258 resultados para Ulva prolifera


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The authors report on the antibacterial activity of 11 algae, green, brown and red. Prepared extracts were tested, and varying degrees of activity were exhibited. Most activity was shown by Ulva fasciata, Sargassum cervicone and Halimeda macroloba.


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This study deals with seasonal variations, natural correlations and similarities of fouling assemblages on exposure panels in the Suez Bay during January 1992 to January 1993. Three main sources of pollutions flow into the bay; industrial waste products, domestic drainage of Suez city and ships' oil and refuse.The fouling assemblages on the test pan els after various periods (1, 2 and 3 months) belonged mainly to the algae (Ulva rigida), polychaetes (Hydroides elegans), Cirripedes (Balanus amphitrite) and amphipods. The fouling at the lst station was relatively more dense than at the 2nd station during the summer and autumn seasons. The lowest productivity was achieved at the 3rd station which was considered less polluted being offshore water. The overall paucity of fouling in the bay is because of the silt covering the submerged surfaces, particularly at the 2nd station, leading to the prevention of the settlements or establishment of fouling organisms. The seasonal changes in the intensity of fouling assemblages on submerged surfaces in seawater seems to be closely related to seasonal variations in water temperature. The great fouling communities on the buoys and long exposure panels showed a remarkable variety of species and density rather than on short term exposures, which were more dense during warmer months.


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对汕头南澳岛潮间带海藻浒苔 (Enteromorpha prolifera)在低潮时干出状态下的光合作用进行了测定。结果表明 ,浒苔在干出状态下光合速率具有随脱水增加而下降的趋势 ,而呼吸速率在脱水过程中保持稳定。光合作用受目前大气 CO2 浓度水平 (36 0 μL·L-1)的限制 ,大气 CO2 浓度加倍使得浒苔暴露于空气过程中的光合作用增加 35%~ 52 % ,在严重脱水状态下 ,光合效率与羧化效率下降 ;而光补偿点、CO2 补偿点则增高。


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The effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR 280-400 nm) on the germination of Porphyra haitanensis conchospores and on the growth and morphogenesis of the subsequent sporelings were investigated by culturing the released conchospores under natural sunlight from 29 September to 6 October 2005. Germination increased with time and was faster when UV-B was excluded using cut-off filters. There were significant negative effects of UV-B radiation on growth and cell division of sporelings, with decreases up to 18% for thallus length, between 6 and 18% for thallus width, up to 29% for thallus area, and between 6 and 14% for cell size as compared to PAR-controls. UV-A had a significant positive effect on morphogenesis, enhancing the formation of sporelings with cells dividing transversely; on the other hand, UV-B delayed the formation of such sporelings. We also tested the effects of solar UVR on the growth of P. haitanensis juveniles and found no significant effects. Our results indicate that UV-A has an important role in the germination and morphogenesis of the species, but on the other hand, sporelings of P. haitanensis are more sensitive to UV-B radiation than juveniles.


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 目的 探讨不同浓度他克莫司(TM)对不同强度长波紫外线(UVA)照射HaCaT细胞24h和48h后细胞 增殖活性的影响。方法将培养的HaCaT细胞分别行2, 4 和8J / cm2 的UVA 照射,且照射前1h 分别加入50, 500 和 5 000pg/mL的TM,对照组分别加入50, 500和5 000pg/mL的TM,但不行UVA照射。各剂量组分别照射24h和48h后在 倒置相差显微镜下观察细胞的形态变化,MTT法检测细胞的增殖活性。结果 HaCaT细胞经UVA照射24h后,细胞连接 松散,细胞折光性较未照射组差,部分细胞死亡、脱壁;与未经UVA照射组相比,细胞增殖受到抑制( P < 0. 05) ,加入TM 组无明显变化( P > 0. 05) ;照射48h后细胞虽有大量增殖,但体积较小;与未经UVA 照射组相比,细胞增殖明显( P < 0. 05) ,加入TM组细胞增殖受到抑制(P < 0. 05) 。结论 TM可抑制UVA照射HaCaT细胞引起的过度增殖,对UVA照射 后的HaCaT细胞有保护作用。


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Problems with tin and copper antifouling compounds have highlighted the need to develop new environmentally friendly antifouling coatings. Bacteria isolated from living surfaces in the marine environment are a promising source of natural antifouling compounds. Four isolates were used to produce extracts that were formulated into ten waterbased paints. All but one of the paints showed activity against a test panel of fouling bacteria. Five of the paints were further tested for their ability to inhibit the settlement of barnacle larvae, Balanus amphitrite, and algal spores of Ulva lactuca, and for their ability to inhibit the growth of U. lactuca. Two paints caused a significant decrease in the number of settled barnacles. One paint containing extract of Pseudomonas sp. strain NUDMB50-11, showed excellent activity in all assays. The antifouling chemicals responsible for the activity of the extract were isolated, using bioassay guided fractionation, and their chemical structures determined.


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Financial support from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2010CB833802 and 2007AA09Z446) and from the National Science Foundation of China (30910103914) is gratefully acknowledged.


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The past decade has seen the genetic engineering of various types of seaweed. To date, genetic transformation studies have been carried out in several seaweeds, including the red seaweeds Porphyra, Gracilaria, Grateloupia, Kappaphyclus and Ceramium and the green seaweed Ulva. A genetic transformation model system has been established in the most commonly cultivated seaweed, the brown seaweed Laminaria japonica (kelp), based on the transfer of technology used in land plant transformation and also by modulating the seaweed life cycle. This model showed the potential for application of transgenic kelp to the production of valuable products and an indoor cultivation system for transgenic kelp was proposed, taking into account necessary factors for bio-safety. In this review, the establishment at use of the kelp transformation model is introduced, highlighting the potential for transforming kelp into a marine bioreactor.


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Molecular biotechnology of marine algae is referred to as the biotechnology on the identification, modification, production and utilization of marine algal molecules. It involves not only the manipulation of macromolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins, but also deals with low molecular weight compounds such as secondary metabolites. In the last decade, molecular systematic researches to investigate the relationship and to examine the evolutionary divergence among Chinese marine algae have been carried out by Chinese scientists. For example, RAPD has been widely used in several laboratories to elucidate genetic variations of the reds, such as Porphyra, Gracilaria, Grateloupia and the greens such as Ulva and Enteromorpha. Some important data have been obtained. The study on molecular genetic markers for strain improvement is now in progress. In 1990s, genetic engineering of economic seaweeds such as Laminaria, Undaria, Porphyra, Gracilaria and Grateloupia has been studied in China. For Laminaria japonica, the successfully cultivated kelp in China, a model transformation system has been set up based on the application of plant genetic techniques and knowledge of the algal life history. Progress has been made recently in incorporating a vaccine gene into kelp genome. Evidence has been provided showing the expression of gene products as detectable vaccines. In the present paper, the progress of molecular biotechnological studies of marine algae in China, especially researches on elucidating and manipulating nucleic acids of marine algae, are reviewed.


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The chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics of marine red alga Grateloupia turutunt Yamada, green alga Ulva pertusa Kjellm and brown alga Laminaria japonica Aresch during natural sustained dehydration were monitored and investigated. The pulse amplified modulation (PAM) system was used to analyze the distinct fluorescence parameters during thallus dehydration. Results proved that the fluorescence kinetics of different seaweed all showed three patterns of transformation with sustained water loss. These were: 1) peak kinetic pattern (at the early stage of dehydration fluorescence enhanced and quenched subsequently, representing a normal physiological state). 2) plateau kinetic pattern (with sustained water loss fluorescence enhanced continuously but quenching became slower, finally reaching its maximum). 3) Platform kinetic pattern (fluorescence fell and the shape of kinetic curve was similar to plateau kinetic pattern). A critical water content (CWC) could be found and defined as the percentage of water content just prior to the fluorescence drop and to be a significant physiological index for evaluation of plant drought tolerance. Once thallus water content became lower than this value the normal peak pattern can not be recovered even through rehydration, indicating an irreversible damage to the thylakoid membrane. The CWC value corresponding to different marine species were varied and negatively correlated with their desiccation tolerance, for example. Laminaria japonica had the highest CWC value (around 90%) and the lowest dehydration tolerance of the three. In addition, a fluorescence "burst" was found only in red algae during rehydration. The different fluorescence parameters F-o, F-v and F-v, F-m were measured and compared during water loss. Both F-o and F-v increased in the first stage of dehydration but F-v/F-m. kept almost constant. So the immediate response of in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence to dehydration was an enhancement. Later with sustained dehydration F-o increased continuously while F-v decreased and tended to become smaller and smaller. The major changes in fluorescence (including fluorescence drop during dehydration and the burst during rehydration) were all attributed to the change in F-o instead of F-v This significance of F-o indicates that it is necessary to do more research on F-o as well as on its relationship with the state of thylakoid membrane.


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Scanning electron microscopy of the surfaces of the seaweeds Laminaria japonica, haploid Porphyra yezoensis, Ulva pertusa and the diploid conchocelis of P. yezoensis and P. haitanensis revealed Vibrio and Micrococcus to be abundant on the surfaces of U. pertusa and P. yezoensis. Vibrio, Flavobacterium, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Corynebacterium and other genera were isolated from the surfaces of L. japonica.


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Based on the sequence data of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1, 5.8 S, and ITS 2, the molecular phylogeny was analyzed on Ulvaceae species collected from Qingdao coasts in summer of 2007, including 15 attached Ulva and Enteromorpha samples from 10 locations and 10 free-floating Enteromorpha samples from seven locations. The result supported the monophyly of all free-floating Enteromorpha samples, implying the unialgal composition of the free-floating Enteromorpha, and the attached Ulvaceae species from Qingdao coasts were grouped into other five clades, suggesting that they were not the biogeographic origin of the free-floating Enteromorpha in that season.


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Laminaria japonica, Undaria pinnatifida, Ulva lactuca, Grateloupia turuturu and Palmaria palmata are Suitable species that fit the requirements of a seaweed-animal integrated aquaculture system in terms of their viable biomass, rapid growth and promising nutrient uptake rates. fit this investigation, the responses of the optimal chlorophyll fluorescence yield of the five algal species in tumble Culture were assessed at a temperature range of 10 similar to 30 degrees C. The results revealed that Ulva lactuca was the most resistant species to high temperature, withstanding 30 degrees C for 4 h without apparent decline in the optimal chlorophyll fluorescence yield. While the arctic alga Palmaria palmata was the most vulnerable one, showing significant decline in the optimal chlorophyll fluorescence yield at 25 degrees C for 2 h. The cold-water species Laminaria japonica, however, demonstrated strong ability to cope with higher temperature (24 similar to 26 degrees C) for shorter time (within 24 h) without significant decline in the optimal chlorophyll fluorescence yield. Grateloupia turuturu showed a general decrease in the optimal chlorophyll fluorescence yield with the rising temperature from 23 to 30 degrees C, similar to the temperate kelp Undaria pinnatifida. Changes of chlorophyll fluorescence yields of these algae were characterized differently indicating the existence of species-unique strategy to cope with high light. Measurements of the optimal chlorophyll fluorescence yield after short exposure to direct solar irradiance revealed how long these exposures could be without significant photoinhibition or with promising recovery in photosynthetic activities. Seasonal pattern of alternation of algal species in tank culture in the Northern Hemisphere at the latitude of 36 degrees N was proposed according to these basic measurements.


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Thermal analysis and thermolysis kinetics of three kinds of seaweeds and fir wood (M. glyptostriboides Huet Cheng), a kind of typical land plant, had been conducted. The results showed that thermal stability follows the order of Grateloupia filicina < Ulva lactuca < Dictyopteris divaricata < fir wood. A notable difference on heat flow between seaweeds and fir wood during thermolysis was that the former were mainly connected with exothermic processes at relatively lower temperature regimes. while the latter was connected with an apparent endotherm at a relatively higher temperature regime followed by a maximum exothermic peak. This suggested that the heat coupling might be realized if co-thermolysis of seaweeds and fir wood were carried out. The main devolatilization phase of each seaweed could be described by Avrami-Erofeev equation, which indicated that thermolysis of seaweeds follows the mechanism of random nucleation and nuclei growth, whereas that of fir wood by Z-L-T equation and its thermolysis mechanism was three-dimensional diffusion. The activation energies calculated for both seaweeds and fir wood increase as conversion increases. However, those for the former have wider distribution. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.