990 resultados para Transformation matrix
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The present study suggests the use of high energy ball milling to mix (to dope) the phase MgB2 with the AlB2 crystalline structure compound, ZrB2, with the same C32 hexagonal structure than MgB 2, in different concentrations, enabling the maintenance of the crystalline phase structures practically unaffected and the efficient mixture with the dopant. The high energy ball milling was performed with different ball-to-powder ratios. The analysis of the transformation and formation of phases was accomplished by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), using the Rietveld method, and scanning electron microscopy. As the high energy ball milling reduced the crystallinity of the milled compounds, also reducing the size of the particles, the XRD analysis were influenced, and they could be used as comparative and control method of the milling. Aiming the recovery of crystallinity, homogenization and final phase formation, heat treatments were performed, enabling that crystalline phases, changed during milling, could be obtained again in the final product. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications.
Cancer is a multistep process that begins with the transformation of normal epithelial cells and continues with tumor growth, stromal invasion and metastasis. The remodeling of the peritumoral environment is decisive for the onset of tumor invasiveness. This event is dependent on epithelial–stromal interactions, degradation of extracellular matrix components and reorganization of fibrillar components. Our research group has studied in a new proposed rodent model the participation of cellular and molecular components in the prostate microenvironment that contributes to cancer progression. Our group adopted the gerbil Meriones unguiculatus as an alternative experimental model for prostate cancer study. This model has presented significant responses to hormonal treatments and to development of spontaneous and induced neoplasias. The data obtained indicate reorganization of type I collagen fibers and reticular fibers, synthesis of new components such as tenascin and proteoglycans, degradation of basement membrane components and elastic fibers and increased expression of metalloproteinases. Fibroblasts that border the region, apparently participate in the stromal reaction. The roles of each of these events, as well as some signaling molecules, participants of neoplastic progression and factors that promote genetic reprogramming during epithelial–stromal transition are also discussed.
We investigated whether three relevant polymorphisms (C-1562T, microsatellite - 90(CA)(14-24), and Q279R) in the MMP-9 gene, or MMP-9 haplotypes, are associated with migraine and affect MMP-9 and tissue inhibitor of MMPs (TIMP)-1 levels in patients with migraine. We studied 102 healthy women (controls) and 187 women with migraine (141 without aura - MWA, and 46 with aura - MA). Patients with MWA had higher plasma MMP-9 concentrations than patients with MA. Patients with MA had the highest TIMP-1 and lowest MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratios. The MMP-9 "C L Q" haplotype was associated with higher plasma MMP-9 concentrations in migraine patients. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this article, we present a new control chart for monitoring the covariance matrix in a bivariate process. In this method, n observations of the two variables were considered as if they came from a single variable (as a sample of 2n observations), and a sample variance was calculated. This statistic was used to build a new control chart specifically as a VMIX chart. The performance of the new control chart was compared with its main competitors: the generalized sampled variance chart, the likelihood ratio test, Nagao's test, probability integral transformation (v(t)), and the recently proposed VMAX chart. Among these statistics, only the VMAX chart was competitive with the VMIX chart. For shifts in both variances, the VMIX chart outperformed VMAX; however, VMAX showed better performance for large shifts (higher than 10%) in one variance.
Aerosolpartikel beeinflussen das Klima durch Streuung und Absorption von Strahlung sowie als Nukleations-Kerne für Wolkentröpfchen und Eiskristalle. Darüber hinaus haben Aerosole einen starken Einfluss auf die Luftverschmutzung und die öffentliche Gesundheit. Gas-Partikel-Wechselwirkunge sind wichtige Prozesse, weil sie die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften von Aerosolen wie Toxizität, Reaktivität, Hygroskopizität und optische Eigenschaften beeinflussen. Durch einen Mangel an experimentellen Daten und universellen Modellformalismen sind jedoch die Mechanismen und die Kinetik der Gasaufnahme und der chemischen Transformation organischer Aerosolpartikel unzureichend erfasst. Sowohl die chemische Transformation als auch die negativen gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von toxischen und allergenen Aerosolpartikeln, wie Ruß, polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) und Proteine, sind bislang nicht gut verstanden.rn Kinetische Fluss-Modelle für Aerosoloberflächen- und Partikelbulk-Chemie wurden auf Basis des Pöschl-Rudich-Ammann-Formalismus für Gas-Partikel-Wechselwirkungen entwickelt. Zunächst wurde das kinetische Doppelschicht-Oberflächenmodell K2-SURF entwickelt, welches den Abbau von PAK auf Aerosolpartikeln in Gegenwart von Ozon, Stickstoffdioxid, Wasserdampf, Hydroxyl- und Nitrat-Radikalen beschreibt. Kompetitive Adsorption und chemische Transformation der Oberfläche führen zu einer stark nicht-linearen Abhängigkeit der Ozon-Aufnahme bezüglich Gaszusammensetzung. Unter atmosphärischen Bedingungen reicht die chemische Lebensdauer von PAK von wenigen Minuten auf Ruß, über mehrere Stunden auf organischen und anorganischen Feststoffen bis hin zu Tagen auf flüssigen Partikeln. rn Anschließend wurde das kinetische Mehrschichtenmodell KM-SUB entwickelt um die chemische Transformation organischer Aerosolpartikel zu beschreiben. KM-SUB ist in der Lage, Transportprozesse und chemische Reaktionen an der Oberfläche und im Bulk von Aerosol-partikeln explizit aufzulösen. Es erforder im Gegensatz zu früheren Modellen keine vereinfachenden Annahmen über stationäre Zustände und radiale Durchmischung. In Kombination mit Literaturdaten und neuen experimentellen Ergebnissen wurde KM-SUB eingesetzt, um die Effekte von Grenzflächen- und Bulk-Transportprozessen auf die Ozonolyse und Nitrierung von Protein-Makromolekülen, Ölsäure, und verwandten organischen Ver¬bin-dungen aufzuklären. Die in dieser Studie entwickelten kinetischen Modelle sollen als Basis für die Entwicklung eines detaillierten Mechanismus für Aerosolchemie dienen sowie für das Herleiten von vereinfachten, jedoch realistischen Parametrisierungen für großskalige globale Atmosphären- und Klima-Modelle. rn Die in dieser Studie durchgeführten Experimente und Modellrechnungen liefern Beweise für die Bildung langlebiger reaktiver Sauerstoff-Intermediate (ROI) in der heterogenen Reaktion von Ozon mit Aerosolpartikeln. Die chemische Lebensdauer dieser Zwischenformen beträgt mehr als 100 s, deutlich länger als die Oberflächen-Verweilzeit von molekularem O3 (~10-9 s). Die ROIs erklären scheinbare Diskrepanzen zwischen früheren quantenmechanischen Berechnungen und kinetischen Experimenten. Sie spielen eine Schlüsselrolle in der chemischen Transformation sowie in den negativen Gesundheitseffekten von toxischen und allergenen Feinstaubkomponenten, wie Ruß, PAK und Proteine. ROIs sind vermutlich auch an der Zersetzung von Ozon auf mineralischem Staub und an der Bildung sowie am Wachstum von sekundären organischen Aerosolen beteiligt. Darüber hinaus bilden ROIs eine Verbindung zwischen atmosphärischen und biosphärischen Mehrphasenprozessen (chemische und biologische Alterung).rn Organische Verbindungen können als amorpher Feststoff oder in einem halbfesten Zustand vorliegen, der die Geschwindigkeit von heterogenen Reaktionenen und Mehrphasenprozessen in Aerosolen beeinflusst. Strömungsrohr-Experimente zeigen, dass die Ozonaufnahme und die oxidative Alterung von amorphen Proteinen durch Bulk-Diffusion kinetisch limitiert sind. Die reaktive Gasaufnahme zeigt eine deutliche Zunahme mit zunehmender Luftfeuchte, was durch eine Verringerung der Viskosität zu erklären ist, bedingt durch einen Phasenübergang der amorphen organischen Matrix von einem glasartigen zu einem halbfesten Zustand (feuchtigkeitsinduzierter Phasenübergang). Die chemische Lebensdauer reaktiver Verbindungen in organischen Partikeln kann von Sekunden bis zu Tagen ansteigen, da die Diffusionsrate in der halbfesten Phase bei niedriger Temperatur oder geringer Luftfeuchte um Größenordnungen absinken kann. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen wie halbfeste Phasen die Auswirkung organischeer Aerosole auf Luftqualität, Gesundheit und Klima beeinflussen können. rn
A cloned nontumorigenic prostatic epithelial cell line, NbE-1.4, isolated from Noble (nbl/crx) rat ventral prostate, was used to examine the potential role of activated myc and neu oncogenes in prostate carcinogenesis. Transfection of SV40 promoter/enhancer driven constructs containing either v-myc, truncated c-myc, or neu-T (activated neu) oncogenes was accomplished using calcium phosphate-mediated DNA transfer. Cells were cotransfected, as necessary, with pSV2neo, allowing for selection of positive clones using the antibiotic geneticin (G418). G418 resistant colonies were pooled in some cases or limiting dilution exclusion cloned in others as described. Transfection of NbE-1.4 cells with activated myc oncogenes resulted only in the partial transformation. These cells display an altered morphology and decreased dependence on serum factors in vitro; however, saturation density, soft agar colony formation and growth assay in male athymic nude mice were all negative. Transfection and overexpression of NbE-1.4 cells with an activated neu oncogene alone resulted in tumorigenic conversion. Cell transformation was evident following an examination of the altered cellular morphology, an increased soft agar colony formation, and an acquisition of a tumorigenic potential when injected s.c. into male athymic nude mice. neu-transformed NbE-1.4 cells displayed elevated activity of the neu receptor tyrosine kinase. Furthermore, qualitative changes in tyrosine phosphorylated proteins were found in neu transformed cell clones. These changes were associated with elevated expression of mRNAs for laminin $\beta$1, $\beta$2, and procollagen type IV. The expression of fibronectin and E-cadherin, which are often lost during tumorigenesis, did not correlate with the tumorigenic phenotype. Therefore, it appears that neu oncogene overexpression has been found to be associated with the transformation of rat prostatic epithelial cells, presumably through alterations in gene expression that regulate extracellular matrix. The possible interrelationship and functional significance between neu oncogene expression and the elevated extracellular matrix gene expression is discussed. ^
When a firm decides to implement ERP softwares, the resulting consequences can pervade all levels, includ- ing organization, process, control and available information. Therefore, the first decision to be made is which ERP solution must be adopted from a wide range of offers and vendors. To this end, this paper describes a methodology based on multi-criteria factors that directly affects the process to help managers make this de- cision. This methodology has been applied to a medium-size company in the Spanish metal transformation sector which is interested in updating its IT capabilities in order to obtain greater control of and better infor- mation about business, thus achieving a competitive advantage. The paper proposes a decision matrix which takes into account all critical factors in ERP selection.
GD25 cells lacking β1 integrins or expressing β1A with mutations of conserved cytoplasmic tyrosines (Y783, Y795) to phenylalanine have poor directed migration to platelet-derived growth factor or lysophosphatidic acid when compared with GD25 cells expressing wild-type β1A. We studied the effects of v-src on these cells. Transformation with v-src caused tyrosine and serine phosphorylation of wild-type β1A but not of Y783/795F doubly mutated β1A. v-src-transformed cells had rounded and/or fusiform morphology and poor assembly of fibronectin matrix. Adhesion to fibronectin or laminin and coupling of focal contacts to actin-containing cytoskeleton were preserved in transformed Y783/795F cells but lost on transformation when β1A was wild type. Transformed Y783/795F cells also retained ability, albeit limited, to migrate across filters, whereas transformed cells with wild-type β1A were unable to transverse filters. Studies of single tyrosine mutants showed that the more important tyrosine for retaining ability to adhere, assemble focal contacts, and migrate is Y783. These results suggest that overactive phosphorylation of cytoplasmic residues of β1A, particularly Y783, accounts in part for the phenotype of v-src-transformed cells.
During puberty, pregnancy, lactation and postlactation, breast tissue undergoes extensive remodelling and the disruption of these events can lead to cancer. In vitro studies of mammary tissue and its malignant transformation regularly employ mammary epithelial cells cultivated on matrigel or floating collagen rafts. In these cultures, mammary epithelial cells assemble into three-dimensional structures resembling in vivo acini. We present a novel technique for generating functional mammary constructs without the use of matrix substitutes.
The fate of vitamin E and the formation and identification of its transformation products were investigated at different stages of the manufacturing process of commercially produced cross-linked (by γ-irradiation) UHMWPE stabilised with vitamin E (vitamin E infused-post irradiation) used for tibia-components (as articulating surfaces) in total knee arthroplasty (total knee replacement). Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) and its transformation products were extracted from microtomed Tibia films and the different products were separated, isolated, purified using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and characterised by spectroscopic methods and LC-MS. The amount of vitamin E and that of the products formed in the different Tibia samples and in their extracts were also quantified using FTIR and HPLC analysis and calibration curves. Thorough analysis of the Tibia extracts has shown that a number of vitamin E transformation products were formed at different concentrations at two selected stages of the implant manufacturing process that is before and after sterilisation by γ-irradiation. The identified products were found to correspond mainly to different stereoisomeric forms of a small number of vitamin E transformation products. Most of the observed products were of dimeric and trimeric nature with their identity confirmed through a detailed study of their spectral and chromatographic characteristics. It was found that the products of vitamin E, prior to the sterilisation step but after the crosslinking and doping of vitamin E, were mainly the dihydroxydimers and trimers (Tibia samples at this stage are referred to as “Tibia-VEPE”). After sterilisation and completion of the manufacturing process, additional dimers of vitamin E were also formed (Tibia samples at this stage are referred to as ‘Tibia-VEPE-Sterile’), Furthermore, two tocopherol-derived aldehydes (aldehyde 5-formyl-γ-tocopherol and aldehyde 7-formyl-γ-tocopherol) were also formed but at very low concentrations especially in the Tibia-VEPE-Sterile samples. The question of whether vitamin E becomes chemically reacted (grafted) onto the polymer matrix during the manufacturing process of the Tibia is also addressed.
The microstructural stability of aluminide diffusion coatings, prepared by means of a two-stage pack-aluminization treatment on single-crystal nickel-base superalloy substrates, is considered in this article. Edge-on specimens of coated superalloy are studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The effects of coating thickness and post-coating heat treatment (duration, temperature, and atmosphere) on coating microstructure are examined. The article discusses the partial transformation of the matrix of the coating, from a B2-type phase (nominally NiAl) to a L12 phase (nominally Ni3(Al, Ti)), during exposure at temperatures of 850 °C and 950 °C in air and in vacuum for up to 138 hours. Three possible processes that can account for decom- position of the coating matrix are investigated, namely, interdiffusion between the coating and the substrate, oxidation of the coating surface, and aging of the coating. Of these processes, aging of the coating is shown to be the predominant factor in the coating transformation under the conditions considered. © 1992 The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, and ASM International.
The paper develops a novel realized matrix-exponential stochastic volatility model of multivariate returns and realized covariances that incorporates asymmetry and long memory (hereafter the RMESV-ALM model). The matrix exponential transformation guarantees the positivedefiniteness of the dynamic covariance matrix. The contribution of the paper ties in with Robert Basmann’s seminal work in terms of the estimation of highly non-linear model specifications (“Causality tests and observationally equivalent representations of econometric models”, Journal of Econometrics, 1988, 39(1-2), 69–104), especially for developing tests for leverage and spillover effects in the covariance dynamics. Efficient importance sampling is used to maximize the likelihood function of RMESV-ALM, and the finite sample properties of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator of the parameters are analysed. Using high frequency data for three US financial assets, the new model is estimated and evaluated. The forecasting performance of the new model is compared with a novel dynamic realized matrix-exponential conditional covariance model. The volatility and co-volatility spillovers are examined via the news impact curves and the impulse response functions from returns to volatility and co-volatility.
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a complex mixture of organic compounds and represents the largest reservoirs of carbon (C) on earth. Particulate organic matter (POM) is another important carbon component in C cycling and controls a variety of biogeochemical processes. Estuaries, as important interfaces between land and ocean, play important roles in retaining and transforming such organic matter (OM) and serve as both sources and sinks of DOM and POM. There is a diverse array of both autochthonous and allochthonous OM sources in wetland/estuarine ecosystems. A comprehensive study on the sources, transformation and fate of OM in such ecosystems is essential in advancing our understanding of C cycling and better constraining the global C budget. In this work, DOM characteristics were investigated in different estuaries. Dissolved organic matter source strengths and dynamics were assessed in a seagrass-dominated subtropical estuarine lagoon. DOM dynamics controlled by hydrology and seagrass primary productivity were confirmed, and the primary source of DOM was quantified using the combination of excitation emission matrix fluorescence with parallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC) and stable C isotope analysis. Seagrass can contribute up to 72% of the DOM in the study area. The spatial and temporal variation of DOM dynamics was also studied in a freshwated dominated estuary fringed with extensive salt marshes. The data showed that DOM was primarily derived from freshwater marshes and controlled by hydrology while salt marsh plants play a significant role in structuring the distribution patterns of DOM quality and quantity. The OM dynamics was also investigated in a mangrove-dominate estuary and a comparative study was conducted between the DOM and POM pools. The results revealed both similarity and dissimilarity in DOM and POM composition. The dynamics of both OM pools are largely uncoupled as a result of source differences. Fringe mangrove swamps are suggested to export similar amounts of DOM and POM and should be considered as an important source in coastal C budgets. Lastly, chemical characterizations were conducted on the featured fluorescence component in OM in an attempt to better understand the composition and origins of the specific PARAFAC component. The traditionally defined ‘protein-like’ fluorescence was found to contain both proteinaceous and phenolic compounds, suggesting that the application of this parameter as a proxy for amino acid content and bioavailability may be limited.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)