979 resultados para Transcriptional factor motifs
The Wilms' tumor 1 gene (WT1) encodes a zinc-finger transcription factor and is expressed in urogenital, hematopoietic and other tissues. It is expressed in a temporal and spatial manner in both embryonic and adult stages. To obtain a better understanding of the biological function of WT1, we studied two aspects of WT1 regulation: one is the identification of tissue-specific cis-regulatory elements that regulate its expression, the other is the downstream genes which are modulated by WT1.^ My studies indicate that in addition to the promoter, other regulatory elements are required for the tissue specific expression of this gene. A 259-bp hematopoietic specific enhancer in intron 3 of the WT1 gene increased the transcriptional activity of the WT1 promoter by 8- to 10-fold in K562 and HL60 cells. Sequence analysis revealed both GATA and c-Myb motifs in the enhancer fragment. Mutation of the GATA motif decreased the enhancer activity by 60% in K562 cells. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that both GATA-1 and GATA-2 proteins in K562 nuclear extracts bind to this motif. Cotransfection of the enhancer containing reporter construct with a GATA-1 or GATA-2 expression vector showed that both GATA-1 and GATA-2 transactivated this enhancer, increasing the CAT reporter activity 10-15 fold and 5-fold respectively. Similar analysis of the c-Myb motif by cotransfection with the enhancer CAT reporter construct and a c-Myb expression vector showed that c-Myb transactivated the enhancer by 5-fold. A DNase I-hypersensitive site has been identified in the 258 bp enhancer region. These data suggest that GATA-1 and c-Myb are responsible for the activity of this enhancer in hematopoietic cells and may bind to the enhancer in vivo. In the process of searching for cis-regulatory elements in transgenic mice, we have identified a 1.0 kb fragment that is 50 kb downstream from the promoter and is required for the central nervous system expression of WT1.^ In the search for downstream target genes of WT1, we noted that the proto-oncogene N-myc is coexpressed with the tumor suppressor gene WT1 in the developing kidney and is overexpressed in many Wilms' tumors. Sequence analysis revealed eleven consensus WT1 binding sites located in the 1 kb mouse N-myc promoter. We further showed that the N-myc promoter was down-regulated by WT1 in transient transfection assays. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that oligonucleotides containing the WT1 motifs could bind WT1 protein. Furthermore, a Denys-Drash syndrome mutant of WT1, R394W, that has a mutation in the DNA binding domain, failed to repress the N-myc promoter. This suggests that the repression of the N-myc promoter is mediated by DNA binding of WT1. This finding helps to elucidate the relationship of WT1 and N-myc in tumorigenesis and renal development. ^
Calreticulin (CALR) is a highly conserved, multifunctional protein involved in a variety of cellular processes including the maintenance of intracellular calcium homeostasis, proper protein folding, differentiation and immunogenic cell death. More recently, a crucial role for CALR in the pathogenesis of certain hematologic malignancies was discovered: in clinical subgroups of acute myeloid leukemia, CALR overexpression mediates a block in differentiation, while somatic mutations have been found in the majority of patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms with nonmutated Janus kinase 2 gene (JAK2) or thrombopoietin receptor gene (MPL). However, the mechanisms underlying CALR promoter activation have insufficiently been investigated so far. By dissecting the core promoter region, we could identify a functional TATA-box relevant for transcriptional activation. In addition, we characterized two evolutionary highly conserved cis-regulatory modules (CRMs) within the proximal promoter each composed of one binding site for the transcription factors SP1 and SP3 as well as for the nuclear transcription factor Y (NFY) and we verified binding of these factors to their cognate sites in vitro and in vivo.
The POU domain transcription factor Brn3b/POU4F2 plays a critical role regulating gene expression in mouse retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Previous investigations have shown that Brn3b is not required for initial cell fate specification or migration; however, it is essential for normal RGC differentiation. In contrast to wild type axons, the mutant neurites were phenotypically different: shorter, rougher, disorganized, and poorly fasciculated. Wild type axons stained intensely with axon specific marker tau-1, while mutant projections were weakly stained and the mutant projections showed strong labeling with dendrite specific marker MAP2. Brn-3b mutant axonal projections contained more microtubules and fewer neurofilaments, a dendritic characteristic, than the wild type. The mutant neurites also exhibited significantly weaker staining of neurofilament low-molecular-weight (NF-L) in the axon when compared to the wild type, and NF-L accumulation in the neuron cell body. The absence of Brn-3b results in an inability to form normal axons and enhanced apoptosis in RGCs, suggesting that Brn-3b may control a set of genes involved in axon formation. ^ Brn3b contains several distinct sequence motifs: a glycine/serine rich region, two histidine rich regions, and a fifteen amino acid conserved sequence shared by all Brn3 family members in the N-terminus and a POU specific and POU homeodomain in the C-terminus. Brn3b activates a Luciferase reporter over 25 fold in cell culture when binding to native brn3 binding sites upstream of a minimal promoter. When fused to the Gal4 DNA Binding domain (DBD) and driven by either a strong (CMV) or weaker (pAHD) promoter, the N-terminal of Brn3b is capable of similar activation when binding to Gal4 UAS sites, indicating a presumptive activator of transcription. Both full length Brn3b or the C-terminus fused to the Gal4DBD and driven by pCMV repressed a Luciferase reporter downstream of UAS binding sites. Lower levels of expression of the fusion protein driven by pADH resulted in an alleviation of repression. This repression appears to be a limitation of this system of transcriptional analysis and a potential pitfall in conventional pCMV based transfection assays. ^
Endo-β-mannanases (MAN; EC. catalyze the cleavage of β1[RIGHTWARDS ARROW]4 bonds in mannan polymers and have been associated with the process of weakening the tissues surrounding the embryo during seed germination. In germinating Arabidopsis thaliana seeds, the most highly expressed MAN gene is AtMAN7 and its transcripts are restricted to the micropylar endosperm and to the radicle tip just before radicle emergence. Mutants with a T-DNA insertion in AtMAN7 have a slower germination than the wild type. To gain insight into the transcriptional regulation of the AtMAN7 gene, a bioinformatic search for conserved non-coding cis-elements (phylogenetic shadowing) within the Brassicaceae MAN7 gene promoters has been done, and these conserved motifs have been used as bait to look for their interacting transcription factors (TFs), using as a prey an arrayed yeast library from A. thaliana. The basic-leucine zipper TF AtbZIP44, but not the closely related AtbZIP11, has thus been identified and its transcriptional activation upon AtMAN7 has been validated at the molecular level. In the knock-out lines of AtbZIP44, not only is the expression of the AtMAN7 gene drastically reduced, but these mutants have a significantly slower germination than the wild type, being affected in the two phases of the germination process, both in the rupture of the seed coat and in the breakage of the micropylar endosperm cell walls. In the over-expression lines the opposite phenotype is observed.
Drosophila Mad proteins are intracellular signal transducers of decapentaplegic (dpp), the Drosophila transforming growth factor β (TGF-β)/bone morphogenic protein (BMP) homolog. Studies in which the mammalian Smad homologs were transiently overexpressed in cultured cells have implicated Smad2 in TGF-β signaling, but the physiological relevance of the Smad3 protein in signaling by TGF-β receptors has not been established. Here we stably expressed Smad proteins at controlled levels in epithelial cells using a novel approach that combines highly efficient retroviral gene transfer and quantitative cell sorting. We show that upon TGF-β treatment Smad3 becomes rapidly phosphorylated at the SSVS motif at its very C terminus. Either attachment of an epitope tag to the C terminus or replacement of these three serine residues with alanine abolishes TGF-β-induced Smad3 phosphorylation; these proteins act in a dominant-negative fashion to block the antiproliferative effect of TGF-β in mink lung epithelial cells. A Smad3 protein in which the three C-terminal serines have been replaced by aspartic acids is also a dominant inhibitor of TGF-β signaling, but can activate plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) transcription in a ligand-independent fashion when its nuclear localization is forced by transient overexpression. Phosphorylation of the three C-terminal serine residues of Smad3 by an activated TGF-β receptor complex is an essential step in signal transduction by TGF-β for both inhibition of cell proliferation and activation of the PAI-1 promoter.
Multiprotein bridging factor 1 (MBF1) is a transcriptional cofactor that bridges between the TATA box-binding protein (TBP) and the Drosophila melanogaster nuclear hormone receptor FTZ-F1 or its silkworm counterpart BmFTZ-F1. A cDNA clone encoding MBF1 was isolated from the silkworm Bombyx mori whose sequence predicts a basic protein consisting of 146 amino acids. Bacterially expressed recombinant MBF1 is functional in interactions with TBP and a positive cofactor MBF2. The recombinant MBF1 also makes a direct contact with FTZ-F1 through the C-terminal region of the FTZ-F1 DNA-binding domain and stimulates the FTZ-F1 binding to its recognition site. The central region of MBF1 (residues 35–113) is essential for the binding of FTZ-F1, MBF2, and TBP. When the recombinant MBF1 was added to a HeLa cell nuclear extract in the presence of MBF2 and FTZ622 bearing the FTZ-F1 DNA-binding domain, it supported selective transcriptional activation of the fushi tarazu gene as natural MBF1 did. Mutations disrupting the binding of FTZ622 to DNA or MBF1, or a MBF2 mutation disrupting the binding to MBF1, all abolished the selective activation of transcription. These results suggest that tethering of the positive cofactor MBF2 to a FTZ-F1-binding site through FTZ-F1 and MBF1 is essential for the binding site-dependent activation of transcription. A homology search in the databases revealed that the deduced amino acid sequence of MBF1 is conserved across species from yeast to human.
The human type VII collagen gene (COL7A1) recently has been identified as an immediate-early response gene for transforming growth factor β (TGF-β)/SMAD signaling pathway. In this study, by using MDA-MB-468 SMAD4−/− breast carcinoma cells, we demonstrate that expression of SMAD4 is an absolute requirement for SMAD-mediated promoter activity. We also demonstrate that the SMAD binding sequence (SBS) representing the TGF-β response element in the region −496/−444 of the COL7A1 promoter functions as an enhancer in the context of a heterologous promoter. Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays with nuclear extracts from COS-1 cells transfected with expression vectors for SMADs 1–5 indicate that SMAD3 forms a complex with a migration similar to that of the endogenous TGF-β-specific complex observed in fibroblast extracts. Electrophoretic mobility-shift assays using recombinant glutathione S-transferase-SMAD fusion proteins indicate that both SMAD4 and C-terminally truncated SMAD3, but not SMAD2, can bind the COL7A1 SBS. Coexpression of SMAD3 and SMAD4 in COS-1 cells leads to the formation of two complexes: a DNA/protein complex containing SMAD3 alone and another slower-migrating complex containing both SMAD3 and SMAD4, the latter complex not being detected in fibroblasts. Maximal transactivation of COL7A1 SBS-driven promoters in either MDA-MB-468 carcinoma cells or fibroblasts requires concomitant overexpression of SMAD3 and SMAD4. These data may represent the first identification of a functional homomeric SMAD3 complex regulating a human gene.
An important signaling pathway for the differentiation of T helper type 2 (TH2) cells from uncommitted CD4 T cell precursors is activation of the STAT6 transcription factor by interleukin 4 (IL-4). The protooncogene BCL-6 is also involved in TH2 differentiation, as BCL-6 −/− mice develop an inflammation of the heart and lungs associated with an overproduction of TH2 cells. Surprisingly, IL-4 −/− BCL-6 −/− and STAT6 −/− BCL-6 −/− double-mutant mice developed the same TH2-type inflammation of the heart and lungs as is characteristic of BCL-6 −/− mice. Furthermore, a TH2 cytokine response developed in STAT6 −/− BCL-6 −/− and IL-4 −/− BCL-6 −/− mice after immunization with a conventional antigen in adjuvant. In contrast to these in vivo findings, STAT6 was required for the in vitro differentiation of BCL-6 −/− T cells into TH2 cells. BCL-6, a transcriptional repressor that can bind to the same DNA binding motifs as STAT transcription factors, seems to regulate TH2 responses in vivo by a pathway independent of IL-4 and STAT6.
Induction of the fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) gene and the consequent accumulation of FGF-2 in the nucleus are operative events in mitotic activation and hypertrophy of human astrocytes. In the brain, these events are associated with cellular degeneration and may reflect release of the FGF-2 gene from cell contact inhibition. We used cultures of human astrocytes to examine whether expression of FGF-2 is also controlled by soluble growth factors. Treatment of subconfluent astrocytes with interleukin-1β, epidermal or platelet-derived growth factors, 18-kDa FGF-2, or serum or direct stimulation of protein kinase C (PKC) with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate or adenylate cyclase with forskolin increased the levels of 18-, 22-, and 24-kDa FGF-2 isoforms and FGF-2 mRNA. Transfection of FGF-2 promoter–luciferase constructs identified a unique −555/−513 bp growth factor-responsive element (GFRE) that confers high basal promoter activity and activation by growth factors to a downstream promoter region. It also identified a separate region (−624/−556 bp) essential for PKC and cAMP stimulation. DNA–protein binding assays indicated that novel cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors mediate activation of the FGF-2 gene. Southwestern analysis identified 40-, 50-, 60-, and 100-kDa GFRE-binding proteins and 165-, 112-, and 90-kDa proteins that interacted with the PKC/cAMP-responsive region. The GFRE and the element essential for PKC and cAMP stimulation overlap with the region that mediates cell contact inhibition of the FGF-2 promoter. The results show a two-stage regulation of the FGF-2 gene: 1) an initial induction by reduced cell contact, and 2) further activation by growth factors or the PKC-signaling pathway. The hierarchic regulation of the FGF-2 gene promoter by cell density and growth factors or PKC reflects a two-stage activation of protein binding to the GFRE and to the PKC/cAMP-responsive region, respectively.
Determinative events in vertebrate embryogenesis appear to require the continuous expression of spatial regulators such as the clustered homeobox genes. The mechanisms that govern long-term patterns of gene expression are not well understood. In Drosophila, active and silent states of developmentally regulated loci are maintained by trithorax and Polycomb group. We have examined the developmental role of a mammalian homolog of trx and putative oncogene, Mll. Knockout mice reveal that Mll is required for maintenance of gene expression early in embryogenesis. Downstream targets of Mll including Hoxa7 are activated appropriately in the absence of Mll but require Mll for sustaining their expression. The Mll−/− phenotype manifests later in development and is characterized by branchial arch dysplasia and aberrant segmental boundaries of spinal ganglia and somites. Thus, Mll represents an essential mechanism of transcriptional maintenance in mammalian development, which functions in multiple morphogenetic processes.
NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) is a family of transcription factors implicated in the control of cytokine and early immune response gene expression. Recent studies have pointed to a role for NFAT proteins in gene regulation outside of the immune system. Herein we demonstrate that NFAT proteins are present in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and, upon fat cell differentiation, bind to and transactivate the promoter of the adipocyte-specific gene aP2. Further, fat cell differentiation is inhibited by cyclosporin A, a drug shown to prevent NFAT nuclear localization and hence function. Thus, these data suggest a role for NFAT transcription factors in the regulation of the aP2 gene and in the process of adipocyte differentiation.
The relationship between the enzymatic and the transcriptional activity of the bifunctional protein pterin-4a-carbinolamine dehydratase/dimerization cofactor for hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 (DCoH) has been elucidated by site-directed mutagenesis. DCoH dimers harbor a binding site for hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 (HNF1), two active centers that bind pterins, and a saddle-shaped surface that resembles nucleic acid binding domains. Two domains of the protein have been selectively targeted to determine if a change in one activity affects the other. No strong correlation has been found, supporting the idea that carbinolamine dehydratase activity is not required for HNF1 binding in vitro or transcriptional coactivation in vivo. Double mutations in the active center, however, influence the in vivo transcriptional activity but not HNF1 binding. This finding suggests that some active center residues also are used during transcription, possibly for binding of another (macro)molecule. Several mutations in the saddle led to a surprising increase in transcription, therefore linking this domain to transcriptional regulation as well. The transcriptional function of DCoH therefore is composed of two parts, HNF1 binding and another contributing effect that involves the active site and, indirectly, the saddle.
The Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) domain, originally identified as a 75-aa sequence present in numerous Krüppel-type zinc-finger proteins, is a potent DNA-binding-dependent transcriptional repression domain that is believed to function through interaction with the transcriptional intermediary factor 1 (TIF1) β. On the basis of sequence comparison and phylogenetic analysis, we have recently defined three distinct subfamilies of KRAB domains. In the present study, individual members of each subfamily were tested for transcriptional repression and interaction with TIF1β and two other closely related family members (TIF1α and TIF1γ). All KRAB variants were shown, (i) to repress transcription when targeted to DNA through fusion to a heterologous DNA-binding domain in mammalian cells, and (ii) to interact specifically with TIF1β, but not with TIF1α or TIF1γ. Taken together, these results implicate TIF1β as a common transcriptional corepressor for the three distinct subfamilies of KRAB zinc-finger proteins and suggest a high degree of conservation in the molecular mechanism underlying their transcriptional repression activity.
The transcriptional response to epidermal growth factor (EGF) was examined in a cultured cell model of adhesion. Gene expression was monitored in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) after attachment of cells to the extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, laminin, and fibronectin, by using complementary DNA micorarrays printed with 1,718 individual human genes. Cluster analysis revealed that the influence of EGF on gene expression, either positive or negative, was largely independent of ECM composition. However, clusters of EGF-regulated genes were identified that were diagnostic of the type of ECM proteins to which cells were attached. In these clusters, attachment of cells to a laminin or fibronectin substrata specifically modified the direction of gene expression changes in response to EGF stimulation. For example, in HEK293 cells attached to fibronectin, EGF stimulated an increase in the expression of some genes; however, genes in the same group were nonresponsive or even suppressed in cells attached to laminin. Many of the genes regulated by EGF and ECM proteins in this manner are involved in ECM and cytoskeletal architecture, protein synthesis, and cell cycle control, indicating that cell responses to EGF stimulation can be dramatically affected by ECM composition.
Core binding factor beta (CBF beta) is considered to be a transcriptional coactivator that dimerizes with transcription factors core binding factor alpha 1 (CBFA1), -2, and -3, and enhances DNA binding capacity of these transcription factors. CBF beta and CBFA2, which is also called acute myeloid leukemia 1 gene, are frequently involved in chromosomal translocations in human leukemia. To elucidate the function of CBF beta, mice carrying a mutation in the Cbfb locus were generated. Homozygous mutant embryos died between embryonic days 11.5-13.5 due to hemorrhage in the central nervous system. Mutant embryos had primitive erythropoiesis in yolk sac but lacked definitive hematopoiesis in fetal liver. In the yolk sac of mutant embryos, no erythroid or myeloid progenitors of definitive hematopoietic origin were detected, and the expression of flk-2/flt-3, the marker gene for early precursor cells of definitive hematopoiesis, was absent. These data suggest that Cbfb is essential for definitive hematopoiesis in liver, especially for the commitment to early hematopoietic precursor cells.