970 resultados para Unit testing
There is no accepted way of measuring prothrombin time without time loss for patients undergoing major surgery who are at risk of intraoperative dilution and consumption coagulopathy due to bleeding and volume replacement with crystalloids or colloids. Decisions to transfuse fresh frozen plasma and procoagulatory drugs have to rely on clinical judgment in these situations. Point-of-care devices are considerably faster than the standard laboratory methods. In this study we assessed the accuracy of a Point-of-care (PoC) device measuring prothrombin time compared to the standard laboratory method. Patients undergoing major surgery and intensive care unit patients were included. PoC prothrombin time was measured by CoaguChek XS Plus (Roche Diagnostics, Switzerland). PoC and reference tests were performed independently and interpreted under blinded conditions. Using a cut-off prothrombin time of 50%, we calculated diagnostic accuracy measures, plotted a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and tested for equivalence between the two methods. PoC sensitivity and specificity were 95% (95% CI 77%, 100%) and 95% (95% CI 91%, 98%) respectively. The negative likelihood ratio was 0.05 (95% CI 0.01, 0.32). The positive likelihood ratio was 19.57 (95% CI 10.62, 36.06). The area under the ROC curve was 0.988. Equivalence between the two methods was confirmed. CoaguChek XS Plus is a rapid and highly accurate test compared with the reference test. These findings suggest that PoC testing will be useful for monitoring intraoperative prothrombin time when coagulopathy is suspected. It could lead to a more rational use of expensive and limited blood bank resources.
A comparison between an unconstrained and a partially constrained system for in vitro biomechanical testing of the L5-S1 spinal unit was conducted. The objective was to compare the compliance and the coupling of the L5-S1 unit measured with an unconstrained and a partially constrained test for the three major physiological motions of the human spine. Very few studies have compared unconstrained and partially constrained testing systems using the same cadaveric functional spinal units (FSUs). Seven human L5-S1 units were therefore tested on both a pneumatic, unconstrained, and a servohydraulic, partially constrained system. Each FSU was tested along three motions: flexion-extension (FE), lateral bending (LB) and axial rotation (AR). The obtained kinematics on both systems is not equivalent, except for the FE case, where both motions are similar. The directions of coupled motions were similar for both tests, but their magnitudes were smaller in the partially constrained configuration. The use of a partially constrained system to characterize LB and AR of the lumbosacral FSU decreased significantly the measured stiffness of the segment. The unconstrained system is today's "gold standard" for the characterization of FSUs. The selected partially constrained method seems also to be an appropriate way to characterize FSUs for specific applications. Care should be taken using the latter method when the coupled motions are important.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES The distinction of oral lichenoid reactions from oral lichen planus may be difficult in a clinical setting. Our aims were to ascertain the utility of patch testing to confirm the association of oral lichenoid reactions with dental restorations and to identify the benefits of replacement of restorations, primarily made of amalgam. METHODS Patients seen in an oral medicine unit over a 10-year period diagnosed with oral lichenoid reactions, with oral lichen planus resistant to treatment or with atypical lichenoid features were included in this study. All had been subjected to skin patch testing. Histopathology reports blinded to patch test results were scrutinized. Patch-test-positive subjects were advised to have their restorations replaced. All were followed up to determine disease resolution for at least 3 months thereafter. RESULTS Among 115 patients, 67.8% patients reacted positive to a dental material and nearly a quarter to mercury or amalgam. No correlation was found between pathology and skin patch testing results (P = 0.44). A total of 87 patients were followed up in clinic, and among 26 patch-test-positive patients who had their amalgam fillings replaced, moderate to complete resolution was noted in 81%. CONCLUSIONS Skin patch testing is a valuable tool to confirm clinically suspected oral lichenoid reactions. Pathology diagnoses of oral lichenoid reactions did not correlate with patch test results. Prospective studies are needed to ascertain that a clinically suspected oral lichenoid reaction with a positive patch test result may resolve after the replacement of amalgam fillings.
Microvariant alleles, defined as alleles that contain an incomplete repeat unit, often complicate the process of DNA analysis. Understanding the molecular basis of microvariants would help to catalogue results and improve upon the analytical process involved in DNA testing. The first step is to determine the sequence/cause of a microvariant. This was done by sequencing samples that were determined to have a microvariant at the FGA or D21S11 loci. The results indicate that a .2 microvariant at the D21S11 locus is caused by a -TA- dinucleotide partial repeat before the last full TCTA repeat. The .2 microvariant at the FGA locus is caused by a -TT- dinucleotide partial repeat after the fifth full repeat and before the variable CTTT repeat motif. There are several possibilities for the reason the .2 microvariants are all the same at a locus, each of which carry implications on the forensic community. The first possibility is that the microvariants are identical by descent, which means that the microvariant is an old allele that has been passed down through the generations. The second possibility is that the microvariants are identical by state, which would mean that there is a mechanism selecting for these microvariants. Future research studying the flanking regions of these microvariants is proposed to determine which of these possibilities is the actual cause and to learn more about the molecular basis of microvariants.
Introduction. Selectively manned units have a long, international history, both military and civilian. Some examples include SWAT teams, firefighters, the FBI, the DEA, the CIA, and military Special Operations. These special duty operators are individuals who perform a highly skilled and dangerous job in a unique environment. A significant amount of money is spent by the Department of Defense (DoD) and other federal agencies to recruit, select, train, equip and support these operators. When a critical incident or significant life event occurs, that jeopardizes an operator's performance; there can be heavy losses in terms of training, time, money, and potentially, lives. In order to limit the number of critical incidents, selection processes have been developed over time to “select out” those individuals most likely to perform below desired performance standards under pressure or stress and to "select in" those with the "right stuff". This study is part of a larger program evaluation to assess markers that identify whether a person will fail under the stresses in a selectively manned unit. The primary question of the study is whether there are indicators in the selection process that signify potential negative performance at a later date. ^ Methods. The population being studied included applicants to a selectively manned DoD organization between 1993 and 2001 as part of a unit assessment and selection process (A&S). Approximately 1900 A&S records were included in the analysis. Over this nine year period, seventy-two individuals were determined to have had a critical incident. A critical incident can come in the form of problems with the law, personal, behavioral or family problems, integrity issues, and skills deficit. Of the seventy-two individuals, fifty-four of these had full assessment data and subsequent supervisor performance ratings which assessed how an individual performed while on the job. This group was compared across a variety of variables including demographics and psychometric testing with a group of 178 individuals who did not have a critical incident and had been determined to be good performers with positive ratings by their supervisors.^ Results. In approximately 2004, an online pre-screen survey was developed in the hopes of preselecting out those individuals with items that would potentially make them ineligible for selection to this organization. This survey has aided the organization to increase its selection rates and save resources in the process. (Patterson, Howard Smith, & Fisher, Unit Assessment and Selection Project, 2008) When the same prescreen was used on the critical incident individuals, it was found that over 60% of the individuals would have been flagged as unacceptable. This would have saved the organization valuable resources and heartache.^ There were some subtle demographic differences between the two groups (i.e. those with critical incidents were almost twice as likely to be divorced compared with the positive performers). Upon comparison of Psychometric testing several items were noted to be different. The two groups were similar when their IQ levels were compared using the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB). When looking at the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), there appeared to be a difference on the MMPI Social Introversion; the Critical Incidence group scored somewhat higher. When analysis was done, the number of MMPI Critical Items between the two groups was similar as well. When scores on the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO) were compared, the critical incident individuals tended to score higher on Openness and on its subscales (Ideas, Actions, and Feelings). There was a positive correlation between Total Neuroticism T Score and number of MMPI critical items.^ Conclusions. This study shows that the current pre-screening process is working and would have saved the organization significant resources. ^ If one was to develop a profile of a candidate who potentially could suffer a critical incident and subsequently jeopardize the unit, mission and the safety of the public they would look like the following: either divorced or never married, score high on the MMPI in Social Introversion, score low on MMPI with an "excessive" amount of MMPI critical items; and finally scores high on the NEO Openness and subscales Ideas, Feelings, and Actions.^ Based on the results gleaned from the analysis in this study there seems to be several factors, within psychometric testing, that when taken together, will aid the evaluators in selecting only the highest quality operators in order to save resources and to help protect the public from unfortunate critical incidents which may adversely affect our health and safety.^
Requirements for testing include advance specification of the conditional rate density (probability per unit time, area, and magnitude) or, alternatively, probabilities for specified intervals of time, space, and magnitude. Here I consider testing fully specified hypotheses, with no parameter adjustments or arbitrary decisions allowed during the test period. Because it may take decades to validate prediction methods, it is worthwhile to formulate testable hypotheses carefully in advance. Earthquake prediction generally implies that the probability will be temporarily higher than normal. Such a statement requires knowledge of "normal behavior"--that is, it requires a null hypothesis. Hypotheses can be tested in three ways: (i) by comparing the number of actual earth-quakes to the number predicted, (ii) by comparing the likelihood score of actual earthquakes to the predicted distribution, and (iii) by comparing the likelihood ratio to that of a null hypothesis. The first two tests are purely self-consistency tests, while the third is a direct comparison of two hypotheses. Predictions made without a statement of probability are very difficult to test, and any test must be based on the ratio of earthquakes in and out of the forecast regions.
"15 November 1983."
The ability of liposomes and microspheres to enhance the efficacy of a sub-unit antigen was investigated. Microspheres were optimised by testing a range of surfactants employed in the external aqueous phase of a water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) double emulsion solvent evaporation process for the preparation of microspherescomposed of poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) and the immunological adjuvant dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium bromide (DDA)and then investigated with regard to the physico-chemical and immunological characteristics of the particles produced. The results demonstrate that this parameter can affect the physico-chemical characteristics of these systems and subsequently, has a substantial bearing on the level of immune response achieved, both humoural and cell mediated, when employed for the delivery of the sub-unit tuberculosis vaccine antigen Ag85B-ESAT-6. Moreover, the microsphere preparations investigated failed to initiate immune responses at the levels achieved with an adjuvant DDA-based liposome formulation (DDA-TDB), further substantiating the superior ability of liposomes as vaccine delivery systems.
A description of the background to testing friction materials for automotive brakes explains the need for a rapid, inexpensive means of assessing their behaviour in a way which is both accurate and meaningful. Various methods of controlling inertia dynamometers to simulate road vehicles are rejected in favour of programming by means of a commercially available XY plotter. Investigation of brake service conditions is used to set up test schedules, and a dynamometer programming unit built to enable service conditions on vehicles to be simulated on a full scale dynamometer. A technique is developed by which accelerated testing can be achieved without operating under overload conditions, saving time and cost without sacrificing validity. The development of programming by XY plotter is described, with a method of operating one XY plotter to programme the machine, monitor its own behaviour, and plot its own results in logical sequence. Commissioning trials are described and the generation of reproducible results in frictional behaviour and material durability is discussed. Teclmiques are developed to cross check the operation of the machine in retrospect, and retrospectively correct results in the event of malfunctions. Sensitivity errors in the measuring circuits are displayed between calibrations, whilst leaving the recorded results almost unaffected by error. Typical results of brake lining tests are used to demonstrate the range of performance parameters which can be studied by use of the machine. Successful test investigations completed on the machine are reported, including comments on behaviour of cast iron drums and discs. The machine shows that materials can repeat their complex friction/ temperature/speed/pressure relationships at a reproducibility of the order of +-0.003u and +~ 0.0002 in. thickness loss during wear tests. Discussion of practical and academic implications completes the report with recommendations for further work in both fields.
This work has concentrated on the testing of induction machines to determine their temperature rise at full-load without mechanically coupling to a load machine. The achievements of this work are outlined as follows. 1. Four distinct categories of mixed-frequency test using an inverter have been identified by the author. The simulation results of these tests as well as the conventional 2-supply test have been analysed in detail. 2. Experimental work on mixed-frequency tests has been done on a small (4 kW) squirrel cage induction machine using a voltage source PWM inverter. Two out of the four categories of test suggested have been tested and the temperature rise results were found to be similar to the results of a direct loading test. Further, one of the categories of test proposed has been performed on a 3.3 kW slip-ring induction machine for the conformation of the rotor values. 3. A low current supply mixed-frequency test-rig has been proposed. For this purpose, a resonant bank was connected to the DC link of the inverter in order to maintain the exchange of power between the test machine and the resonant bank instead of between the main supply and the test machine. The resonant bank was then replaced with a special electro-mechanical energy storage unit. The current of the main power supply was then reduced in amplitude. 4. A variable inertia test for full load temperature rise testing of induction machines has been introduced. This test is purely mechanical in nature and does not require any electrical connection of the test machine to any other machine. It has the advantage of drawing very little net power from the supply.
In this dissertation, I present an integrated model of organizational performance. Most prior research has relied extensively on testing individual linkages, often with cross-sectional data. In this dissertation, longitudinal unit-level data from 559 restaurants, collected over a one-year period, were used to test the proposed model. The model was hypothesized to begin with employee satisfaction as a key antecedent that would ultimately lead to improved financial performance. Several variables including turnover, efficiency, and guest satisfaction are proposed as mediators of the satisfaction-performance relationship. The current findings replicate and extend past research using individual-level data. The overall model adequately explained the data, but was significantly improved with an additional link from employee satisfaction to efficiency, which was not originally hypothesized. Management turnover was a strong predictor of hourly level team turnover, and both were significant predictors of efficiency. Full findings for each hypothesis are presented and practical organizational implications are given. Limitations and recommendations for future research are provided. ^
In the landslide-prone area near the Nice international airport, southeastern France, an interdisciplinary approach is applied to develop realistic lithological/geometrical profiles and geotechnical/strength sub-seafloor models. Such models are indispensable for slope stability assessments using limit equilibrium or finite element methods. Regression analyses, based on the undrained shear strength (su) of intact gassy sediments are used to generate a sub-seafloor strength model based on 37 short dynamic and eight long static piezocone penetration tests, and laboratory experiments on one Calypso piston and 10 gravity cores. Significant strength variations were detected when comparing measurements from the shelf and the shelf break, with a significant drop in su to 5.5 kPa being interpreted as a weak zone at a depth between 6.5 and 8.5 m below seafloor (mbsf). Here, a 10% reduction of the in situ total unit weight compared to the surrounding sediments is found to coincide with coarse-grained layers that turn into a weak zone and detachment plane for former and present-day gravitational, retrogressive slide events, as seen in 2D chirp profiles. The combination of high-resolution chirp profiles and comprehensive geotechnical information allows us to compute enhanced 2D finite element slope stability analysis with undrained sediment response compared to previous 2D numerical and 3D limit equilibrium assessments. Those models suggest that significant portions (detachment planes at 20 m or even 55 mbsf) of the Quaternary delta and slope apron deposits may be mobilized. Given that factors of safety are equal or less than 1 when further considering the effect of free gas, a high risk for a landslide event of considerable size off Nice international airport is identified
Mestrado em Finanças
The quantity of electric energy utilized by a home, a business, or an electrically powered device is measured by an electricity meter, also known as an electric meter, electrical meter, or energy meter. Electric meters located at customers' locations are used by electric providers for billing. They are usually calibrated in billing units, with the kilowatt hour being the most popular (kWh). Typically, they are read once each billing cycle. When energy savings are sought during specific times, some meters may monitor demand, or the highest amount of electricity used during a specific time. Additionally, some meters feature relays for load shedding in response to responses during periods of peak load. The amount of electrical energy consumed by users is measured by a Watt-hour meter, also known as an energy meter. To charge the electricity usage by loads like lights, fans, and other appliances, utilities put these gadgets everywhere, including in households, businesses, and organizations. Watts are a fundamental power unit. A kilowatt is equal to one thousand watts. One kilowatt is regarded as one unit of energy used if used for one hour. These meters calculate the product of the instantaneous voltage and current readings and provide instantaneous power. This power is distributed over a period and is used during that time. Depending on the supply used by home or commercial installations, these may be single or three phase meters. These can be linked directly between line and load for minor service measurements, such as home consumers. However, step-down current transformers must be installed for greater loads to handle their higher current demands.