903 resultados para Tube-in-tube-reactor


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A biomimetic reactor has been developed to synthesize hydroxyapatite- gelatin (HAP-GEL) nanocomposites that mimic ultra-structures of natural bone. We hypothesize that in the reactor, gelatin concentration controls morphology and packing structures of HAP crystals. To test the hypothesis, three types of mechanical tests were conducted, including nanoindentation, compression, and fracture tests. Nanoindentation tests in conjunction with computer modeling were used to assess effects on gelatin-induced microstructures of HAP. The results showed that increasing gelatin content increased both the plane strain modulus and the fracture toughness. The gelatin appeared to shorten the HAP crystal distance, which consolidated the internal structure of the composite and made the material more rigid. The fracture toughness KIC increased partially due to the effect of fiber bridging between gelatin molecules. The highest fracture toughness (1.12 MPa·1/2) was equivalent to that of pure hydroxyapatite. The compressive strength of the HAP-GEL (107.7±26.8 MPa) was, however, less sensitive to microstructural changes and was within the range of natural cortical bone (human 170 MPa, pig: 100 MPa). The compression strength was dominated by void inclusions while the nanoindentation response reflected ultra-structural arrangement of the crystals. The gelatin concentration is likely to modify crystal arrangement as demonstrated in TEM experiments but not void distribution at macroscopic levels. © 2006 Materials Research Society.


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Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized by injecting ferrocene vapor and oxygen into an argon/helium DC thermal plasma. Size distributions of particles in the reactor exhaust were measured online using an aerosol extraction probe interfaced to a scanning mobility particle sizer, and particles were collected on transmission electron microscopy (TEM) grids and glass fiber filters for off-line characterization. The morphology, chemical and phase composition of the nanoparticles were characterized using TEM and X-ray diffraction, and the magnetic properties of the particles were analyzed with a vibrating sample magnetometer and a magnetic property measurement system. Aerosol at the reactor exhaust consisted of both single nanocrystals and small agglomerates, with a modal mobility diameter of 8-9 nm. Powder synthesized with optimum oxygen flow rate consisted primarily of magnetite (Fe 3O 4), and had a room-temperature saturation magnetization of 40.15 emu/g, with a coercivity and remanence of 26 Oe and 1.5 emu/g, respectively. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011.


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This scoping study proposes using mixed nitride fuel in Pu-based high conversion LWR designs in order to increase the breeding ratio. The higher density fuel reduces the hydrogen-to-heavy metal ratio in the reactor which results in a harder spectrum in which breeding is more effective. A Resource-renewable Boiling Water Reactor (RBWR) assembly was modeled in MCNP to demonstrate this effect in a typical high conversion LWR design. It was determined that changing the fuel from (U,TRU)O2 to (U,TRU)N in the assembly can increase its fissile inventory ratio (fissile Pu mass divided by initial fissile Pu mass) from 1.04 to up to 1.17. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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酸化油是油脂工业中以皂脚、油脚经酸化处理得到的产品。它的主要成分是游离脂肪酸及中性油,是生产脂肪酸的重要原料,但生产过程中有水解废水的产生,若将其直接排放,既污染了环境又浪费了资源。生物柴油的主要成分是脂肪酸甲酯(fatty acid methyl ester,FAME)。它具有原料丰富而且可再生、可生物降解、无毒、不含芳香烃、二氧化硫等污染物、燃烧排放低、闪点高、运输储存安全等特点。作为石化柴油的潜在替代能源,生物柴油因其独特的优越性和现实的需求越来越受到关注。利用酸化油生产生物柴油不仅可以缓解生物柴油原料不足问题,还可解决酸化油所带来的环境问题。

The convertion of acid oil to biodiesel by use of immobilized Candida lipase absorbed on textile cloth was studied in a fixed bed reactor, which can not only reduce the environmental pollution of acid oil, but also produce a substitute for petroleum diesel. The acid oil mixed with methanol was pumped into three fixed bed reactors in series, and the methanol was added with the molar flow rate same as the acid oil in each reactor. The effects of enzyme content, solvent content, water content, flow rate of reactant and temperature on the enzymatic reaction were analyzed. The result of orthogonal experiments indicates that the optimal transesterification can be performed under the following conditions: immobilized lipase content in acid oil, 20% ; hexane content in acid oil, 10% ; water content in acid oil, 10%, reaction temperature, 50 ℃ ; and flow rate of reactant, 0.08 g/rain. Under these conditions, the FAME content of 90.18% in the product is obtained. The immobilized lipase can be reused with relatively stable activity after glycerol being removed from the surface. By refining, most of the chemical and physical properties of biodiesel will meet the American and Germany biodiesel standards and exceed the Chinese standard of 0^# petroleum diesel except for carbon residue, density and kinematic viscosity.


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本文介绍了从厌氧间歇膨胀光合反应器内的活性污泥中分离并鉴定的泥生绿菌(Chlorobium limicola Nadson)S1,它属严格厌氧光能自养型细菌,在有硫化物和少量碳酸氢盐存在下,有广泛利用有机物的能力,它的最适生长温度为28-30℃,最适生长PH为6.5-7.0,且含有氢化酶。因此,它能与甲烷发酵菌共存而共同作用,达到废水净化之目的。通过光照(2#反应器)和黑暗(1#反应器)对比实验,表明了在光照条件下即有泥生绿菌S1存在下,反应系统能更好地降低CODcr、BOD5 和提高CH4 含量,在四个负荷段的运行中,2#反应器在后三个负荷段的甲烷含量能稳定在91.6%而1#反应器为87%,2#反应器的二氧化碳含量为4.5%而1#反应器为8.8%,于28.35g/l.d的负荷下,2#反应器CODcr去除率达83.4%,BOD去除率达74.53%,分别较1#反应器高10.8%,6.4%。COD去除率提高了14%,BOD去除率提高了9.3%。本试验的试验条件为:白天自然光照,晚上电源光照,光照强度为1000-2500lux,通过连续动态运转,并以恒定的流速将废液注入反应器中,进水PH控制在6.5-7.2,反应器厌氧,恒温室温度控制在30±1℃。为使整个试验中同一水质条件下进行,进水采用化学合成培养基。This paper reports a Chlorobium Liwicola S1's isolation and identification. It is a strictly anaerobic and photosynthetic autotrophic bacterium. Along with sulfidedepondent CO2 assiwilaton,a few simple organic compounds can be photoassimilated. Acetate is most effectively used. Its best conditons of growth are 28-30℃,PH 6.5-7.0, and it contains hydrogenase. So it can live with methanefermentative bacteria in order to treat wastewater. At the same time, the treatment of wastwater using Chlorobium Limicola S1 with methane-fermontative bacteria under dark anaerobic and light anaerobic conditions is studied. In contrast with 1# reactor-darken, 2# reactor-illuminated can lossen wastewater's CODcr, BOD5 and on hance CH4 content better. In the test, 2# reactor's CH4 content is stable at 91.6%, but 1# reactor's is 87%. The CO2 content of 2# reactor is 4.5%, but 1# reactor's is 8.8%. When the load of teatment is 28.35g/l.d, the COD removal effficiency is 83.4% and the BOD removal efficiency is 74.53% in 2# reactor. They are separately 10.8%, 6.4% higher than 1# reactor's.


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造纸行业是造成我国水环境有机污染物的重要污染源之一,其水污染的特点是小厂多、草浆多、工艺落后、污染扩散面广、造成废 水排放量大,每年排放的废水量约39亿立方米,占全国工业废水排放量的1/6,其中有机污染物(以BOD5计)160万吨左右,约占全 国工业废水中有机污染物总量的1/4。尤以占全国制浆造纸行业90%以上的碱法草浆造纸厂的蒸煮黑液量大面广,除含有机物外,还 含有木质素、残碱、硫化物、氯化物等污染物,属于PH值高、色度深、难于治理的高浓度有机废水,对水体污染特别严重,各地要 求治理呼声很高,急待研究并尽快找出各种有效的治理途径。对于碱法草浆蒸煮,黑液高浓度废水的治理,有各种方法,根据国内 的研究进展和我们已有试验工作表明,最经济有效,具有实用价值,在生产上可获得成功是厌氧处理法。近10多年来,国外关于高 效厌氧处理技术研究进展迅速,并出现了多种多样的工艺设备,如高效厌氧生物反应器,并在实用化方面取得了很大成绩,建立了 生产性装置,达到了高负荷运行,效果良好。本试验是根据我们已有研究基础,针对我国国情,对小型制浆造纸厂水污染防治除了 开发碱回收及各种综合利用技术外,要特别加强废水(废液)实用技术研究的指导思想,本试验采用改进型的上流式厌氧污泥床反应 器,设计了两种试验方案,通过试验结果如下。1. 试验方案I—碱法草浆黑液酸化和厌氧发酵I号UASB反应器动态模型试验结果表 明:(1). 采用中温35℃±1℃高效厌氧反应器USAB内装有填料(陶粒)和三相分离器,具有保持高浓度生物量和防止污泥流失的特点 ,污泥浓度Vs 可达30%以上,因而具有高效、节能、产能、滞留期短的优点,当进水CODcr在7500-10000mg/l,HRT由7天缩短到3天 ,有机容积负荷在1.22gCODcr/l·d-3.43gCODcr/l·d时,CODcr平均去除率可达55%-45.5%,最高CODcr去除率可达60.2-63.5%, BOD5去除率可达75.9-83.2%,沼气容积产气率可达0.29-0.67l/l·d,每克CODcr转化为沼气产率达0.39-0.48l/gCODcr·d,CH4含量 65.8-75.5%。厌氧发酵出水再用化学法进行后处理脱除难降解的木质素,CODcr总去除率达80%以上。(2). 动态试验结果表明:采 用酸化—厌氧发酵处理黑液工艺合理,技术路线可行。2. 试验方案II—黑液用化学法(Hcl)去除木质素进行厌氧发酵,II号UASB反 应器动态模型试验结果表明:(1). 采用中温35℃±1℃高效厌氧反应器UASB(内有软填料),当进水CODcr7000-13000mg/l左右,HRT 由6天缩短到1天,有机负荷由0.98gCODcr/l·d增加到11gCODcr/l·d时,COD平均去除率均可稳定在70-77%,BOD5去除率为87.3- 93.1%,沼气容积产气率0.21-2.6l/l·d,每克CODcr转化为沼气产率为0.39-0.48l/gCODcr·d,高的可达0.53l/gCODcr·d,转化 率较高,CH4含量63-70%。(2). 试验证明碱法草浆黑液物化预处理—厌氧发酵处理的技术路线也是可行的,工艺合理、效果较好。 在有条件的工厂可采用。3.厌氧发酵阶段几大类群微生物计数表明:(1). 当发酵工艺和运行处于相对稳定状态时,微生物群体的 组成也达到相对的稳定,各类微生物之间保持动态平衡关系。当产乙酸菌的数量为107-108个/ml时,产甲烷菌的数量为105-106 个/ml,当产乙酸菌数量为106-107个/ml时,产甲烷菌的数量为103-105个/ml。(2).稳态运行条件下,黑液预处理为甲烷发酵创造 了有利的生态环境,获得了较好的处理效果和较高的COD转化为沼气的产率0.39-0.48l/g·CODcr·d,反应器中形成较为稳定而数 量较下水污泥中高1-2个数量级的厌氧发酵微生物区系组成。这一结果为黑液厌氧发酵提供了微生物理论依据。Paper industry is one of the important pollution source of water environment in our country. Its character of water pollution is many small factories, much grass pulp, disadvantageous technique, large preading area of pullution. Its effluent makes up 1/6 of whole country's industry wastwater. Its organic pollutant accounts 1/4 of whole country's. Alkaline grass paper pulp effluent with pollutants such as ligoin, remaining alkali sulfide, chloride besides organic material, is a kind of high concentrate organic wastewater which has high PH walug, dark colour and is difficult in treatment. There is urgent require to find ways to treat the wastewater. There are different ways to treat alkaline paper grass pulp effluent. According to the research advances and our experiment work, the most economical and useful way is anaerobic degradation which was advanced quick in last ten years. In the control of waste water of small pulp paper mill, the study of wastewater utilization technology should be emphasized, besides alkaline retrieving and different kinds of comprehensive utilization technology. Our experiment used modified UASB(Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor). Two kinds of plan were disgned. The results are lined below. 1. The first experiment plant-aciding black pulp effluent and methanogenic digestion. The dynamic model experiment results of I-UASB reactor showed: (1)The mesophilic(35℃±1℃)high effect UASB reactor having haydite and threee state seperation in it had the character of keeping high bioimass concentration and preventing losss of sludge. It had advantages of high effect, energe saving, energe prodcing and short HRT(Hydroulic retention time). When the influent COD was 7500-10000mg, HRT was shortened from 7 days to 3days, organic loading rate was 1.22g-3.43COD/l· d, the average COD removal efficiency was 55%-45%. The highest COD efficiency was 60.2-63.5%, BOD removal of 75.9 -83.4% was achieved. Biogass production rate were up to 0.29-0.67l/l·d. Biogass converted efficiency from every gram of COD could reach 0.39-0.48l/gCOD·d. Methane content was 65.0-75.5%. Chemical method was used to deplate lignin in anaerobic digestion effluent. Total COD removal efficiency could be more than 80%. (2)Using aciding annaerobic digestion to treat the black effluent was reseanable in technique and technology. 2. The second experiment plan-anaerobic digestion was used after the chemical method was used to deplate lignin in the black effluent. The result of dynamic experiment of II-UASB reactor showed: (1)High effect mesophilic (35℃±1℃)UASB reactor having soft slaffing in was used. When influent COD was about 7000-13000mg/l, HRT was shortened from 6 days to 1 day and organic loading rate was increased from 0.90 to 11g COD /l·d, average COD removal efficiency remained stable on 70-77%. BOD, removal efficiency was between 87.3-93.1%. Biogass production rate was 0.2-2.6l/l ·d .Biogass converted efficiency from a gram of COD was 0.39-0.481/gCOD·d with the high value of 0.53l/gCOD·d. Methane content was 63-70%. (2)The way that using physical, chemical Pre-treatment-anaerobic digestion to treat alkaline black effluent is feasible and can be used in some factories when the condition exists. 3. Counting of several class of microoganisms in anaerobic digestion stage showed: (1)As the disgestion was in stable motion, the compositon of microorganic colony could get relative stable. Dynamic balance was remaining among different kinds of microorganism such as methanogenic bacteria, Acidogenic bacteria, sulfate reducing bacteria, and heterotrophic bacteria. (2)Under stable motion, the pre-treatment of black effluent produced favourable eco-enviroment for methanegenic digestion. Good treatment effect and high biogass convertent efficiency from COD(0.39-0.48l/g·COD· d)were gotten. Some stable and high quantity(10-100times more than sewage sludge)microorganism colony were formed in the reactor. This result provided theoretical basis for anaerobic digestion of black effluent.


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In this paper, the results of computational fluid dynamics simulations of flow, temperature, and concentration distributions used in the design of a microreactor for the high-throughput screening of catalytic coatings (Mies et al., Chem. Eng. J. 2004, 101, 225) are compared with experimental data, and good agreement is obtained in all cases. The experimental results on flow distribution were obtained from laser Doppler anemometry measurements in the range of Reynolds numbers from 6 to 113. The measured flow nonuniformity in the separate reactor compartments was below 2%. The temperature distribution was obtained from thermocouple measurements. The temperature nonuniformity between the reactor compartments was below 3 K at a maximum heat production rate of 1.3 W in ethylene oxidation at 425 degrees C over CuO/Al2O3/Al coatings. With respect to concentration gradients, a deviation from the average rate of reaction of only 2.3% was obtained at realistic process conditions in the ethylene ammoxidation process over identical Co-ZSM-5 coatings in all reactor compartments. The cross talking noise between separate compartments does not exceed 0.1% when the reactor parts have a smooth surface finish. This illustrates the importance of ultraprecision machining of surfaces in microtechnology, when interfaces cannot be avoided.


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The commercial production of vanillin from sodium lignosulfonate under highly alkaline conditions, catalyzed by Cu2+ at elevated temperature and pressures up to 10 bar, has been simulated in a 3-L stirred reactor. Initially, the process was operated in the presence of nitrogen in dead-end mode, and it was shown that vanillin and vanillic acid were formed by hydrolysis at temperatures of 120, 140, and 160 °C. At the two higher temperatures, the amount of vanillin produced was the same. Subsequently, experiments were conducted at the same elevated pressures and temperatures with addition of air or oxygen-enriched air once the temperature in the reactor had reached temperatures similar to those used when only hydrolysis occurred. In this case, the concentration of vanillin at 140 and 160 °C was equal to that due to hydrolysis, and the subsequent 2-fold increase was due to oxidation. In addition, both vanillic acid and acetovanillone (which has rarely been reported) were produced, as was hydrogen. Thus, for the first time, it has been shown that the production of vanillin (and other compounds) from sodium lignosulfonate at elevated temperatures involves hydrolysis and oxidation, with hydrolysis starting at just above 100 °C, that is, much lower than has previously been reported. Approximately 50% is produced by each mechanism. In addition, the orders of the reactions of the different steps were estimated, and the reaction mechanisms are discussed.


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The use of controlled periodic illumination with UV LEDs for enhancing photonic efficiency of photocatalytic decomposition processes in water has been investigated using methyl orange as a model compound. The impact of the length of light and dark time periods (T ON/T OFF times) on photodegradation and photonic efficiency using a UV LED-illuminated photoreactor has been studied. The results have shown an inverse dependency of the photonic efficiency on duty cycle and a very little effect on T ON or T OFF time periods, indicating no effect of rate-limiting steps through mass diffusion or adsorption/desorption in the reaction. For this reactor, the photonic efficiency under controlled periodic illumination (CPI) matches to that of continuous illumination, for the same average UV light intensities. Furthermore, under CPI conditions, the photonic efficiency is inversely related to the average UV light intensity in the reactor, in the millisecond time regime. This is the first study that has investigated the effect of controlled periodic illumination using ultra band gap UV LED light sources in the photocatalytic destruction of dye compounds using titanium dioxide. The results not only enhance the understanding of the effect of periodic illumination on photocatalytic processes but also provide a greater insight to the potential of these light sources in photocatalytic reactions. 


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We report, for the first time, extensive biologically-mediated phosphate removal from wastewater during high-rate anaerobic digestion (AD). A hybrid sludge bed/fixed-film (packed pumice stone) reactor was employed for low-temperature (12°C) anaerobic treatment of synthetic sewage wastewater. Successful phosphate removal from the wastewater (up to 78% of influent phosphate) was observed, mediated by biofilms in the reactor. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis revealed the accumulation of elemental phosphorus (~2%) within the sludge bed and fixed-film biofilms. 4’, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining indicated phosphorus accumulation was biological in nature and mediated through the formation of intracellular inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) granules within these biofilms. DAPI staining further indicated that polyP accumulation was rarely associated with free cells. Efficient and consistent chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal was recorded, throughout the 732-day trial, at applied organic loading rates between 0.4-1.5 kg COD m-3 d-1 and hydraulic retention times of 8-24 hours, while phosphate removal efficiency ranged from 28-78% on average per phase. Analysis of protein hydrolysis kinetics and the methanogenic activity profiles of the biomass revealed the development, at 12˚C, of active hydrolytic and methanogenic populations. Temporal microbial changes were monitored using Illumina Miseq analysis of bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences. The dominant bacterial phyla present in the biomass at the conclusion of the trial were the Proteobacteria and Firmicutes and the dominant archaeal genus was Methanosaeta. Trichococcus and Flavobacterium populations, previously associated with low temperature protein degradation, developed in the reactor biomass. The presence of previously characterised polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) such as Rhodocyclus, Chromatiales, Actinobacter and Acinetobacter was recorded at low numbers. However, it is unknown as yet if these were responsible for the luxury polyP uptake observed in this system. The possibility of efficient phosphate removal and recovery from wastewater during AD would represent a major advance in the scope for widespread application of anaerobic wastewater treatment technologies.