952 resultados para Two-dimensional redistribution kernel
The development of side-branching in solidifying dendrites in a regime of large values of the Peclet number is studied by means of a phase-field model. We have compared our numerical results with experiments of the preceding paper and we obtain good qualitative agreement. The growth rate of each side branch shows a power-law behavior from the early stages of its life. From their birth, branches which finally succeed in the competition process of side-branching development have a greater growth exponent than branches which are stopped. Coarsening of branches is entirely defined by their geometrical position relative to their dominant neighbors. The winner branches escape from the diffusive field of the main dendrite and become independent dendrites.
For a few years now, the study of quantum field theories in partially compactified space-time manifolds has acquired increasing importance in several domains of quantum physics. Let me just mention the issues of dimensional reduction and spontaneous compactification, and the multiple questions associated with the study of quantum field theories in the presence of boundaries (like the Casimir effect) and on curved space-time (manifolds with curvature and nontrivial topology), a step towards quantum gravity.
We present a very simple but fairly unknown method to obtain exact lower bounds to the ground-state energy of any Hamiltonian that can be partitioned into a sum of sub-Hamiltonians. The technique is applied, in particular, to the two-dimensional spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model. Reasonably good results are easily obtained and the extension of the method to other systems is straightforward.
The low-temperature isothermal magnetization curves, M(H), of SmCo4 and Fe3Tb thin films are studied according to the two-dimensional correlated spin-glass model of Chudnovsky. We have calculated the magnetization law in approach to saturation and shown that the M(H) data fit well the theory at high and low fields. In our fit procedure we have used three different correlation functions. The Gaussian decay correlation function fits well the experimental data for both samples.
An anomalously long transient is needed to achieve a steady pressurization of a fluid when forced to flow through micronarrowed channels under constant mechanical driving. This phenomenon, known as the "bottleneck effect" is here revisited from a different perspective, by using confined displacements of interfacial fluids. Compared to standard microfluidics, such effect admits in this case a neat quantitative characterization, which reveals intrinsic material characteristics of flowing monolayers and permits to envisage strategies for their controlled micromanipulation.
Experimental quasi-two-dimensional Zn electrodeposits are grown under forced convection conditions. Large-scale effects, with preferential growth towards the impinging flow, together with small-scale roughness suppression effects are evidenced and separately analyzed by using two different radial cell configurations. Interpretations are given in terms of primary concepts concerning current and concentration distributions.
Using the experimental data of Paret and Tabeling [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4162 (1997)] we consider in detail the dispersion of particle pairs by a two-dimensional turbulent flow and its relation to the kinematic properties of the velocity field. We show that the mean square separation of a pair of particles is governed by rather rare, extreme events and that the majority of initially close pairs are not dispersed by the flow. Another manifestation of the same effect is the fact that the dispersion of an initially dense cluster is not the result of homogeneously spreading the particles within the whole system. Instead it proceeds through a splitting into smaller but also dense clusters. The statistical nature of this effect is discussed.
Dynamic morphological transitions in thin-layer electrodeposits obtained from copper sulphate solutions have been studied. The chemical composition of the electrodeposits indicates that they appear as a consequence of the competition between copper and cuprous oxide formation. In addition, the Ohmic control of the process is verified at initial stages of the deposit growth. At higher deposit developments, gravity-induced convection currents play a role in the control of the whole process and affect the position of these transitions.
The influence of an inert electrolyte (sodium sulfate) on quasi-two-dimensional copper electrodeposition from a nondeaerated aqueous copper sulfate solution has been analyzed. The different morphologies for a fixed concentration of CuSO4 have been classified in a diagram in terms of the applied potential and the inert electrolyte concentration. The main conclusion is the extension of the well-known Ohmic model for the homogeneous growth regime for copper sulfate solutions with small amounts of sodium sulfate. Moreover, we have observed the formation of fingerlike deposits at large applied potential and inert electrolyte concentration values, before hydrogen evolution becomes the main electrode reaction.
PURPOSE: At 7 Tesla (T), conventional static field (B0 ) projection mapping techniques, e.g., FASTMAP, FASTESTMAP, lead to elevated specific absorption rates (SAR), requiring longer total acquisition times (TA). In this work, the series of adiabatic pulses needed for slab selection in FASTMAP is replaced by a single two-dimensional radiofrequency (2D-RF) pulse to minimize TA while ensuring equal shimming performance. METHODS: Spiral gradients and 2D-RF pulses were designed to excite thin slabs in the small tip angle regime. The corresponding selection profile was characterized in phantoms and in vivo. After optimization of the shimming protocol, the spectral linewidths obtained after 2D localized shimming were compared with conventional techniques and published values from (Emir et al NMR Biomed 2012;25:152-160) in six different brain regions. RESULTS: Results on healthy volunteers show no significant difference (P > 0.5) between the spectroscopic linewidths obtained with the adiabatic (TA = 4 min) and the new low-SAR and time-efficient FASTMAP sequence (TA = 42 s). The SAR can be reduced by three orders of magnitude and TA accelerated six times without impact on the shimming performances or quality of the resulting spectra. CONCLUSION: Multidimensional pulses can be used to minimize the RF energy and time spent for automated shimming using projection mapping at high field. Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Differential protein labeling with 2-DE separation is an effective method for distinguishing differences in the protein composition of two or more protein samples. Here, we report on a sensitive infrared-based labeling procedure, adding a novel tool to the many labeling possibilities. Defined amounts of newborn and adult mouse brain proteins and tubulin were exposed to maleimide-conjugated infrared dyes DY-680 and DY-780 followed by 1- and 2-DE. The procedure allows amounts of less than 5 microg of cysteine-labeled protein mixtures to be detected (together with unlabeled proteins) in a single 2-DE step with an LOD of individual proteins in the femtogram range; however, co-migration of unlabeled proteins and subsequent general protein stains are necessary for a precise comparison. Nevertheless, the most abundant thiol-labeled proteins, such as tubulin, were identified by MS, with cysteine-containing peptides influencing the accuracy of the identification score. Unfortunately, some infrared-labeled proteins were no longer detectable by Western blots. In conclusion, differential thiol labeling with infrared dyes provides an additional tool for detection of low-abundant cysteine-containing proteins and for rapid identification of differences in the protein composition of two sets of protein samples.
The objective of this work was to evaluate interactions of Lumbricus terrestris juveniles with adults and with inherited burrow systems. An experiment was set up using a two dimensional Evans' boxes microcosm. Adult L. terrestris were added to 16 boxes (one individual per box) and kept in darkness at 17ºC along with eight unoccupied boxes for two months. The adult L. terrestris were removed from eight randomly selected boxes, and L. terrestris juveniles were added (one juvenile per box), composing three treatments with eight replicates: 1, with an adult in an inherited burrow (ABJ); 2, alone in an inherited burrow (BJ); and 3, alone in a previously uninhabited box (J). The proportion of juveniles occupying adult burrows observed was significantly different in treatments ABJ (48%) and BJ (75%). The mean mass of juveniles at experimental termination differed significantly among treatments and was greater in treatment J (4.04±0.39 g) in comparison to the BJ (3.09±0.93 g) and ABJ treatments (2.13±0.64 g). Results suggest a negative influence of both the presence of an adult and its burrow system on juvenile growth. Intraspecific competition partially explained this, but further investigation is required to examine how an inherited environment (i.e. burrow) could negatively affect the growth of juveniles.
Compared to synthetic aperture radars (SARs), the angular resolution of microwave radiometers is quite poor. Traditionally, it has been limited by the physical size of the antenna. However, the angular resolution can be improved by means of aperture synthesis interferometric techniques. A narrow beam is synthesized during the image formation processing of the cross-correlations measured at zero-lag between pairs of signals collected by an array of antennas. The angular resolution is then determined by the maximum antenna spacing normalized to the wavelength (baseline). The next step in improving the angular resolution is the Doppler-Radiometer, somehow related to the super-synthesis radiometers and the Radiometer-SAR. This paper presents the concept of a three-antenna Doppler-Radiometer for 2D imaging. The performance of this instrument is evaluated in terms of angular/spatial resolution and radiometric sensitivity, and an L-band illustrative example is presented.