990 resultados para Travail de terrain


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A method for calculating the bends in the glide slope due to uneven terrain is presented. A computer program written for the purpose enables the calculation of the difference in depth of modulation (DDM) at any point, taking into account the effect of uneven terrain. Results are presented for a hypothetical case of a hill in front of the runway. The program enables us to predict the glide slope bends due to irregular terrain, so that proper selection of glide slope antenna location can be made.


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A wheeled mobile robot (WMR) can move on uneven terrains without slip if the wheels are allowed to tilt laterally. This paper deals with the analysis, design and experimentations with a WMR where the wheels can tilt laterally. The wheels of such a WMR must be equipped with two degrees of freedom suspension mechanism. A prototype three-wheeled mobile robot is fabricated with a two degree-of-freedom suspension mechanism. Simulations show that the three-wheeled mobile robot can traverse uneven terrains with very little slip and experiments with the prototype on a representative uneven terrain confirm that the slip is significantly reduced.


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Land use (LU) land cover (LC) information at a temporal scale illustrates the physical coverage of the Earth's terrestrial surface according to its use and provides the intricate information for effective planning and management activities. LULC changes are stated as local and location specific, collectively they act as drivers of global environmental changes. Understanding and predicting the impact of LULC change processes requires long term historical restorations and projecting into the future of land cover changes at regional to global scales. The present study aims at quantifying spatio temporal landscape dynamics along the gradient of varying terrains presented in the landscape by multi-data approach (MDA). MDA incorporates multi temporal satellite imagery with demographic data and other additional relevant data sets. The gradient covers three different types of topographic features, planes; hilly terrain and coastal region to account the significant role of elevation in land cover change. The seasonality is another aspect to be considered in the vegetation dominated landscapes; variations are accounted using multi seasonal data. Spatial patterns of the various patches are identified and analysed using landscape metrics to understand the forest fragmentation. The prediction of likely changes in 2020 through scenario analysis has been done to account for the changes, considering the present growth rates and due to the proposed developmental projects. This work summarizes recent estimates on changes in cropland, agricultural intensification, deforestation, pasture expansion, and urbanization as the causal factors for LULC change.


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It is known in literature that a wheeled mobile robot (WMR) with fixed length axle will slip on an uneven terrain. One way to avoid wheel slip is to use a torus-shaped wheel with lateral tilt capability which allows the distance between the wheel-ground contact points to change even with a fixed length axle. Such an arrangement needs a two degree-of-freedom (DOF) suspension for the vertical and lateral tilting motion of the wheel. In this paper modeling, simulation, design and experimentation with a three-wheeled mobile robot, with torus-shaped wheels and a novel two DOF suspension allowing independent lateral tilt and vertical motion, is presented. The suspension is based on a four-bar mechanism and is called the double four-bar (D4Bar) suspension. Numerical simulations show that the three-wheeled mobile robot can traverse uneven terrain with low wheel slip. Experiments with a prototype three-wheeled mobile robot moving on a constructed uneven terrain along a straight line, a circular arc and a path representing a lane change, also illustrate the low slip capability of the three-wheeled mobile robot with the D4Bar suspension. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The standard procedure of groundwater resource estimation in India till date is based on the specific yield parameters of each rock type (lithology) derived through pumping test analysis. Using the change in groundwater level, specific yield, and area of influence, groundwater storage change could be estimated. However, terrain conditions in the form of geomorphological variations have an important bearing on the net groundwater recharge. In this study, an attempt was made to use both lithology and geomorphology as input variables to estimate the recharge from different sources in each lithology unit influenced by the geomorphic conditions (lith-geom), season wise separately. The study provided a methodological approach for an evaluation of groundwater in a semi-arid hard rock terrain in Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India. While characterizing the gneissic rock, it was found that the geomorphologic variations in the gneissic rock due to weathering and deposition behaved differently with respect to aquifer recharge. The three different geomorphic units identified in gneissic rock (pediplain shallow weathered (PPS), pediplain moderate weathered (PPM), and buried pediplain moderate (BPM)) showed a significant variation in recharge conditions among themselves. It was found from the study that Peninsular gneiss gives a net recharge value of 0.13 m/year/unit area when considered as a single unit w.r.t. lithology, whereas the same area considered with lith-geom classes gives recharge values between 0.1 and 0.41 m/year presenting a different assessment. It is also found from this study that the stage of development (SOD) for each lith-geom unit in Peninsular gneiss varies from 168 to 230 %, whereas the SOD is 223 % for the lithology as a single unit.


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Availability of land for conventional air-insulated substations is becoming increasingly difficult not only in urban but also in semiurban areas. When the land made available is highly uneven, the associated technoeconomic factors favors the erection of substations on a steplike-formed ground surface and such constructions are in service for more than ten years in some parts of southern India. Noting that the literature on the performance of ground grids in such a construction is rather scarce, the present work was taken up. Evaluation of the performance of earthing elements in steplike ground forms the main goal of the present work. For the numerical evaluation, a suitable boundary-based methodology is employed. This method retains the classical Galerkin approach for the conductors, while the interfaces are replaced by equivalent fictitious surface sources defined over unstructured mesh. Details of the implementation of this numerical method, along with special measures to minimize the computation, are presented. The performance of basic earthing elements, such as the driven rod, counterpoise, and simple grids buried in steplike ground, are analyzed and compared with that for the case with uniform soil surface. It is shown that more than the earthing resistances, the step potentials can get significantly affected.


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Résumé: Le travail collaboratif s’invite à présent partout, et est identifié dans des domaines aussi multiples que variés. Dans le monde de l’entreprise, de la prise en charge médico-sociale, de l’éducation / formation, de la recherche, de l’économie, de la politique, de la gestion de carrière… etc. Ce travail vise dans un premier temps à décliner ce qu’est la collaboration, ses caractéristiques, ses contextes d’utilisation, et la façon dont elle se différencie des autres formes d’organisation (coopération et compétition notamment). Dans un deuxième temps, il réexamine la question de la nouveauté du travail collaboratif à la lumière des résultats obtenus. S’il est assez évident que les « ingrédients », les attributs du travail collaboratif ne sont pas nouveaux (le développement informatique mis à part), il semble en revanche que les combinaisons rencontrées et les domaines d’application génèrent de nouvelles questions. Pour finir, en s’inspirant des termes associés à collaboration, il considère quelques-uns des nouveaux enjeux dans la sphère professionnelle.


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Resumen: La prolongación de la edad y el aumento de la expectativa de vida han hecho surgir nuevas necesidades de atención para las personas ancianas y ello ha inducido a la ampliación de las prestaciones de servicios a domicilio. En este sentido, el trabajo de estos profesionales de intervención a domicilio, así como sus misiones, están en plena mutación. Es un sector con dificultades, debido a la dificultad de reclutar un personal especializado y al absentismo inquietante. Después de un análisis sobre el estado de este sector de la profesión en el que se establece la diferencia entre el enfoque físico y el psicológico sobre la salud, nuestra reflexión se centra en los riesgos psicosociales de esta población de profesionales. Se presentan los resultados preliminares de la investigación realizada con una muestra de 38 personas que ejercían laboralmente en este sector. Emerge la expresión de un sufrimiento emocional, en la que el aislamiento de los participantes es uno de los factores que caracterizan los oficios identificados con una fuerte dimensión relacional con personas vulnerables. La dimensión asistencial del trabajo se presenta como fuente de satisfacción del oficio pero, a su vez, puede conducir a una dificultad de gestionar acontecimientos no previstos


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En une génération, entre 1975 et 1995, le paysage du marché du travail auquel les jeunes font face a radicalement changé.


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The exploitation rate of demersal stocks in the Côte d'Ivoire-Congo area is in most cases below the level permitting maximum sustainable yield. Any increase in total catch would be achieved through an increase in catch per effort which implies bigger mesh sizes than those in use now (40-45 mm). A first step would be to fix the minimum legal mesh size to 60 mm. New, probably limited resources (crab, squids, benthic sharks) are to be sought along the continental slope.


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Investiga-se, neste trabalho, a partir de uma análise de gênero, os discursos dos movimentos espírita e anarquista acerca das mulheres, no período de 1889 a 1922, no Rio de Janeiro, especificamente no que se refere a uma possível relação entre eles. No período de análise, ambos os movimentos encontravam-se em constituição no Brasil, lutando por legitimação e reconhecimento social, sendo seus seguidores perseguidos, presos e patologizados por seus discursos questionadores da ordem vigente. Entretanto, mais que seu sucesso ou não na transformação social, o que aqui se propõe é uma investigação acerca das formas pelas quais esses movimentos podem ter se relacionado e seus discursos, especialmente no caso da mulher, podem tê-los aproximado. Ou seja, questionar a oposição religião e política, e inserir uma análise de gênero em campos nos quais essa ferramenta é, ainda, raramente utilizada. Investigar como se apresentavam as questões de gênero nas práticas desses movimentos, tentando resgatar os fios que compõem a trama histórica dos mesmos, procurando entender a legitimação do espiritismo brasileiro no circuito religioso e a desqualificação do anarquismo no circuito dos movimentos políticos. As razões que justificam a escolha do espiritismo e do anarquismo para este trabalho devem-se, sobretudo, a uma singularidade: ambos apresentavam discursos sobre a mulher destoantes dos hegemônicos. Em seus pressupostos, encontra-se uma postura diferenciada em relação à mulher, na qual a ideia da igualdade entre os sexos assume um papel relevante, não seguindo a tendência de atribuir às mulheres um lugar de submissão e silêncio. Espíritas e anarquistas se posicionaram contrários aos discursos que tentavam manter a legitimidade da submissão da mulher ao homem. Contudo, verifica-se que, no Brasil, tanto o espiritismo quanto o anarquismo construíram discursos próprios ao contexto brasileiro, indo ao encontro dos pressupostos hegemônicos naquele período, sobretudo, acerca da mulher e das relações de gênero. Através de uma análise da história dos movimentos espírita e anarquista, notadamente, de sua chegada e difusão no campo social brasileiro, constata-se que a historiografia produziu um discurso que legitimou a exclusão das mulheres desses movimentos naquele momento, produzindo uma trama ainda bastante marcada pelo silenciamento das práticas femininas. A perspectiva teórico-metodológica deste trabalho se insere no campo da historiografia, mais especificamente da nova história: história cultural, história das mulheres e das relações de gênero, com atenção às produções da historiografia contemporânea sobre o período e as implicações de suas análises para as conclusões difundidas sobre a ausência feminina nesses movimentos.