978 resultados para United States. Commission on the Future Structure of Veterans Health Care. Meeting.
Whether or not species participating in specialized and obligate interactions display similar and simultaneous demographic variations at the intraspecific level remains an open question in phylogeography. In the present study, we used the mutualistic nursery pollination occurring between the European globeflower Trollius europaeus and its specialized pollinators in the genus Chiastocheta as a case study. Explicitly, we investigated if the phylogeographies of the pollinating flies are significantly different from the expectation under a scenario of plant-insect congruence. Based on a large-scale sampling, we first used mitochondrial data to infer the phylogeographical histories of each fly species. Then, we defined phylogeographical scenarios of congruence with the plant history, and used maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches to test for plant-insect phylogeographical congruence for the three Chiastocheta species. We show that the phylogeographical histories of the three fly species differ. Only Chiastocheta lophota and Chiastocheta dentifera display strong spatial genetic structures, which do not appear to be statistically different from those expected under scenarios of phylogeographical congruence with the plant. The results of the present study indicate that the fly species responded in independent and different ways to shared evolutionary forces, displaying varying levels of congruence with the plant genetic structure
Effects of forest conversion on the assemblages' structure of aquatic insects in subtropical regions
The effects of forest conversion to agricultural land uses on assemblages of aquatic insects were analyzed in subtropical streams. Organisms and environmental variables were collected in six low-order streams: three streams located in a forested area, and three in areas converted to agricultural land uses. We expected that the aquatic insects' assemblage attributes would be significantly affected by forest conversion, as well as by environmental variables. Streams in converted areas presented lower species richness, abundance and proportion of sensitive insect taxa. The ANOSIM test evidenced strong difference in EPT assemblage structure between streams of forested and converted areas. The ISA test evidenced several EPT genera with high specificity to streams in forested areas and only one genus related to streams in converted areas. Thus, the impacts of the conversion of forested area to agricultural land uses have significantly affected the EPT assemblages, while environmental variables were not affected. We suggest that the effects detected can be influenced by two processes related to vegetation cover: i) lower input of allochthonous material, and ii) increased input of fine sediments in streams draining converted areas.
By an analysis of the exchange of carriers through a semiconductor junction, a general relationship for the nonequilibrium population of the interface states in Schottky barrier diodes has been derived. Based on this relationship, an analytical expression for the ideality factor valid in the whole range of applied bias has been given. This quantity exhibits two different behaviours depending on the value of the applied bias with respect to a critical voltage. This voltage, which depends on the properties of the interfacial layer, constitutes a new parameter to complete the characterization of these junctions. A simple interpretation of the different behaviours of the ideality factor has been given in terms of the nonequilibrium charging properties of interface states, which in turn explains why apparently different approaches have given rise to similar results. Finally, the relevance of our results has been considered on the determination of the density of interface states from nonideal current-voltage characteristics and in the evaluation of the effects of the interfacial layer thickness in metal-insulator-semiconductor tunnelling diodes.
In this paper we analyse, using Monte Carlo simulation, the possible consequences of incorrect assumptions on the true structure of the random effects covariance matrix and the true correlation pattern of residuals, over the performance of an estimation method for nonlinear mixed models. The procedure under study is the well known linearization method due to Lindstrom and Bates (1990), implemented in the nlme library of S-Plus and R. Its performance is studied in terms of bias, mean square error (MSE), and true coverage of the associated asymptotic confidence intervals. Ignoring other criteria like the convenience of avoiding over parameterised models, it seems worst to erroneously assume some structure than do not assume any structure when this would be adequate.
We comment on a recent paper by Uma Maheswari et al. in which it is claimed that quantal calculations of the half-infinite nuclear matter, in contrast to semiclassical approximations, exhibit an unusually strong dependence of the 90%10% surface thickness of the density profile on the Fermi momentum kF at saturation. This conclusion was carried over to the surface incompressibility. On the contrary we find essential agreement between semiclassical and quantal results and very weak dependence on kF of the quantities in question.
By an analysis of the exchange of carriers through a semiconductor junction, a general relationship for the nonequilibrium population of the interface states in Schottky barrier diodes has been derived. Based on this relationship, an analytical expression for the ideality factor valid in the whole range of applied bias has been given. This quantity exhibits two different behaviours depending on the value of the applied bias with respect to a critical voltage. This voltage, which depends on the properties of the interfacial layer, constitutes a new parameter to complete the characterization of these junctions. A simple interpretation of the different behaviours of the ideality factor has been given in terms of the nonequilibrium charging properties of interface states, which in turn explains why apparently different approaches have given rise to similar results. Finally, the relevance of our results has been considered on the determination of the density of interface states from nonideal current-voltage characteristics and in the evaluation of the effects of the interfacial layer thickness in metal-insulator-semiconductor tunnelling diodes.
We have explored the possibility of obtaining first-order permeability estimates for saturated alluvial sediments based on the poro-elastic interpretation of the P-wave velocity dispersion inferred from sonic logs. Modern sonic logging tools designed for environmental and engineering applications allow one for P-wave velocity measurements at multiple emitter frequencies over a bandwidth covering 5 to 10 octaves. Methodological considerations indicate that, for saturated unconsolidated sediments in the silt to sand range and typical emitter frequencies ranging from approximately 1 to 30 kHz, the observable velocity dispersion should be sufficiently pronounced to allow one for reliable first-order estimations of the permeability structure. The corresponding predictions have been tested on and verified for a borehole penetrating a typical surficial alluvial aquifer. In addition to multifrequency sonic logs, a comprehensive suite of nuclear and electrical logs, an S-wave log, a litholog, and a limited number laboratory measurements of the permeability from retrieved core material were also available. This complementary information was found to be essential for parameterizing the poro-elastic inversion procedure and for assessing the uncertainty and internal consistency of corresponding permeability estimates. Our results indicate that the thus obtained permeability estimates are largely consistent with those expected based on the corresponding granulometric characteristics, as well as with the available evidence form laboratory measurements. These findings are also consistent with evidence from ocean acoustics, which indicate that, over a frequency range of several orders-of-magnitude, the classical theory of poro-elasticity is generally capable of explaining the observed P-wave velocity dispersion in medium- to fine-grained seabed sediments
[spa] En este artículo, analizamos la volatilidad agregada de una economía estilizada donde los agentes estann conectados en redes. Si hay relaciones estratégicas entre las acciones de los agentes, choques idiosincráticos pueden generar fluctuaciones agregadas. Demonstramos que la volatilidad agregada depende de la estructura de redes de la economía de dos maneras. Por un lado, si hay más conexiones en la economía en su conjunto, la volatilidad agregada es más baja. Por otro lado, si las conexiones están más concentradas, la volatilidad agregada es más alta. Presentamos una aplicación de nuestras predicciones teóricas que utiliza datos de EEUU de conexiones intrasectoriales y de diversificación de las empresas.
[spa] En este artículo, analizamos la volatilidad agregada de una economía estilizada donde los agentes estann conectados en redes. Si hay relaciones estratégicas entre las acciones de los agentes, choques idiosincráticos pueden generar fluctuaciones agregadas. Demonstramos que la volatilidad agregada depende de la estructura de redes de la economía de dos maneras. Por un lado, si hay más conexiones en la economía en su conjunto, la volatilidad agregada es más baja. Por otro lado, si las conexiones están más concentradas, la volatilidad agregada es más alta. Presentamos una aplicación de nuestras predicciones teóricas que utiliza datos de EEUU de conexiones intrasectoriales y de diversificación de las empresas.
The flow structure of cold and ignited jets issuing into a co-flowing air stream was experimentally studied using a laser Doppler velocimeter. Methane was employed as the jet fluid discharging from circular and elliptic nozzles with aspect ratios varying from 1.29 to 1.60. The diameter of the circular nozzle was 4.6 mm and the elliptic nozzles had approximately the same exit area as that of the circular nozzle. These non-circular nozzles were employed in order to increase the stability of attached jet diffusion flames. The time-averaged velocity and r.m.s. value of the velocity fluctuation in the streamwise and transverse directions were measured over the range of co-flowing stream velocities corresponding to different modes of flame blowout that are identified as either lifted or attached flames. On the basis of these measurements, attempts were made to explain the existence of an apparent optimum aspect ratio for the blowout of attached flames observed at higher values of co-flowing stream velocities. The insensitivity of the blowout limits of lifted flames to nozzle geometry observed in our previous work at low co-flowing stream velocities was also explained. Measurements of the fuel concentration at the jet centerline indicated that the mixing process was enhanced with the 1.38 aspect ratio jet compared with the 1.60 aspect ratio jet. On the basis of the obtained experimental data, it was suggested that the higher blowout limits of attached flames for an elliptic jet of 1.38 aspect ratio was due to higher entrainment rates.
The present study on the vertical structure of horizontal wind variability in the surface boundary layer over Sriharikota. Based on clock wind speed and direction measuring meteorological tower facility from seven levels in the 100 m layer. The study on wind variability and elliptical approximation of wind hodographs investigated for this tropical coastal station established that Sriharikota is of meso-scale weather entity. Wind variability ratio increases from lower levels to upper levels. In South West monsoon months the station is of high ratio values and it gets affected with meso-scale weather features like thunderstorms. Average total shears are observed greater values than scalar shears. Scalar shears are high in the lowest shear levels compared to upper levels. Semi diurnal types of oscillation in average total shears are found in south west monsoon months. During cyclonic storm passage it is observed that there can be significant difference in mean wind speed from 10 m to 100 m level, but it is not so for peak wind speeds. The variations in wind variability ratio in different months is clearly depicted its strong link to define meso-scale or synoptic –scale forcing domination for this station. Meso-scale forcing is characterized by diurnal wind variability and synoptic- scale forcing by interdiurnal wind variability.
Using a simple stochastic model, the authors illustrate that the occurrence of a meridional dipole in the first empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of a time-dependent zonal jet is a simple consequence of the north–south excursion of the jet center, and this geometrical fact can be understood without appealing to fluid dynamical principles. From this it follows that one ought not, perhaps, be surprised at the fact that such dipoles, commonly referred to as the Arctic Oscillation (AO) or the Northern Annular Mode (NAM), have robustly been identified in many observational studies and appear to be ubiquitous in atmospheric models across a wide range of complexity.
Annealing of polycarbonate glasses at temperatures belowTg leads to an increase in yield stress and a drop in the impact strength. Although such behaviour may be related to the corresponding reduction in free volume upon annealing, variations in the wide-angle X-ray scattering curves indicate some modification to the local structure. The area of an intrachain peak at s ∼ 0.7 Å−1 is monitored with respect to annealing temperature and time. It is proposed that the variations may be described by an increasing level of interlocking or (nesting) between neighbouring chain segments, a process which is a natural consequence of the molecular shape of polycarbonate.