158 resultados para Trophoblast.


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Background: The first distinct differentiation event in mammals occurs at the blastocyst stage when totipotent blastomeres differentiate into either pluripotent inner cell mass (ICM) or multipotent trophectoderm (TE). Here we determined, for the first time, global gene expression patterns in the ICM and TE isolated from bovine blastocysts. The ICM and TE were isolated from blastocysts harvested at day 8 after insemination by magnetic activated cell sorting, and cDNA sequenced using the SOLiD 4.0 system.Results: A total of 870 genes were differentially expressed between ICM and TE. Several genes characteristic of ICM (for example, NANOG, SOX2, and STAT3) and TE (ELF5, GATA3, and KRT18) in mouse and human showed similar patterns in bovine. Other genes, however, showed differences in expression between ICM and TE that deviates from the expected based on mouse and human.Conclusion: Analysis of gene expression indicated that differentiation of blastomeres of the morula-stage embryo into the ICM and TE of the blastocyst is accompanied by differences between the two cell lineages in expression of genes controlling metabolic processes, endocytosis, hatching from the zona pellucida, paracrine and endocrine signaling with the mother, and genes supporting the changes in cellular architecture, stemness, and hematopoiesis necessary for development of the trophoblast.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Estudou-se a distribuição espaço-temporal do fator de crescimento fibroblástico básico (bFGF), do receptor 1 do fator de crescimento fibroblástico (FGFR1) e do receptor 2 do fator de crescimento fibroblástico (FGFR2) na placenta bubalina, correlacionando-a à proliferação celular. Para a detecção do bFGF, FGFR1, FGFR2 e antígeno Ki-67, colheram-se 12 placentas de búfalas nos terços inicial, médio e final da gestação, em abatedouros, e realizaram-se testes de imunoistoquímica. Detectou-se e avaliou-se a expressão do bFGF, do FGFR1, do FGFR2 e do antígeno Ki-67 ao longo da gestação. No compartimento fetal da placenta, observaram-se correlações positivas entre a expressão do bFGF e Ki-67, entre FGFR1 e Ki-67 e entre FGFR2 com Ki-67 (r=0,313, 0,358 e 0,384, respectivamente). No epitélio e estroma maternos observaram-se altas correlações entre FGFR1 e Ki-67 (r=0,739 e r=0,511, respectivamente). Os resultados sugerem envolvimento do bFGF, FGFR1 e FGFR2 na proliferação do trofoblasto enquanto no compartimento materno da placenta bubalina apenas o FGFR1 atuaria como modulador dessa atividade.


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To elucidate the morphological differences between placentas from normal and cloned cattle pregnancies reaching term, the umbilical cord, placentomes and interplacentomal region of the fetal membranes were examined macroscopically as well as by light and scanning electron microscopy. In pregnancies established by somatic nucleus transfer (NT), the umbilical cord and fetal membranes were edematous. Placentomal fusion was common, resulting in increased size and a decreased number of placentomes. Extensive areas of the chorioallantoic membrane were devoid of placentomes. An increased number of functional or accessory microcotyledons (< 1 cm) were present at the maternally oriented surface of fetal membranes. Extensive areas of extravasated maternal blood were present within the placentomes and in the interplacentomal region. The crypts on the caruncular surface were dilated and accommodated complexes of more than one primary villus, as opposed to a single villus in non-cloned placentae. Scanning electron microscopy of blood vessel casts revealed that there was also more than one stem artery per villous tree and that the ramification of the vessels failed to form dense complexes of capillary loops and sinusoidal dilations as in normal pregnancies. At the materno-fetal interface, however, the trophoblast and uterine epithelium had normal histology. In conclusion, the NT placentas had a range of pathomorphological changes; this was likely associated with the poor clinical outcome of NT pregnancies. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The placental vasculature of five hystricomorph rodents was examined by latex injection of the blood vessels, immunohistochemistry and scanning electron microscopy of vessel casts. The pattern of branching of the vessels is described at the level of fine structure. The placenta is divided into lobes separated by interlobular trophoblast. Fetal arteries course through the interlobular areas and give rise to capillaries from which blood drains into veins at the centre of the lobes. Maternal blood reaches the placenta through spiral arteries that pass around the perimeter of the subplacenta. They supply large maternal blood sinuses, lined by trophoblast, which run through the interlobular areas and into the centre of the lobes. Here they supply fine channels that run parallel to the fetal capillaries, so that maternal blood flows from the centre of the lobe to the periphery. This arrangement provides the morphological basis for countercurrent exchange. The maternal channels of the labyrinth drain into spaces formed by the latticework of the interlobular trophoblast and thence through venous lacunae to a basal venous lacunar ring. The subplacenta is supplied by a single fetal artery. The vessels within the subplacenta pursue a tortuous course with dilatations and constrictions as in an endocrine gland. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Experiments were performed to (1) verify the inhibitory effect of bovine trophoblast protein-1 (bTP-1) on uterine prostaglandin synthesis, (2) evaluate whether other interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) molecules also inhibit prostaglandin secretion, and (3) test whether the enzyme 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase (2-5A synthetase) can be induced in endometrium by interferon-alpha. In experiment 1, all interferon molecules (bTP-1, oTP-1, bIFN-alpha and hIFN-alpha) equally inhibited secretion of PGF and PGE2 from endometrial explant cultures obtained at day 17 of the estrous cycle. In experiment 2, endometrial explants obtained from day 17 of the cycle were cultured with and without bovine serum albumin (BSA; 50-mu-g/ml) and bIFN-alpha (0, 0.84, 4.2, and 42 nM). Addition of BSA to the culture medium greatly enhanced the accumulation of PGF into the medium. The bIFN-alpha inhibited accumulation of PGF and PGE2 in both the presence or absence of BSA by 12 h. All three concentrations of bIFN-alpha were equally effective in inhibiting prostaglandin accumulation. Additionally, all concentrations of bIFN-alpha increased the amounts of 2-5A synthetase in endometrium. In conclusion, these results confirm the inhibitory effect of bTP-1 on PGF release from endometrium and demonstrate that bTP-1 can also inhibit PGE2 secretion. Furthermore, other interferon-alpha molecules, including bIFN-alpha, hIFN-alpha, and oTP-1, also reduced PGF and PGE2 secretion in culture. It is likely, therefore, that conceptus and other interferon-alpha molecules exert similar effects on endometrium in vitro and that the antiluteolytic effects of bIFN-alpha in vivo are mediated in part by changes in endometrial prostaglandin synthesis.


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Placentae of three hystricimorph rodents-capybara, agouti and paca-were examined by conventional histology, immunohistochemistry for cytokeratin and vimentin, and TUNEL staining. The placentae were divided into lobules of labyrinthine syncytium separated by interlobular and marginal trophoblast. The subplacenta comprised cytotrophoblasts, supported on lamellae of allantoic mesoderm, and syncytiotrophoblast. The central excavation was still apparent in the definitive placenta of capybara. In agouti and paca, the decidua of the junctional zone formed a mesoplacenta comprising a capsule and a pedicle. Towards term the pedicle formed a tenuous attachment between placenta and uterine wall comprising a few maternal vessels surrounded by degraded tissue. In paca placenta, it was shown by TUNEL staining that breakdown of this tissue occurred by apoptosis. The visceral yolk sac was highly villous and, in agouti, the yolk sac villi were extremely long. Lateral to its attachment to the placenta, the fetal surface was covered with non-vascular yolk sac endoderm. A layer of spongiotrophoblast cells was interposed between the endoderm and the marginal trophoblast. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: the paca is a South American rodent with potential as a commercial food animal. We examined paca placenta as part of a wider effort to understand the reproductive biology of this species.Methods: Thirteen specimens between midgestation and term of pregnancy were studied by light and transmission electron microscopy.Results: the placenta is divided into several lobes separated by interlobular trophoblast. Maternal arterial channels and fetal veins are found at the centre of each lobe. In the labyrinth, maternal blood flows through trophoblast-lined lacunae in close proximity to the fetal capillaries. The interhaemal barrier is of the haemomonochorial type with a single layer of syncytiotrophoblast. Caveolae occur in the apical membrane of the syncytiotrophoblast and recesses in the basal membrane, but there is no evidence of transtrophoblastic channels. The interlobular areas consist of cords of syncytiotrophoblast defining maternal blood channels that drain the labyrinth. Yolk sac endoderm covers much of the fetal surface of the placenta. The subplacenta comprises cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast. There are dilated intercellular spaces between the cytotrophoblasts and lacunae lined by syncytiotrophoblast. In the junctional zone between subplacenta and decidua, there are nests of multinucleated giant cells with vacuolated cytoplasm. The entire placenta rests on a pedicle of maternal tissue. An inverted yolk sac placenta is also present. The presence of small vesicles and tubules in the apical membrane of the yolk sac endoderm and larger vesicles in the supranuclear region suggest that the yolk sac placenta participates in maternal-fetal transfer of protein.Conclusion: the paca placenta closely resembles that of other hystricomorph rodents. The lobulated structure allows for a larger exchange area and the development of precocial young.


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Workshops are an important part of the IFPA annual meeting. At IFPA Meeting 2010 there were twelve themed workshops, six of which are summarized in this report 1. The immunology workshop focused on normal and pathological functions of the maternal immune system in pregnancy. 2. The transport workshop dealt with regulation of ion and water transport across the syncytiotrophoblast of human placenta. 3. The epigenetics workshop covered DNA methylation and its potential role in regulating gene expression in placental development and disease. 4. The vascular reactivity workshop concentrated on methodological approaches used to study placental vascular function. 5. The workshop on epitheliochorial placentation covered current advances from in vivo and in vitro studies of different domestic species. 6. The proteomics workshop focused on a variety of techniques and procedures necessary for proteomic analysis and how they may be implemented for placental research. (C) 2011 Published by IFPA and Elsevier Ltd.


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There is a molecular crosstalk between the trophoblast and maternal immune cells of bovine endometrium. The uterine cells are able to secrete cytokine/chemokines to either induce a suppressive environment for establishment of the pregnancy or to recruit immune cells to the endometrium to fight infections. Despite morphological differences between women and cows, mechanisms for immune tolerance during pregnancy seem to be conserved. Mechanisms for uterine immunesuppression in the cow include: reduced expression of major histocompatability proteins by the trophoblast; recruitment of macrophages to the pregnant endometrium; and modulation of immune-related genes in response to the presence of the conceptus. Recently, an eGFP transgenic cloned embryo model developed by our group showed that there is modulation of foetal proteins expressed at the site of syncytium formation, suggesting that foetal cell can regulate not only by the secretion of specific factors such as interferon-tau, but also by regulating their own protein expression to avoid excessive maternal recognition by the local immune system. Furthermore, foetal DNA can be detected in the maternal circulation; this may reflect the occurrence of an invasion of trophoblast cells and/or their fragment beyond the uterine basement membrane in the cow. In fact, the newly description of exosome release by the trophoblast cell suggests that could be a new fashion of maternal-foetal communication at the placental barrier. Additionally, recent global transcriptome studies on bovine endometrium suggested that the immune system is aware, from an immunological point of view, of the presence of the foetus in the cow during early pregnancy.


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Bovine interferon-alpha I1 (bIFN-alpha) may be useful for enhancing fertility in sheep and cattle because it has extensive sequence homology with ovine and bovine trophoblast protein-1 and, like those proteins, extends corpus luteum lifespan. To test the effectiveness of bIFN-alpha to enhance fertility, several experiments were performed in which inseminated heifers were given i.m. injections of bIFN-alpha approximately at the time of embryo-mediated signals that result in maintenance of the corpus luteum. In Exp. 1, heifers given 20 mg of bIFN-alpha daily from d 14 to 17 tended (P less than .07) to have lower pregnancy rates at d 110 to 112 of gestation (36/75; 48% vs 43/72; 60%). Similar results were obtained in Exp. 2 when heifers received a single injection of 40 mg of bIFN-alpha or placebo at d 13 after estrus; pregnancy rates at d 42 were 39/104 (38%) for bIFN-alpha and 47/98 (48%) for placebo. In Exp. 3, heifers were given gradually increasing doses of bIFN-alpha or placebo from d 11 to 19, because such a regimen had been shown to reduce the number of heifers experiencing hyperthermia after bIFN-alpha injection. Pregnancy rates were 42/95 (44%) for bIFN-alpha and 62/111 (56%) for placebo. Across all three experiments, pregnancy rates were lower (P less than .01) for heifers treated with bIFN-alpha (117/274; 43%) than for heifers treated with placebo (152/281; 54%). In conclusion, these results demonstrate that, under the administration systems used, bIFN-alpha does not increase pregnancy rate, but rather tends to reduce it.


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Samples from 9 llamas (28 through 36 weeks of gestation) were collected and fixed in 4% buffered paraformaldehyde (light microscopy) and in 2.5% buffered glutaraldehyde (transmission and scanning electron microscopy). The material was processed in paraplast and slides (5μm) were stained with HE, PAS, Masson-Trichrome, acid phosphatase and Perl's. The uteroferrin was immunolocalized. The results show that llama placenta is chorioallantoic, diffuse, folded and epitheliochorial, and the fetus is covered with an epidermal membrane. The trophoblast cells have variable morphology: cubic, rounded and triangular cells, with cytoplasm containing PAS-positive granules. Binucleated cells with large cytoplasm and rounded nuclei, as well as giant trophoblastic cells with multiple nuclei were also observed. Numerous blood vessels were observed beneath the cells of the uterine epithelium and around the chorionic subdivided branches. Glandular activity was shown by PAS, Perl's, and acid phosphatase positive reactions in the cytoplasm and glandular lumen, and by immunolocalization of the uteroferrin in the glandular epithelium. The uterine glands open in spaces formed by the areoles, which are filled by PAS-positive material. The llama fetus was covered by the epidermal membrane, composed of stratified epithelium, with up to seven layers of mono-, bi- or trinucleated cells. The high level of maternal and fetal vascularization surfaces indicates an intense exchange of substances across both surfaces. The metabolic activity shown in the uterine glands suggests an adaptation of the gestation to the high altitudes of the natural habitat of this species.


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Background. Hydatidiform mole (HM) is characterized by abnormal proliferation of human trophoblast with producers functioning tissues of human chorionic gonadotropin. It can evolve with ovarian cysts tecaluteínicos, hypertension of pregnancy or hyperthyroidism. The incidence of HM is variable and its etiology poorly known, associated with nutritional factors, environmental, age, parity, history of HM, oral contraceptives, smoking, consanguinity or defects in germ cells. There is no reference in literature on HM resulting from sexual violence, objective of this report. Method. Description of two cases of HM among 1146 patients with pregnancy resulting from sexual violence treated at Hospital Pérola Byington, São Paulo, from July 1994 to August 2011. Results. The cases affected young, white, unmarried, low educated and low parity women. Sexual violence was perpetrated by known offenders unrelated to the victims, under death threat. Ultrasound and CT of the pelvis showed bulky uterus compatible with HM without myometrial invasion. One case was associated with theca lutein cysts. The two cases were diagnosed in the second trimester of pregnancy and evolved with hyperthyroidism. There was no hypertension, disease recurrence, metastasis or sexually transmitted infection. Conclusion. The incidence of HM was 1:573 pregnancies resulting from rape, within the range estimated for Latin American countries. Trophoblastic material can be preserved to identify the violence perpetrator, considering only the paternal HM chromosomes. History of sexual violence should be investigated in cases of HM in the first half of adolescence and women in a vulnerable condition. © 2012 Drezzet et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Background: To investigate mechanisms of fetal-maternal cell interactions in the bovine placenta, we developed a model of transgenic enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (t-eGFP) expressing bovine embryos produced by nuclear transfer (NT) to assess the distribution of fetal-derived products in the bovine placenta. In addition, we searched for male specific DNA in the blood of females carrying in vitro produced male embryos. Our hypothesis is that the bovine placenta is more permeable to fetal-derived products than described elsewhere. Methodology/Principal Findings: Samples of placentomes, chorion, endometrium, maternal peripheral blood leukocytes and blood plasma were collected during early gestation and processed for nested-PCR for eGFP and testis-specific Y-encoded protein (TSPY), western blotting and immunohistochemistry for eGFP detection, as well as transmission electron microscopy to verify the level of interaction between maternal and fetal cells. TSPY and eGFP DNA were present in the blood of cows carrying male pregnancies at day 60 of pregnancy. Protein and mRNA of eGFP were observed in the trophoblast and uterine tissues. In the placentomes, the protein expression was weak in the syncytial regions, but intense in neighboring cells on both sides of the fetal-maternal interface. Ultrastructurally, our samples from t-eGFP expressing NT pregnancies showed to be normal, such as the presence of interdigitating structures between fetal and maternal cells. In addition, channels-like structures were present in the trophoblast cells. Conclusions/Significance: Data suggested that there is a delivery of fetal contents to the maternal system on both systemic and local levels that involved nuclear acids and proteins. It not clear the mechanisms involved in the transfer of fetal-derived molecules to the maternal system. This delivery may occur through nonclassical protein secretion; throughout transtrophoblastic-like channels and/or by apoptotic processes previously described. In conclusion, the bovine synepitheliochorial placenta displays an intimate fetal-maternal interaction, similar to other placental types for instance human and mouse. © 2013 Pereira et al.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)