90 resultados para VARICELLA
INTRODUÇÃO O vírus Varicella-Zoster é o agente da varicela, doença auto-limitada comum da faixa etária pediátrica. Cerca de 20% dos casos evoluem com herpes zoster em algum momento da vida, devido a reativação do vírus dos gânglios nervosos ou reexposição. O envolvimento do ramo oftálmico do nervo trigêmio, defido como zoster oftálmico, tem como complicação mais descrita a nevralgia pós-herpética, podendo evoluir com outras alterações locais agudas e tardias. Meningoencefalites concomitante a herpes zoster são pouco descritas na literatura. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO Paciente de 9 anos, com antecedente de varicela com 1 ano de idade, com queixa de vômitos e cefaléia há dois dias, associada a queda do estado gerale hiporexia. Referiu aparecimento de lesões vesico-bolhosas dolorosas em região periorbitária esquerda há 1 dia e evoluiu com agitação psicomotora e confusão mental. No exame físico de entrada apresentava-se sonolento, com lesões vesico-bolhosas em dermátomo do ramo oftálmico do nervo trigêmio, sem sinais de irritação meníngea ou déficits motores, sem alterações visuais ou oculares. Realizada tomografia de crânio e eletroencefalograma sem alterações. Coletado líquor que revelou líquido límpido e incolor, com aumento de celularidade às custas de linfócitos, glicorraquia normal, bacterioscopia negativa e culturas negativas. Feita hipótese diagnóstica inicial de herpes zoster oftálmico complicado com meningoencefalite e introduzido aciclovir. Paciente evoluiu bem, com melhora do estado geral, remissão dos sintomas neurológicos e melhora das lesões de pele. Evidenciado PCR positivo para o vírus varicela-zoster (VVZ) no líquor. DISCUSSÃO Encontramos poucas descrições na literatura de herpes zoster oftálmico associado à alterações neurológicas. A presença da PCR positiva no liquor foi fundamental para o diagnóstico. CONCLUSÃO O VVZ pode reativar na forma de herper zoster oftálmico e acometer o sistema nervoso central. Apesar de evento raro em crianças, especialmente nas imunocompetentes, a presença da PCR positiva liquor confirmou a meningoencefalite.
Um Cytotoxizität und Gentoxizität nukleosidischer Antiherpes-Virustatika zu untersuchen, wurden stabile CHO-Klone etabliert, die Thymidinkinase (TK) des Herpes simplex-Virus Typ 1 (HSV-TK) oder des Varicella zoster-Virus (VZV-TK) exprimieren. In HSV-TK-exprimierenden Zellen wurde das Purinanalogon Ganciclovir (GCV) effizient in die genomische DNA eingebaut, worauf in den nächsten Replikationsrunden DNA-Strangbrüche und Aberrationen entstehen und Apoptose ausgelöst wird. GCV-induzierte Apoptose wird hauptsächlich über den mitochondrialen Weg vermittelt, wobei das anti-apoptotische Protein Bcl-2 im Mittelpunkt steht. Nach GCV-Behandlung konnte eine Caspase-9-vermittelte post-translationale Spaltung von Bcl-2 nachgewiesen werden. Das 23 kDa-großes Bcl-2-Fragment wirkt im Gegensatz zum intakten Bcl-2-Protein pro-apoptotisch und verstärkt die Cytochrom C-Freisetzung und damit die Aktivierung der Caspase-9, die Bcl-2 spaltet, was zu einem positiven 'Amplifikationsloop' des mitochondrialen apoptotischen Weges führt. In weiteren Experimenten wurde gezeigt, daß in die DNA inkorporiertes GCV durch Basenexzisionsreparatur repariert wird, wobei die DNA-Polymerase ß eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Diese Reparatur führte zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der Apoptose und Klastogenität und damit zur Resistenzsteigerung gegenüber GCV. In VZV-TK-exprimierenden Zellen wurde gezeigt, daß Brivudin (BVDU), gleichermaßen Apoptose und Nekrose induzierte. Für die BVDU-induzierte Cytotoxizität konnte die Hemmung der Thymidylatsynthetase als Ursache identifiziert werden. Im Gegensatz zur GCV-induzierten Apoptose war für die BVDU-induzierte Apoptose der Rezeptor (Fas/CD95/APO-1)-vermittelte Weg von vorrangiger Bedeutung.
Introduzione: La malattia mani-piedi-bocca è una patologia infettiva tipica della prima infanzia causata dagli enterovirus, in particolare i sierotipi Coxsackievirus A16 ed Enterovirus 71. A partire dal 2008, ne è stata descritta un’epidemia da Coxsackievirus A6, in genere accompagnata da febbre elevata e che si distingue per lo sviluppo di piccole vescicole che progrediscono a lesioni vescicolo-bollose e a bolle vere e proprie. Inoltre, nei pazienti affetti da dermatite atopica, le lesioni tendono a localizzarsi sulle aree eczematose. Abbiamo quindi svolto uno studio osservazionale prospettico per descrivere le caratteristiche cliniche delle forme atipiche di malattia mani-piedi-bocca. Metodi: Sono stati arruolati i pazienti affetti da una forma atipica di malattia mani-piedi-bocca giunti consecutivamente presso l’Ambulatorio di Dermatologia Pediatrica del Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi di Bologna tra gennaio 2012 e febbraio 2014. Abbiamo valutato distribuzione, tipologia ed estensione delle lesioni. In un gruppo di pazienti è stata inoltre eseguita l’identificazione virale sul fluido vescicolare. Risultati: Abbiamo arruolato 47 pazienti (68% maschi) con un’età mediana di 22 mesi. Sono stati individuati 3 aspetti clinici principali: 1) forma acrale (distribuzione delle lesioni prevalentemente acrale), nel 62% dei soggetti; 2) eczema coxsackium (lesioni localizzate su aree eczematose), nel 23% dei soggetti; 3) forma diffusa (estensione delle lesioni al tronco), nel 15% dei soggetti. Inoltre, nell’80% circa dei pazienti si riscontravano macule purpuriche acrali, circa la metà dei pazienti aveva lesioni con aspetto purpurico e il 72% un interessamento dei glutei. In 9 su 11 soggetti genotipizzati è stato isolato il Coxsackievirus A6. Conclusioni: Questo studio ha permesso di descrivere tre fenotipi di malattia mani-piedi-bocca atipica, che deve essere correttamente identificata al fine di non porre diagnosi errate quali varicella, eczema herpeticum, vasculiti, impetigine, e di potere così procedere ad una gestione appropriata della patologia.
Varicella zoster, limited to the mandibular nerve, is rare. Classical symptoms are pain, hypesthesia and vesicular eruption restricted to the third trigeminal segment (V3). Little is known on taste affection after mandibular nerve zoster. We report two cases of patients suffering from mandibular zoster associated with subjective taste disorder. In both cases, gustatory measures confirmed ipsilateral hemiageusia of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. After 2 months, the symptoms regressed and psychophysical measures came back to normal values, whereas post-zoster neuralgia lasted for more than 1 year. Gustatory dysfunction is a possible symptom after mandibular nerve zoster. In contrast to post-zoster neuralgia, taste function seems to recover quickly.
BACKGROUND: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected children are at increased risk of infections caused by vaccine preventable pathogens, and specific immunization recommendations have been issued. METHODS: A prospective national multicenter study assessed how these recommendations are followed in Switzerland and how immunization history correlates with vaccine immunity. RESULTS: Among 87 HIV-infected children (mean age: 11.1 years) followed in the 5 Swiss university hospitals and 1 regional hospital, most (76%) had CD4 T cells >25%, were receiving highly active antiretroviral treatment (79%) and had undetectable viral load (60%). Immunization coverage was lower than in the general population and many lacked serum antibodies to vaccine-preventable pathogens, including measles (54%), varicella (39%), and hepatitis B (65%). The presence of vaccine antibodies correlated most significantly with having an up-to-date immunization history (P<0.05). An up-to-date immunization history was not related to age, immunologic stage, or viremia but to the referral medical center. CONCLUSIONS: All pediatricians in charge of HIV-infected children are urged to identify missing immunizations in this high-risk population.
BACKGROUND Infectious diseases after solid organ transplantation (SOT) are one of the major complications in transplantation medicine. Vaccination-based prevention is desirable, but data on the response to active vaccination after SOT are conflicting. METHODS In this systematic review, we identify the serologic response rate of SOT recipients to post-transplantation vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria, polio, hepatitis A and B, influenza, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitides, tick-borne encephalitis, rabies, varicella, mumps, measles, and rubella. RESULTS Of the 2478 papers initially identified, 72 were included in the final review. The most important findings are that (1) most clinical trials conducted and published over more than 30 years have all been small and highly heterogeneous regarding trial design, patient cohorts selected, patient inclusion criteria, dosing and vaccination schemes, follow up periods and outcomes assessed, (2) the individual vaccines investigated have been studied predominately only in one group of SOT recipients, i.e. tetanus, diphtheria and polio in RTX recipients, hepatitis A exclusively in adult LTX recipients and mumps, measles and rubella in paediatric LTX recipients, (3) SOT recipients mount an immune response which is for most vaccines lower than in healthy controls. The degree to which this response is impaired varies with the type of vaccine, age and organ transplanted and (4) for some vaccines antibodies decline rapidly. CONCLUSION Vaccine-based prevention of infectious diseases is far from satisfactory in SOT recipients. Despite the large number of vaccination studies preformed over the past decades, knowledge on vaccination response is still limited. Even though the protection, which can be achieved in SOT recipients through vaccination, appears encouraging on the basis of available data, current vaccination guidelines and recommendations for post-SOT recipients remain poorly supported by evidence. There is an urgent need to conduct appropriately powered vaccination trials in well-defined SOT recipient cohorts.
Herpes-simplex- und Varizella-zoster-Viren sind die häufigsten Ursachen viraler Keratitiden. Bei chronisch rezidivierendem Verlauf entstehen oft visuslimitierende Komplikationen. Typische Verlaufsformen sind die epitheliale Keratitis (dendritisch/geografisch), stromale Keratitis (infektiös und/oder immunologisch), Endotheliitis (disziform) und neurotrophe Keratopathie (metaherpetische Keratitis). Beim Zoster ophthalmicus kommt die Problematik der postherpetischen Neuralgie hinzu. Mit den verfügbaren Virustatika stehen potente Wirkstoffe zur Verfügung, auch zur Schubprophylaxe. Sobald immunologische Prozesse eine zentrale Rolle spielen, ist der gezielte Einsatz von topischen Kortikosteroiden oder Ciclosporin A notwendig. Der Epithelschluss kann mit Tränenersatzmitteln, Kontaktlinsen oder einer Amnionmembran-Transplantation unterstützt werden. Die Erfolgsrate von elektiven Keratoplastiken kann durch eine Langzeitprophylaxe mit systemischen Virustatika verbessert werden.
BACKGROUND Maculopapular or urticarial eruptions and erythema multiforme sometimes occur in patients affected with Mycoplasma pneumoniae respiratory infections. Further eruptions have also been reported. OBJECTIVE To review the literature addressing M. pneumoniae respiratory infection and rather unusual eruptions. METHODS Computer-based search in the U.S. National Library of Medicine database as well as in the search engine Google. RESULTS We found a possible relationship between M. pneumoniae infection and Fuchs' syndrome (n = 37), varicella-like eruptions (n = 8), Henoch-Schönlein syndrome and further leukocytoclastic vasculitides (n = 21) and erythema nodosum (n = 11). A temporal relationship was also observed with 2 cases of Gianotti-Crosti syndrome. Finally, there exists reasonable evidence that pityriasis rosea Gibert and pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta Mucha-Habermann are not associated with Mycoplasma infections. CONCLUSION This review implies that M. pneumoniae may cause, in addition to erythematous maculopapular (or urticarial) eruptions and erythema multiforme, Fuchs' syndrome and varicella-like eruptions. Furthermore, there is an intriguing link with leukocytoclastic vasculitides or erythema nodosum that deserves further investigation.
In 2004, Houston had one of the lowest childhood immunization levels among major metropolitan cities in the United States at 65% for the 4:3:1:3:3 vaccination series. Delays in the receipt of scheduled vaccinations may be related to missed opportunities due to health care provider lack of knowledge about catch-up regimens and contraindications for pediatric vaccination. The objectives of this study are to identify, measure, and report on VFC provider-practice characteristics, knowledge of catch-up regimens and contraindications, and use of Reminder recall (R/R) and moved or gone elsewhere (MOGE) practices among providers with high (>80%) and low (<70%) immunization coverage among 19-35 month old children. The sampling frame consists of 187 Vaccines for Children (VFC) providers with 2004 clinic assessment software application (CASA) scores. Data were collected by personal interview with each participating practice provider. Only ten VFC providers were successful at maximizing vaccinations for every vignette and no provider administered the maximum possible number of vaccinations at visit 2 for all six vignettes. Both coverage groups administered polio conjugate vaccine (PCV), haemophilus influenza type b (Hib), and diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis (DTaP) most frequently and omitted most frequently varicella zoster vaccine (VZV) and measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. ^
Varicella–zoster virus (VZV) is a human herpesvirus that causes varicella (chicken pox) as a primary infection and, after a variable period of latency in trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia, reactivates to cause herpes zoster (shingles). Both of these conditions may be followed by a variety of neurological complications, especially in immunocompromised individuals such as those with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. There have been a number of conflicting reports regarding the cellular location of latent VZV within human ganglia. To address this controversy we examined fixed wax-embedded trigeminal ganglia from 30 individuals obtained at autopsy, including 11 with HIV infection, 2 neonates, and 17 immunocompetent individuals, for the presence of latent VZV. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), in situ hybridization, and PCR in situ amplification techniques with oligonucleotide probes and primer sequences to VZV genes 18, 21, 29, and 63 were used. VZV DNA in ganglia was detected in 15 individuals by using PCR alone, and in 12 individuals (6 normal non-HIV and 6 positive HIV individuals, but not neonatal ganglia) by using PCR in situ amplification. When in situ hybridization alone was used, 5 HIV-positive individuals and only 1 non-HIV individual showed VZV nucleic acid signals in ganglia. In all of the VZV-positive ganglia examined, VZV nucleic acid was detected in neuronal nuclei. Only occasional nonneuronal cells contained VZV DNA. We conclude from these studies that the neuron is the predominant site of latent VZV in human trigeminal ganglia.
The impact of transmission events from patients with shingles (zoster) on the epidemiology of varicella is examined before and after the introduction of mass immunization by using a stochastic mathematical model of transmission dynamics. Reactivation of the virus is shown to damp stochastic fluctuations and move the dynamics toward simple annual oscillations. The force of infection due to zoster cases is estimated by comparison of simulated and observed incidence time series. The presence of infectious zoster cases reduces the tendency for mass immunization to increase varicella incidence at older ages when disease severity is typically greater.
Use of PCR in the field of molecular diagnostics has increased to the point where it is now accepted as the standard method for detecting nucleic acids from a number of sample and microbial types. However, conventional PCR was already an essential tool in the research laboratory. Real-time PCR has catalysed wider acceptance of PCR because it is more rapid, sensitive and reproducible, while the risk of carryover contamination is minimised. There is an increasing number of chemistries which are used to detect PCR products as they accumulate within a closed reaction vessel during real-time PCR. These include the non-specific DNA-binding fluorophores and the specific, fluorophore-labelled oligonucleotide probes, some of which will be discussed in detail. It is not only the technology that has changed with the introduction of real-time PCR. Accompanying changes have occurred in the traditional terminology of PCR, and these changes will be highlighted as they occur. Factors that have restricted the development of multiplex real-time PCR, as well as the role of real-time PCR in the quantitation and genotyping of the microbial causes of infectious disease, will also be discussed. Because the amplification hardware and the fluorogenic detection chemistries have evolved rapidly, this review aims to update the scientist on the current state of the art. Additionally, the advantages, limitations and general background of real-time PCR technology will be reviewed in the context of the microbiology laboratory.
This paper reviews the current concepts of viral classification, infection and replication. The clinical presentation of common oral viral infections encountered in the dental practice are discussed, including: herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2; Epstein-Barr virus; varicella-zoster virus; Coxsackie virus; human papilloma virus; and human immunodeficiency virus. The diagnosis, principles of management and pharmacological agents available for the treatment of oral viral infections are also discussed.
La transplantation de sang de cordon ombilical (TSCO) constitue un traitement de choix pour une multitude de pathologies hématologiques malignes et non malignes chez l’enfant et dans certains cas l’adulte. La TSCO est associée à certaines complications, dont une reconstitution immunitaire plus lente et une incidence élevée d’infections opportunistes, notamment celles reliées au cytomégalovirus (CMV) et au virus varicella-zoster (VZV). Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés dans un premier temps à la caractérisation de la reconstitution immunitaire spécifique au CMV et au VZV. Nos résultats ont démontré que la reconstitution de l’immunité cellulaire ne requiert ni un statut séropositif pré-transplantation ni le développement de la maladie. De plus, des reconstitutions spontanées ont été détectées chez certains patients séronégatifs vis-à-vis du CMV ou du VZV. Outre le fait qu’elle se manifeste surtout à partir de 6 mois post-transplantation, ladite reconstitution mérite le qualificatif de « protectrice » en termes de réactivations virales et du développement de signes cliniques lorsqu’une fréquence de 150 cellules produisant l’IFN-γ/million est dépassée. Toutefois, moins de 5% des patients développent une réponse T anti-VZV et anti-CMV au cours 100 premiers jours suivant la TSCO. Il est donc possible que les lymphocytes CD8+ T provenant du SCO, comparativement à leurs homologues provenant de la moelle osseuse (MO), présentent un défaut de fonctionnalité, communément appelé « épuisement clonal ». La caractérisation du répertoire de récepteurs inhibiteurs exprimés par les cellules T CD8+ suivant la TSCO ou la transplantation de moelle osseuse (TMO) a révélé une augmentation significative de la fréquence des cellules exprimant PD-1 tôt suivant la transplantation. Cette population, caractérisée majoritairement par un phénotype effecteur-mémoire (EM), démontre une perte significative de la capacité proliférative et exprime moins d'IFN-γ, d'IL-2, de TNF-α et de CD107a. Une meilleure caractérisation de la reconstitution immunitaire après TSCO permettrait, d'une part de sélectionner des biomarqueurs en vue d’une meilleure gestion des patients à risques de développer des infections virales et/ou de rechuter, et d'autre part d'améliorer leur pronostic.
La transplantation de sang de cordon ombilical (TSCO) constitue un traitement de choix pour une multitude de pathologies hématologiques malignes et non malignes chez l’enfant et dans certains cas l’adulte. La TSCO est associée à certaines complications, dont une reconstitution immunitaire plus lente et une incidence élevée d’infections opportunistes, notamment celles reliées au cytomégalovirus (CMV) et au virus varicella-zoster (VZV). Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés dans un premier temps à la caractérisation de la reconstitution immunitaire spécifique au CMV et au VZV. Nos résultats ont démontré que la reconstitution de l’immunité cellulaire ne requiert ni un statut séropositif pré-transplantation ni le développement de la maladie. De plus, des reconstitutions spontanées ont été détectées chez certains patients séronégatifs vis-à-vis du CMV ou du VZV. Outre le fait qu’elle se manifeste surtout à partir de 6 mois post-transplantation, ladite reconstitution mérite le qualificatif de « protectrice » en termes de réactivations virales et du développement de signes cliniques lorsqu’une fréquence de 150 cellules produisant l’IFN-γ/million est dépassée. Toutefois, moins de 5% des patients développent une réponse T anti-VZV et anti-CMV au cours 100 premiers jours suivant la TSCO. Il est donc possible que les lymphocytes CD8+ T provenant du SCO, comparativement à leurs homologues provenant de la moelle osseuse (MO), présentent un défaut de fonctionnalité, communément appelé « épuisement clonal ». La caractérisation du répertoire de récepteurs inhibiteurs exprimés par les cellules T CD8+ suivant la TSCO ou la transplantation de moelle osseuse (TMO) a révélé une augmentation significative de la fréquence des cellules exprimant PD-1 tôt suivant la transplantation. Cette population, caractérisée majoritairement par un phénotype effecteur-mémoire (EM), démontre une perte significative de la capacité proliférative et exprime moins d'IFN-γ, d'IL-2, de TNF-α et de CD107a. Une meilleure caractérisation de la reconstitution immunitaire après TSCO permettrait, d'une part de sélectionner des biomarqueurs en vue d’une meilleure gestion des patients à risques de développer des infections virales et/ou de rechuter, et d'autre part d'améliorer leur pronostic.