990 resultados para Tree Soil Interactions


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Les écosystèmes dunaires remplissent plusieurs fonctions écologiques essentielles comme celle de protéger le littoral grâce à leur capacité d’amortissement face aux vents et vagues des tempêtes. Les dunes jouent aussi un rôle dans la filtration de l’eau, la recharge de la nappe phréatique, le maintien de la biodiversité, en plus de présenter un attrait culturel, récréatif et touristique. Les milieux dunaires sont très dynamiques et incluent plusieurs stades de succession végétale, passant de la plage de sable nu à la dune bordière stabilisée par l’ammophile à ligule courte, laquelle permet aussi l’établissement d’autres herbacées, d’arbustes et, éventuellement, d’arbres. Or, la survie de ces végétaux est intimement liée aux microorganismes du sol. Les champignons du sol interagissent intimement avec les racines des plantes, modifient la structure des sols, et contribuent à la décomposition de la matière organique et à la disponibilité des nutriments. Ils sont donc des acteurs clés de l’écologie des sols et contribuent à la stabilisation des dunes. Malgré cela, la diversité et la structure des communautés fongiques, ainsi que les mécanismes influençant leur dynamique écologique, demeurent relativement méconnus. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse explore la diversité des communautés fongiques à travers le gradient de succession et de conditions édaphiques d’un écosystème dunaire côtier afin d’améliorer la compréhension de la dynamique des sols en milieux dunaires. Une vaste collecte de données sur le terrain a été réalisée sur une plaine de dunes reliques se trouvant aux Îles de la Madeleine, Qc. J’ai échantillonné plus de 80 sites répartis sur l’ensemble de ce système dunaire et caractérisé les champignons du sol grâce au séquençage à haut débit. Dans un premier temps, j’ai dressé un portait d’ensemble des communautés fongiques du sol à travers les différentes zones des dunes. En plus d’une description taxonomique, les modes de vie fongiques ont été prédits afin de mieux comprendre comment les variations au niveau des communautés de champignons du sol peuvent se traduire en changements fonctionnels. J’ai observé un niveau de diversité fongique élevé (plus de 3400 unités taxonomiques opérationnelles au total) et des communautés taxonomiquement et fonctionnellement distinctes à travers un gradient de succession et de conditions édaphiques. Ces résultats ont aussi indiqué que toutes les zones des dunes, incluant la zone pionière, supportent des communautés fongiques diversifiées. Ensuite, le lien entre les communautés végétales et fongiques a été étudié à travers l’ensemble de la séquence dunaire. Ces résultats ont montré une augmentation claire de la richesse spécifique végétale, ainsi qu’une augmentation de la diversité des stratégies d’acquisition de nutriments (traits souterrains lié à la nutrition des plantes, soit mycorhizien à arbuscule, ectomycorhizien, mycorhizien éricoide, fixateur d’azote ou non spécialisé). J’ai aussi pu établir une forte corrélation entre les champignons du sol et la végétation, qui semblent tous deux réagir de façon similaire aux conditions physicochimiques du sol. Le pH du sol influençait fortement les communautés végétales et fongiques. Le lien observé entre les communautés végétales et fongiques met l’emphase sur l’importance des interactions biotiques positives au fil de la succession dans les environnements pauvres en nutriments. Finalement, j’ai comparé les communautés de champignons ectomycorhiziens associées aux principales espèces arborescentes dans les forêts dunaires. J’ai observé une richesse importante, avec un total de 200 unités taxonomiques opérationnelles ectomycorhiziennes, appartenant principalement aux Agaricomycètes. Une analyse de réseaux n’a pas permis de détecter de modules (c'est-à-dire des sous-groupes d’espèces en interaction), ce qui indique un faible niveau de spécificité des associations ectomycorhiziennes. De plus, je n’ai pas observé de différences en termes de richesse ou de structure des communautés entre les quatre espèces hôtes. En conclusion, j’ai pu observer à travers la succession dunaire des communautés diversifiées et des structures distinctes selon la zone de la dune, tant chez les champignons que chez les plantes. La succession semble toutefois moins marquée au niveau des communautés fongiques, par rapport aux patrons observés chez les plantes. Ces résultats ont alimenté une réflexion sur le potentiel et les perspectives, mais aussi sur les limitations des approches reposant sur le séquençage à haut-débit en écologie microbienne.


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Soil tillage with chisel ploughing is the conventional soil management system in chestnut stands for fruit production in Northern Portugal. A study was developed to assess the effects of three soil management systems on in situ soil N mineralization dynamics, tree nutrition status and fruit productivity, in a 50-yr old chestnut stand. The treatments were: conventional tillage with a chisel ploughing twice a year (CT), no-tillage with rainfed improved pasture with leguminous and grasses plants (NIP), and no-tillage with spontaneous herbaceous vegetation - natural pasture (NP). The CT treatment showed a strong increase of the soil N mineral concentration following soil disturbance by tillage, but the cumulative net N mineralized along the year was significantly lower (51.8 kg ha-1) than in the NIP (85.1 kg ha-1) treatment. The NP treatment (65.9 kg ha-1) did not cause a reduction in the soil N mineralization when compared to the CT treatment. The mineralization rate (g mineralized N kg-1 total N) in 2004 was about 26, 30 and 38 in the treatments CT, NP and NIP, respectively. Treatments showed different soil N dynamics, the proportion of mineralized NO3--N being lower in the NP (10-48%) than in CT and NIP treatments (53-74%). Our study indicates that no-tillage systems improve the tree nutrition status and enhance productivity


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The influence water levels have on CO2 and CH4 efflux were investigated at the Loxahatchee Impoundment Landscape Assessment (LILA) research facility, located in Boynton Beach, FL, USA. Measurements of CO2 efflux were taken for 24 h periods four times for one year from study plots. Laboratory incubations of intact soil cores were sampled for CO2, CH4, and redox potential. Additionally, soil cores from wet and dry condition were incubated for determination of enzyme activity and macronutrient limitation on decomposition of organic matter from study soils. Water levels had a significant negative influence on CO2 efflux and redox, but did not significantly influence CH4 efflux. Study plots were significantly different in CH4 efflux and redox potential. Labile carbon was more limiting to potential CO2 and CH4 production than phosphorus, with the effect significantly greater from dry conditions soils. Enzyme activity results were variable with greater macronutrient responses from dry condition soils.


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Trees from tropical montane cloud forest (TMCF) display very dynamic patterns of water use. They are capable of downwards water transport towards the soil during leaf-wetting events, likely a consequence of foliar water uptake (FWU), as well as high rates of night-time transpiration (Enight) during drier nights. These two processes might represent important sources of water losses and gains to the plant, but little is known about the environmental factors controlling these water fluxes. We evaluated how contrasting atmospheric and soil water conditions control diurnal, nocturnal and seasonal dynamics of sap flow in Drimys brasiliensis (Miers), a common Neotropical cloud forest species. We monitored the seasonal variation of soil water content, micrometeorological conditions and sap flow of D. brasiliensis trees in the field during wet and dry seasons. We also conducted a greenhouse experiment exposing D. brasiliensis saplings under contrasting soil water conditions to deuterium-labelled fog water. We found that during the night D. brasiliensis possesses heightened stomatal sensitivity to soil drought and vapour pressure deficit, which reduces night-time water loss. Leaf-wetting events had a strong suppressive effect on tree transpiration (E). Foliar water uptake increased in magnitude with drier soil and during longer leaf-wetting events. The difference between diurnal and nocturnal stomatal behaviour in D. brasiliensis could be attributed to an optimization of carbon gain when leaves are dry, as well as minimization of nocturnal water loss. The leaf-wetting events on the other hand seem important to D. brasiliensis water balance, especially during soil droughts, both by suppressing tree transpiration (E) and as a small additional water supply through FWU. Our results suggest that decreases in leaf-wetting events in TMCF might increase D. brasiliensis water loss and decrease its water gains, which could compromise its ecophysiological performance and survival during dry periods.


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This study was conducted in the Private Reserve Mata do Jambreiro (912 ha), localized in the Iron Quadrangle, Minas Gerais, southeastern portion of the Espinhaco Range, which is predominantly covered by semideciduous seasonal montane forest. Three topographically and physiognomic similar areas located within a continuum forest fragment, distant by 1.3 to 1.5 km were sampled by the point-quadrat method. In each area, 30 points were marked. Individuals with a minimum perimeter at the breast height (PBH) of 15 cm were sampled, totaling 111 species belonging to 40 families. The most representative family was Fabaceae, with 14.29% of the total number of species. Low floristic similarity (5.3% to 34.4%) was observed between the areas, pointing out the importance of distribution of sample units in continuous fragments. Shannon diversity index (H') found was 4.22 and Pielou equability (J) 0.894. Soil analysis showed some differences in chemical composition between the three studied areas and was an important component for the interpretation of the floristic variation found. The low floristic similarity observed here for close areas justify the requirement of more detailed inventories by Brazilian Environmental Agencies for the legal authorization procedures prior to the establishment of new enterprising projects. Also, the professionals that conduct rapid inventories, mainly the Environmental Consultants, should give more attention to this kind of floristic variation and to the methods used to inventory complex forests.


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To test whether plant species influence greenhouse gas production in diverse ecosystems, we measured wet season soil CO(2) and N(2)O fluxes close to similar to 300 large (>35 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH)) trees of 15 species at three clay-rich forest sites in central Amazonia. We found that soil CO(2) fluxes were 38% higher near large trees than at control sites >10 m away from any tree (P < 0.0001). After adjusting for large tree presence, a multiple linear regression of soil temperature, bulk density, and liana DBH explained 19% of remaining CO(2) flux variability. Soil N(2)O fluxes adjacent to Caryocar villosum, Lecythis lurida, Schefflera morototoni, and Manilkara huberi were 84%-196% greater than Erisma uncinatum and Vochysia maxima, both Vochysiaceae. Tree species identity was the most important explanatory factor for N(2)O fluxes, accounting for more than twice the N(2)O flux variability as all other factors combined. Two observations suggest a mechanism for this finding: (1) sugar addition increased N(2)O fluxes near C. villosum twice as much (P < 0.05) as near Vochysiaceae and (2) species mean N(2)O fluxes were strongly negatively correlated with tree growth rate (P = 0.002). These observations imply that through enhanced belowground carbon allocation liana and tree species can stimulate soil CO(2) and N(2)O fluxes (by enhancing denitrification when carbon limits microbial metabolism). Alternatively, low N(2)O fluxes potentially result from strong competition of tree species with microbes for nutrients. Species-specific patterns in CO(2) and N(2)O fluxes demonstrate that plant species can influence soil biogeochemical processes in a diverse tropical forest.


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1. Little is known about the role of deep roots in the nutrition of forest trees and their ability to provide a safety-net service taking up nutrients leached from the topsoil. 2. To address this issue, we studied the potential uptake of N, K and Ca by Eucalyptus grandis trees (6 years of age - 25 m mean height), in Brazil, as a function of soil depth, texture and water content. We injected NO(3)(-)- (15)N, Rb(+) (analogue of K(+)) and Sr(2+) (analogue of Ca(2+)) tracers simultaneously in a solution through plastic tubes at 10, 50, 150 and 300 cm in depth in a sandy and a clayey Ferralsol soil. A complete randomized design was set up with three replicates of paired trees per injection depth and soil type. Recently expanded leaves were sampled at various times after tracer injection in the summer, and the experiment was repeated in the winter. Soil water contents were continuously monitored at the different depths in the two soils. 3. Determination of foliar Rb and Sr concentrations and (15)N atom % made it possible to estimate the relative uptake potential (RUP) of tracer injections from the four soil depths and the specific RUP (SRUP), defined as RUP, per unit of fine root length density in the corresponding soil layer. 4. The highest tracer uptake rates were found in the topsoil, but contrasting RUP distributions were observed for the three tracers. Whilst the RUP was higher for NO(3)(-)- (15)N than for Rb(+) and Sr(2+) in the upper 50 cm of soil, the highest SRUP values for Sr(2+) and Rb(+) were found at a depth of 300 cm in the sandy soil, as well as in the clayey soil when gravitational solutions reached that depth. 5. Our results suggest that the fine roots of E. grandis trees exhibit contrasting potential uptake rates with depth depending on the nutrient. This functional specialization of roots might contribute to the high growth rates of E. grandis trees, efficiently providing the large amounts of nutrients required throughout the development of these fast-growing plantations.


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Environmental quality assessment studies have been conducted with tree species largely distributed in the Atlantic Forest. Leaf and soil samples were collected in the conservation unit Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (PESM) nearby the industrial complex of Cubatao, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, and analyzed for chemical elements by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Results were compared to background values obtained in the Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PECB). The higher As, Fe, Hg and Zn mass fractions in the tree leaves of PESM indicated anthropogenic influence on this conservation unit.


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The increasing volume of urban sewage nowadays generates considerable amount of sludge to be disposed of. One environmentally adequate destination could be the application of treated and stabilized sludge (biosolids) to forest plantations as fertilizer and soil conditioner. The purpose of this study was to analyze the feasibility of applying sewage sludge, evaluating its effects on native tree seedlings. The species evaluated were aroeira-pimenteira (Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi), cabreuva-vermelha (Myroxy-Ion peruiferum L. f.), pau-de-viola (Cytarexyllum myrianthum Cham), unha-de-vaca (Bauhinia forficata Link), which are usually planted in forest restoration. Seedlings were cultivated in pots, containing a volume of 4 dm(3) of soil, within a greenhouse. The study was developed in the proximity of Campinas, SP, Brazil, and installed in November, 2003. The design was entirely randomized including seven treatments: control; mineral fertilization; and different doses of sewage sludge (biosolids) complemented with potassium, due to the low concentration of this element in the sludge produced by the wastewater treatment plant of Barueri (Metropolitan region of Sao Paulo city). The results showed that the application of different dosages of biosolids promoted different responses in stem height and biomass production. The treatment with 20 g/dm(3) of dry sewage sludge promoted both the highest growth and the highest seedling biomass production, compared to the control treatment. All native tree species treated with the highest dosage of sewage sludge showed a growth similar to that of mineral fertilization. The seedlings of aroeira-pimenteira, pau-de-viola, and unha-de-vaca, all typical species of the initial succession in natural forest ecosystems, grew and produced more biomass than cabreuva-vermelha, a typical species of the final forest succession.


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Genetic variation and environmental heterogeneity fundamentally shape the interactions between plants of the same species. According to the resource partitioning hypothesis, competition between neighbors intensifies as their similarity increases. Such competition may change in response to increasing supplies of limiting resources. We tested the resource partitioning hypothesis in stands of genetically identical (clone-origin) and genetically diverse (seed-origin) Eucalyptus trees with different water and nutrient supplies, using individual-based tree growth models. We found that genetic variation greatly reduced competitive interactions between neighboring trees, supporting the resource partitioning hypothesis. The importance of genetic variation for Eucalyptus growth patterns depended strongly on local stand structure and focal tree size. This suggests that spatial and temporal variation in the strength of species interactions leads to reversals in the growth rank of seed-origin and clone-origin trees. This study is one of the first to experimentally test the resource partitioning hypothesis for intergenotypic vs. intragenotypic interactions in trees. We provide evidence that variation at the level of genes, and not just species, is functionally important for driving individual and community-level processes in forested ecosystems.


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Poor root development due to constraining soil conditions could be an important factor influencing health of urban trees. Therefore, there is a need for efficient techniques to analyze the spatial distribution of tree roots. An analytical procedure for describing tree rooting patterns from X-ray computed tomography (CT) data is described and illustrated. Large irregularly shaped specimens of undisturbed sandy soil were sampled from Various positions around the base of trees using field impregnation with epoxy resin, to stabilize the cohesionless soil. Cores approximately 200 mm in diameter by 500 mm in height were extracted from these specimens. These large core samples were scanned with a medical X-ray CT device, and contiguous images of soil slices (2 mm thick) were thus produced. X-ray CT images are regarded as regularly-spaced sections through the soil although they are not actual 2D sections but matrices of voxels similar to 0.5 mm x 0.5 mm x 2 mm. The images were used to generate the equivalent of horizontal root contact maps from which three-dimensional objects, assumed to be roots, were reconstructed. The resulting connected objects were used to derive indices of the spatial organization of roots, namely: root length distribution, root length density, root growth angle distribution, root spatial distribution, and branching intensity. The successive steps of the method, from sampling to generation of indices of tree root organization, are illustrated through a case study examining rooting patterns of valuable urban trees. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Plant performance is, at least partly, linked to the location of roots with respect to soil structure features and the micro-environment surrounding roots. Measurements of root distributions from intact samples, using optical microscopy and field tracings have been partially successful but are imprecise and labour-intensive. Theoretically, X-ray computed micro-tomography represents an ideal solution for non-invasive imaging of plant roots and soil structure. However, before it becomes fast enough and affordable or easily accessible, there is still a need for a diagnostic tool to investigate root/soil interplay. Here, a method for detection of undisturbed plant roots and their immediate physical environment is presented. X-ray absorption and phase contrast imaging are combined to produce projection images of soil sections from which root distributions and soil structure can be analyzed. The clarity of roots on the X-ray film is sufficient to allow manual tracing on an acetate sheet fixed over the film. In its current version, the method suffers limitations mainly related to (i) the degree of subjectivity associated with manual tracing and (ii) the difficulty of separating live and dead roots. The method represents a simple and relatively inexpensive way to detect and quantify roots from intact samples and has scope for further improvements. In this paper, the main steps of the method, sampling, image acquisition and image processing are documented. The potential use of the method in an agronomic perspective is illustrated using surface and sub-surface soil samples from a controlled wheat trial. Quantitative characterization of root attributes, e.g. radius, length density, branching intensity and the complex interplay between roots and soil structure, is presented and discussed.


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Examples from the Murray-Darling basin in Australia are used to illustrate different methods of disaggregation of reconnaissance-scale maps. One approach for disaggregation revolves around the de-convolution of the soil-landscape paradigm elaborated during a soil survey. The descriptions of soil ma units and block diagrams in a soil survey report detail soil-landscape relationships or soil toposequences that can be used to disaggregate map units into component landscape elements. Toposequences can be visualised on a computer by combining soil maps with digital elevation data. Expert knowledge or statistics can be used to implement the disaggregation. Use of a restructuring element and k-means clustering are illustrated. Another approach to disaggregation uses training areas to develop rules to extrapolate detailed mapping into other, larger areas where detailed mapping is unavailable. A two-level decision tree example is presented. At one level, the decision tree method is used to capture mapping rules from the training area; at another level, it is used to define the domain over which those rules can be extrapolated. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Little is known about the responses of Australian plants to excess metal, including Mn. It is important to remedy this lack of information so that knowledgeable decisions can be made about managing Mn contaminated sites where inhabited by Australian vegetation. Acacia holosericea, Melaleuca leucadendra, Eucalyptus crebra and Eucalyptus camaldulensis were grown in dilute solution culture for 10 weeks. The seedlings ( 42 days old) were exposed to six Mn treatments viz., 1, 8, 32, 128, 512 and 2048 muM. The order of tolerance to toxic concentrations of Mn was A. holosericea congruent to = E. crebra < M. leucadendra < E. camaldulensis, the critical external concentrations being approximately 5.1, 5.0, 21 and 330 muM, respectively. The critical tissue Mn concentrations for the youngest fully expanded leaf and total shoots were, respectively, 265 and 215 mug g(-1) DM for A. holosericea, 445 and 495 mug g(-1) DM for M. leucadendra, 495 and 710 mug g(-1) DM for E. crebra and 7230 and 6510 mug g(-1) DM for E. camaldulensis. The high tolerance of E. camaldulensis ( as opposed to the sensitivity of E. crebra) to excess Mn raises concern about fauna feeding on the plant and is consistent with hypotheses suggesting the Eucalyptus subgenus Symphomyrtus is particularly tolerant of stress, including excess Mn. The results from this paper provide the first comprehensive combination of growth responses, critical external concentrations, critical tissue concentrations and plant toxicity symptoms for three important Australian genera, viz., Eucalyptus, Acacia and Melaleuca, for use in the management of Mn toxic sites.


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A frequently desired outcome when rehabilitating Zn toxic sites in Australia is to establish a self-sustaining native ecosystem. Hence, it is important to understand the tolerance of Australian native plants to high concentrations of Zn. Very little is known about the responses of Australian native plants, and trees in particular, to toxic concentrations of Zn. Acacia holosericea, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Melaleuca leucadendra plants were grown in dilute solution culture for 10 weeks. The seedlings (42 days old) were exposed to six Zn treatments viz., 0.5, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 muM. The order of tolerance to toxic concentrations of Zn was E. camaldulensis > A. holosericea > M. leucadendra, the critical external concentrations being approximately 20, 12 and 1.5 muM, respectively. Tissue Zn concentrations increased as solution Zn increased for all species. Root tissue concentrations were higher than shoot tissue concentrations at all solution Zn concentrations. The critical tissue Zn concentrations were approximately 85 and 110 mug g(-1) DM for M. leucadendra, 115 and 155 mug g(-1) DM for A. holosericea and 415 and 370 mug g(-1) DM for E. camaldulensis for the youngest fully expanded leaf and total shoots, respectively. The results from this paper provide the first comprehensive combination of growth responses, critical external concentrations, critical tissue concentrations and plant toxicity symptoms for three important Australian genera, viz., Eucalyptus, Acacia and Melaleuca, for use in the rehabilitation of potentially Zn toxic sites.