986 resultados para Trophic state


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To determine the relationship between the spatial dinoflagellate cyst distribution and oceanic environmental conditions, 34 surface sediments from the Eastern and Western Mediterranean Sea have been investigated for their dinoflagellate cyst content. Multivariate ordination analyses identified sea-surface temperature, chlorophyll-a , nitrate concentration, salinity, and bottom oxygen concentration as the main factors affecting dinoflagellate cyst distribution in the region. Based on the relative abundance data, two associations can be distinguished that can be linked with major oceanographic settings. (1) An offshore eastern Mediterranean regime where surface sediments are characterized by oligotrophic, warm, saline surface water, and high oxygen bottom water concentrations (Impagidinium species, Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus, Pyxidinopsis reticulata and Operculodinium israelianum). Based on the absolute abundance, temperature is positively related to the cyst accumulation of Operculodinium israelianum. Temperature does not form a causal factor influencing the accumulation rate of the other species in this association. Impagidinium species and Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus show a positive relationship between cyst accumulation and nitrate availability in the upper waters. (2) Species of association 2 have highest relative abundances in the Western Mediterranean Sea, Strait of Sicily/NW Ionian Sea, and/or the distal ends of the Po/Nile/Rhône River plumes. At these stations, surface waters are characterized by (relative to the other regime) higher productivity associated with lower sea-surface temperature, salinity, and lower bottom water oxygen concentrations (Selenopemphix nephroides, Echinidinium spp., Selenopemphix quanta, Quinquecuspis concreta, Brigantedinium spp. and Lingulodinium machaerophorum). Based on both the absolute and relative abundances, Selenopemphix nephroides is suggested to be a suitable indicator to trace changes in the trophic state of the upper waters. The distribution of Lingulodinium machaerophorum is related to the presence of river-influenced surface waters, notably the Nile River. We suggest that this species might form a suitable marker to trace past variations in river discharge, notably from the Nile.


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The carbon isotope composition (d13C) of bulk organic matter and two palynomorph groups (scolecodonts and chitinozoans) from the Llandovery-Wenlock strata of Gotland (E Sweden) are compared to gain knowledge about carbon cycling in the Silurian (sub)tropical shelf environment. The d13C values of the palynomorphs are mostly lower than the d13C values of the bulk organic matter, and the d13C values of the benthic scolecodonts are lower than those of the planktonic chitinozoans. While the difference between bulk and palynomorph d13C may be in part a function of trophic state, the lower values of the scolecodonts relative to those of chitinozoans, which are assumed to live in the well-mixed water column, might imply an infaunal mode of life for the polychaetes that carried the scolecodonts. Lower d13C for the scolecodonts in the middle of the section may represent variations in primary marine productivity (supported by acritarch abundance data), oxidation of organic matter in the bottom waters, or genera effects. In general, however, trends between the three data sets are parallel, indicating similarities in the low frequency, environmentally forced controls. The d13C data show a decreasing trend from the base of the section, up to a horizon well below the base of the Upper Visby Formation. At this level, and therefore probably several 10 kyr before the d13C increase in the carbonates, the d13C organic values increase by ~1 per mil. This perhaps is an expression of a changed composition of the bulk organic matter associated with the extinction events prior to the Llandovery-Wenlock boundary.


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We reconstruct the aquatic ecosystem interactions since the last interglacial period in the oldest, most diverse, hydrologically connected European lake system, by using palaeolimnological diatom and selected geochemistry data from Lake Ohrid “DEEP site” core and equivalent data from Lake Prespa core, Co1215. Driven by climate forcing, the lakes experienced two adaptive cycles during the last 92 ka: "interglacial and interstadial" and "glacial" cycle. The short-term ecosystems reorganizations, e.g. regime shifts within these cycles substantially differ between the lakes, as evident from the inferred amplitudes of variation. The deeper Lake Ohrid shifted between ultra oligo- and oligotrophic regimes in contrast to the much shallower Lake Prespa, which shifted from a deeper, (oligo-) mesotrophic to a shallower, eutrophic lake and vice versa. Due to the high level of ecosystem stability (e.g. trophic state, lake level), Lake Ohrid appears relatively resistant to external forcing, such as climate and environmental change. Recovering in a relatively short time from major climate change, Lake Prespa is a resilient ecosystem. At the DEEP site, the decoupling between the lakes' response to climate change is marked in the prolonged and gradual changes during the MIS 5/4 and 2/1 transitions. These response differences and the lakes' different physical and chemical properties may limit the influence of Lake Prespa on Lake Ohrid. Regime shifts of Lake Ohrid due to potential hydrological change in Lake Prespa are not evident in the data presented here. Moreover, a complete collapse of the ecosystems functionality and loss of their diatom communities did not happen in either lake for the period presented in the study.


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Considerando a importância da represa do Lobo, os indícios de eutrofização encontrados na área e tendo a recreação como seu principal uso, buscou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar a qualidade da água nos rios tributários e na represa, e sua adequação a balneabilidade. Para os afluentes do sistema, estimando-se, ainda, a contribuição dos mesmos ao aporte de materiais à represa, foram amostrados o córrego do Geraldo, a confluência dos córregos Água Branca e Limoeiro, o rio Itaqueri (antes da mineradora), o ribeirão do Lobo, o córrego das Perdizes, avaliando-se parâmetros físicos, químicos e biológicos da água e a vazão dos rios, em dois períodos (agosto/setembro e dezembro) de 2002. Os resultados, com base no índice de estado trófico, indicam que a maioria dos tributários, com exceção do córrego Água Branca (eutrófico), é oligotrófico. Na represa o estudo teve avaliações mensais para alguns parâmetros (nutrientes totais e dissolvidos, clorofila total e material em suspensão) e semanais para outros (pH, condutividade elétrica, temperatura da água, oxigênio dissolvido e coliformes fecais) ao longo de um ano (dezembro de 2001 a dezembro de 2002), em nove pontos, abrangendo a região de foz do rio Itaqueri, córrego do Geraldo e ribeirão do Lobo, quatro pontos distribuídos na praia do balneário Santo Antônio e um ponto a jusante da represa. A foz do rio Itaqueri apresentou-se meso-eutrófica no período, enquanto os outros pontos avaliados, oligotróficos. Apesar da condição favorável apresentada, a análise temporal dos dados (com estudos realizados nos últimos 30 anos), mostra uma evidente e preocupante alteração nas condições originárias desse sistema, indicando um evidente processo de eutrofização do reservatório, associado aos usos e ocupação da bacia hidrográfica (resíduos domiciliares, turismo, agricultura e pecuária). Em relação a balneabilidade os principais pontos de contaminação fecal na represa são as entradas dos tributários, enquanto o corpo da represa foi considerado excelente em todo o período amostrado. O córrego Água Branca, como corpo receptor do esgoto de Itirapina, é o mais comprometido dos corpos de água avaliados, além de ser o principal contribuinte de nutrientes e coliformes fecais para a represa do Lobo, através do rio Itaqueri.


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O rio do Peixe, um dos principais afluentes do rio Tietê (Reservatório de Barra Bonita/Hidrovia Tietê Paraná), juntamente com seus formadores (microrregião geográfica de Botucatu - SP) constituem os principais mananciais das cidades que se localizam em suas bacias. A maior parte da bacia hidrográfica do rio do Peixe desenvolve-se sob rochas sedimentares arenosas, favoráveis às atividades de extração de areia, fato que aliado ao manejo incorreto do solo favorece a ocorrência de processos erosivos. Foram realizadas amostragens de água durante dez dias consecutivos e de sedimento durante três dias alternados, em dois períodos hidrológicos (seca e chuva), para a determinação de variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas,com o objetivo principal de caracterizar do ponto de vista limnológico esse rio e sua foz. As análises das diferentes variáveis seguiram os métodos que são utilizados rotineiramente no Laboratório de Limnologia do CRHEA/EESC/USP. As águas do rio do Peixe apresentaram, principalmente altas concentrações de sólidos em suspensão. Os maiores valores de turbidez, condutividade, alcalinidade, HCO3-, CO3-, nitrito, nitrogênio amoniacal, nitrogênio Kjedhal, fosfato inorgânico, carbono orgânico e sólidos em suspensão foram obtidos durante o período de chuvas, influenciados principalmente pelo escoamento superficial que promove o carreamento de materiais da bacia hidrográfica. Foi possível ainda através das características limnológicas, agrupar as estações de amostragem ao longo do contínuo do rio em três regiões (alto, médio e baixo curso), e diferenciar do ponto de vista trófico as estações da foz com o rio Tietê. Um aumento da biomassa fitoplanctônica, no período de seca, no baixo curso do rio do Peixe foi favorecido pela menor vazão na barragem de Barra Bonita.


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As represas construídas em cascata no rio Tietê (Barra Bonita, Bariri, Ibitinga, Promissão, Nova Avanhandava e Três Irmãos) constituem em sistemas artificiais com grande importância ecológica, econômica e social. Com base nos dados físico-químicos e biológicos das seis represas, foram avaliadas as condições limnológicas, abundância da comunidade fitoplanctônica e zooplanctônica e o estado de trofia dos reservatórios através da aplicação do índice do estado trófico, desenvolvido por Carlson (1977). A utilização da concentração de fósforo para determinação do índice é o que deu melhor resultado, mostrando uma redução gradual de sua concentração nas represas seqüenciais, principalmente no período do verão. Os reservatórios que se mostraram eutróficos como o de Barra Bonita, Bariri e Ibitinga apresentaram uma maior abundância e freqüência de florescimento das algas pertencentes a classe Cyanophyceae principalmente das espécies Microcystis aeruginosa. Algumas espécies de Rotifera, como Asplanchna sieboldi, Brachionus caliciflorus e Kellicottia bostoniensis, e de Copepoda Calanoida Notodiaptomus iheringi, também serviram de indicativos do estado trófico dos sistemas, já que esses estão associados a ambientes eutróficos.


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To obtain insight into the natural and/or human-induced changes in the trophic state of the distal portion of the Po River discharge plume over the last two centuries, high temporal resolution dinoflagellate cyst records were established at three sites. Cyst production rates appear to reflect the natural variability in the river's discharge, whereas cyst associations reflect the trophic state of the upper waters, which in turn can be related to agricultural development. The increased abundances of Lingulodinium machaerophorum and Stelladinium stellatum found as early as 1890 and 1920 correspond to the beginning of the industrial revolution in Italy and the first chemical production and dispersion of ammonia throughout Europe. After 1955, the increased abundances of these species and of Polykrikos schwartzii, Brigantedinium spp. and Pentapharsodinium dalei correspond to agriculturally induced alterations of the hypertrophic conditions. A slight improvement in water quality can be observed from 1987 onward.


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Two sediment cores of 70 and 252 cm length were recovered from Hjort Sø, a small lake on Store Koldewey, Northeast Greenland, and studied with a multidisciplinary approach in order to reconstruct the local environmental history and to test the relevance of proxies for paleoenvironmental information. The basal sediments from the longer core are dominated by clastic matter, which was likely deposited during deglaciation of the lake basin. These clastic sediments are overlain by gyttja, which is also present throughout the shorter core. AMS radiocarbon dating was conducted on plant macrofossils of 11 samples from the gyttja in both cores. A reliable chronology was established for both cores, which dated the onset of organic accumulation at 9,500 cal. year BP. The Holocene temperature development, with an early to mid Holocene thermal maximum, is best reflected in the grain-size composition. Nutrient availability was apparently low during the early Holocene and led to low productivity in the lake and its vicinity. From ca. 7,000 cal. year BP, productivity in the lake increased significantly, probably induced by external nutrient input from goose excrements. From this time, micro- and macrofossil remains reflect relatively well the climate history of East Greenland, with a cooling during the middle Holocene, the medieval warming, and the Little Ice Age. The amount of organic matter in the sequence seems to be more affected by lake ice cover or by nutrient supply from the catchment than by temperature changes. The record from Hjort Sø thus reveals the difficulties in interpreting sedimentary records from high arctic regions.


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E utrophication in continental aquatic ecosystems and the following deterioration of water quality are some of the greatest problems to be solved in this century. Due to their own peculiarities reservoirs from semi - arid regions constitute a great challenge to water management because of their greater vulnerability to eutrophication process. I dentification of biolo gical community components that may be used as bioindicators is important to allow an early detection of adverse changes, and also to provide subsidies for management and conservation actions. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the potential of zo oplankton community as bioindicator of the trophic state of two reservoirs belonging to the Piranhas - Açu basin, RN, Brazil: Boqueirão de Parelhas and Passagem das Traíras. Monthly sampling s of both systems were carried out in both systems during the period of January to December. Measurements were performed for temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and water electrical conductivity besides water samples collection for nutrients, suspended solids, chlorophyll - a and zooplankton analyses. T axonomic composition of zooplankton , density and biomass were analysed. Trophic state index, ABC curves , W statistic and the Calanoida: Cyclopoida ratio were also obtained. The results evidenced that Boqueirão de Parelhas reservoir was a mesotrophic sy stem, and Passagem das Traíras r eservoir was eutrophic. In both reservoirs zooplankton community had low species richness, mostly constituted by tolerant species which have wide geographical distribution, as well the dominance of the rotifers Brachionus havanaensis , B. calyciflo rus and Keratella tropica ; of the calanoid copepods Notodiaptomus cearensis and N. iheringi ; cyclopoid copepod Thermocyclops decipiens, and of the cladocerans Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Diaphanosoma spinulosum . Among the biological indices the ABC curves fo r the zooplankton community indicated a moderate dis turbance in both reservoirs, th e Calanoida: Cyclopoida ration indicated not impacted environments , e xcept during the end of the study to the reservoir Passagem das Traíras . It was concluded that the indices used are good indicators of disturbance and alteration in the community, however they are not good indicators for monitoring the trophic state of the studied reservoirs due to the simultaneous occurrence of other factors selecting species, as the c oncentration of ions and high turbidity, which are part of the reservoir characteristics of semiarid.