973 resultados para Tubular steel structures


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Extreme wind events such as tropical cyclones, tornadoes and storms are more likely to impact the Australian coastal regions due to possible climate changes. Such events can be extremely destructive to building structures, in particular, low-rise buildings with lightweight roofing systems that are commonly made of thin steel roofing sheets and battens. Large wind uplift loads that act on the roofs during high wind events often cause premature roof connection failures. Recent wind damage investigations have shown that roof failures have mostly occurred at the batten to rafter or truss screw connections. In most of these cases, the screw fastener heads pulled through the bottom flanges of thin steel roof battens. This roof connection failure is very critical as both roofing sheets and battens will be lost during the high wind events. Hence, a research study was conducted to investigate this critical pull-through failure using both experimental and numerical methods. This paper presents the details of numerical modeling and the results.


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This paper reveals the effects of layer orientation on structural behaviour of three layers configured (LHL, HHL, LLH) CFRP strengthened circular hollow section (CHS) members subjected to bending. The beams were loaded to failure under four-point bending. The structural behaviour of the CFRP strengthened tubular steel beams with various layer orientations were presented in terms of failure load, stiffness, composite beam action and modes of failure. The LHL and LLH layers oriented strengthened beams perform slightly better than HHL layers oriented strengthened beams. The LHL and LLH layers oriented treated beams showed very similar structural behaviour.


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Cold-formed steel wall frame systems using lipped or unlipped C-sections and gypsum plasterboard lining are commonly utilised in the construction of both the load bearing and non-load bearing walls in the residential, commercial and industrial buildings. However, the structural behaviour of unlined and lined stud wall frames is not well understood and adequate design rules are not available. A detailed research program was therefore undertaken to investigate the behaviour of stud wall frame systems. As the first step in this research, the problem relating to the degree of end fixity of stud was investigated. The studs are usually connected to the top and bottom tracks and the degree of end fixity provided by these tracks is not adequately addressed by the design codes. A finite element model of unlined frames was therefore developed, and validated using full scale experimental results. It was then used in a detailed parametric study to develop appropriate design rules for unlined wall frames. This study has shown that by using appropriate effective length factors, the ultimate load and failure modes of the unlined studs can be accurately predicted using the provisions of Australian or American cold-formed steel structures design codes. This paper presents the details of the finite element analyses, the results and recommended design rules for unlined wall frames.


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Light gauge cold-formed steel sections have been developed as more economical building solutions to the alternative heavier hot-rolled sections in the commercial and residential markets. Cold-formed lipped channel beams (LCB), LiteSteel beams (LSB) and triangular hollow flange beams (THFB) are commonly used as flexural members such as floor joists and bearers while rectangular hollow flange beams (RHFB) are used in small scale housing developments through to large building structures. However, their shear capacities are determined based on conservative design rules. For the shear design of cold-formed steel beams, their elastic shear buckling strength and the potential post-buckling strength must be determined accurately. Hence experimental and numerical studies were conducted to investigate the shear behaviour and strength of LCBs, LSBs, THFBs and RHFBs. Improved shear design rules including the direct strength method (DSM) based design equations were developed to determine the ultimate shear capacities of these open and hollow flange steel beams. An improved equation for the higher elastic shear buckling coefficient of cold-formed steel beams was proposed based on finite element analysis results and included in the design equations. A new post-buckling coefficient was also introduced in the design equations to include the available post-buckling strength of cold-formed steel beams. This paper presents the details of this study on cold-formed steel beams subject to shear, and the results. It proposes generalised and improved shear design rules that can be used for any type of cold-formed steel beam.


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Tapered tubular steel masts are commonly used to support floodlights in a range of applications. The design of these slender tapered masts requires a rational elastic flexural buckling analysis as the thickness also varies with height. Therefore a series of finite element analyses of tapered masts with varying geometry parameters was conducted to develop an elastic flexural buckling load formula. This paper briefly discusses the design methods, and then presents the details of the finite element analyses and the results. 1–Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, and Director, Physical Infrastructure Centre 2–Former BE (Civil) Student, QUT


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Steel roofs made of thin cold-formed steel roof claddings and battens are widely used in low-rise residential and industrial buildings all around the world. However, they suffer from premature localised pull-through failures in the batten to rafter connections during high wind events. A recent study proposed a suitable design equation for the pull-through failures of thin steel roof battens. However, it was limited to static wind uplift loading. In contrast, most cyclone/storm events produce cyclic wind uplift forces on roofs for a significantly long period, thus causing premature fatigue pull-through failures at lower loads. Therefore, a series of constant amplitude cyclic load tests was conducted on small and full scale roof panels made of a commonly used industrial roof batten to develop their S-N curves. A series of multi-level cyclic tests, including the recently introduced low-high-low (LHL) fatigue loading test, was also undertaken to simulate a design cyclone. Using the S-N curves, the static pull-through design capacity equation was modified to include the effects of fatigue. Applicability of Miner’s rule was evaluated in order to predict the fatigue damage caused by multi-level cyclic tests such as the LHL test, and suitable modifications were made. The combined use of the modified Miner’s law and the S-N curve of roof battens will allow a conservative estimation of the fatigue design capacity of roof battens without conducting the LHL tests simulating a design cyclone. This paper presents the details of this study, and the results.


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A full-scale experimental study on the structural performance of load-bearing wall panels made of cold-formed steel frames and boards is presented. Six different types of C-channel stud, a total of 20 panels with one middle stud and 10 panels with two middle studs were tested under vertical compression until failure. For panels, the main variables considered are screw spacing (300 mm, 400 mm, or 600 mm) in the middle stud, board type (oriented strand board - OSB, cement particle board - CPB, or calcium silicate board - CSB), board number (no sheathing, one-side sheathing, or two-side sheathing), and loading type (1, 3, or 4-point loading). The measured load capacity of studs and panels agrees well with analytical prediction. Due to the restraint by rivet connections between stud and track, the effective length factor for the middle stud and the side stud in a frame (unsheathed panel) is reduced to 0.90 and 0.84, respectively. The load carrying capacity of a stud increases significantly whenever one- or two-side sheathing is used, although the latter is significantly more effective. It is also dependent upon the type of board used. Whereas panels with either OSB or CPB boards have nearly identical load carrying capacity, panels with CSB boards are considerably weaker. Screw spacing affects the load carrying capacity of a stud. When the screw spacing on the middle stud in panels with one-side sheathing is reduced from 600 mm to 300 mm, its load carrying capacity increases by 14.5 %, 20.6% and 94.2% for OSB, CPB and CSB, respectively.


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A experiência dos engenheiros estruturais e os conhecimentos adquiridos pelo uso de materiais e novas tecnologias, têm ocasionado estruturas de aço e mistas (aço-concreto) de passarelas cada vez mais ousadas. Este fato tem gerado estruturas de passarelas esbeltas, e consequentemente, alterando os seus estados de limite de serviço e último associados ao seu projeto. Uma consequência direta desta tendência de projeto é o aumento considerável das vibrações das estruturas. Portanto, a presente investigação foi realizada com base em um modelo de carregamento mais realista, desenvolvido para incorporar os efeitos dinâmicos induzidos pela caminhada de pessoas. O modelo de carregamento considera a subida e a descida da massa efetiva do corpo em cada passo. A posição da carga dinâmica também foi alterada de acordo com a posição do pedestre sobre a estrutura e a função do tempo gerada, possui uma variação espacial e temporal. O efeito do calcanhar do pedestre também foi incorporado na análise. O modelo estrutural investigado baseia-se em uma passarela tubular (aço-concreto), medindo 82,5m. A estrutura é composta por três vãos (32,5 m, 20,0 m e 17,5 m, respectivamente) e dois balanços (7,5 m e 5,0 m, respectivamente). O sistema estrutural é constituído por perfis de aço tubular e uma laje de concreto, e é atualmente utilizada para travessia de pedestres. Esta investigação é realizada com base em resultados experimentais, relacionando a resposta dinâmica da passarela com as obtidas via modelos de elementos finitos. O modelo computacional proposto adota as técnicas de refinamento de malha, usualmente presente em simulações pelo método de elementos finitos. O modelo de elementos finitos foi desenvolvido e validado com resultados experimentais. Este modelo de passarela tubular permitiu uma avaliação dinâmica completa, investigando especialmente ao conforto humano e seus limites de utilização associados à vibração. A resposta dinâmica do sistema, em termos de acelerações de pico, foi obtida e comparada com os valores limites propostos por diversos autores e padrões de projeto. As acelerações de pico encontradas na presente análise indicou que a passarela tubular investigada apresentou problemas relacionados com o conforto humano. Por isso, foi detectado que este tipo de estrutura pode atingir níveis de vibrações excessivas que podem comprometer o conforto do usuário na passarela e especialmente a sua segurança.


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Este trabalho de pesquisa apresenta como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de investigação experimental dinâmica sobre estrutura real de uma passarela tubular mista aço-concreto. O sistema estrutural objeto deste trabalho corresponde a uma passarela composta por três vãos (32,5m, 17,5m e 20,0m, respectivamente) e dois balanços (7,50m e 5,0m, respectivamente), com comprimento total de 82,5m. A passarela com estrutura contínua de aço com as ligações soldadas se apoia em quatro pórticos também de aço. Estruturalmente está constituída por duas treliças planas que se interligam através de contraventamentos horizontais fixados na corda superior e inferior da treliça e lajes de concreto, formando um sistema misto com interação completa. A estrutura está submetida correntemente à travessia de pedestres e ciclistas. Testes experimentais foram realizados sobre o sistema estrutural e confrontados com resultados numéricos. Para a modelagem numérica do sistema são empregadas técnicas usuais de discretização, via método dos elementos finitos (MEF), por meio do programa ANSYS. Os resultados experimentais são analisados de acordo com a metodologia desenvolvida, sendo realizada análise modal experimental para a determinação das propriedades dinâmicas: freqüências, modos e taxa de amortecimento, enquanto que os resultados da estrutura, em termos de aceleração de pico, são comparados com os valores limites propostos por diversos autores, normas e recomendações de projeto, para uma avaliação do desempenho da estrutura em relação a vibração quando solicitada pelo caminhar dos pedestres no que diz respeito a critério para conforto humano.


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A necessidade de se obter soluções para os diversos problemas estruturais na engenharia, associado ao amplo crescimento e difusão da construção metálica fez surgir, por volta dos anos 60, os perfis tubulares. As ligações soldadas entre perfis tubulares são as ligações de maior difusão nas construções com este tipo de perfil, sendo necessário portanto, estudos mais detalhados que tornem a utilização de ligações soldadas mais seguras e otimizadas. O Eurocode 3 possui um item específico para as ligações entre perfis tubulares, em especial as ligações soldadas devido a suas particularidades. Infelizmente, a norma brasileira NBR8800 não aborda as ligações envolvendo perfis tubulares. Para a execução da análise numérica no presente trabalho, faz-se necessário uma revisão bibliográfica. Com estes resultados, foram feitas modelagens de ligações tubulares com o método dos elementos finitos de forma a otimizar os modelos a serem utilizados em uma análise paramétrica futura. Desta forma, foram desenvolvidos dois modelos numéricos, um considerando ligação tipo T entre perfis tubulares quadrados e outro para uma ligação tipo K entre perfis circulares. Estes modelos foram caracterizados através de elementos de casca com seis graus de liberdade por nó considerando-se adicionalmente o efeito de membrana. A análise não-linear realizada considerou a não-linearidade do material através do critério de plastificação de Von Mises através de uma lei constitutiva tensão versus deformação bi-linear e a não-linearidade geométrica foi atribuída através da formulação de Lagrange atualizado. Dentre as principais conclusões obtidas no presente trabalho, pode-se citar que os resultados para as ligações tipo T, o Eurocode 3, fornece resultados que precisam ser observados com cautela. Todavia, para as ligações do tipo K, os resultados numéricos mostraram-se sempre inferiores aos valores através do Eurocode 3, representando um dimensionamento a favor da segurança.


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Research on corrosion of steel structures in various marine environments is essential to assure the safety of structures and can effectively prolong their service life. In order to provide data for anticorrosion design of oil exploitation structures in the Bohai Bay, the corrosion behaviour and properties of steel in beach soil, using typical steel samples (Q235A carbon steel and API 5Lx52 pipeline steel) buried 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 m deep under typical beach soils in Tanggu, Yangjiaogou, Xingcheng, Yingkou and Chengdao for 1-2 years were studied. The carbon steel and pipeline steel were both corroded severely in the beach soil, with the form of corrosion being mainly uniform with some localised attack (pitting corrosion). The corrosion rate of the carbon steel was up to 0.16 mm/year with a maximum penetration depth of 0.76 mm and that of the pipeline steel was up to 0.14 mm/year, with a maximum penetration depth of 0.53 mm. Compared with carbon steel, the pipeline steel generally had better corrosion resistance in most test beach soils. The corrosion rates and the maximum corrosion depths of carbon steel and pipeline steel were in the order: Tanggu>Xingcheng>Chengdao>Yingkou>Yangjiaogou with corrosion altering with depth of burial. The corrosion of steel in the beach soil involves a mixed mechanism with different degrees of soil aeration and microbial activity present. It is concluded that long term in situ plate laying experiments must be carried out to obtain data on steel corrosion in this beach soil environment so that the effective protection measures can be implemented.


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A series of simulation experiments on carbon steel (A(3) steel) and low alloy steel (16 Mn steel) in marine atmosphere (MA), seawater (SW) and seabed sediment (SBS) including rough sea sand, fine sea sand and seabed mud were carried out indoors for a year or so by means of individually hanging plates (IHP) and electrically connected hanging plates (ECHP). The corrosion of steels in SBS was mainly due to the macrogalvanic cell effect. The steel plates at the bottom of SBS, as the anode of a macrogalvanic cell, showed the heaviest corrosion with a corrosion rate of up to 0.12 mm/a, approximately equal to that of steel plates in marine atmosphere. The test results showed that the corrosion rates of A(3) and 16 Mn steel in marine environment were in the order: MA > SW > SBS by the IHP method; and MA > SBS > SW by the ECHP method. The corrosion rates of steels in the water/sediment interface were directly proportional to the grain size of the SBS by the ECHP method, but those of steels in the water/sediment interface did not vary with the grain size of SBS by the IHP method. The corrosion rate of low-alloy steel was a little higher than that of carbon steel. The results of this study have important applications for design of offshore steel structures such as oil platform, pier, and port.


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Hot-dipped galvanized zinc and zinc alloy coatings were used as the hot-dipped low alloy zinc coatings (aluminum content less than protective metallic coatings for steel structures in seawater in Chi- or equal to 10 wt%) is equal to or even lower than that of the pure na. Corrosion of the two coatings immersed in sea water in Qingdao zinc sheet, while the performance of the hot-dipped high alloy zinc and Xiamen for 6 years were introduced and analyzed, which pro-coatings is higher than that of the pure zinc sheet. The hot-dipped vides a basis for further development and applications of these coat- high alloy zinc coatings can be further developed for optimal tings in China. Tests proved that the anti-corrosion performance of formance in the future.