977 resultados para Turbulent channel flows


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通过直接数值模拟(DNS)研究槽道湍流的性质和机理。包含五个部分:1)湍流直接数值模拟的差分方法研究。2)求解不可压N-S方程的高效算法和不可压槽道湍流的直接数值模拟。3)可压缩槽道湍流的直接数值模拟和压缩性机理分析。4)“二维湍流”的机理分析。5)槽道湍流的标度律分析。1.针对壁湍流计算网格变化剧烈的特点,构造了基于非等距网格的的迎风紧致格式。该方法直接针对计算网格构造格式中的系数,克服了传统方法采用 Jacobian 变换因网格变化剧烈而带来的误差。针对湍流场的多尺度特性分析了差分格式的精度、网格尺度与数值模拟能分辨的最小尺度的关系,给出不同差分格式对计算网格步长的限制。同时分析了计算中混淆误差的来源和控制方法,指出了迎风型紧致格式能很好地控制混淆误差。2.将上述格式与三阶精度的Adams半隐格式相结合,构造了不可压槽道湍流直接数值模拟的高效算法。该算法利用基于交错网格的离散形式的压力Poisson方程求解压力项,避免了压力边界条件处理的困难。利用FFT对方程中的隐式部分进行解耦,解耦后的方程采用追赶法(LU分解法)求解,大大减少了计算量。为了检验该方法,进行了三维不可压槽道湍流的直接数值模拟,得到了Re=2800的充分发展不可压槽道湍流,并对该湍流场进行了统计分析。包括脉动速度偏斜因子在内的各阶统计量与实验结果及Kim等人的计算结果吻合十分理想,说明本方法是行之有效的。3.进行了三维充分发展的可压缩槽道湍流的直接数值模拟。得到了 Re=3300,Ma=0.8的充分发展可压槽道湍流的数据库。流场的统计特征(如等效平均速度分布,“半局部”尺度无量纲化的脉动速度均方根)和他人的数值计算结果吻合。得到了可压槽道湍流的各阶统计量,其中脉动速度的偏斜因子和平坦因子等高阶统计量尚未见其他文献报道。同时还分析了压缩性效应对壁湍流影响的机理,指出近壁处的压力-膨胀项将部分湍流脉动的动能转换成内能,使得可压湍流近壁速度条带结构更加平整。4.模拟了二维不可压槽道流动的饱和态(所谓“二维湍流”),分析了“二维槽道湍流”的非线性行为特征。分析了流场中的上抛-下扫和间歇现象,研究了“二维湍流”与三维湍流的区别。指出“二维湍流”反映了三维湍流的部分特征,同时指出了展向扰动对于湍流核心区发展的重要性。5.首次对可压缩槽道湍流及“二维槽道湍流”标度律进行了分析,得出了以下结论:a)槽道湍流中,在槽道中心线附近较宽的区域,存在标度律。b)该区域流场存在扩展自相似性(ESS)。c)在Mach数不是很高时,压缩性对标度指数影响不大。本文结果同SL标度律的理论值吻合较好,有效支持了该理论。对“二维槽道湍流”也有相似的结论,但与三维湍流不同的是,“二维槽道湍流”存在标度律的区域更宽,近壁处的标度指数比中心处有所升高。


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We investigate the mechanisms involved in the breakdown of the viscous regime in riblets, with a view to determining the point of optimum performance, where drag reduction ceases to be proportional to the riblet size. This occurs empirically for a groove cross-section $A_g^+ \approx 120^+$. To study the interaction of the riblets with the overlaying turbulent flow, we systematically conduct DNSes in a ribbed turbulent channel with increasing riblet size. The conditionally averaged crossflow above and within the grooves reveals a mean recirculation bubble that exists up to the point of viscous breakdown, isolating the groove floor from the overlying crossflow, and preventing the high momentum fluid from entering the grooves. We do not find evidence of outside vortices lodging within the grooves until $A_g^+ \approx 400$, which is well past the drag minimum, and already into the drag increasing regime. Interestingly, as the bubble breaks down, we observe that quasi-two-dimensional spanwise structures form just above the riblets, similar to those observed above porous surfaces and plant canopies, which appear to be involved in the performance degradation.


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Instabilities of fluid flows have traditionally been investigated by normal mode analysis, i.e. by linearizing the equations of flow and testing for unstable eigenvalues of the linearized problem. However, the results of eigenvalue analysis agree poorly in many cases with experiments, especially for shear flows. In this paper we study the instabilities of two-dimensional Couette flow of a polymeric fluid in the framework of non-modal stability theory rather than normal mode analysis. A power-law model is used to describe the polymeric liquid. We focus on the response to external excitations and initial conditions by examining the pseudospectra structures and the transient energy growths. For both Newtonian and non-Newtonian flows, the results show that there can be a rather large transient growth even though the linear operator of Couette flow has no unstable eigenvalue. The effects of non-Newtonian viscosity on the transient behaviors are examined in this study. The results show that the "shear-thinning/shear-thickening" effect increases/decreases the amplitude of responses to external excitations and initial conditions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une nouvelle méthode smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) pour la résolution des équations de Navier-Stokes incompressibles, même en présence des forces singulières. Les termes de sources singulières sont traités d'une manière similaire à celle que l'on retrouve dans la méthode Immersed Boundary (IB) de Peskin (2002) ou de la méthode régularisée de Stokeslets (Cortez, 2001). Dans notre schéma numérique, nous mettons en oeuvre une méthode de projection sans pression de second ordre inspirée de Kim et Moin (1985). Ce schéma évite complètement les difficultés qui peuvent être rencontrées avec la prescription des conditions aux frontières de Neumann sur la pression. Nous présentons deux variantes de cette approche: l'une, Lagrangienne, qui est communément utilisée et l'autre, Eulerienne, car nous considérons simplement que les particules SPH sont des points de quadrature où les propriétés du fluide sont calculées, donc, ces points peuvent être laissés fixes dans le temps. Notre méthode SPH est d'abord testée à la résolution du problème de Poiseuille bidimensionnel entre deux plaques infinies et nous effectuons une analyse détaillée de l'erreur des calculs. Pour ce problème, les résultats sont similaires autant lorsque les particules SPH sont libres de se déplacer que lorsqu'elles sont fixes. Nous traitons, par ailleurs, du problème de la dynamique d'une membrane immergée dans un fluide visqueux et incompressible avec notre méthode SPH. La membrane est représentée par une spline cubique le long de laquelle la tension présente dans la membrane est calculée et transmise au fluide environnant. Les équations de Navier-Stokes, avec une force singulière issue de la membrane sont ensuite résolues pour déterminer la vitesse du fluide dans lequel est immergée la membrane. La vitesse du fluide, ainsi obtenue, est interpolée sur l'interface, afin de déterminer son déplacement. Nous discutons des avantages à maintenir les particules SPH fixes au lieu de les laisser libres de se déplacer. Nous appliquons ensuite notre méthode SPH à la simulation des écoulements confinés des solutions de polymères non dilués avec une interaction hydrodynamique et des forces d'exclusion de volume. Le point de départ de l'algorithme est le système couplé des équations de Langevin pour les polymères et le solvant (CLEPS) (voir par exemple Oono et Freed (1981) et Öttinger et Rabin (1989)) décrivant, dans le cas présent, les dynamiques microscopiques d'une solution de polymère en écoulement avec une représentation bille-ressort des macromolécules. Des tests numériques de certains écoulements dans des canaux bidimensionnels révèlent que l'utilisation de la méthode de projection d'ordre deux couplée à des points de quadrature SPH fixes conduit à un ordre de convergence de la vitesse qui est de deux et à une convergence d'ordre sensiblement égale à deux pour la pression, pourvu que la solution soit suffisamment lisse. Dans le cas des calculs à grandes échelles pour les altères et pour les chaînes de bille-ressort, un choix approprié du nombre de particules SPH en fonction du nombre des billes N permet, en l'absence des forces d'exclusion de volume, de montrer que le coût de notre algorithme est d'ordre O(N). Enfin, nous amorçons des calculs tridimensionnels avec notre modèle SPH. Dans cette optique, nous résolvons le problème de l'écoulement de Poiseuille tridimensionnel entre deux plaques parallèles infinies et le problème de l'écoulement de Poiseuille dans une conduite rectangulaire infiniment longue. De plus, nous simulons en dimension trois des écoulements confinés entre deux plaques infinies des solutions de polymères non diluées avec une interaction hydrodynamique et des forces d'exclusion de volume.


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Approximate Lie symmetries of the Navier-Stokes equations are used for the applications to scaling phenomenon arising in turbulence. In particular, we show that the Lie symmetries of the Euler equations are inherited by the Navier-Stokes equations in the form of approximate symmetries that allows to involve the Reynolds number dependence into scaling laws. Moreover, the optimal systems of all finite-dimensional Lie subalgebras of the approximate symmetry transformations of the Navier-Stokes are constructed. We show how the scaling groups obtained can be used to introduce the Reynolds number dependence into scaling laws explicitly for stationary parallel turbulent shear flows. This is demonstrated in the framework of a new approach to derive scaling laws based on symmetry analysis [11]-[13].


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An experimental investigation of the noise generated by cavitation in turbulent shear flows produced by confined sharp-edge orifice-plates is reported. The acoustic source strength of cavitation was determined by means of reciprocity type measurements. Experimentally determined scaling parameters are applied to a model to prototype scaling formula derived from dimensional analysis. The proposed formula is checked experimentally. Comparative photographic observations of the cavitation patterns for two different values of gas content are presented. The observed sound reduction, that occurs when supersaturated conditions exist downstream the orifice-plates, is explained by the effects of gas diffusion into the cavitation bubbles, and by simple acoustic attenuation.


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In the present study were observed changes in morphology of the bed of the lower course of the river Ivaí, made by bathymetric surveys, granulometric analysis and measures the flow velocity. Changes made considerable changes in relation to flow and bad load. The study was conducted in the last 110 km of the river Ivaí, between the municipalities Tapira and Icaraíma - PR. In this section the channel flows with meandering pattern, embedded in sandstone Caiuá and sediment modern of its flood plain. This is the only major river in the state that so far has no modifications, making it an important site for studies of fluvial geomorphology.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Diabatische Rossby-Wellen (DRWs) sind zyklonale Wirbel in der unteren Troposphäre, welche sich durch einen thermodynamisch-dynamischen Mechanismus kontinuierlich regenerieren und dabei schnell propagieren können. Vorangehende Untersuchungen schreiben derartigen zyklonalen Wirbeln das Potential zu, unter Wechselwirkung mit einer Anomalie an der Tropopause eine rapide Zyklonenintensivierung und folglich extreme Wetterereignisse hervorrufen zu können. DRWs wurden bisher meist in idealisierten Studien untersucht, woraus sich noch einige offene Fragen zu diesem Phänomen, besonders in realen Modelldaten, ergeben.rnrnIm Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit steht die Fallstudie einer DRW, die im Dezember 2005 über dem Nordatlantik auftrat. Der Lebenszyklus des Systems ist über mehrere Tage und durch verschiedene Phasen verfolgbar und resultiert in einer explosiven Druckvertiefung. Zur Untersuchung der Fallstudie wurde mit operationellen Daten eines Globalmodelles sowie mit den Resultaten eines feinskaligeren Regionalmodelles gearbeitet, auf welche unterschiedliche Analysewerkzeuge angewendet wurden. rnrnDie eingehende Untersuchung der Propagationsphase der DRW bekräftigte das Vorhandensein von genügend Feuchte und Baroklinität als essentiell für den Propagationsmechanismus und die Intensität der DRW. Während der Propagationsphase arbeitet der selbsterhaltende DRW-Mechanismus unabhängig von einer von den Wellen an der Tropopause ausgehenden Anregung. Sensitivitätsstudien mit dem Regionalmodell, in denen die Umgebungsbedingungen der DRW lokal modifiziert wurden, ergaben, dass die Propagation einen relativ robusten Ablauf darstellt. Dementsprechend war in den vier untersuchten operationellen Vorhersagen die Propagationsphase gut wiedergegeben, während die rapide Intensivierung, wie sie gemäß den Analysen aufgetreten ist, von zwei der Vorhersagen verfehlt wurde.rnrnBei der Untersuchung der Intensivierungsphase stellten sich die Position und die zeitliche Abstimmung der Bewegung der Anomalie an der Tropopause relativ zur DRW in der unteren Troposphäre sowie die Stärke der Systeme als entscheidende Einflussfaktoren heraus. In den Entwicklungen der Sensitivitätssimulationen deutete sich an, dass ein unabhängig von der DRW an geeigneter Position entstandener zyklonaler Wirbel konstruktiver zu einer starken Zyklonenintensivierung beitragen kann als die DRW.rnrnIm zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde ein Datensatz über die Nordhemisphäre für die Jahre 2004-2008 hinsichtlich des geographischen Vorkommens und der Intensivierung von DRWs untersucht. DRWs ereigneten sich in diesem Zeitraum über dem Atlantik (255 DRWs) halb so oft wie über dem Pazifik (515 DRWs). Ihre Entstehungsgebiete befanden sich über den Ostteilen der Kontinente und den Westhälften der Ozeane. Die Zugbahnen folgten größtenteils der baroklinen Zone der mittleren Breiten. Von den erfassten DRWs intensivierten sich im Atlanik 16% zu explosiven Tiefdruckgebieten, über dem Pazifik liegt der Anteil mit 11% etwas niedriger. Damit tragen DRWs zu etwa 20% der sich explosiv intensivierenden außertropischen Zyklonen bei.


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yResults of 13 field investigations between 1966 and 1990 of the southwestern to eastern margin of Kötlujökull and its proglacial area are summarized with respect to sandar and their formation. Generally, the results are based on sedimentological examinations in the field and laboratory, on analyses of aerial photographs, and investigations of the glacier slope. The methods permitted a more detailed reconstruction of sandar evolution in the proglacial area of Kötlujökull since 1945, of tendencies in development and of single data going back until the last decades of the 19th century. Accordingly, there existed special periods of "flachsander"-formations with raised coarsegrained "sanderwurzels" resultant from the outbreak of subglacial meltwater tunneloutlets and other periods with "hochsander-"formations by supraglacial drainage. At present the belts of hochsanders in front of the glacier come up to more than 4 m in thickness and 1000 m in width, therefore containing perhaps more sediment direct in front of Kötlujökull than the old belts of flachsanderwurzels. In one case the explosion-like subglacial meltwater outburst combined with the genesis of a sanderwurzel could be observed for a time and is thoroughly discussed. The event is referred to the outburst of a sub- to inglacial meltwater body being under extreme hydrostatic press ures which is combined with the genesis of a new subglacial tunneloutlet as a new flachsander. Often these outbursts led to the destruction of a morainic belt more than 1000 m in width. Presumably the whole event was finished in not more than a few days. In addition to a characteristic pear-shaped form and water-moved stones up to diameters of 1 m the wurzels possess a single "main-channel" with rectangular cross-sections as far as 4 m deep and 50 m wide just as small flat channels resembling fish bones in connection with the main channel. Presumably, they have been active only in the last stage of wurzel formation. With regard to the subglacial tunnel gates long-living L-meltwater outlets are distinguished from short-living K-meltwater outlets. These are always combined with a raised coarse-grained sanderwurzel, but its meltwater discharge is generally decreasing and ceases after some years, whereas the discharge of L-meltwater outlets continues unchanged for long times (except seasonal differences). The material of flachsanders is preponderantly composed of mugearitic and andesitic cobble extending at least for some kilometres from the glacier margin, whereas the hochsanders correspond to medium to coarse sands without clay and without alternations into the direction of flow. The hochsander fans are covered with small braidet channels. Their sedimentary structures are determined by the short time changing of supraglacial meltwater discharge and the upper flow regime combined with the development of antidunes, which rule the channel-flows during the main activity periods in summer. Unlike the subglacial drainage the supraglacial drainage led to only weak effects of erosion on the glacier foreland. So the hochsanders refilled depressions of morainic areas or grew up on older flachsanderwurzels. Whereas all large flachsanders developed in front of approximate stationary glacier margins, the evolution of coherent belts of hochsanders were combined with progressive glacier fronts. On the other hand, there was obviously no evolution at all of large sandar in front of back-melting margins of Kötlujökull. Based on examinations of the glacier surface and on analyses of aerial photographs the different types of sandar are referred to different structures of the glacier snout. Finally chances of surviving of sandar in the proglacial area of Kötlujökull are shortly discussed just as the possibility of an application of the Islandic research results on Pleistocene sandar in northern Germany.


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In typical liquid-fueled burners the fuel is injected as a high-velocity liquid jet that breaks up to form the spray. The initial heating and vaporization of the liquid fuel rely on the relatively large temperatures of the sourrounding gas, which may include hot combustion products and preheated air. The heat exchange between the liquid and the gas phases is enhanced by droplet dispersion arising from the turbulent motion. Chemical reaction takes place once molecular mixing between the fuel vapor and the oxidizer has occurred in mixing layers separating the spray flow from the hot air stream. Since in most applications the injection velocities are much larger than the premixed-flame propagation velocity, combustion stabilization relies on autoignition of the fuel-oxygen mixture, with the combustion stand-off distance being controlled by the interaction of turbulent transport, droplet heating and vaporization, and gas-phase chemical reactions. In this study, conditions are identified under which analyses of laminar flamelets canshed light on aspects of turbulent spray ignition. This study extends earlier fundamental work by Liñan & Crespo (1976) on ignition in gaseous mixing layers to ignition of sprays. Studies of laminar mixing layers have been found to be instrumental in developing un-derstanding of turbulent combustion (Peters 2000), including the ignition of turbulent gaseous diffusion flames (Mastorakos 2009). For the spray problem at hand, the configuration selected, shown in Figure 1, involves a coflow mixing layer formed between a stream of hot air moving at velocity UA and a monodisperse spray moving at velocity USUA. The boundary-layer approximation will be used below to describe the resulting sl ender flow, which exhibits different igniting behaviors depending on the characteristics of t he fuel. In this approximation, consideration of the case U A = U S enables laminar ignition distances to be related to ignition times of unstrained spray flamelets, thereby pro viding quantitative information of direct applicability in regions of low scala r dissipation-rate in turbulent reactive flows (see the discussion in pp. 181–186 of Peters (2000)) . This report is organized as follows. Effects of droplet dispersion dynamics on ignition of sprays in turbulent mixing layers are discussed in Section 2. The formulation f or ignition in laminar mixing layers is outlined in Sections 3 and 4. The results are presented in Section 5. In Section 6, the mixture-fraction field and associated scalar dissipat ion rates for spray ignition are discussed. Finally, some brief conclusions are drawn in Section 7.


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In this work, a combination of numerical methods applied to thermohydrodynamic lubrication problems with cavitation is presented. It should be emphasized the difficulty of the nonlinear mathematical coupled model involving a free boundary problem, but also the simplicity of the algorithms employed to solve it. So, finite element discretizations for the hydrodynamic and thermal equations combined with upwind techniques for the convection terms and duality methods for nonlinear features are proposed. Additionally, a model describing the movement of the shaft is provided. Considering the shaft as a rigid body this model will consist of an ODE system relating acceleration of the center of gravity and external and pressure loads. The numerical experiments of mechanical stability try to clarify the position of the neutral stability curve. Finally, a rotating machine for ship propulsion involving both axial and radial bearings operating with nonconventional lubricants (seawater to avoid environmental pollution) is analyzed by using laminar and turbulent inertial flows.


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The rate of generation of fluctuations with respect to the scalar values conditioned on the mixture fraction, which significantly affects turbulent nonpremixed combustion processes, is examined. Simulation of the rate in a major mixing model is investigated and the derived equations can assist in selecting the model parameters so that the level of conditional fluctuations is better reproduced by the models. A more general formulation of the multiple mapping conditioning (MMC) model that distinguishes the reference and conditioning variables is suggested. This formulation can be viewed as a methodology of enforcing certain desired conditional properties onto conventional mixing models. Examples of constructing consistent MMC models with dissipation and velocity conditioning as well as of combining MMC with large eddy simulations (LES) are also provided. (c) 2005 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A numerical continuation method is carried out in a homotopy space connecting two different flows, the Plane Couette Flow (PCF) and the Laterally Heated Flow in a vertical slot (LHF). This numerical continuation method enables us to obtain an exact steady solution in PCF. The new solution has the shape of hairpin vortices (HVS: hairpin vortex solution), which is observed ubiquitously in turbulent shear flows.


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Recent technological developments have made it possible to design various microdevices where fluid flow and heat transfer are involved. For the proper design of such systems, the governing physics needs to be investigated. Due to the difficulty to study complex geometries in micro scales using experimental techniques, computational tools are developed to analyze and simulate flow and heat transfer in microgeometries. However, conventional numerical methods using the Navier-Stokes equations fail to predict some aspects of microflows such as nonlinear pressure distribution, increase mass flow rate, slip flow and temperature jump at the solid boundaries. This necessitates the development of new computational methods which depend on the kinetic theory that are both accurate and computationally efficient. In this study, lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) was used to investigate the flow and heat transfer in micro sized geometries. The LBM depends on the Boltzmann equation which is valid in the whole rarefaction regime that can be observed in micro flows. Results were obtained for isothermal channel flows at Knudsen numbers higher than 0.01 at different pressure ratios. LBM solutions for micro-Couette and micro-Poiseuille flow were found to be in good agreement with the analytical solutions valid in the slip flow regime (0.01 < Kn < 0.1) and direct simulation Monte Carlo solutions that are valid in the transition regime (0.1 < Kn < 10) for pressure distribution and velocity field. The isothermal LBM was further extended to simulate flows including heat transfer. The method was first validated for continuum channel flows with and without constrictions by comparing the thermal LBM results against accurate solutions obtained from analytical equations and finite element method. Finally, the capability of thermal LBM was improved by adding the effect of rarefaction and the method was used to analyze the behavior of gas flow in microchannels. The major finding of this research is that, the newly developed particle-based method described here can be used as an alternative numerical tool in order to study non-continuum effects observed in micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS).