925 resultados para Transversal competence


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FUNDAMENTO: A despeito de elevada prevalência e importância clínica da Fibrilação Atrial (FA), não existem até o momento publicações brasileiras informando o perfil clínico e a estratégia de tratamento (controle de ritmo vs. controle de frequência cardíaca) mais utilizada nesse universo de pacientes. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a estratégia de tratamento mais empregada na FA em ambulatório especializado no manejo dessa doença. Secundariamente, procurou-se descrever o perfil clínico dessa população. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal que avaliou sequencialmente, em 167 portadores de FA, a estratégia de tratamento mais empregada, bem como o perfil clínico desses pacientes. Utilizou-se questionário padronizado para coleta de dados. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio do software SPSS® versão 13.0. RESULTADOS: Nessa população de alto risco para eventos tromboembólicos (61% com score CHADS2 > 2), em que 54% dos indivíduos apresentavam fibrilação atrial paroxística ou persistente, 96,6% utilizavam antagonistas da vitamina K ou AAS, e 76,6% faziam uso de betabloqueador (81,2% frequência x 58,8% ritmo, p < 0,05); a estratégia de controle de frequência foi a mais empregada (79,5% x 20,5%, p < 0,001). Houve uma tendência estatística a maior agrupamento de pacientes com disfunção ventricular (15,2% x 2,9%; p = 0,06), CHADS2 > 2 (60,5% x 39,5%; p = 0,07) e valvopatias (25,8% x 11,8%; p = 0,08) no segmento de controle da frequência. CONCLUSÃO: Nessa população de alto risco para eventos tromboembólicos, a estratégia de controle de frequência cardíaca foi a mais empregada.


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Sound localization relies on the analysis of interaural time and intensity differences, as well as attenuation patterns by the outer ear. We investigated the relative contributions of interaural time and intensity difference cues to sound localization by testing 60 healthy subjects: 25 with focal left and 25 with focal right hemispheric brain damage. Group and single-case behavioural analyses, as well as anatomo-clinical correlations, confirmed that deficits were more frequent and much more severe after right than left hemispheric lesions and for the processing of interaural time than intensity difference cues. For spatial processing based on interaural time difference cues, different error types were evident in the individual data. Deficits in discriminating between neighbouring positions occurred in both hemispaces after focal right hemispheric brain damage, but were restricted to the contralesional hemispace after focal left hemispheric brain damage. Alloacusis (perceptual shifts across the midline) occurred only after focal right hemispheric brain damage and was associated with minor or severe deficits in position discrimination. During spatial processing based on interaural intensity cues, deficits were less severe in the right hemispheric brain damage than left hemispheric brain damage group and no alloacusis occurred. These results, matched to anatomical data, suggest the existence of a binaural sound localization system predominantly based on interaural time difference cues and primarily supported by the right hemisphere. More generally, our data suggest that two distinct mechanisms contribute to: (i) the precise computation of spatial coordinates allowing spatial comparison within the contralateral hemispace for the left hemisphere and the whole space for the right hemisphere; and (ii) the building up of global auditory spatial representations in right temporo-parietal cortices.


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This paper studies information transmission between an uninformed decision maker (receiver) and an informed player (sender) who have asymmetric beliefs ("con fidence") on the sender s ability ("competence") to observe the state of nature. We fi nd that even when the material payoffs of are perfectly aligned, the sender s over- and underconfi dence on his information give rise to information loss in communication, although they do not by themselves completely eliminate information transmission in equilibrium. However, an underconfi dent sender may prefer no communication to informative communication. We also show that when the sender is biased, overconfi dence can lead to more information transmission and welfare improvement.


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En aquest projecte hem seguit desenvolupant i ampliant els continguts d’una assignatura de caràcter transversal entre Geologia i Arqueologia Prehistòrica aplicada als estudis universitaris. Aquesta ampliació s’ha dut a terme amb la creació d'un recull de fitxes amb les dades més rellevants d’alguns sepulcres megalítics de Catalunya fent especial esment als materials petris utilitzats en la seva construcció de per tal de poder desenvolupar i contextualitzar els resultats que s’assoleixin durant el curs. Cadascuna de les fitxes inclou per cada megàlit: 1) una situació geogràfica, 2) una part de descripció des del punt de vista arqueològic i 3) una part geològica amb la situació, descripció dels elements petris de les lloses tant a visu com al microscopi petrogràfic i una localització probable de l’àrea de procedència de les lloses. Això suposa un aprofundiment i ampliació de l'oferta pedagògica proposada que permet experimentar una metodologia d’ensenyament universitari més pràctica, aplicada i interactiva i s’emmarca en l’eix temàtic al voltant del qual es desenvolupa l’assignatura.


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Activation of the hepatoportal glucose sensors by portal glucose infusion leads to increased glucose clearance and induction of hypoglycemia. Here, we investigated whether glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) could modulate the activity of these sensors. Mice were therefore infused with saline (S-mice) or glucose (P-mice) through the portal vein at a rate of 25 mg/kg. min. In P-mice, glucose clearance increased to 67.5 +/- 3.7 mg/kg. min as compared with 24.1 +/- 1.5 mg/kg. min in S-mice, and glycemia decreased from 5.0 +/- 0.1 to 3.3 +/- 0.1 mmol/l at the end of the 3-h infusion period. Coinfusion of GLP-1 with glucose into the portal vein at a rate of 5 pmol/kg. min (P-GLP-1 mice) did not increase the glucose clearance rate (57.4 +/- 5.0 ml/kg. min) and hypoglycemia (3.8 +/- 0.1 mmol/l) observed in P-mice. In contrast, coinfusion of glucose and the GLP-1 receptor antagonist exendin-(9-39) into the portal vein at a rate of 0.5 pmol/kg. min (P-Ex mice) reduced glucose clearance to 36.1 +/- 2.6 ml/kg. min and transiently increased glycemia to 9.2 +/- 0.3 mmol/l at 60 min of infusion before it returned to the fasting level (5.6 +/- 0.3 mmol/l) at 3 h. When glucose and exendin-(9-39) were infused through the portal and femoral veins, respectively, glucose clearance increased to 70.0 +/- 4.6 ml/kg. min and glycemia decreased to 3.1 +/- 0.1 mmol/l, indicating that exendin-(9-39) has an effect only when infused into the portal vein. Finally, portal vein infusion of glucose in GLP-1 receptor(-/-) mice failed to increase the glucose clearance rate (26.7 +/- 2.9 ml/kg. min). Glycemia increased to 8.5 +/- 0.5 mmol/l at 60 min and remained elevated until the end of the glucose infusion (8.2 +/- 0.4 mmol/l). Together, our data show that the GLP-1 receptor is part of the hepatoportal glucose sensor and that basal fasting levels of GLP-1 sufficiently activate the receptor to confer maximum glucose competence to the sensor. These data demonstrate an important extrapancreatic effect of GLP-1 in the control of glucose homeostasis.


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The vector competence of Culex quinquefasciatus from five localities in Brazil to Dirofilaria immitis was evaluated experimentally. Females from each locality were fed on an infected dog (~ 6 microfilariae/µl blood). A sample of blood fed mosquitoes were dissected approximately 1 h after blood meal. These results demonstrated that all had ingested microfilariae (mean, 4.8 to 24.6 microfilariae/mosquito). Fifteen days after the infected blood meal, the infection and infective rates were low in all populations of Cx. quinquefasciatus. The mean number of infective larvae detected in the head and proboscis of these mosquitoes was 1-1.5. The vector efficiency, the number of microfilariae ingested/number of infective larvae, was low for all populations of Cx. quinquefasciatus. However, the survival rate for all populations was high (range 50-75%). The survival rate of Aedes aegypti assayed simultaneously for comparison was low (24.7%), while the vector efficiency was much higher than for Cx. quinquefasciatus. These data suggest that the vector competence of all assayed populations of Cx. quinquefasciatus to D. immitis in Brazil is similar and that this species is a secondary vector due to its low susceptibility. Nevertheless, vector capacity may vary between populations due to differences in biting frequency on dogs that has been reported in Brazil.


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Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy 1856), a nematode parasite, is the etiologic agent of canine heartworm disease and mosquitoes are essential intermediate hosts. Mosquito susceptibility to the worms differ with species, strains and also among individuals of the same strain. To evaluate the degree of susceptibility of Rio de Janeiro laboratory raised strain of Aedes aegypti, we fed mosquitoes on canine blood with different densities of microfilariae (mf). There was no significant difference in the rate of development among the three different densities of mf. Infective larvae were found in the head and proboscis of all mosquitoes provided bloodmeals with different densities of mf after the 11th day post-infection. The infection rate of mosquitoes after ingestion of blood containing 3,000 mf/ml, 5,000 mf/ml and 7,000 mf/ml were 55.3%, 66.7% and 100%, respectively. The vector efficiency indices ranged from 1.6 to 9.3. The finding of L3 stage larvae, high infection rates and vector efficiency indices suggest that Ae. aegypti, Rio de Janeiro laboratory strain, is a potential vector of D. immitis, although of low efficiency.


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Background: In order to improve the immunogenicity of currently available non-replicating pox virus HIV vaccine vectors, NYVAC was genetically modified through re-insertion of two host range genes (K1L and C7L), resulting in restored replicative capacity in human cells. Methods: In the present study these vectors, expressing either a combination of the HIV-1 clade C antigens Env, Gag, Pol, Nef, or a combination of Gal, Pol, Nef were evaluated for safety and immunogenicity in rhesus macaques, which were immunized at weeks 0, 4 and 12 either by scarification (conventional poxvirus route of immunization), intradermal or by intramuscular injection (route used in previous vaccine studies). Results: Replication competent NYVAC-C-KC vectors induced higher HIV-specific responses, as measured by IFN-g ELISpot assay, than the replication defective NYVAC-C vectors. Application through scarification only required one immunization to induce maximum HIV-specific immune responses. This method simultaneously induced relatively lower anti-vector responses. In contrast, two to three immunizations were required when the NYVAC-C-KC vectors were given by intradermal or intramuscular injection and this method tended to generate slightly lower responses. Responses were predominantly directed against Env in the animals that received NYVAC-C-KC vectors expressing HIV-1 Env, Gag, Pol, Nef, while Gag responses were dominant in the NYVAC-C-KC HIV-1 Gag, Pol, Nef immunized animals. Conclusion: The current study demonstrates that NYVAC replication competent vectors were well tolerated and showed increased immunogenicity as compared to replication defective vectors. Further studies are needed to evaluate the most efficient route of immunization and to explore the use of these replication competent NYVAC vectors in prime/boost combination with gp120 proteinbased vaccine candidates. This study was performed within the Poxvirus T-cell Vaccine Discovery Consortium (PTVDC) which is part of the CAVD program.


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En el cas sota estudi, hem revisat totes les memòries oficials de verificació disponibles dels graus en enginyeria en informàtica, enginyeria en telecomunicació i multimèdia amb l'objectiu d'analitzar diferents aspectes de la presència de diferents competències comunicatives transversals. En concret ens hem centrat en les competències d'expressió oral i escrita en llengua pròpia i estrangera (anglès), en l'habilitat en les relacions interpersonals i en la capacitat de comunicar-se amb audiències expertes i profanes sobre els matèries dels estudis.


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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, efficient silencer function requires telomere proximity, i.e. compartments of the nucleoplasm enriched in silencing factors. Accordingly, silencers located far from telomeres function inefficiently. We show here that cells lacking yKu balance between two mitotically stable states of silencing competence. In one, a partial delocalization of telomeres and silencing factors throughout the nucleoplasm correlates with enhanced silencing at a non-telomeric locus, while in the other, telomeres retain their focal pattern of distribution and there is no repression at the non-telomeric locus, as observed in wild-type cells. The two states also differ in their level of residual telomeric silencing. These findings indicate the existence of a yKu-independent pathway of telomere clustering and Sir localization. Interestingly, this pathway appears to be under epigenetic control.


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Background: Recombinant viruses based on the attenuated vaccinia virus strain NYVAC are promising HIV vaccine candidates as phase I/II clinical trials have shown good safety and immunogenicity profiles. However, this NYVAC strain is non-replicating in most human cell lines and encodes viral inhibitors of the immune system. Methods: With the aim to increase the immune potency of the current NYVAC-C vector (expressing the codon optimized clade C HIV-1 genes encoding gp120 and Gag-Pol-Nef polyprotein), we have generated and characterized three NYVAC-C-based vectors by, 1) deletion of the viral type I IFN inhibitor gene (NYVAC-CdeltaB19R), 2) restoration of virus replication competence in human cells by re-inserting K1L and C7L host range genes (NYVAC-C-KC) and, 3) combination of both strategies (NYVACC- KC-deltaB19R). Results: Insertion of the KC fragment restored the replication competence of the viruses in human cells (HeLa cells and primary dermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes), increased the expression of HIV antigens by more than 3-fold compared to the non-replicating homologs, inhibited apoptosis induced by the parental NYVAC-C and retained attenuation in a newborn mouse model. In adult mice, replication-competent viruses showed a limited capacity to replicate in tissues surrounding the inoculation site (ovaries and lymph nodes). After infection of keratinocytes, PBMCs and dendritic cells these viruses induced differential modulation in specific host cell signal transduction pathways, triggering genes important in immune modulation. Conclusion: We have developed improved NYVAC-C-based vectors with enhanced HIV-1 antigen expression, with the ability to replicate in cultured human cells and partially in some tissues, with an induced expression of cellular genes relevant to immune system activation, and which trigger IFN-dependent and independent signalling pathways, while maintaining a safety phenotype. These new vectors are promising new HIV vaccine candidates. These studies were performed within the Poxvirus Tcell Vaccine Discovery Consortium (PTVDC) which is part of the CAVD program.