974 resultados para Tyrosine


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Capacitation is essential for fertilization of ovulated oocytes. Capacitation is correlated with activation of a signal transduction pathway leading to protein tyrosine phosphorylation, an essential prerequisite for fertilization. Oviductin has been shown to bind to the acrosomal cap and the equatorial segment region of the sperm head. In light of findings reported in previous studies, we hypothesized that estrus stage-specific oviductin (EOV) enhances tyrosine phosphorylation. Immunofluorescent detection by light and confocal microscopy and immunogold labeling by electron microscopy and surface replica techniques were used to localize tyrosine phosphorylated proteins to the equatorial segment region and midpiece after incubation in medium in the presence or absence of EOV. In the presence of EOV, an increase in tyrosine phosphorylation in the equatorial segment region was observed as early as 5 minutes after incubation. On prolonging incubation in medium containing EOV immunostaining further increased, indicative of increased levels of tyrosine phosphorylation of sperm proteins as capacitation proceeds. Regardless of the presence or absence of EOV, phosphotyrosine expression was observed along the tail, specifically at the midpiece. However, this reactivity was enhanced in the presence of EOV. Western blot analysis of NP-40 extractable and non-extractable sperm proteins confirmed these observations. NP-40 extractable sperm proteins (25, 37, 44kDa) and non-extractable sperm proteins (70, 83, 90kDa) showed increased intensity when sperm were capacitated in the presence of EOV after 5-, 60-, 120- and 180-minutes of capacitation. Mass spectrophotometric analysis identified enolase, ATP-specific succinyl CoA, succinate CoA ligase, zona pellucida binding protein, heat shock protein 90, aconitase and hexokinase as proteins that undergo enhancement in tyrosine phosphorylation in the presence of EOV. The proteins identified are known to be involved in specific functions including cellular metabolism, molecular chaperoning and normal sperm development. In summary, the present investigation has provided new evidence showing that sperm capacitated in vitro in the presence of EOV display an enhanced expression of tyrosine phosphorylation compared to sperm incubated in capacitating medium alone. These results indicate that inclusion of oviductin in media used for in vitro fertilization (IVF) may improve success rates of IVF by enhancing the signaling pathways involved in sperm capacitation.


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The generation of a functional nervous system requires that neuronal cells and axons navigate precisely to their appropriate targets. The Eph Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs) and their ephrin ligands have emerged as one of the important guidance cues for neuronal and axon navigation. However, the molecular mechanisms of how Eph RTKs regulate these processes are still incomplete. The purpose of this work was to contribute to the understanding of how Eph receptors regulate axon guidance by identifying and characterizing components of the Caenorhabditis elegans Eph RTK (VAB-1) signaling pathway. To achieve this objective I utilized a hyper active form of the VAB-1 Eph RTK (MYR-VAB-1) that caused penetrant axon guidance defects in the PLM mechanosensory neurons, and screened for suppressors of the MYR-VAB-1 phenotype. Through a candidate gene approach, I identified the adaptor NCK-1 as a downstream effector of VAB-1. Molecular and genetic analysis revealed that the nck-1 gene encodes for two isoforms (NCK-1A and NCK-1B) that share similar expression patterns in parts of the nervous system, but also have independent expression patterns in other tissues. Genetic rescue experiments showed that both NCK-1 isoforms can function in axon guidance, but each isoform also has specific functions. In vitro binding assays showed that NCK-1 binds to VAB-1 in a kinase dependent manner. In addition to NCK-1, WSP-1/N-WASP was also identified as an effector of VAB-1 signaling. Phenotypic analysis showed that nck-1 and wsp-1 mutants had PLM axon over extension defects similar to vab-1 animals. Furthermore, VAB-1, NCK-1 and WSP-1 formed a complex in vitro. Intriguingly, protein binding assays showed that NCK-1 can also bind to the actin regulator UNC-34/Ena, but genetic experiments suggest that unc-34 is an inhibitor of nck-1 function. Through various genetic and biochemical experiments, I provide evidence that VAB-1 can disrupt the NCK-1/UNC-34 complex, and negatively regulate UNC-34. Taken together, my work provides a model of how VAB-1 RTK signaling can inhibit axon extension. I propose that activated VAB-1 can prevent axon extension by inhibiting growth cone filopodia formation. This is accomplished by inhibiting UNC-34/Ena activity, and simultaneously activating Arp2/3 through a VAB-1/NCK-1/WSP-1 complex.


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An early and critical event in beta2 integrin signalling during neutrophil adhesion is activation of Src tyrosine kinases and Syk. In the present study, we report Src kinase-dependent beta2 integrin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Cbl occurring in parallel with increased Cbl-associated tyrosine kinase activity. These events concurred with activation of Fgr and, surprisingly, also with dissociation of this Src tyrosine kinase from Cbl. Moreover, the presence of the Src kinase inhibitor PP1 in an in vitro assay had only a limited effect on the Cbl-associated kinase activity. These results suggest that an additional active Src-dependent tyrosine kinase associates with Cbl. The following observations imply that Syk is such a kinase: (i) beta2 integrins activated Syk in a Src-dependent manner, (ii) Syk was associated with Cbl much longer than Fgr was, and (iii) the Syk inhibitor piceatannol (3,4,3´,5´-tetrahydroxy-trans-stilbene) abolished the Cbl-associated kinase activity in an in vitro assay. Effects of the mentioned interactions between these two kinases and Cbl may be related to the finding that Cbl is a ubiquitin E3 ligase. Indeed, we detected beta2 integrin-induced ubiquitination of Fgr that, similar to the phosphorylation of Cbl, was abolished in cells pretreated with PP1. However, the ubiquitination of Fgr did not cause any apparent degradation of the protein. In contrast with Fgr, Syk was not modified by the E3 ligase. Thus Cbl appears to be essential in beta2 integrin signalling, first by serving as a matrix for a subsequent agonist-induced signalling interaction between Fgr and Syk, and then by mediating ubiquitination of Fgr which possibly affects its interaction with Cbl.


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Suppressors of cytokine signalling (SOCS, also known as CIS and SSI) are encoded by immediate early genes that act in a feedback loop to inhibit cytokine responses and activation of 'signal transducer and activator of transcription' (STAT). Here we show that SOCS-3 is strongly tyrosine-phosphorylated in response to many growth factors, including interleukin-2 (IL-2), erythropoietin (EPO), epidermal growth factor (EGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). The principal phosphorylation sites on SOCS-3 are residues 204 and 221 at the carboxy terminus, and upon phosphorylation tyrosine 221 interacts with the Ras inhibitor p120 RasGAP. After IL-2 stimulation, phosphorylated SOCS-3 strongly inhibits STAT5 activation but, by binding to RasGAP, maintains activation of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK). A tyrosine mutant of SOCS-3 still blocks STAT phosphorylation, but also strongly inhibits IL-2-dependent activation of ERK and cell proliferation. Moreover, it also inhibits EPO- and PDGF-induced proliferation and ERK activation. Therefore, although SOCS proteins inhibit growth-factor responses, tyrosine phosphorylation of SOCS-3 can ensure cell survival and proliferation through the Ras pathway.


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Nine bradykinin-related peptides were identified in Phyllomedusa sauvagei skin secretion using QTOF MS/MS fragmentation sequencing. The major peptides were (Thr6)-bradykinin, (Hyp3, Thr6)-bradykinin, (Thr6)-phyllokinin and (Hyp3, Thr6)-phyllokinin. The phyllokinins occurred in both sulfated and non-sulfated forms. All (Thr6)-substituted bradykinins/phyllokinins could be generated from a common precursor by differential post-translational processing and modification. The open-reading frame of the cloned precursor cDNA consisted of 62 amino acid residues with a single bradykinin/phyllokinin coding sequence located at the C-terminus. Structural features included a Glu-Arg processing site at the N-terminus of the bradykinin/phyllokinin domain and the absence of an acidic amino acid residue adjacent to the C-terminal Tyr residue in the phyllokinins. However, the neutral amino acid residue (Ile) at position -1 and the basic amino acid residue (Arg) at position -2 from the Tyr residue, constitute a sulfation motif previously identified only in a protochordean.


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JAK2 V617F, identified in the majority of patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms, tyrosine phosphorylates SOCS3 and escapes its inhibition. Here, we demonstrate that the JAK2 exon 12 mutants described in a subset of V617F-negative MPN cases, also stabilize tyrosine phosphorylated SOCS3. SOCS3 tyrosine phosphorylation was also observed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and granulocytes isolated from patients with JAK2 H538QK539L or JAY2 F537-K539delinsL mutations. JAK kinase inhibitors, which effectively inhibited the proliferation of cells expressing V617F or K539L, also caused a dose-dependent reduction in both mutant JAK2 and SOCS3 tyrosine phosphorylation. We propose, therefore, that SOCS3 tyrosine phosphorylation may be a novel bio-marker of myeloproliferative neoplasms resulting from a JAK2 mutation and a potential reporter of effective JAK2 inhibitor therapy currently in clinical development.


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3-Phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) appears to play a central regulatory role in many cell signalings between phosphoinositide-3 kinase and various intracellular serine/threonine kinases. In resting cells, PDK1 is known to be constitutively active and is further activated by tyrosine phosphorylation (Tyr(9) and Tyr(373/376)) following the treatment of the cell with insulin or pervanadate. However, little is known about the mechanisms for this additional activation of PDK1. Here, we report that the SH2 domain of Src, Crk, and GAP recognized tyrosine-phosphorylated PDK1 in vitro. Destabilization of PDK1 induced by geldanamycin (a Hsp90 inhibitor) was partially blocked in HEK 293 cells expressing PDK1- Y9F. Co-expression of Hsp90 enhanced PDK1-Src complex formation and led to further increased PDK1 activity toward PKB and SGK. Immunohistochemical analysis with anti- phospho-Tyr9 antibodies showed that the level of Tyr9 phosphorylation was markedly increased in tumor samples compared with normal. Taken together, these data suggest that phosphorylation of PDK1 on Tyr9, distinct from Tyr373/376, is important for PDK1/Src complex formation, leading to PDK1 activation. Furthermore, Tyr9 phosphorylation is critical for the stabilization of both PDK1 and the PDK1/Src complex via Hsp90-mediated protection of PDK1 degradation.


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3-Phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) plays a central role in signal transduction pathways that activate phosphoinositide 3-kinase. Despite its key role as an upstream activator of enzymes such as protein kinase B and p70 ribosomal protein S6 kinase, the regulatory mechanisms controlling PDK1 activity are poorly understood. PDK1 has been reported to be constitutively active in resting cells and not further activated by growth factor stimulation (Casamayor, A., Morrice, N. A., and Alessi, D. R. (1999) Biochem. J. 342, 287-292). Here, we report that PDK1 becomes tyrosine-phosphorylated and translocates to the plasma membrane in response to pervanadate and insulin. Following pervanadate treatment, PDK1 kinase activity increased 1.5- to 3-fold whereas the activity of PDK1 associated with the plasma membrane increased similar to6-fold. The activity of PDK1 localized to the plasma membrane was also increased by insulin treatment. Three tyrosine phosphorylation sites of PDK1 (Tyr-9 and Tyr-373/376) were identified using in vivo labeling and mass spectrometry. Using site-directed mutants, we show that, although phosphorylation on Tyr-373/376 is important for PDK1 activity, phosphorylation on Tyr-9 has no effect on the activity of the kinase. Both of these residues can be phosphorylated by v-Src tyrosine kinase in vitro, and co-expression of v-Src leads to tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of PDK1. Thus, these data suggest that PDK1 activity is regulated by reversible phosphorylation, possibly by a member of the Src kinase family.