind of virtual experimental vehicle as well, which makes the thermal fatigue simulation test more controllable and predictable. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The temporal structure of neuronal spike trains in the visual cortex can provide detailed information about the stimulus and about the neuronal implementation of visual processing. Spike trains recorded from the macaque motion area MT in previous studies (Newsome et al., 1989a; Britten et al., 1992; Zohary et al., 1994) are analyzed here in the context of the dynamic random dot stimulus which was used to evoke them. If the stimulus is incoherent, the spike trains can be highly modulated and precisely locked in time to the stimulus. In contrast, the coherent motion stimulus creates little or no temporal modulation and allows us to study patterns in the spike train that may be intrinsic to the cortical circuitry in area MT. Long gaps in the spike train evoked by the preferred direction motion stimulus are found, and they appear to be symmetrical to bursts in the response to the anti-preferred direction of motion. A novel cross-correlation technique is used to establish that the gaps are correlated between pairs of neurons. Temporal modulation is also found in psychophysical experiments using a modified stimulus. A model is made that can account for the temporal modulation in terms of the computational theory of biological image motion processing. A frequency domain analysis of the stimulus reveals that it contains a repeated power spectrum that may account for psychophysical and electrophysiological observations.

Some neurons tend to fire bursts of action potentials while others avoid burst firing. Using numerical and analytical models of spike trains as Poisson processes with the addition of refractory periods and bursting, we are able to account for peaks in the power spectrum near 40 Hz without assuming the existence of an underlying oscillatory signal. A preliminary examination of the local field potential reveals that stimulus-locked oscillation appears briefly at the beginning of the trial.


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A novel high-average-power pulsed CO2 laser with a unique electrode structure is presented. The operation of a 5-kW transverse-flow CO2 laser with the preionized pulse-train switched technique results in pulsation of the laser power, and the average laser power is about 5 kW. The characteristic of this technique is switching the preionized pulses into pulse trains so as to use the small preionized power (hundreds of watts) to control the large main-discharge power (tens of kilowatts). By this means, the cost and the complexity of the power supply are greatly reduced. The welding of LF2, LF21, LD2, and LY12 aluminum alloy plates has been successfully achieved using this laser. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A novel high-average-power pulsed CO2 laser with a unique electrode structure is presented. The operation of a 5-kW transverse-flow CO2 laser with the preionized pulse-train switched technique results in pulsation of the laser power, and the average laser power is about 5 kW. The characteristic of this technique is switching the preionized pulses into pulse trains so as to use the small preionized power (hundreds of watts) to control the large main-discharge power (tens of kilowatts). By this means, the cost and the complexity of the power supply are greatly reduced. The welding of LF2, LF21, LD2, and LY12 aluminum alloy plates has been successfully achieved using this laser. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A new experimental articulated vehicle with computer-controlled suspensions is used to investigate the benefits of active roll control for heavy vehicles. The mechanical hardware, the instrumentation, and the distributed control architecture are detailed. A simple roll-plane model is developed and validated against experimental data, and used to design a controller based on lateral acceleration feedback. The controller is implemented and tested on the experimental vehicle. By tilting both the tractor drive axle and the trailer inwards, substantial reductions in normalized lateral load transfer are obtained, both in steady state and transient conditions. Power requirements are also considered. © IMechE 2005.


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A popular method used to reduce vibration transmitted from underground railways into nearby buildings is floating-slab track, whereby a concrete slab supporting the two rails is mounted on rubber bearings or steel springs to isolate it from the tunnel invert. This paper adds a track model to a previously developed three-dimensional tunnel model in order to assess the effectiveness of floating-slab track. A slab beam coupled to the tunnel in the wavenumber domain, with the slab bearings represented by an elastic layer, is examined first. A second beam representing the two rails together is then coupled to the slab, and axle masses representing a train are added to the rail beam. Power-spectral densities and RMS levels of soil vibration due to random roughness-displacement excitation between the masses and the rail beam are calculated. Analytical techniques are used to minimise the computational requirements of the model. The results demonstrate the inadequacy of simple mass-spring and Winkler-beam models with rigid foundations for the assessment of the vibration-isolation performance of railway track. They suggest that the achievable insertion loss is modest and that floating the track slab may in fact cause increased transmission of vibration under certain conditions. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In [5] it was shown that, for a standard quarter-car vehicle model and a road disturbance whose velocity profile is white noise of intensity A, the mean power dissipated in the suspension is equal to kA/2 where k is the tyre vertical stiffness. It is remarkable that the power dissipation turns out to be independent of all masses and suspension parameters. The proof in [5] makes use of a spectral formulation of white noise and is specific to linear systems. This paper casts the result in a more general form and shows that it follows from a simple application of Ito calculus. © 2012 IEEE.


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This paper investigates the fundamental trade-offs involved in designing energy-regenerative suspensions, in particular, focusing on efficiency of power extraction and its effect on vehicle dynamics and control. It is shown that typical regenerative devices making use of linear-to-rotational elements can be modelled as a parallel arrangement of an inerter and a dissipative admittance. Taking account of typical adjustable parameters of the generator, it is shown, for a given suspension damping coefficient, that the power efficiency ratio scales with inertance. For a typical passenger vehicle, it is shown that there is a feasible compromise, namely that good efficiency is achievable with an inertance value that is not detrimental to vehicle performance. A prototype is designed and tested with a resistive termination and experimental results show good agreement between ideal and experimental admittances. The possibility to use dynamic (rather than purely resistive) loads to improve vehicle control without limiting the energy recovery is discussed. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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This thesis is focused on the investigation of magnetic materials for high-power dcdc converters in hybrid and fuel cell vehicles and the development of an optimized high-power inductor for a multi-phase converter. The thesis introduces the power system architectures for hybrid and fuel cell vehicles. The requirements for power electronic converters are established and the dc-dc converter topologies of interest are introduced. A compact and efficient inductor is critical to reduce the overall cost, weight and volume of the dc-dc converter and optimize vehicle driving range and traction power. Firstly, materials suitable for a gapped CC-core inductor are analyzed and investigated. A novel inductor-design algorithm is developed and automated in order to compare and contrast the various magnetic materials over a range of frequencies and ripple ratios. The algorithm is developed for foil-wound inductors with gapped CC-cores in the low (10 kHz) to medium (30 kHz) frequency range and investigates the materials in a natural-convection-cooled environment. The practical effects of frequency, ripple, air-gap fringing, and thermal configuration are investigated next for the iron-based amorphous metal and 6.5 % silicon steel materials. A 2.5 kW converter is built to verify the optimum material selection and thermal configuration over the frequency range and ripple ratios of interest. Inductor size can increase in both of these laminated materials due to increased airgap fringing losses. Distributing the airgap is demonstrated to reduce the inductor losses and size but has practical limitations for iron-based amorphous metal cores. The effects of the manufacturing process are shown to degrade the iron-based amorphous metal multi-cut core loss. The experimental results also suggest that gap loss is not a significant consideration in these experiments. The predicted losses by the equation developed by Reuben Lee and cited by Colonel McLyman are significantly higher than the experimental results suggest. Iron-based amorphous metal has better preformance than 6.5 % silicon steel when a single cut core and natural-convection-cooling are used. Conduction cooling, rather than natural convection, can result in the highest power density inductor. The cooling for these laminated materials is very dependent on the direction of the lamination and the component mounting. Experimental results are produced showing the effects of lamination direction on the cooling path. A significant temperature reduction is demonstrated for conduction cooling versus natural-convection cooling. Iron-based amorphous metal and 6.5% silicon steel are competitive materials when conduction cooled. A novel inductor design algorithm is developed for foil-wound inductors with gapped CC-cores for conduction cooling of core and copper. Again, conduction cooling, rather than natural convection, is shown to reduce the size and weight of the inductor. The weight of the 6.5 % silicon steel inductor is reduced by around a factor of ten compared to natural-convection cooling due to the high thermal conductivity of the material. The conduction cooling algorithm is used to develop high-power custom inductors for use in a high power multi-phase boost converter. Finally, a high power digitally-controlled multi-phase boost converter system is designed and constructed to test the high-power inductors. The performance of the inductors is compared to the predictions used in the design process and very good correlation is achieved. The thesis results have been documented at IEEE APEC, PESC and IAS conferences in 2007 and at the IEEE EPE conference in 2008.


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The Irish government set a target in 2008 that 10% of all vehicles in the transport fleet be powered by electricity by 2020. Similar electric vehicle targets have been introduced in other countries. In this study the effects of 213,561 electric vehicles on the operation of the single wholesale electricity market for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland is investigated. A model of Ireland’s electricity market in 2020 is developed using the power systems market model called PLEXOS for power systems. The amount of CO2 emissions associated with charging the EVs and the impacts with respect to Ireland’s target for renewable energy in transport is also quantified. A single generation portfolio and two different charging scenarios, arising from a peak and off-peak charging profile are considered. Results from the study confirm that offpeak charging is more beneficial than peak charging and that charging EVs will contribute 1.45% energy supply to the 10% renewable energy in transport target. The net CO2 reductions are 147 and 210 kt CO2 respectively.


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Hybrid vehicles can use energy storage systems to disconnect the engine from the driving wheels of the vehicle. This enables the engine to be run closer to its optimum operating condition, but fuel energy is still wasted through the exhaust system as heat. The use of a turbogenerator on the exhaust line addresses this problem by capturing some of the otherwise wasted heat and converting it into useful electrical energy.

This paper outlines the work undertaken to model the engine of a diesel-electric hybrid bus, coupled with a hybrid powertrain model which analysed the performance of a hybrid vehicle over a drive-cycle. The distribution of the turbogenerator power was analysed along with the effect on the fuel consumption of the bus. This showed that including the turbogenerator produced a 2.4% reduction in fuel consumption over a typical drive-cycle.

The hybrid bus generator was then optimised to improve the performance of the combined vehicle/engine package and the turbogenerator was then shown to offer a 3.0% reduction in fuel consumption. The financial benefits of using the turbogenerator were also considered in terms of fuel savings for operators. For an average bus, a turbogenerator could reduce fuel costs by around £1200 per year.