991 resultados para University Hospitals
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the expression of estrogen receptors α and β as well as their target genes implicated in proliferation, c-myc, cyclin D1, and GREB1, in the endometrium of women with or without endometriosis. DESIGN: Expression analysis in human tissue. SETTING: University hospitals and a clinic. PATIENT(S): Ninety-one premenopausal women (59 patients with endometriosis and 32 controls) undergoing laparoscopic surgery. INTERVENTION(S): Biopsies were obtained at time of surgery, performed during the proliferative phase of the cycle. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Estrogen receptors α and β as well as c-myc, cyclin D1, and GREB1 mRNA expression levels were determined by quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Tissue localization of these estrogen-regulated genes was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. RESULT(S): Estrogen receptors α and β as well as c-myc, cyclin D1, and GREB1 mRNA expression levels were increased in ectopic tissue in comparison with both normal and eutopic endometrium. Estrogen receptor mRNA levels also were upregulated in the eutopic peritoneal tissue of patients with endometriosis. Cyclin D1 and GREB1 expression was augmented in eutopic endometrium. c-myc, cyclin D1, and GREB1 proteins exhibited a nuclear localization in ectopic endometrial tissue. CONCLUSION(S): This constitutes the first report of increased expression of GREB1, as well as cyclin D1 and c-myc, in peritoneal endometriotic lesions, implicating these proteins in estrogen-dependent growth in this context.
Autopsy-negative sudden cardiac deaths (SCD) seen in forensic practice are most often thought to be the result of sudden arrhythmic death syndrome. Postmortem genetic analysis is recommended in such cases, but is currently performed in only a few academic centers. In order to determine actual current practice, an on-line questionnaire was sent by e-mail to members of various forensic medical associations. The questions addressed routine procedures employed in cases of sudden cardiac death (autopsy ordering, macroscopic and microscopic cardiac examination, conduction tissue examination, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy, biochemical markers, sampling and storage of material for genetic analyses, toxicological analyses, and molecular autopsy). Some questions concerned the legal and ethical aspects of genetic analyses in postmortem examinations, as well as any existing multidisciplinary collaborations in SCD cases. There were 97 respondents, mostly from European countries. Genetic testing in cases of sudden cardiac death is rarely practiced in routine forensic investigation. Approximately 60% of respondents reported not having the means to perform genetic postmortem testing and 40% do not collect adequate material to perform these investigations at a later date, despite working at university hospitals. The survey demonstrated that many of the problems involved in the adequate investigation of SCD cases are often financial in origin, due to the fact that activities in forensic medicine are often paid by and dependent on the judicial authorities. Problems also exist concerning the contact with family members and/or the family doctor, as well as the often-nonexistent collaboration with others clinicians with special expertise beneficial in the investigation of SCD cases, such as cardiologists and geneticists. This study highlights the importance in establishing guidelines for molecular autopsies in forensic medicine.
Surgery is the cornerstone of ovarian cancer treatment and maximal cytoreduction is important. In the early 1980’s primary surgical treatment of ovarian cancer was performed in over 80 hospitals in Finland. The significance of the operative volume of the hospital, of the training of the surgeons and of centralization of surgical treatment has been widely discussed. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the outcome of surgical treatment of ovarian cancer in different hospital categories retrospectively and prospectively, and to analyze if any differences are reflected in survival. The retrospective study included 3851 ovarian cancer patients operated between 1983 and 1994 in Finland. The data was analyzed according to hospital category (university, central, and other) and by quartiles of the hospital operative volume. The results showed that patients operated in the highest operative volume hospitals had the best relative survival. When stratifying the analysis by the period of diagnosis (1983-1988 and 1989-1994), the university hospitals improved their performance the most. The prospective part of the thesis was initiated in 1999 and included 307 patients with invasive ovarian cancer and 65 patients with an ovarian borderline tumor. The baseline and 5-year surveys used a questionnaire that was filled in by the operating surgeons. For analysis of the 5-year followup data, the hospitals were divided into three categories (<10, 10-20, or >20 patients operated in 1999). The effect of the surgical volume was analyzed also as a continuous variable (1-47 operations per year). In university hospitals, pelvic lymphadenectomy was performed in 88 %, and para-aortic lymphadenectomy in 73 %, of the patients with stage I disease. The corresponding figures ranged from 11 % to 21 % in the other hospitals. For stage III ovarian cancer patients operated by gynecological oncologists, the estimated odds ratio for no macroscopic residual tumor was 3.0 times higher (95 % CI 1.2-7.5) than for those operated by general gynecologists. In the university and other hospitals 82% of the patients received platinum-based chemotherapy. Platinum + taxane combination was given to 63 % of the patients in the university and in 49 % in the other hospitals (p = 0.0763). Only a minority of the patients with tumors of borderline malignancy were staged according to recommendations, most often multiple peritoneal biopsies and omentectomy were neglected. FIGO stage, patient age, and residual tumor were independent prognostic factors of cancer-specific 5-year survival. A higher hospital operative volume was also a significant prognostic factor for better cancer-specific survival (p = 0.036) and disease-free survival (p = 0.048). In conclusion, ovarian cancer patients operated in high-volume university hospitals were more often optimally debulked and had a significantly better cancer-specific survival than patients operated in other hospitals. These results favor centralization of primary surgical treatment of ovarian cancer.
To evaluate the impact of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) algorithms available on intensive care unit ventilators on the incidence of patient-ventilator asynchrony in patients receiving NIV for acute respiratory failure. Prospective multicenter randomized cross-over study. Intensive care units in three university hospitals. Patients consecutively admitted to the ICU and treated by NIV with an ICU ventilator were included. Airway pressure, flow and surface diaphragmatic electromyography were recorded continuously during two 30-min periods, with the NIV (NIV+) or without the NIV algorithm (NIV0). Asynchrony events, the asynchrony index (AI) and a specific asynchrony index influenced by leaks (AIleaks) were determined from tracing analysis. Sixty-five patients were included. With and without the NIV algorithm, respectively, auto-triggering was present in 14 (22%) and 10 (15%) patients, ineffective breaths in 15 (23%) and 5 (8%) (p = 0.004), late cycling in 11 (17%) and 5 (8%) (p = 0.003), premature cycling in 22 (34%) and 21 (32%), and double triggering in 3 (5%) and 6 (9%). The mean number of asynchronies influenced by leaks was significantly reduced by the NIV algorithm (p < 0.05). A significant correlation was found between the magnitude of leaks and AIleaks when the NIV algorithm was not activated (p = 0.03). The global AI remained unchanged, mainly because on some ventilators with the NIV algorithm premature cycling occurs. In acute respiratory failure, NIV algorithms provided by ICU ventilators can reduce the incidence of asynchronies because of leaks, thus confirming bench test results, but some of these algorithms can generate premature cycling.
Laboratory values of the most commonly assayed clinical chemistry variables were determined in selected elderly and healthy ambulatory populations. The upper and lower limits (2.5 and 97.5 fractiles) were compared with the adult reference values in use in university hospitals of Switzerland. The results suggest that conventional adult reference values can be used for most variables in the elderly and that these values are also useful in an ambulatory population.
BACKGROUND: Due to the underlying diseases and the need for immunosuppression, patients after lung transplantation are particularly at risk for gastrointestinal (GI) complications that may negatively influence long-term outcome. The present study assessed the incidences and impact of GI complications after lung transplantation and aimed to identify risk factors. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of all 227 consecutively performed single- and double-lung transplantations at the University hospitals of Lausanne and Geneva was performed between January 1993 and December 2010. Logistic regressions were used to test the effect of potentially influencing variables on the binary outcomes overall, severe, and surgery-requiring complications, followed by a multiple logistic regression model. RESULTS: Final analysis included 205 patients for the purpose of the present study, and 22 patients were excluded due to re-transplantation, multiorgan transplantation, or incomplete datasets. GI complications were observed in 127 patients (62 %). Gastro-esophageal reflux disease was the most commonly observed complication (22.9 %), followed by inflammatory or infectious colitis (20.5 %) and gastroparesis (10.7 %). Major GI complications (Dindo/Clavien III-V) were observed in 83 (40.5 %) patients and were fatal in 4 patients (2.0 %). Multivariate analysis identified double-lung transplantation (p = 0.012) and early (1993-1998) transplantation period (p = 0.008) as independent risk factors for developing major GI complications. Forty-three (21 %) patients required surgery such as colectomy, cholecystectomy, and fundoplication in 6.8, 6.3, and 3.9 % of the patients, respectively. Multivariate analysis identified Charlson comorbidity index of ≥3 as an independent risk factor for developing GI complications requiring surgery (p = 0.015). CONCLUSION: GI complications after lung transplantation are common. Outcome was rather encouraging in the setting of our transplant center.
BACKGROUND: Since recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) became available in 1985, the spectrum of indications has broadened and the number of treated patients increased. However, long-term health-related quality of life (HRQoL) after childhood rhGH treatment has rarely been documented. We assessed HRQoL and its determinants in young adults treated with rhGH during childhood. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: For this study, we retrospectively identified former rhGH patients in 11 centers of paediatric endocrinology, including university hospitals and private practices. We sent a questionnaire to all patients treated with rhGH for any diagnosis, who were older than 18 years, and who resided in Switzerland at time of the survey. Three hundred participants (58% of 514 eligible) returned the questionnaire. Mean age was 23 years; 56% were women; 43% had isolated growth hormone deficiency, or idiopathic short stature; 43% had associated diseases or syndromes, and 14% had growth hormone deficiency after childhood cancer. Swiss siblings of childhood cancer survivors and the German norm population served as comparison groups. HRQoL was assessed using the Short Form-36. We found that the Physical Component Summary of healthy patients with isolated growth hormone deficiency or idiopathic short stature resembled that of the control group (53.8 vs. 54.9). Patients with associated diseases or syndromes scored slightly lower (52.5), and former cancer patients scored lowest (42.6). The Mental Component Summary was similar for all groups. Lower Physical Component Summary was associated with lower educational level (coeff. -1.9). Final height was not associated with HRQoL. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In conclusion, HRQoL after treatment with rhGH in childhood depended mainly on the underlying indication for rhGH treatment. Patients with isolated growth hormone deficiency/idiopathic short stature or patients with associated diseases or syndromes had HRQoL comparable to peers. Patients with growth hormone deficiency after childhood cancer were at high risk for lower HRQoL. This reflects the general impaired health of this vulnerable group, which needs long-term follow-up.
Post-partum persistence of abnormal circadian pattern of blood pressure after preeclampsia [109-POS]
OBJECTIVES: Blunted nocturnal dip of blood pressure (BP) and reversed circadian rhythm have been described in preeclampsia (PE). Non-dipper status and preeclampsia are both associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease later in life. Complete recovery of BP in PE is reported to occur over a variable period of time. Twenty-four hours-ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABPM) in the post-partum follow-up after a PE has not been described. The aim of this study was to assess 24h-ambulatory blood pressure pattern after a PE and to determine the prevalence of non-dipper status, nocturnal hypertension, white coat hypertension and masked hypertension. METHODS: This is an observational, prospective study on women who suffered from a preeclampsia. A 24h-ABPM was done 6 weeks post-partum at the Hypertension Unit of the University Hospitals of Geneva, concomitantly with a clinical and biological evaluation. RESULTS: Forty-five women were included in a preliminary analysis. Mean age was 33±6years, 57.3% were Caucasian, mean BMI before pregnancy was 24±5kg/m(2). Office and ambulatory BP are shown in Table 1. Prevalence of nocturnal hypertension was high and half of the women had no nocturnal dipping. The diagnosis of hypertension based on office BP was discordant with the diagnosis based on ABPM in 25% of women. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of increased nighttime BP and abnormal BP pattern is high at 6weeks post-partum in preeclamptic women. Early assessment of BP with ABPM after preeclampsia allows an early identification of women with persistent circadian abnormalities who might be at increased risk. It also provides a more accurate assessment than office BP. DISCLOSURES: A. Ditisheim: None. B. Ponte: None. G. Wuerzner: None. M. Burnier: None. M. Boulvain: None. A. Pechère-Bertschi: None.
Hoitotyön laatu - lasten näkökulma Tämän kolmivaiheisen tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla lasten odotuksia ja arviointeja lasten hoitotyön laadusta sekä kehittää mittari kouluikäisille sairaalassa oleville lapsille laadun arviointiin. Perimmäisenä tavoitteena oli lasten hoitotyön laadun kehittäminen sairaalassa. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa 20 alle kouluikäistä (4-6v) sekä 20 kouluikäistä (7-11v) lasta kuvailivat odotuksiaan lasten hoitotyön laadusta. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelulla ja lasten piirustusten avulla, sekä analysoitiin sisällön analyysilla. Lasten odotukset lasten hoitotyön laadusta kohdistuivat hoitajaan, hoitotyön toimintoihin ja ympäristöön, fyysinen ympäristö korostui piirustuksissa. Ensimmäisen vaiheen tulosten, aikaisemman kirjallisuuden sekä Leino-Kilven “HYVÄ HOITO” mittarin pohjalta kehitettiin “Lasten Hoidon Laatu Sairaalassa” (LHLS) mittari ja testattiin sen psykometrisiä ominaisuuksia tutkimuksen toisessa vaiheessa. Mittaria kehitettiin ja testattiin kolmen vaiheen kautta. Aluksi asiantuntijapaneeli (n=7) arvioi mittarin sisältöä. Seuraavaksi mittari esitestattiin kahdesti kouluikäisillä sairaalassa olevilla lapsilla (n=41 ja n=16), samassa vaiheessa myös viiden lastenosaston hoitajat (n=19) yhdessä arvioivat mittarin sisältöä sekä 8 lasta. Lopuksi mittaria testattiin kouluikäisillä lapsilla (n=388) sairaalassa sekä hoitajat (n=198) arvioivat mittarin sisällön validiteettia. Mittarin kehittämisen aikana päälaatuluokkien: hoitajan ominaisuudet, hoitotyön toiminnot ja hoitotyön ympäristö Cronbachin alfa kertoimet paranivat. Pääkomponentti analyysi tuki mittarin hoitotyön toimintojen ja ympäristön alaluokkien teoreettista rakennetta. Kolmannessa vaiheessa “Lasten Hoidon Laatu Sairaalassa” (LHLS III, versio neljä) mittarilla kerättiin aineisto Suomen yliopistosairaaloiden lastenosastoilta kouluikäisiltä 7-11 -vuotiailta lapsilta (n=388). Mittarin lopussa lapsia pyydettiin lisäksi kuvailemaan kivointa ja ikävintä kokemustaan sairaalahoidon aikana lauseen täydennystehtävänä. Aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisesti sekä sisällön analyysilla. Lapset arvioivat fyysisen hoitoympäristön, hoitajien inhimillisyyden ja luotettavuuden sekä huolenpidon ja vuorovaikutustoiminnot kiitettäviksi. Lapset arvioivat hoitajien viihdyttämistoiminnot kaikkein alhaisimmiksi. Lapsen ikä ja sairaalantulotapa olivat yhteydessä lasten saamaan tiedon määrään. Lasten kivoimmat kokemukset liittyivät ihmisiin ja heidän ominaisuuksiinsa, toimintoihin, ympäristöön sekä lopputuloksiin. Ikävimmät kokemukset liittyivät potilaana oloon, tuntemuksiin sairauden oireista sekä erossaoloon, hoitotyön fyysisiin toimintoihin sekä ympäristöön. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat lasten olevan kykeneviä arvioimaan omaa hoitoaan ja heidän näkökulmansa tulisi nähdä osana koko laadun kehittämisprosessia parannettaessa laatua käytännössä todella lapsilähtöisemmällä lähestymistavalla. “Lasten Hoidon Laatu Sairaalassa” (LHLS) mittari on mahdollinen väline saada tietoa lasten arvioinneista lasten hoitotyön laadusta, mutta mittarin testaamista tulisi jatkaa tulevaisuudessa
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia potilastietojärjestelmien suunhoitosivut kaikilla suomalaisilla teho-osastoilla, joissa oli käytössä Clinisoft® -potilastietojärjestelmä ja, joilla hoidettiin intuboituja, hengityslaitehoitoa saavia aikuisia tehohoitopotilaita. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa analysoitiin yhden yliopistosairaalan teho-osaston hoitajien suunhoidon kirjauksia potilastietojärjestelmän vuorohuomioraporteista. Tutkimusosion 1 aineisto koostui aikuispotilaita hoitavien teho-osastojen (N=15) Clinisoft® -potilastietojärjestelmien suunhoitosivuista. Tutkimusosion 2 aineisto koostui yhden yliopistosairaalan teho-osaston intuboitujen, hengityslaitehoitoa saaneiden aikuisen tehohoitopotilaiden suunhoidon kirjauksista (n=97). Vuonna 2008–2009 hoidetuista intuboiduista, hengityslaitehoitoa saaneista tehohoitopotilaista (N=1180) valittiin satunnaisotannalla 100 potilasta, joiden suunhoitoon liittyvät potilasasiakirjat otettiin mukaan analyysiin. Aineistot analysoitiin sisällön erittelyllä. Suunhoitosivujen aihesisällöistä muodostettiin 14 sisältöluokkaa. Vuorohuomiokirjaukset oli kirjattu yleensä hengitys tai happeutuminen otsakkeiden alle, josta löytyi yhteensä 589 alkuperäislausumaa. Hoitajat kirjasivat ensin potilaan hengityslaitehoidosta ja happeutumisesta. Alkuperäislausumista tehohoitopotilaan suunhoitoon liittyviä lausumia oli 61 % (n=357). Vuorohuomiokirjauksista muodostettiin 11 sisältöluokkaa. Potilastietojärjestelmän suunhoitosivujen rakenne ei ohjannut VAP:a ehkäisevään suunhoitoon ja tehohoitopotilaan suunhoitoa kirjattiin usealle sivulle. Kaikkien tehohoito-osastojen suunhoitosivupohjissa oli kohdat suun kunnon arvioinnille ja suunhoidolle, mutta sivuilta ei aina selvinnyt tehohoito-osaston suunhoitoon käytättämiä välineitä. Sivuissa oli nähtävissä yksittäisiä VAP:n ehkäisyyn liittyviä interventioita. Vuorohuomioraportteihin kirjaaminen oli päällekkäistä suunhoitosivuun kirjattavien tietojen kanssa. Hoitajat kirjasivat tehohoitopotilaan hengityslaitehoidosta ja potilaan happeutumisesta. Suunhoidosta hoitajat kirjasivat eniten eritteiden määrää ja laatua ja vähiten suunhoidossa käytetyistä välineistä sekä suunhoitoon liittyvästä arvioinnista. Tehohoitopotilaan suuta hoidettiin keskimäärin 2.93 kertaa vuorokaudessa, eniten aamuvuoroissa. Suun kuntoa arvioitiin 1.12 kertaa vuorokaudessa. Pro gradu -tutkielma tuo uutta tietoa intuboidun, hengityslaitehoidossa olevan aikuisen tehohoitopotilaan näyttöön perustuvasta suunhoidosta, potilastietojärjestelmien suunhoitosivujen rakenteesta ja tehohoitopotilaan suunhoidon kirjaamisesta Suomessa. Tutkimustulosten ja kansainvälisten suositusten avulla kehitettiin Clinisoft® -potilastietojärjestelmän mallisivu tehohoitopotilaan suunhoidon tarpeen määrittämisen, suunnittelun, toteutuksen ja arvioinnin tueksi.
Hoitotyössä infektioiden torjunnan painopistealueena on ollut lisätä potilaiden osallistuvuutta voimavaraistavalla potilasohjauksella. Potilasohjauksen apuna käytetään usein kirjallisia potilasohjeita, joiden rakenne ja laatu tulee olla hyvä. Lisäksi potilasohjeiden tulee omata valmiuksia tukea voimavaraistavaa potilasohjausta. Kirjalliset potilasohjeet ovat hyvä potilasohjauksen keino, mutta systemaattinen tieto potilasohjeiden laadusta, valmiuksista tukea voimavaraistavaa potilasohjausta sekä infektioiden torjunnan sisällöstä puuttuu. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli analysoida Suomen yliopistosairaaloiden kirurgisten potilasohjeiden infektioiden torjuntaan liittyvää sisältöä. Lisäksi oltiin kiinnostuneita potilasohjeiden laadusta hyvien kirjallisten potilasohjeiden ominaispiirteiden toteutumisessa sekä potilasohjeiden valmiuksista tukea voimavaraistavaa potilasohjausta. Tutkimuksen aineistona oli viiden yliopistosairaalan kirurgisille aikuispotilaille tarkoitetut potilasohjeet (N = 237). Organisaatioittain joka viides potilasohje (n = 50) analysoitiin potilasohjeiden laadun osalta sisällönerittelyllä ja aikaisemmin kehitetyn mittarin avulla (Salanterä ym. 2004). Deduktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä analysoitiin potilasohjeiden valmiuksia tukea voimavaraistavaa potilasohjausta, jonka ulottuvuuksien esiintyvyyden arviointiasteikko oli kehitetty tätä tutkimusta varten. Induktiivisella sisällönerittelyllä analysoitiin infektioiden torjuntaan liittyvä sisältö. Potilasohjeiden laadussa oli paljon vaihtelua, ja vain 36 % (n = 18) potilasohjeista oli julkaistu viimeisen kolmen vuoden (2010–2012) aikana. Potilasohjeet olivat ulkoasultaan selkeitä ja johdonmukaisia, jolloin kirjallisten potilasohjeiden ominaisuuksista parhaiten toteutuivat ulkoasun sekä kielen ja rakenteen ominaisuudet. Potilasohjeet kuvasivat toimenpidettä ja siitä selviytymistä, antaen parhaiten valmiuksia tukea toiminnallista ja bio-fysiologista selviytymistä potilasohjauksella. Infektioiden torjuntaan liittyvä sisältö oli pääasiassa esitetty epäsuorasti toisen asian kautta. Infektioiden syntyyn tai torjuntaan ei viitattu, vaan asiaa tarkasteltiin muusta näkökulmasta esimerkiksi ylipainon ja ihon kunnon osalta. Yleisin infektioiden torjuntaan liittyvä sisältö koski käsihygieniaa, vaikka sen toteuttamista ei opastettu tai ohjeistettu. Tutkimus tarjoaa lähtökohdan kehittää potilasohjeiden infektioiden torjuntaan liittyvää sisältöä sekä potilaan osallistuvuuden lisäämistä. Erityisesti tulisi kehittää potilaan osallistuvuuden tukemista voimavaraistavalla potilasohjauksella. Jatkotutkimuksena tulisi kartoittaa potilaiden tarpeet infektioiden torjunnan sisällöstä sekä kehittää kansallinen ohjeistus potilasohjeiden infektioon torjuntaan liittyvästä sisällöstä ja rakenteesta.
Dental injuries are common and the incidence of maxillofacial injuries has increased over the recent decades in Finland. Accidental injuries are the global leading cause of death among children over the age of one year and among adults under the age of 40 globally. Significant resources and costs are needed for the treatment of these patients. The prevention is the most economical way to reduce trauma rates and costs. For the prevention it is crucial to know the prevalences, incidences and risk factors related to injuries. To improve the quality of treatment, it is essential to explore the causes, trauma mechanisms and management of trauma. The above mentioned was the aim of this thesis. With a large epidemiological cohort study (5737 participants) it was possible to estimate lifetime prevalence of and risk factors for dental trauma in general population (Study I). The prevalence of dental fractures was 43% and the prevalence of dental luxations and avulsions was 14%. Male gender, a history of previous non-dental injuries, mental distress, overweight and high alcohol consumption were positively associated with the occurrence of dental injuries Study II was conducted to explore the differences in type and multiplicity of mandibular fractures in three different countries (Canada, Finland and Kuwait). This retrospective study showed that the differences in mandibular fracture multiplicity and location are based on different etiologies and demographic patterns. This data can be exploited for planning of measures to prevent traumatic facial fractures. The etiology, management and outcome of 63 pediatric skull base fracture (Study III) and 20 pediatric frontobasal fracture patients (Study IV) were explored. These retrospective studies showed that, both skull base fracture and frontobasa fracture are rare injuries in childhood and although intracranial injuries and morbidity are frequent, permanent neurological or neuropsychological deficits are infrequent. A systematic algorithm (Study V) for computer tomography (CT) image review was aimed at clinicians and radiologists to improve the assessment of patients with complex upper midface and cranial base trauma. The cohort study was cross sectional and data was collected in the Turku and Oulu University Hospitals. A novel image-reviewing algorithm was created to enhance the specificity of CT for the diagnosis of frontobasal fractures. The study showed that an image-viewing algorithm standardizes the frontobasal trauma detection procedure and leads to better control and assessment. The purpose of the retrospective subcranial craniotomy study (VI) was to review the types of frontobasal fractures and their management, complications and outcome when the fracture is approached subcranially. The subcranial approach appears to be successful and have a reasonably low complication rate. It may be recommended as the technique of choice in multiple and the most complicated frontal base fractures where the endoscopic endonasal approach is not feasible.
Traditionally mostly publicly provided Finnish healthcare services are confronted today by the evident challenge of rising healthcare costs as the expenditure on health and social case has exceeded Finland’s national GDP growth significantly since the new millennium. While the opening of the traditional barriers through the EU’s new patient directive resulting in increasing international competition and the free flow of patients within the EU present opportunities for the Finnish healthcare services industry there are also several challenges for the existing healthcare system as proposed by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy in 2011. Due to the structure and nature of the current Finnish healthcare service system the greatest potential for internationalization is seen from a joint cooperation of the public and private sectors in an internationalization network for Finnish healthcare services. As its formation has recently also taken as a strategic initiative to be completed by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy and no earlier research exists on how this is seen in practice by the network actors, the purpose of this study is to examine the proposed solution of forming an internationalization network between the public and private sector actors in Finland in practice from the viewpoint of public sector actors. The research relied heavily on the reports by the Finnish Ministries in understanding the current situation of the Finnish healthcare services internationalization and its potential. Suitable theories were also used to build a more comprehensive view of the matter. The study applied a qualitative research approach on the explorative research problem. The data collection was achieved through expert interviews in two of the largest Finnish public healthcare service providers; the Turku and Helsinki Central University Hospitals. Expert interviews were considered as the most suitable method for data collection in order to create an in-depth understanding of the topic within the limitations of this thesis. In turn, two different public healthcare service providers were chosen to give a broader view of the field instead of focusing on a specific unit and also to allow a possible comparison between the two different organizations. The latter however was shown not to be suitable for the purposes of this study as the opinions of the respondents varied largely also within their own organizations. The conclusion is that while the actors agree on the evident internationalization of Finnish healthcare services, there are several large-scale structural challenges effectively preventing such activities while at the same time the opportunities within Finland vary, as there are several niches but no real large-scale advantages in the highly competitive industry. Interest towards cooperation between the sectors are seen especially in exploiting the advantages offered by the private sector in commercialization and marketization, yet however no clear views exist on how these activities should be governed or structured in the short-term as a larger reform of the entire Finnish healthcare service sector is needed in the long-term.
The competence of graduating nursing students is an important issue in health care as it is related to professional standards, patient safety and the quality of nursing care. Many changes in health care lead to increased demand with respect to nurses’ competence as well the number of nurses. The purpose of this empirical study was to i) describe the nurse competence areas of nursing students in Europe, ii) evaluate the nurse competence of graduating nursing students, iii) identify factors related to the nurse competence, and to iv) assess the congruence between graduating nursing students’ self-assessments and their mentors’ assessments of students’ nurse competence. The study was carried out in two phases: descriptive phase and evaluation phase. The descriptive phase focused on describing the nurse competence areas of nursing students in Europe with the help of a literature review (n=10 empirical studies and n=4 additional documents). Thematic analysis was used as the analysis method. In the evaluation phase, the nurse competence with particular focus on nursing skills of graduating nursing students (n=154) was assessed. In addition, factors related to the nurse competence were examined. Also, the congruence between graduating nursing students’ self-assessments and their mentors’ assessments of students’ nurse competence was evaluated by comparing graduating nursing students’ self-assessments with the assessments by their mentors (n=42) in the final clinical placement in four university hospitals. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Based on the results, the nurse competence of nursing students in Europe consists of nine main competence areas: (1) professional/ethical values and practice, (2) nursing skills and interventions, (3) communication and interpersonal skills, (4) knowledge and cognitive ability, (5) assessment and improving quality in nursing, (6) professional development, (7) leadership, management and teamwork, (8) teaching and supervision, and (9) research utilization. Graduating nursing students self-assessed their nurse competence as good. However, when graduating nursing students’ nurse competence was assessed by their mentors, the results were poorer. Readiness for practice based on nurse education, pedagogical atmosphere on the ward, supervisory relationship between student and mentor and being in paid work in health care at the moment of the study were the most significant factors related to the nurse competence. Conclusions: Nurse competence can be evaluated with a scale based on self-assessment, but other evaluation methods could be used alongside to ensure that nurse competence can be completed and evaluated critically. Practical implications are presented for nurse education and nursing practice. In future, longitudinal research is needed in order to understand the development of nurse competence during nurse education and the transition process from a nursing student to a professional nurse.
This study evaluated whether the use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in the delivery room alters the need for mechanical ventilation and surfactant during the first 5 days of life and modifies the incidence of respiratory morbidity and mortality during the hospital stay. The study was a multicenter randomized clinical trial conducted in five public university hospitals in Brazil, from June 2008 to December 2009. Participants were 197 infants with birth weight of 1000-1500 g and without major birth defects. They were treated according to the guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics (APP). Infants not intubated or extubated less than 15 min after birth were randomized for two treatments, routine or CPAP, and were followed until hospital discharge. The routine (n=99) and CPAP (n=98) infants studied presented no statistically significant differences regarding birth characteristics, complications during the prenatal period, the need for mechanical ventilation during the first 5 days of life (19.2 vs 23.4%, P=0.50), use of surfactant (18.2 vs 17.3% P=0.92), or respiratory morbidity and mortality until discharge. The CPAP group required a greater number of doses of surfactant (1.5 vs 1.0, P=0.02). When CPAP was applied to the routine group, it was installed within a median time of 30 min. We found that CPAP applied less than 15 min after birth was not able to reduce the need for ventilator support and was associated with a higher number of doses of surfactant when compared to CPAP applied as clinically indicated within a median time of 30 min.