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Background: Substance misuse is a common comorbid problem in people presenting with first-episode psychosis and is associated with a poor short-term outcome.

Aims: The aim of this study is to examine differences in baseline characteristics and 1-year outcome between individuals with first-episode psychosis who have never misused substances, those who stop misusing substances after initial presentation and those who persistently misuse substances over the 1-year assessment period.

Method: Patients were recruited to the Northern Ireland First Episode Psychosis Study (n=272). Clinical assessments were performed at baseline and at 1 year (n=194) and data were collected from the case notes.

Results: Individuals with persistent substance misuse had more severe depression, more positive symptoms, poorer functional outcome and greater rates of relapse at 1 year than those who stopped and those who had never misused substances. There were no differences in outcome between people who had never misused substances and those who stopped misusing after presentation.

Conclusions: These results support assertive intervention targeted at comorbid substance misuse in individuals with first-episode psychosis.


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Researching psychotic disorders in unison rather than as separate diagnostic groups is widely advocated, but the viability of such an approach requires careful consideration from a neurocognitive perspective.
To describe cognition in people with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia and to examine how known causes of variability in individual's performance contribute to any observed diagnostic differences.
Neurocognitive functioning in people with bipolar disorder (n = 32), schizophrenia (n = 46) and healthy controls (n = 67) was compared using analysis of covariance on data from the Northern Ireland First Episode Psychosis Study.
The bipolar disorder and schizophrenia groups were most impaired on tests of memory, executive functioning and language. The bipolar group performed significantly better on tests of response inhibition, verbal fluency and callosal functioning. Between-group differences could be explained by the greater proclivity of individuals with schizophrenia to experience global cognitive impairment and negative symptoms.
Particular impairments are common to people with psychosis and may prove useful as endophenotypic markers. Considering the degree of individuals' global cognitive impairment is critical when attempting to understand patterns of selective impairment both within and between these diagnostic groups.


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Objective: A history of childhood trauma is common in individuals who later develop psychosis. Similar neuroanatomical abnormalities are observed in people who have been exposed to childhood trauma and people with psychosis. However, the relationship between childhood trauma and such abnormalities in psychosis has not been investigated. This study aimed to explore the association between the experience of childhood trauma and hippocampal and amygdalar volumes in a first-episode psychosis (FEP) population. Methods: The study employed an observational retrospective design. Twenty-one individuals, who had previously undergone magnetic resonance imaging procedures as part of the longitudinal Northern Ireland First-Episode Psychosis Study, completed measures assessing traumatic experiences and were included in the analysis. Data were subject to correlation analyses (rand rob). Potential confounding variables (age at FEP and delay to scan from recruitment) were selected a priori for inclusion in multiple regression analyses. Results: There was a high prevalence of lifetime (95%) and childhood (76%) trauma in the sample. The experience of childhood trauma was a significant predictor of left hippocampal volume, although age at FEP also significantly contributed to this model. There was no significant association between predictor variables and right hippocampal volume. The experience of childhood trauma was a significant predictor of right and total amygdalar volumes and the hippocampal/amygdalar complex volume as a whole. Conclusions: The findings indicate that childhood trauma is associated with neuroanatomical measures in FEP. Future research controlling for childhood traumatic experiences may contribute to explaining brain morphology in people with psychosis.


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Schizophrenia (SCZ) and bipolar disorder (BP) are associated with neuropathological brain changes, which are believed to disrupt connectivity between brain processes and may have common properties. Patients at first psychotic episode are unique, as one can assess brain alterations at illness inception, when many confounders are reduced or absent. SCZ (N=25) and BP (N=24) patients were recruited in a regional first episode psychosis MRI study. VBM methods were used to study gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) differences between patient groups and case by case matched controls. For both groups, deficits identified are more discrete than those typically reported in later stages of illness. SCZ patients showed some evidence of GM loss in cortical areas but most notable were in limbic structures such as hippocampus, thalamus and striatum and cerebellum. Consistent with disturbed neural connectivity WM alterations were also observed in limbic structures, the corpus callosum and many subgyral and sublobar regions in the parietal, temporal and frontal lobes. BP patients displayed less evidence of volume changes overall, compared to normal healthy participants, but those changes observed were primarily in WM areas which overlapped with regions identified in SCZ, including thalamus and cerebellum and subgyral and sublobar sites. At first episode of psychosis there is evidence of a neuroanatomical overlap between SCZ and BP with respect to brain structural changes, consistent with disturbed neural connectivity. There are also important differences however in that SCZ displays more extensive structural alteration.


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Background: Studies conducted in high-income countries have reported significant cognitive deficits in first on set schizophrenia subjects relative to asymptotic controls, and it has been suggested that the severity of such deficits could be directly related to the duration of untreated psychosis (DUP). It is relevant to conduct similar studies in developing countries, given the supposedly better outcome for schizophrenia patients living in the latter environments.

Methods: We applied verbal fluency and digit span tests to an epidemiological-based series of patients with first-onset psychoses (n = 179) recruited in the city of Sao Paulo, and compared the findings with those from non-psychotic control subjects randomly selected from the same geographical areas (n=383).

Results: Psychosis subjects showed lower scores on the three tests relative to controls, with greatest between-group differences for the backward digit span task (p < 0.0001). There were no significant differences between subjects with affective and schizophreniform psychosis. Cognitive performance indices were negatively correlated with the severity of negative symptoms, but showed no relation to DUP.

Conclusion: We found significant cognitive deficits in patients investigated early during the course of psychotic disorders in an environment that is distinct from those where the subjects investigated in previous studies have been drawn from. We found no support to the hypothesis of an association between greater cognitive deficits and a longer DUP. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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'Not belonging' is becoming a prevalent theme within accounts of the first-year student experience at university. In this study the notion of not belonging is extended by assuming a more active role for the idea of liminality in a student's transition into the university environments of academic and student life. In doing so, the article suggests that the transition between one place (home) and another (university) can result in an 'in-between-ness' - a betwixt space. Through an interpretative methodology, the study explores how students begin to move from this betwixt space into feeling like fully-fledged members of university life. It is concluded that there is a wide range of turning points associated with the students' betwixt transition, which shapes, alters or indeed accentuates the ways in which they make meaningful connections with university life. Moreover, transitional turning point experiences reveal a cast of characters and symbolic objects; capture contrasting motivations and evolving relationships; display multiple trajectories of interpersonal tensions and conflicts; highlight discontinuities as well as continuities; and together, simultaneously liberate and constrain the students' transition into university life.


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The A-level Mathematics qualification is based on a compulsory set of pure maths modules and a selection of applied maths modules. The flexibility in choice of applied modules has led to concerns that many students would proceed to study engineering at university with little background in mechanics. A survey of aerospace and mechanical engineering students in our university revealed that a combination of mechanics and statistics (the basic module in both) was by far the most popular choice of optional modules in A-level Mathematics, meaning that only about one-quarter of the class had studied mechanics beyond the basic module within school mathematics. Investigation of student performance in two core, first-year engineering courses, which build on a mechanics foundation, indicated that any benefits for students who studied the extra mechanics at school were small. These results give concern about the depth of understanding in mechanics gained during A-level Mathematics.