897 resultados para Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1


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Outre les facteurs métaboliques et hémodynamiques, l’inflammation est actuellement considérée comme un facteur pathogénique potentiel de la néphropathie diabétique (ND), pouvant contribuer à l’initiation et à la progression de la maladie. Les mécanismes menant au développement de l’inflammation rénale dans la ND sont encore peu connus, bien qu’une augmentation d’activité des systèmes rénine angiotensine (RAS) et de l’endothéline (ET) semble y contribuer. L’objectif général de cette étude mono-centre, à double aveugle, randomisée et incluant un groupe placebo était de démontrer que l’inhibition simultanée du RAS et du système de l’ET chez des patients avec ND induisait des effets rénoprotecteurs et anti-inflammatoires supérieurs à ceux observés par blocage du RAS seul. L’objectif spécifique de notre étude était d’évaluer la possibilité que l’administration d’un bloqueur des récepteurs de l’ET-1, le bosentan, à des patients atteints de ND et traités par bloqueurs des récepteurs de l’angiotensine II (BRA), réduisait, chez ces derniers, la protéinurie et les marqueurs inflammatoires systémiques et rénaux. Ce travail constitue un rapport d’un cas clinique et illustre les résultats obtenus suite à l’administration pendant 16 semaines du bosentan chez un patient diabétique de type 2 avec néphropathie clinique traité au long cours par BRA. Le protocole de recherche comprenait 6 visites médicales à 4 semaines d’intervalle, la première visite (V1) correspondant au recrutement du patient, la deuxième visite (V2) constituant le temps 0 de l’étude et la dernière visite (V6) représentant la fin de l’étude. Des échantillons de sang et d’urine étaient prélevés à 3 reprises soit à V2, V4 c’est-à-dire 8 semaines après le début du traitement et à V6 soit 16 semaines après le début du traitement pour mesure des taux sériques et urinaires de divers facteurs pro-inflammatoires incluant l’ET-1, le facteur de nécrose tumorale alpha (TNF-α), l’interleukine-6 (IL-6), le facteur chémoattractant des monocytes-1 (MCP-1), la molécule d’adhésion intracellulaire-1 (ICAM-1), la molécule d’adhésion vasculaire-1 (VCAM-1) et la protéine C-réactive (CRP). Un profil lipidique était aussi déterminé au début et à la fin de l’étude. La fonction rénale était mesurée aux visites V1, V2, V4 et V6 par détermination du taux de filtration glomérulaire (TFG) et de l’excrétion urinaire d’albumine (UAE). Des tests biochimiques de routine étaient aussi faits à chaque visite. La corrélation entre les paramètres inflammatoires et rénaux sous étude et la filtration glomérulaire était enfin déterminée. Nos résultats chez ce sujet ont démontré que le bosentan réduisait l’UAE de 32 % et 35% aux semaines 8 et 16, et ce, sans affecter la pression artérielle ou la filtration glomérulaire. L'effet anti-protéinurique du bosentan était associé à une réduction des concentrations urinaires de VCAM-1, ICAM-1, IL-6, TNF-α et d’ET-1 ainsi qu’à une diminution des concentrations sériques de TNF-α. Le changement dans la protéinurie était corrélé de manière positive avec les changements des niveaux urinaires de VCAM-1 (r=0.86), ICAM-1 (r=0.88), ET-1 (r=0.94), et du TNF-α (r=0.96) ainsi qu’avec les changements des niveaux sériques de TNF-α (r=0.98). Ces données suggèrent que l’inhibition du système de l’ET induit dans la ND des effets rénoprotecteurs additifs à ceux observés par blocage du RAS seul. Ils supportent le concept que l’activation du système de l’ET au niveau rénal, par ses effets inflammatoires, puisse jouer un rôle important dans la pathogenèse de la ND. L’effet anti-inflammatoire et anti-protéinurique du bosentan constitue une découverte intéressante susceptible d’engendrer dans le futur une alternative thérapeutique et préventive dans la prise en charge de la ND.


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ANTECEDENTES: En Colombia, reportes del año 2010 de la Encuesta Nacional de la Situación en Nutrición ENSIN 2010(2), muestran uno de cada dos colombianos, presentan un índice de masa corporal mayor al esperado (3) METODO: El presente estudio de corte transversal, determino la prevalencia de obesidad y otros factores de riesgo cardiovascular en una población de estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud de una Universidad regional en el primer periodo académico del año 2013. El tamaño de muestra fue n=113 sujetos que corresponden 60,5% a la carrera de medicina y 39,95% a enfermería. Con el fin de conocer su comportamiento con respecto a hábitos y estilos de vida específicos como el consumo de alcohol, el consumo de tabaco y el sedentarismo, así como su asociación a eventos inflamatorios relacionados con la fisiopatología de los procesos de salud asociados al peso, por medio de instrumentos de medición clínica, antropométrica y sérica, determino un modelo estadístico propicio para entender el comportamiento de la obesidad y la enfermedad Cardiovascular RESULTADOS: La prevalencia estimada de sobrepeso y obesidad por Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC), fue del 27,7% (IC 95%: 19.9%,37.2%); por el perímetro abdominal (OBPABD) se encontró una prevalencia estimada del 27,4% (IC 95%: 19,9% – 36,4%), y la prevalencia con el Índice Cintura Cadera (OBICC) fue de 3,5% (IC 95%:1,3% – 9,3%). CONCLUSIONES: La presencia de hábitos no saludables y la presencia de sobrepeso y obesidad se considera que es necesario en primera instancia una valoración general de estado nutricional de los universitarios de las diferentes facultados y plantear estrategias preventivas ya que la literatura documenta los efectos de los hábitos no saludables sino además documenta los efectos de la prevención de la misma ya que en si se ha encontrado asociación para enfermedades cardiovasculares. Se propone que para obtener mayor información del comportamiento de los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares se deberían realizar estudios retrospectivos en el que intervengan las demás carreras de la universidad y poder evaluar la totalidad de población universitaria


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The aim of the current study was to investigate the antioxidant and cellular activity of the olive oil phenolics oleuropein, tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, and homovanillic alcohol (which is also a major metabolite of hydroxytyrosol). Well-characterized chemical and biochemical assays were used to assess the antioxidant potential of the compounds. Further experiments investigated their influence in cell culture on cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide and oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL), nitric oxide production by activated macrophages, and secretion of chemoattractant and cell adhesion molecules by the endothelium. Inhibitory influences on in vitro platelet aggregation were also measured. The antioxidant assays indicated that homovanillic alcohol was a significantly more potent antioxidant than the other phenolics, both in chemical assays and in prolonging the lag phase of LDL oxidation. Cell culture experiments suggested that the olive oil phenolics induce a significant reduction in the secretion of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (and a trend towards a reduced secretion of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1), and protect against cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide and oxidized LDL. However, no influence on nitric oxide production or platelet aggregation was evident. The data show that olive oil phenolics have biochemical and cellular actions, which, if also apparent in vivo, could exert cardioprotective effects.


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Soy isoflavones have been extensively studied because of their possible benefits to human health. Genistein, the major isoflavone aglycone, has received most attention; however, it undergoes extensive metabolism (e.g. conjugation with sulfuric acid) in the gut and liver, which may affect its biological proper-ties. This study investigated the antioxidant activity and free radical-scavenging properties of genistein, genistein-4'-sulfate and genistein-4'-7-disulfate as well as their effect on platelet aggregation and monocyte and endothelial function. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR) and spin trapping data and other standard antioxidant assays indicated that genistein is a relatively weak antioxidant compared to quercetin and that its sulfated metabolites are even less effective. Furthermore, genistein-4'-sulfate was less potent than genistem, and genistein-4'-7-disulfate even less potent, at inhibiting collagen-induced platelet aggregation, nitric oxide (NO) production by macrophages, and secretion by primary human endothelial cells of monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1). The current data suggest that sulfation of genistein, with the associated loss of hydroxyl groups, decreases its antioxidant activity and its effect on platelet aggregation, inflammation, cell adhesion and chemotaxis. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The increase in CVD incidence following the menopause is associated with oestrogen loss. Dietary isoflavones are thought to be cardioprotective via their oestrogenic and oestrogen receptor-independent effects, but evidence to support this role is scarce. Individual variation in response to diet may be considerable and can obscure potential beneficial effects in a sample population; in particular, the response to isoflavone treatment may vary according to genotype and equol-production status. The effects of isoflavone supplementation (50hairspmg/d) on a range of established and novel biomarkers of CVD, including markers of lipid and glucose metabolism and inflammatory biomarkers, have been investigated in a placebo-controlled 2x8-week randomised cross-over study in 117 healthy post-menopausal women. Responsiveness to isoflavone supplementation according to (1) single nucleotide polymorphisms in a range of key CVD genes, including oestrogen receptor (ER) alpha and beta and (2) equol-production status has been examined. Isoflavones supplementation was found to have no effect on markers of lipids and glucose metabolism. Isoflavones improve C-reactive protein concentrations but do not affect other plasma inflammatory markers. There are no differences in response to isoflavones according to equol-production status. However, differences in HDL-cholesterol and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 response to isoflavones v. placebo are evident with specific ER beta genotypes. In conclusion, isoflavones have beneficial effects on C-reactive protein, but not other cardiovascular risk markers. However, specific ER beta gene polymorphic subgroups may benefit from isoflavone supplementation.


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The aim of the current study was to investigate the antioxidant and cellular activity of the olive oil phenolics oleuropein, tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, and homovanillic alcohol (which is also a major metabolite of hydroxytyrosol). Well-characterized chemical and biochemical assays were used to assess the antioxidant potential of the compounds. Further experiments investigated their influence in cell culture on cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide and oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL), nitric oxide production by activated macrophages, and secretion of chemoattractant and cell adhesion molecules by the endothelium. Inhibitory influences on in vitro platelet aggregation were also measured. The antioxidant assays indicated that homovanillic alcohol was a significantly more potent antioxidant than the other phenolics, both in chemical assays and in prolonging the lag phase of LDL oxidation. Cell culture experiments suggested that the olive oil phenolics induce a significant reduction in the secretion of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (and a trend towards a reduced secretion of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1), and protect against cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide and oxidized LDL. However, no influence on nitric oxide production or platelet aggregation was evident. The data show that olive oil phenolics have biochemical and cellular actions, which, if also apparent in vivo, could exert cardioprotective effects.


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Soy isoflavones have been extensively studied because of their possible benefits to human health. Genistein, the major isoflavone aglycone, has received most attention; however, it undergoes extensive metabolism (e.g. conjugation with sulfuric acid) in the gut and liver, which may affect its biological proper-ties. This study investigated the antioxidant activity and free radical-scavenging properties of genistein, genistein-4'-sulfate and genistein-4'-7-disulfate as well as their effect on platelet aggregation and monocyte and endothelial function. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR) and spin trapping data and other standard antioxidant assays indicated that genistein is a relatively weak antioxidant compared to quercetin and that its sulfated metabolites are even less effective. Furthermore, genistein-4'-sulfate was less potent than genistem, and genistein-4'-7-disulfate even less potent, at inhibiting collagen-induced platelet aggregation, nitric oxide (NO) production by macrophages, and secretion by primary human endothelial cells of monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1). The current data suggest that sulfation of genistein, with the associated loss of hydroxyl groups, decreases its antioxidant activity and its effect on platelet aggregation, inflammation, cell adhesion and chemotaxis. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Background: Dietary isoflavones are thought to be cardioprotective because of their structural similarity to estrogen. The reduction of concentrations of circulating inflammatory markers by estrogen may be one of the mechanisms by which premenopausal women are protected against cardiovascular disease. Objective: Our aim was to investigate the effects of isolated soy isoflavones on inflammatory biomarkers [von Willebrand factor, intracellular adhesion molecule 1, vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1), E-selectin, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, C-reactive protein (CRP), and endothelin 1 concentrations]. Differences with respect to single-nucleotide polymorphisms in selected genes [estrogen receptor alpha (XbaI and PvuII), estrogen receptor beta [ER beta (AluI) and ER beta[cx] (Tsp5091), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (Glu298Asp), apolipoprotein E (Apo E2, E3, and E4), and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (TaqIB)] and equol production were investigated. Design: One hundred seventeen healthy European postmenopausal women participated in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover dietary intervention trial. Isoflavone-enriched (genistein-to-daidzein ratio of 2:1;50 mg/d) or placebo cereal bars were consumed for 8 wk, with a washout period of 8 wk between the crossover. Plasma inflammatory factors were measured at 0 and 8 wk of each study arm. Results: Isoflavones improved CRP concentrations [odds ratio (95% Cl) for CRP values >1 mg/L for isoflavone compared with placebo: 0.43 (0.27, 0.69)]; no significant effects of isoflavone treatment on other plasma inflammatory markers were observed. No significant differences in the response to isoflavones were observed according to subgroups of equol production. Differences in the VCAM-1 response to isoflavones and to placebo were found with ER beta AluI genotypes. Conclusion: Isoflavones have beneficial effects on CRP concentrations, but not on other inflammatory biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk in postmenopausal women, and may improve VCAM-1 in an ER beta gene polymorphic subgroup.


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BACKGROUND: Whether the type of dietary fat could alter cardiometabolic responses to a hypercaloric diet is unknown. In addition, subclinical cardiometabolic consequences of moderate weight gain require further study. METHODS AND RESULTS: In a 7-week, double-blind, parallel-group, randomized controlled trial, 39 healthy, lean individuals (mean age of 27±4) consumed muffins (51% of energy [%E] from fat and 44%E refined carbohydrates) providing 750 kcal/day added to their habitual diets. All muffins had identical contents, except for type of fat; sunflower oil rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA diet) or palm oil rich in saturated fatty acids (SFA diet). Despite comparable weight gain in the 2 groups, total: high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein:HDL cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B:AI ratios decreased during the PUFA versus the SFA diet (-0.37±0.59 versus +0.07±0.29, -0.31±0.49 versus +0.05±0.28, and -0.07±0.11 versus +0.01±0.07, P=0.003, P=0.007, and P=0.01 for between-group differences), whereas no significant differences were observed for other cardiometabolic risk markers. In the whole group (ie, independently of fat type), body weight increased (+2.2%, P<0.001) together with increased plasma proinsulin (+21%, P=0.007), insulin (+17%, P=0.003), proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9, (+9%, P=0.008) fibroblast growth factor-21 (+31%, P=0.04), endothelial markers vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, intercellular adhesion molecule-1, and E-selectin (+9, +5, and +10%, respectively, P<0.01 for all), whereas nonesterified fatty acids decreased (-28%, P=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Excess energy from PUFA versus SFA reduces atherogenic lipoproteins. Modest weight gain in young individuals induces hyperproinsulinemia and increases biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction, effects that may be partly outweighed by the lipid-lowering effects of PUFA. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL: http://ClinicalTrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01427140.


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Interleukin-6 (IL-6) plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). It exerts its cellular effects by a membrane-bound IL-6 receptor (IL-6R), or, alternatively, by forming a complex with the soluble IL-6R (sIL-6R), a process named IL-6 transsignalling. Here we investigate the role of IL-6 transsignalling in myelin basic protein (MBP)-induced EAE in the Lewis rat. In vivo blockade of IL-6 transsignalling by the injection of a specifically designed gp130-Fc fusion protein significantly delayed the onset of adoptively transferred EAE in comparison to control rats injected with PBS or isotype IgG. Histological evaluation on day 3 after immunization revealed reduced numbers of T cells and macrophages in the lumbar spinal cord of gp130-Fc treated rats. At the same time, blockade of IL-6 transsignalling resulted in a reduced expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 on spinal cord microvessels while experiments in cell culture failed to show a direct effect on the regulation of endothelial adhesion molecules. In experiments including active EAE and T cell culture, inhibition of IL-6 transsignalling mildly increased T cell proliferation, but did not change severity of active MBP-EAE or regulate Th1/Th17 responses. We conclude that IL-6 transsignalling may play a role in autoimmune inflammation of the CNS mainly by regulating early expression of adhesion molecules, possibly via cellular networks at the blood-brain barrier.


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OBJECTIVE: This study sought to characterize the inflammatory infiltrate in ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm in patients with Marfan syndrome, familial thoracic aortic aneurysm, or nonfamilial thoracic aortic aneurysm. BACKGROUND: Thoracic aortic aneurysms are associated with a pathologic lesion termed "medial degeneration," which is described as a noninflammatory lesion. Thoracic aortic aneurysms are a complication of Marfan syndrome and can be inherited in an autosomal dominant manner of familial thoracic aortic aneurysm. METHODS: Full aortic segments were collected from patients undergoing elective repair with Marfan syndrome (n = 5), familial thoracic aortic aneurysm (n = 6), and thoracic aortic aneurysms (n = 9), along with control aortas (n = 5). Immunohistochemistry staining was performed using antibodies directed against markers of lymphocytes and macrophages. Real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis was performed to quantify the expression level of the T-cell receptor beta-chain variable region gene. RESULTS: Immunohistochemistry of thoracic aortic aneurysm aortas demonstrated that the media and adventitia from Marfan syndrome, familial thoracic aortic aneurysm, and sporadic cases had increased numbers of T lymphocytes and macrophages when compared with control aortas. The number of T cells and macrophages in the aortic media of the aneurysm correlated inversely with the patient's age at the time of prophylactic surgical repair of the aorta. T-cell receptor profiling indicated a similar clonal nature of the T cells in the aortic wall in a majority of aneurysms, whether the patient had Marfan syndrome, familial thoracic aortic aneurysm, or sporadic disease. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the infiltration of inflammatory cells contributes to the pathogenesis of thoracic aortic aneurysms. Superantigen-driven stimulation of T lymphocytes in the aortic tissues of patients with thoracic aortic aneurysms may contribute to the initial immune response.


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BACKGROUND Everolimus reduces the progression of cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) in de novo heart transplant (HTx) recipients, but the influence on established CAV is unknown. METHODS In this Nordic Certican Trial in Heart and lung Transplantation substudy, 111 maintenance HTx recipients (time post-HTx 5.8 ± 4.3 years) randomized to everolimus+reduced calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) or standard CNI had matching (intravascular ultrasound) examinations at baseline and 12 months allowing accurate assessment of CAV progression. RESULTS No significant difference in CAV progression was evident between the treatment groups (P = 0.30). When considering patients receiving concomitant azathioprine (AZA) therapy (n = 39), CAV progression was attenuated with everolimus versus standard CNI (Δmaximal intimal thickness 0.00 ± 0.04 and 0.04 ± 0.04 mm, Δpercent atheroma volume 0.2% ± 3.0% and 2.6% ± 2.5%, and Δtotal atheroma volume 0.25 ± 14.1 and 19.8 ± 20.4 mm(3), respectively [P < 0.05]). When considering patients receiving mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), accelerated CAV progression occurred with everolimus versus standard CNI (Δmaximal intimal thickness 0.06 ± 0.12 vs. 0.02 ± 0.06 mm and Δpercent atheroma volume 4.0% ± 6.3% vs. 1.4% ± 3.1%, respectively; P < 0.05). The levels of C-reactive protein and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 declined significantly with AZA+everolimus, whereas MMF+everolimus patients demonstrated a significant increase in levels of C-reactive protein, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, and von Willebrand factor. CONCLUSIONS Conversion to everolimus and reduced CNI does not influence CAV progression among maintenance HTx recipients. However, background immunosuppressive therapy is important as AZA+everolimus patients demonstrated attenuated CAV progression and a decline in inflammatory markers, whereas the opposite pattern was seen with everolimus+MMF. The different effect of everolimus when combined with AZA versus MMF could potentially reflect hitherto unknown interactions.


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Use of Echogenic Immunoliposomes for Delivery of both Drug and Stem Cells for Inhibition of Atheroma Progression By Ali K. Naji B.S. Advisor: Dr. Melvin E. Klegerman PhD Background and significance: Echogenic liposomes can be used as drug and cell delivery vehicles that reduce atheroma progression. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a signal protein that induces vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. VEGF functionally induces migration and proliferation of endothelial cells and increases intracellular vascular permeability. VEGF activates angiogenic transduction factors through VEGF tyrosine kinase domains in high-affinity receptors of endothelial cells. Bevacizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody specific for VEGF-A which was developed as an anti-tumor agent. Often, anti-VEGF agents result in regression of existing microvessels, inhibiting tumor growth and possibly causing tumor shrinkage with time. During atheroma progression neovasculation in the arterial adventitia is mediated by VEGF. Therefore, bevacizumab may be effective in inhibiting atheroma progression. Stem cells show an ability to inhibit atheroma progression. We have previously demonstrated that monocyte derived CD-34+ stem cells that can be delivered to atheroma by bifunctional-ELIP ( BF-ELIP) targeted to Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and CD-34. Adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) are expressed by endothelial cells under inflammatory conditions. Ultrasound enhanced liposomal targeting provides a method for stem cell delivery into atheroma and encapsulated drug release. This project is designed to examine the ability of echogenic liposomes to deliver bevacizumab and stem cells to inhibit atheroma progression and neovasculation with and without ultrasound in vitro and optimize the ultrasound parameters for delivery of bevacizumab and stem cells to atheroma. V Hypotheses: Previous studies showed that endothelial cell VEGF expression may relate to atherosclerosis progression and atheroma formation in the cardiovascular system. Bevacizumab-loaded ELIP will inhibit endothelial cell VEGF expression in vitro. Bevacizumab activity can be enhanced by pulsed Doppler ultrasound treatment of BEV-ELIP. I will also test the hypothesis that the transwell culture system can serve as an in vitro model for study of US-enhanced targeted delivery of stem cells to atheroma. Monocyte preparations will serve as a source of CD34+ stem cells. Specific Aims: Induce VEGF expression using PKA and PKC activation factors to endothelial cell cultures and use western blot and ELISA techniques to detect the expressed VEGF.  Characterize the relationship between endothelial cell proliferation and VEGF expression to develop a specific EC culture based system to demonstrate BEV-ELIP activity as an anti-VEGF agent. Design a cell-based assay for in vitro assessment of ultrasound-enhanced bevacizumab release from echogenic liposomes.  Demonstrate ultrasound delivery enhancement of stem cells by applying different types of liposomes on transwell EC culture using fluorescently labeled monocytes and detect the effect on migration and attachment rate of these echogenic liposomes with and without ultrasound in vitro.


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Introduction: It is widely accepted that obesity is associated with endothelial dysfunction. In a recent paper, we have also found circuit resistance training may reduce visceral fat in obese aged women. Accordingly, the current study was conducted to ascertain the effects of circuit resistance training on markers of endothelial dysfunction in this population group. Methods: In the present interventional study, a total of 48 obese aged women were recruited from the community. Twenty-four of them were randomly assigned to perform a 12-week resistance circuit training programme, 3-days per week. This training was circularly performed in 6 stations: arm curl, leg extension, seated row, leg curl, triceps extension and leg press. The Jamar handgrip electronic dynamometer was used to assess maximal handgrip strength of the dominant hand. Lastly, serum samples were analysed using an immunoassay (ELISA) for endothelin-1, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). Results: When compared to baseline, resistance training significantly reduced serum levels of endothelin-1 (2.28 ± 0.7 vs. 1.98 ± 1.1 pg/ml; p = 0.019; d = 0.67) and ICAM-1 (290 ± 69 vs. 255 ± 76 ng/ml; p = 0.004; d = 0.92) in the experimental group. No significant changes in any of the tested outcomes were found in the control group. Conclusion: A short-term circuit resistance program improved endothelial dysfunction in aged obese women. Further studies on this topic are still required to consolidate this approach in clinical application.


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Exposure to air pollutants such as formaldehyde (FA) leads to inflammation, oxidative stress and immune-modulation in the airways and is associated with airway inflammatory disorders such as asthma. The purpose of our study was to investigate the effects of exposure to FA on the allergic lung inflammation. The hypothesized link between reactive oxygen species and the effects of FA was also studied. To do so, male Wistar rats were exposed to FA inhalation (1%, 90 min daily) for 3 days. and subsequently sensitized with ovalbumin (OVA)-alum by subcutaneous route One week later the rats received another OVA-alum injection by the same route (booster). Two weeks later the rats were challenged with aerosolized OVA. The OVA challenge of rats upon FA exposure induced an elevated release of LTB(4). TXB(2), IL-1 beta, IL-6 and VEGF in lung cells, increased phagocytosis and lung vascular permeability, whereas the cell recruitment into lung was reduced. FA inhalation induced the oxidative burst and the nitration of proteins in the lung Vitamins C, E and apocynin reduced the levels of LTB(4) in BAL-cultured cells of the FA and FA/OVA groups, but Increased the cell influx into the lung of the FA/OVA rats. In OVA-challenged rats, the exposure to FA was associated to a reduced lung endothelial cells expression of intercellular cell adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) In conclusion, our findings suggest that FA down regulate the cellular migration into the lungs after an allergic challenge and increase the ability of resident lung cells likely macrophages to generate inflammatory mediators, explaining the increased lung vascular permeability Our data are indicative that the actions of FA involve mechanisms related to endothelium-leukocyte interactions and oxidative stress, as far as the deleterious effects of this air pollutant on airways are concerned. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.