830 resultados para VISUAL-SPATIAL ATTENTION


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O objetivo desse trabalho é compreender como o design é utilizado no espaço expositivo para construir contexto, conteúdo e linguagem. Entender quais estratégias são usadas para projetar ambientes atraentes à visitação em vista a proporcionar experiências coletivas e individuais, contemplativas, espaciais (imersivas), sensoriais e interativas. Para tal analisamos a mudança do papel dos museus ao longo do tempo e montamos um panorama das instituições museológicas no Brasil nas últimas décadas. Selecionamos padrões de exibição instituídos historicamente em termos mundiais, já que o Brasil sofreu enorme influência cultural da Europa e dos Estados Unidos. Estabelecemos uma base de conceitos que envolvem a linguagem do projeto de exposições e museus temáticos, considerando aspectos como formas de aprendizagem do público, comportamento deste em relação ao objeto exposto, produção de conteúdo, produção de sentido, escolha de linguagem, intencionalidade, construção de experiência, mediação e interface. Analisamos como estudo de caso, o projeto de dois museus temáticos contemporâneos, o Museu da Língua Portuguesa e o Museu do Futebol, com a intenção de construir uma crítica ao projeto espacial-visual, entendendo as relações estabelecidas entre os objetos (previamente existentes ou projetados produtos, textos, imagens, vídeos), a forma como eles são expostos e as características do local escolhido para abrigar a exposição.


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O objetivo desse trabalho é compreender como o design é utilizado no espaço expositivo para construir contexto, conteúdo e linguagem. Entender quais estratégias são usadas para projetar ambientes atraentes à visitação em vista a proporcionar experiências coletivas e individuais, contemplativas, espaciais (imersivas), sensoriais e interativas. Para tal analisamos a mudança do papel dos museus ao longo do tempo e montamos um panorama das instituições museológicas no Brasil nas últimas décadas. Selecionamos padrões de exibição instituídos historicamente em termos mundiais, já que o Brasil sofreu enorme influência cultural da Europa e dos Estados Unidos. Estabelecemos uma base de conceitos que envolvem a linguagem do projeto de exposições e museus temáticos, considerando aspectos como formas de aprendizagem do público, comportamento deste em relação ao objeto exposto, produção de conteúdo, produção de sentido, escolha de linguagem, intencionalidade, construção de experiência, mediação e interface. Analisamos como estudo de caso, o projeto de dois museus temáticos contemporâneos, o Museu da Língua Portuguesa e o Museu do Futebol, com a intenção de construir uma crítica ao projeto espacial-visual, entendendo as relações estabelecidas entre os objetos (previamente existentes ou projetados produtos, textos, imagens, vídeos), a forma como eles são expostos e as características do local escolhido para abrigar a exposição.


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It has reported that individuals with nonverbal learning disabilities (NLD) have deficits in visual-spatial organization and strengths in rote language abilities. At present, there are few studies on higher order cognitive abilities of adolescents with NLD, such as the reasoning about spatial relations. The study sampled three groups: a normal group (a control group, C), a nonverbal learning disabilities group (NLD), and a verbal learning disabilities group (VLD). The aim of this study was to examine spatial and nonspatial relation reasoning abilities in adolescents with NLD under figure and word conditions, and assessed the relative involvement of different working memory components in four types of reasoning tasks: reasoning about figure-spatial, figure-nonspatial, verbal-spatial, and verbal-nonspatial relations. Using the double-tasks methodology, visual, spatial, central-executive, and phonological loads were realized. We tried to find how working memory components impact on adolescents with NLD spatial and nonspatial reasoning. The main results of present research are as follows. (1) The NLD group didn’t differ from normal group on reasoning about figure-nonspatial relations. The NLD group scored lower than the C group in spatial problems. So, adolescents with NLD showed a dissociation between spatial and non-spatial relation reasoning. They scored higher in non-spatial problems than in spatial ones. Adolescents with VLD developed well in reasoning about figure-nonspatial relations, but showed deficits in other three tasks. (2) For each reasoning task, the difficult of four types of reasoning problem had different changing trend. For figure and verbal spatial problems, mental model approach can interpret performance of the four problems well. For verbal nonspatial problems, a logical rule approach can interpret performance of the four problems well. (3) Adolescents with NLD did not differ from adolescents with VLD and normal adolescents in phonological, central-executive, and visual dual tasks. But the NLD group had lower performance than the other two groups in spatial dual task. The results showed a dissociation between visual and spatial working memory in NLD group. The VLD group only experienced deficits in central-executive subsystem. (4) The studies found that spatial reasoning mainly loaded spatial working memory, whist the involvement of spatial resources in nonspatial reasoning was little. Visual working memory mainly involved in reasoning about spatial and figure-nonspatial relations, especially in figure-nonspatial problems, and had few impacts on verbal-nonspatial reasoning. Central executive system was involved in all reasoning tasks. The role of phonological loop in the reasoning tasks required further explored. (5) According to the findings, we concluded that the deficits in spatial working memory resulted in poor spatial reasoning abilities for teenagers with NLD, whist because of the limited central executive capability, teenagers with VLD showed poor reasoning abilities. (6) The three groups can used multiple strategies during the reasoning process. They didn’t differ from each other in reasoning strategies. They all used mental model strategy to solve figure and verbal spatial problems, and used logic rule strategy to solve verbal nonspatial problems.


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The present study used Dynamical Causal Modeling (DCM) to reveal the influence of difficult to decompose Chinese characters on the effective connectivity of “where” and “what” visual stream。 Chunk decomposition is to decompose the familiar items to their components and then to make up new items with the decomposed components。 Some previous studies with eye movements and brain image had revealed that the chunk decomposition was involved visual-spatial information process, and suggested that “what” and “where” visual streams contributed to the course of chunk decomposition。 However, how they worked to complete the chunk decomposition task is still unknown。 The present study has two factors, familiarity and tightness of the spatial structures, each with 2 levels: real words vs. pseudowords and tight chunks vs. loose chunks。 The results indicates that in the loose conditions, familiarity increases the effective connectivity of “where ” stream, while in the pseudowords conditions, tightness of the spatial structures increases the effective connectivity of both “where” and “what” streams, and familiarity and tightness combined to increase not only both the “what” and “where” streams, but also the effective connectivity from the inferior temporal gyrus to the superior parietal lobule.


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How do humans rapidly recognize a scene? How can neural models capture this biological competence to achieve state-of-the-art scene classification? The ARTSCENE neural system classifies natural scene photographs by using multiple spatial scales to efficiently accumulate evidence for gist and texture. ARTSCENE embodies a coarse-to-fine Texture Size Ranking Principle whereby spatial attention processes multiple scales of scenic information, ranging from global gist to local properties of textures. The model can incrementally learn and predict scene identity by gist information alone and can improve performance through selective attention to scenic textures of progressively smaller size. ARTSCENE discriminates 4 landscape scene categories (coast, forest, mountain and countryside) with up to 91.58% correct on a test set, outperforms alternative models in the literature which use biologically implausible computations, and outperforms component systems that use either gist or texture information alone. Model simulations also show that adjacent textures form higher-order features that are also informative for scene recognition.


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This paper describes a self-organizing neural model for eye-hand coordination. Called the DIRECT model, it embodies a solution of the classical motor equivalence problem. Motor equivalence computations allow humans and other animals to flexibly employ an arm with more degrees of freedom than the space in which it moves to carry out spatially defined tasks under conditions that may require novel joint configurations. During a motor babbling phase, the model endogenously generates movement commands that activate the correlated visual, spatial, and motor information that are used to learn its internal coordinate transformations. After learning occurs, the model is capable of controlling reaching movements of the arm to prescribed spatial targets using many different combinations of joints. When allowed visual feedback, the model can automatically perform, without additional learning, reaches with tools of variable lengths, with clamped joints, with distortions of visual input by a prism, and with unexpected perturbations. These compensatory computations occur within a single accurate reaching movement. No corrective movements are needed. Blind reaches using internal feedback have also been simulated. The model achieves its competence by transforming visual information about target position and end effector position in 3-D space into a body-centered spatial representation of the direction in 3-D space that the end effector must move to contact the target. The spatial direction vector is adaptively transformed into a motor direction vector, which represents the joint rotations that move the end effector in the desired spatial direction from the present arm configuration. Properties of the model are compared with psychophysical data on human reaching movements, neurophysiological data on the tuning curves of neurons in the monkey motor cortex, and alternative models of movement control.


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Functional neuroimaging studies of episodic memory retrieval generally measure brain activity while participants remember items encountered in the laboratory ("controlled laboratory condition") or events from their own life ("open autobiographical condition"). Differences in activation between these conditions may reflect differences in retrieval processes, memory remoteness, emotional content, retrieval success, self-referential processing, visual/spatial memory, and recollection. To clarify the nature of these differences, a functional MRI study was conducted using a novel "photo paradigm," which allows greater control over the autobiographical condition, including a measure of retrieval accuracy. Undergraduate students took photos in specified campus locations ("controlled autobiographical condition"), viewed in the laboratory similar photos taken by other participants (controlled laboratory condition), and were then scanned while recognizing the two kinds of photos. Both conditions activated a common episodic memory network that included medial temporal and prefrontal regions. Compared with the controlled laboratory condition, the controlled autobiographical condition elicited greater activity in regions associated with self-referential processing (medial prefrontal cortex), visual/spatial memory (visual and parahippocampal regions), and recollection (hippocampus). The photo paradigm provides a way of investigating the functional neuroanatomy of real-life episodic memory under rigorous experimental control.


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Magnetoencephalography (MEG) was recorded while 5-7 year-old children were performing a visual-spatial memory recognition task. Full-term children showed greater gamma-band (30-50 Hz) amplitude in the right temporal region during the task, than children who were born extremely preterm. These results may represent altered brain processing in extremely preterm children who escape major impairment.


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Even in infancy children from low-SES backgrounds differ in frontal cortex functioning and, by the start of preschool, they frequently show poor performance on executive functions including attention control. These differences may causally mediate later difficulties in academic learning. Here, we present a study to assess the feasibility of using computerized paradigms to train attention control in infants, delivered weekly over five sessions in early intervention centres for low-SES families. Thirty-three 12-month-old infants were recruited, of whom 23 completed the training. Our results showed the feasibility of repeat-visit cognitive training within community settings. Training-related improvements were found, relative to active controls, on tasks assessing visual sustained attention, saccadic reaction time, and rule learning, whereas trend improvements were found on assessments of short-term memory. No significant improvements were found in task switching. These results warrant further investigation into the potential of this method for targeting ‘at-risk’ infants in community settings.


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Réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Unité de Formation à la Recherche Lettres Arts et Sciences Humaines - Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis.


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Desde que Hitch (1978) publicó el primer estudio sobre el rol de la memoria de trabajo en el cálculo han ido aumentando las investigaciones en este campo. Muchos trabajos han estudiado un único subsistema, pero nuestro objetivo es identificar qué subsistema de la memoria de trabajo (bucle fonológico, agenda viso-espacial o ejecutivo central) está más implicado en el cálculo mental. Para ello hemos realizado un estudio correlacional en el que hemos administrado dos pruebas aritméticas y nueve pruebas de la “Bateria de Test de Memòria de Treball” de Pickering, Baqués y Gathercole (1999) a una muestra de 94 niños españoles de 7-8 años. Nuestros resultados indican que el bucle fonológico y sobretodo el ejecutivo central inciden de forma estadísticamente significativa en el rendimiento aritmético


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A língua gestual (LG) é a língua natural da pessoa surda, sendo utilizada como forma de expressão e comunicação da comunidade surda de um determinado país. Porém, é de todo impossível escrever estas línguas através de um alfabeto comum como o da Língua Portuguesa (LP). Em 1974, na Dinamarca, Valerie Sutton criou o SignWriting (SW), um sistema de escrita das línguas gestuais, contrariando assim a ideia de que as línguas espaço-visuais não poderiam ter uma representação gráfica. Para o surgimento deste sistema foram fundamentais os estudos pioneiros de William Stokoe que reconheceram o estatuto linguístico das línguas gestuais, atribuindo-lhes propriedades inerentes a uma língua, como por exemplo a arbitrariedade e convencionalidade. Neste trabalho apresentamos o SW, sistema de escrita das línguas gestuais já utilizado noutros países, e questionamos se é exequível e profícua a sua adaptação à língua gestual portuguesa (LGP). Nesse sentido, concretizamos a escrita da LGP com base em áreas vocabulares distintas e presentes no programa curricular do ensino da LGP. Por último, efetivamos tal proposta através de um modelo de ação de formação em SW.


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Psychology uses listening as a work resource. When it comes to psychotherapy, listening establishes communication and makes psychologist-client dialogue easier. This qualitative research aims to discuss the clinic listening in phenomenological attitude in existential-phenomenological psychotherapy with deaf people. This perspective is based on the thinking of German philosopher Martin Heidegger, who considers humane a being-with and being-in-the-world, always unveiling meanings. Regarding the deaf people, Libras is currently the natural language of Brazilian deaf people. In this new language configuration, communication occurs in a visual-spatial modality. Thus, listening and speech gain new dimensions, demanding different ways of understanding in the field of psychotherapy. To the development of this research, we present excerpts from therapeutic sessions narratives with a deaf client, interpreted in the light of Heidegger s hermeneutics. We consider that it is possible for the psychotherapist to listen to deaf people in phenomenological attitude. Such position, which does not naturalize and limit the humane, helps so that the clients do not feel responsible for their existence and can hermeneutically converse in their language. In this context, the psychologist must be qualified to conduct the treatment in Libras. We hope that this research can, somehow, fill the existing gap of the scientific production about such theme in the field of Psychology and, mainly, instigate discussion in the context of Psychology courses on the importance and need to qualify psychologists for the management of clinical practice with deaf people


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This study aimed to characterize and to compare the performance of students with an interdisciplinary diagnosis of dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in students with good academic performance on the reading processes. Sixty students from both genders, from 2nd to 4th grades of municipal public schools in Marília - SP participated in this study, they were distributed as follows: GI, 20 students with interdisciplinary diagnosis of dyslexia; GII, 20 students with ADHD and GIII, 20 students with good academic performance, paired according to gender, age and grade level with GI and GII. The students were submitted to the application of the assessment of reading processes (PROLEC) composed by four processes: letters identification, lexical, syntactical and semantic. The results highlighted that the students of GIII showed superior performance comparing with GI and GII. There was difference between GI and GII only in low frequency word reading and non words reading of the lexical process. The inferior performance from GI and GII in the PROLEC tests can be justified by the difficulty on the coding and decoding abilities. In ADHD students this difficulty was due to impaired interaction between the visual, linguistic, attention and auditory processing and in the dyslexic students was due to failure at the phonological mediation process, which depends on the knowledge of rules of grapheme - phoneme conversion to the acquisition of word reading. These changes affect the reading achievement and the comprehension of the read text.