946 resultados para Type-18


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There are two major types of erosion testing devices that are used throughout the world for quantifying particle impact erosion against a solid surface. The first of these uses pressurised air to accelerate abrasive particles through a nozzle so that they impinge upon a target specimen. The second adopts a rotating disc to accelerate abrasive particles using the centripetal effect so that they impinge upon a series of targets arranged around the periphery of the disc. This paper reports the findings of a collaborative project that was designed to compare the performance and results obtained from a rig of each of the two types mentioned above. The sand blast type rig was provided by The Department of Powder Science Technology (POSTEC) at The Telemark Technological Research and Development Centre (TEL-TEK), Porsgrunn, Norway while the centripetal effect accelerator was provided by The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology, University of Greenwich, London, UK. The test programme included tests against a wide range of materials that are commonly used in pneumatic handling facilities. (Pneumatic handling is a means of conveying and transporting powders and granular solid materials in bulk in industrial process plant, through pipelines using a gas as the carrier medium.) Olivine sand was used as the abrasive and it was projected against the test specimens at velocities and concentrations commensurate with those seen in pneumatic conveyors. In all instances the materials used in the test programme were taken from the same batch so that scatter of experimental results due to specimen variation was minimised. The paper contains a series of recommendations for erosion testing equipment. A discussion based on the results and their applicability to the prediction of wear in pneumatic conveyors concludes the paper.


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We present high-resolution (R = lambda/Deltalambda similar to 40 000) Ca II K interstellar observations (lambda(air) = 3933.66Angstrom) towards 88 mainly B-type stars, of which 74 are taken from the Edinburgh-Cape or Palomar-Green surveys, and 81 have > 25degrees. The majority of the data come from previously existing spectroscopy, although also included are 18 new observations of stars with echelle spectra taken with UVES on the Very Large Telescope UT2 (Kueyen). Some 49 of the sample stars have distance estimates above the Galactic plane (z) greater than or equal to 1 kpc, and are thus good probes of the halo interstellar medium. Of the 362 interstellar Ca K components that we detect, 75 (21 per cent) have absolute values of their LSR velocity values exceeding 40 km s(-1). In terms of the deviation velocity for the sightlines with distance estimates, 46/273 (17 per cent) of components have velocity values exceeding those predicted by standard Galactic rotation by more than 40 km s(-1). Combining this data set with previous observations, we find that the median value of the reduced equivalent width (REW) of stars with z greater than or equal to 1 kpc (EW x sin ) is similar to 115 mAngstrom (n = 80), similar to that observed in extragalactic sightlines by Bowen. Using data of all z distances, the REW at infinity is found to be similar to 130 mAngstrom, with the scaleheight (1) of the Ca II K column density distribution being;z 800 pc (n = 196) and reduced column density at infinity of log[N(Ca II K) cm(-2)] similar to 12.24. This implies that similar to30 per cent of Ca II K absorption occurs at distances exceeding similar to1 kpc. For nine sightlines, with distance exceeding 1 kpc and with a companion object within 5degrees, we find that all but two have values of Ca II reduced equivalent width the same to within similar to20 per cent, when the REW of the nearest object is extrapolated to the distance of the further of the pair, and assuming 1 = 800 pc. For 29 of our sightlines with z greater than or equal to 1 kpc and a H I detection from the Leiden-Dwingeloo survey (beamsize of 0.5degrees), we find log(N(Ca II K)IN(H I)) ranging from -7.4 to - 8.4. Values of the Ca II K abundance relative to neutral hydrogen (log[N(Ca II K) cm(-2)] - log[N(H I) cm(-2)]) are found to be more than similar to0.5 dex higher in stars with distances exceeding approximate to100 pc, when compared with the (log[N(Ca II K) cm(-2)] -log[N(H-tot) cm(-2)]) values found in nearby sightlines such as those in Wakker & Mathis (2000). Finally, stellar Ca II K equivalent widths of the sample are determined for 26 objects.


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We present photometric and spectroscopic data of the Type II-P supernova (SN II-P) 2003gd, which was discovered in M74 close to the end of its plateau phase. SN 2003gd is the first Type II supernova ( SN) to have a directly confirmed red supergiant ( RSG) progenitor. We compare SN 2003gd to SN 1999 em, a similar SN II-P, and estimate an explosion date of 2003 March 18. We determine a reddening towards the SN of E(B-V) = 0.14 +/- 0.06, using three different methods. We also calculate three new distances to M74 of 9.6 +/- 2.8, 7.7 +/- 1.7 and 9.6 +/- 2.2 Mpc. The former was estimated using the standard candle method (SCM), for Type II supernovae (SNe II), and the latter two using the brightest supergiants method (BSM). When combined with existing kinematic and BSM distance estimates, we derive a mean value of 9.3 +/- 1.8 Mpc. SN 2003gd was found to have a lower tail luminosity compared with other normal Type II-P supernovae ( SNe II-P) bringing into question the nature of this SN. We present a discussion concluding that this is a normal SN II-P, which is consistent with the observed progenitor mass of 8(-2)(+4) M-circle dot.


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A number of routes to hydroxyiminodehydroquinate, one of the most potent inhibitors of type II dehydroquinase that is currently known, have been investigated. Methods based on the existing literature synthesis, i.e. oxime formation of a suitably C-4 and C-5 protected methyl 3-dehydroquinate derivative were initially studied. Benzoyl protection did give the desired product but in low overall yield. An alternative BBA protection strategy starting with a protected dehydroquinate was successful in generating a C4/C5 analogue of the desired oxime in high yield. Further investigation revealed that it was unecessary to protect the dehydroquinate precursor, hence the potassium salt corresponding to the desired oxime was simply synthesised as a single isomer from methyl dehydroquinate.


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In this study, we tested the biological activity of a novel acylated form of (Pro(3))glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypetide [(Pro3)GIP] prepared by conjugating palmitic acid to Lys(16) to enhance its efficacy in vivo by promoting binding to albumin and extending its biological actions. Like the parent molecule (Pro(3))GIP, (Pro(3))GIPLys(16)PAL was completely stable to the actions of DPP-IV and significantly (p <0.01 to p <0.001) inhibited GIP-stimulated cAMP production and cellular insulin secretion. Furthermore, acute administration of (Pro(3))GIPLys(16)PAL also significantly (p <0.05 to p <0.001) countered the glucose-lowering and insulin-releasing actions of GIP in ob/ob mice. Daily injection of (Pro(3))GIPLys(16)PAL (25 nmol/kg bw) in 14-18-week-old ob/ob mice over 14 days had no effect on body weight, food intake or non-fasting plasma glucose and insulin concentrations. (Pro(3))GIPLys(16)PAL treatment also failed to significantly alter the glycaemic response to an i.p. glucose load or test meal, but insulin concentrations were significantly reduced (1.5-fold; p <0.05) after the glucose load. Insulin sensitivity was enhanced (1.3-fold; p <0.05) and pancreatic insulin was significantly reduced (p <0.05) in the (Pro(3))GIPLys(16)PAL-treated mice. These data demonstrate that acylation of Lys(16) with palmitic acid in (Pro(3))GIP does not improve its biological effectiveness as a GIP receptor antagonist.


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Aims/hypothesis: Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus are more susceptible than healthy individuals to exercise-induced oxidative stress and vascular endothelial dysfunction, which has important implications for the progression of disease. Thus, in the present study, we designed a randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to test the original hypothesis that oral prophylaxis with vitamin C attenuates rest and exercise-induced free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Methods: All data were collected from hospitalised diabetic patients. The electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopic detection of spin-trapped a-phenyl-tert-butylnitrone (PBN) adducts was combined with the use of supporting markers of lipid peroxidation and non-enzymatic antioxidants to assess exercise-induced oxidative stress in male patients with type 1 diabetes (HbA1c 7.9±1%, n=12) and healthy controls (HbA1c 4.6±0.5%, n=14). Following participant randomisation using numbers in a sealed envelope, venous blood samples were obtained at rest, after a maximal exercise challenge and before and 2 h after oral ingestion of 1 g ascorbate or placebo. Participants and lead investigators were blinded to the administration of either placebo or ascorbate treatments. Primary outcome was the difference in changes in free radicals following ascorbate ingestion. Resuts: Six diabetic patients and seven healthy control participants were randomised to each of the placebo and ascorbate groups. Diabetic patients (n=12) exhibited an elevated concentration of PBN adducts (p<0.05 vs healthy, n=14), which were confirmed as secondary, lipid-derived oxygen-centred alkoxyl (RO•) radicals (a nitrogen=1.37 mT and aßhydrogen=0.18 mT). Lipid hydroperoxides were also selectively elevated and associated with a depression of retinol and lycopene (p<0.05 vs healthy). Vitamin C supplementation increased plasma vitamin C concentration to a similar degree in both groups (p<0.05 vs pre-supplementation) and attenuated the exercise-induced oxidative stress response (p<0.05 vs healthy). There were no selective treatment differences between groups in the primary outcome variable. Conclusions/ interpretation: These findings are the first to suggest that oral vitamin C supplementation provides an effective prophylaxis against exercise-induced free radical-mediated lipid peroxidation in human diabetic blood.


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Increasing evidence supports a role for glycated insulin in the insulin-resistant state of type 2 diabetes. We measured 24-hour profiles of plasma glycated insulin, using a novel radioimmunoassay (RIA), to evaluate the effects of meal stimulation and intermittent fasting on circulating concentrations of plasma glycated insulin in type 2 diabetes. Patients (n = 6; hemoglobin A(1c) [HbA(1c)], 7.2% +/- 0.6%; fasting plasma glucose, 7.4 +/- 0.7 mmol/L; body mass index [BMI], 35.7 +/- 3.5 kg/m(2); age, 56.3 +/- 4.4 years) were admitted for 24 hours and received a standardized meal regimen. Half-hourly venous samples were taken for plasma glycated insulin, glucose, insulin, and C-peptide concentrations between 8 Am and midnight and 2-hourly overnight. The mean plasma glycated insulin concentration over 24 hours was 27.8 +/- 1.2 pmol/L with a mean ratio of insulin:glycated insulin of 11:1. Circulating glucose, insulin, C-peptide, and glycated insulin followed a basal and meal-related pattern with most prominent increments following breakfast, lunch, and evening meal, respectively. The mean concentrations of glycated insulin during the morning, afternoon, evening, and night-time periods were 24.4 +/- 2.5, 28.7 +/- 2.3, 31.1 +/- 2.1, and 26.2 +/- 1.5 pmol/L, respectively, giving significantly higher molar ratios of insulin:glycated insulin of 18.0:1, 14.2:1, and 12.7:1 compared with 7.01 at night (P


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We present photometric and spectroscopic observations of a luminous Type IIP Supernova (SN) 2009kf discovered by the Pan-STARRS 1 (PS1) survey and also detected by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer. The SN shows a plateau in its optical and bolometric light curves, lasting approximately 70 days in the rest frame, with an absolute magnitude of M-V = - 18.4 mag. The P-Cygni profiles of hydrogen indicate expansion velocities of 9000 km s(-1) at 61 days after discovery which is extremely high for a Type IIP SN. SN 2009kf is also remarkably bright in the near-ultraviolet (NUV) and shows a slow evolution 10-20 days after optical discovery. The NUV and optical luminosity at these epochs can be modeled with a blackbody with a hot effective temperature (T similar to 16,000 K) and a large radius (R similar to 1 x 10(15) cm). The bright bolometric and NUV luminosity, the light curve peak and plateau duration, the high velocities, and temperatures suggest that 2009kf is a Type IIP SN powered by a larger than normal explosion energy. Recently discovered high-z SNe (0.7


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Optical and near-infrared (near-IR) observations of the Type Ic supernova (SN Ic) 2004aw are presented, obtained from -3 to +413 d with respect to the B-band maximum. The photometric evolution is characterized by a comparatively slow post-maximum decline of the light curves. The peaks in redder bands are significantly delayed relative to the bluer bands, the I-band maximum occurring 8.4 d later than that in B. With an absolute peak magnitude of -18.02 in the V band the SN can be considered fairly bright, but not exceptional. This also holds for the U through I bolometric light curve, where SN 2004aw has a position intermediate between SNe 2002ap and 1998bw. Spectroscopically SN 2004aw provides a link between a normal SN Ic like SN 1994I and the group of broad-lined SNe Ic. The spectral evolution is rather slow, with a spectrum at day +64 being still predominantly photospheric. The shape of the nebular [O-I] lambda lambda 6300, 6364 line indicates a highly aspherical explosion. Helium cannot be unambiguously identified in the spectra, even in the near-IR. Using an analytical description of the light-curve peak we find that the total mass of the ejecta in SN 2004aw is 3.5-8.0 M-circle dot, significantly larger than that in SN 1994I, although not as large as in SN 1998bw. The same model suggests that about 0.3 M-circle dot of Ni-56 has been synthesized in the explosion. No connection to a GRB can be firmly established.


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The sonochemical oxidation efficiency (eta(ox)) of a commercial titanium alloy ultrasound horn has been measured using potassium iodide as a dosimeter at its main resonance frequency (20 kHz) and two higher resonance frequencies (41 and 62 kHz). Narrow power and frequency ranges have been chosen to minimise secondary effects such as changing bubble stability, and time available for radical diffusion from the bubble to the liquid. The oxidation efficiency, eta(ox), is proportional to the frequency and to the power transmitted to the liquid (275 mL) in the applied power range (1-6 W) under argon. Luminol radical visualisation measurements show that the radical generation rate increases and a redistribution of radical producing zones is achieved at increasing frequency. Argon, helium, air, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide have been used as saturation gases in potassium iodide oxidation experiments. The highest eta(ox) has been observed at 5 W under air at 62 kHz. The presence of carbon dioxide in air gives enhanced nucleation at 41 and 62 kHz and has a strong influence on eta(ox). This is supported by the luminol images, the measured dependence of eta(ox). on input power, and bubble images recorded under carbon dioxide. The results give insight into the interplay between saturation gas and frequency, nucleation, and their effect on eta(ox). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Propionibacterium acnes is an anaerobic Gram-positive bacterium that forms part of the normal human cutaneous microbiota and is thought to play a central role in acne vulgaris, a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous unit (I. Kurokawa et al., Exp. Dermatol. 18:821-832, 2009). Here we present the whole genome sequence of P. acnes type IB strain 6609, which was recovered from a skin sample from a woman with no recorded acne history and is thus considered a nonpathogenic strain (I. Nagy, Microbes Infect. 8:2195-2205, 2006).


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New routes for the preparation of highly active TiO2-supported Cu and CuZn catalysts have been developed for C-O coupling reactions. Slurries of a titania precursor were dip-coated onto glass beads to obtain either structured mesoporous or non-porous titania thin films. The Cu and CuZn nanoparticles, synthesized using a reduction by solvent method, were deposited onto calcined films to obtain a Cu loading of 2 wt%. The catalysts were characterized by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy, temperature-programmed oxidation/reduction (TPO/TPR) techniques, Cu-63 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (S/TEM-EDX) and X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS). The activity and stability of the catalysts obtained have been studied in the C-O Ullmann coupling of 4-chloropyridine and potassium phenolate. The titania-supported nanoparticles retained catalyst activity for up to 12 h. However, catalyst deactivation was observed for longer operation times due to oxidation of the Cu nanoparticles. The oxidation rate could be significantly reduced over the CuZn/TiO2 catalytic films due to the presence of Zn. The 4-phenoxypyridine yield was 64% on the Cu/nonporous TiO2 at 120 degrees C. The highest product yield of 84% was obtained on the Cu/mesoporous TiO2 at 140 degrees C, corresponding to an initial reaction rate of 104 mmol g(cat)(-1) s(-1). The activation energy on the Cu/mesoporous TiO2 catalyst was found to be (144 +/- 5) kJ mol(-1), which is close to the value obtained for the reaction over unsupported CuZn nanoparticles (123 +/- 3 kJ mol(-1)) and almost twice the value observed over the catalysts deposited onto the non-porous TiO2 support (75 +/- 2 kJ mol(-1)).


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The young-onset diabetes seen in HNF1A-MODY is often misdiagnosed as Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes, unlike HNF1A-MODY, is associated with insulin resistance and a characteristic dyslipidaemia. We aimed to compare the lipid profiles in HNF1A-MODY, Type 2 diabetes and control subjects and to determine if lipids can be used to aid the differential diagnosis of diabetes sub-type.

1) 14 subjects in each group (HNF1A-MODY, Type 2 diabetes and controls) were matched for gender and BMI. Fasting lipid profiles and HDL lipid constituents were compared in the 3 groups. 2) HDL-cholesterol was assessed in a further 267 patients with HNF1A-MODY and 297 patients with a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes to determine its discriminative value.


1) In HNF1A-MODY subjects, plasma-triglycerides were lower (1.36 vs. 1.93 mmol/l, p = 0.07) and plasma-HDL-cholesterol was higher than in subjects with Type 2 diabetes (1.47 vs. 1.15 mmol/l, p = 0.0008), but was similar to controls. Furthermore, in the isolated HDL; HDL-phospholipid and HDL-cholesterol ester content were higher in HNF1A-MODY, than in Type 2 diabetes (1.59 vs. 1.33 mmol/L, p = 0.04 and 1.10 vs. 0.83 mmol/L, p = 0.019, respectively), but were similar to controls (1.59 vs. 1.45 mmol/L, p = 0.35 and 1.10 vs. 1.21 mmol/L, p = 0.19, respectively). 2) A plasma-HDL-cholesterol > 1.12 mmol/L was 75% sensitive and 64% specific (ROC AUC = 0.76) at discriminating HNF1A-MODY from Type 2 diabetes.


The plasma-lipid profiles of HNF1A-MODY and the lipid constituents of HDL are similar to non-diabetic controls. However, HDL-cholesterol was higher in HNF1A-MODY than in Type 2 diabetes and could be used as a biomarker to aid in the identification of patients with HNF1A-MODY.