878 resultados para Transcription, Genetic -- drug effects


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The aim of this study was to estimate genetic, environmental and phenotypic correlation between birth weight (BW) and weight at 205 days age (W205), BW and weight at 365 days age (W365) and W205-W365, using Bayesian inference. The Brazilian Program for Genetic Improvement of Buffaloes provided the data that included 3,883 observations from Mediterranean breed buffaloes. With the purpose to estimate variance and covariance, bivariate analyses were performed using Gibbs sampler that is included in the MTGSAM software. The model for BW, W205 and W365 included additive direct and maternal genetic random effects, maternal environmental random effect and contemporary group as fixed effect. The convergence diagnosis was achieved using Geweke, a method that uses an algorithm implemented in R software through the package Bayesian Output Analysis. The calculated direct genetic correlations were 0.34 (BW-W205), 0.25 (BW-W365) and 0.74 (W205-W365). The environmental correlations were 0.12, 0.11 and 0.72 between BW-W205, BW-W365 and W205-W365, respectively. The phenotypic correlations were low for BW-W205 (0.01) and BW-W365 (0.04), differently than the obtained for W205-W365 with a value of 0.67. The results indicate that BW trait have low genetic, environmental and phenotypic association with the two others traits. The genetic correlation between W205 and W365 was high and suggests that the selection for weight at around 205 days could be beneficial to accelerate the genetic gain.


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Quantitative analysis of growth genetic parameters is not available for many breeds of buffaloes making selection and breeding decisions an empirical process that lacks robustness. The objective of this study was to estimate heritability for birth weight (BW), weight at 205 days (W205) and 365 days (W365) of age using Bayesian inference. The Brazilian Program for Genetic Improvement of Buffaloes provided the data. For the traits BW, W205 and W365 of Brazilian Mediterranean buffaloes 5169, 3792 and 3883 observations have been employed for the analysis, respectively. In order to obtain the estimates of variance, univariate analyses were conducted using the Gibbs sampler included in the MTGSAM software. The model for BW, W205 and W365 included additive direct and maternal genetic random effects, random maternal permanent environmental effect and contemporary group that was treated as a fixed effect. The convergence diagnosis was performed employing Geweke, a method that uses an algorithm from the Bayesian Output Analysis package that was implemented using R software environment. The average values for weight traits were 37.6 +/- 4.7 kg for BW, 192.7 +/- 40.3 kg for W205 and 298.6 +/- 67.4 kg for W365. The heritability posterior distributions for direct and maternal effects were symmetric and close to those expected in a normal distribution. Direct heritability estimates obtained using the modes were 0.30 (BW), 0.52 (W205) and 0.54 (W365). The maternal heritability coefficient estimates were 0.31, 0.19 and 0.21 for BW, W205 and W365, respectively. Our data suggests that all growth traits and mainly W205 and W365, have clear potential for yield improvement through direct genetic selection.


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Intense selection among broilers, especially for performance and carcass traits, currently favors locomotion problems and bone resistance. Conducting studies relating to development and growth of bone tissue in broilers is necessary to minimize losses. Thus, genetic parameters were estimated for a broiler population's phenotypic traits such as BW at 42 d of age (BW42), chilled femur weight (CFW) and its yield (CFY), and femur measurements: calcium, DM, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc content; breaking strength; rigidity; length; and thickness. Variance components were estimated through multitrait analyses using the restricted maximum likelihood method. The model included a fixed group effect (sex and hatch) and additive and residual genetic random effects. The heritability estimates we obtained ranged from 0.10 ± 0.05 to 0.50 ± 0.08 for chilled femur yield and BW42, respectively, and indicated that the traits can respond to the selection process, except for CFY, which presented low-magnitude heritability coefficients. Genetic correlation estimates between breaking strength, rigidity, and traits related to mineral content indicated that selection that aims to improve the breaking strength resistance of the femur is highly correlated with mineral content. Given the genetic correlation estimates between BW42 and minerals, it is suggested that in this population, selection for BW42 can be performed with greater intensity without affecting femoral integrity.


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During the previous 10 years, global R&D expenditure in the pharmaceuticals and biotechnology sector has steadily increased, without a corresponding increase in output of new medicines. To address this situation, the biopharmaceutical industry's greatest need is to predict the failures at the earliest possible stage of the drug development process. A major key to reducing failures in drug screenings is the development and use of preclinical models that are more predictive of efficacy and safety in clinical trials. Further, relevant animal models are needed to allow a wider testing of novel hypotheses. Key to this is the developing, refining, and validating of complex animal models that directly link therapeutic targets to the phenotype of disease, allowing earlier prediction of human response to medicines and identification of safety biomarkers. Morehover, well-designed animal studies are essential to bridge the gap between test in cell cultures and people. Zebrafish is emerging, complementary to other models, as a powerful system for cancer studies and drugs discovery. We aim to investigate this research area designing a new preclinical cancer model based on the in vivo imaging of zebrafish embryogenesis. Technological advances in imaging have made it feasible to acquire nondestructive in vivo images of fluorescently labeled structures, such as cell nuclei and membranes, throughout early Zebrafishsh embryogenesis. This In vivo image-based investigation provides measurements for a large number of features at cellular level and events including nuclei movements, cells counting, and mitosis detection, thereby enabling the estimation of more significant parameters such as proliferation rate, highly relevant for investigating anticancer drug effects. In this work, we designed a standardized procedure for accessing drug activity at the cellular level in live zebrafish embryos. The procedure includes methodologies and tools that combine imaging and fully automated measurements of embryonic cell proliferation rate. We achieved proliferation rate estimation through the automatic classification and density measurement of epithelial enveloping layer and deep layer cells. Automatic embryonic cells classification provides the bases to measure the variability of relevant parameters, such as cell density, in different classes of cells and is finalized to the estimation of efficacy and selectivity of anticancer drugs. Through these methodologies we were able to evaluate and to measure in vivo the therapeutic potential and overall toxicity of Dbait and Irinotecan anticancer molecules. Results achieved on these anticancer molecules are presented and discussed; furthermore, extensive accuracy measurements are provided to investigate the robustness of the proposed procedure. Altogether, these observations indicate that zebrafish embryo can be a useful and cost-effective alternative to some mammalian models for the preclinical test of anticancer drugs and it might also provides, in the near future, opportunities to accelerate the process of drug discovery.


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Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring (TDM) findet Anwendung in der Therapie mit Immunosuppressiva, Antibiotika, antiretroviraler Medikation, Antikonvulsiva, Antidepressiva und auch Antipsychotika, um die Effizienz zu steigern und das Risiko von Intoxikationen zu reduzieren. Jedoch ist die Anwendung von TDM für Substanzen, die Einsatz finden in der Rückfallprophylaxe, der Substitution oder dem Entzug von Abhängigkeitserkrankungen nicht etabliert. Für diese Arbeit wurde im ersten Schritt eine sensitive Rating-Skala mit 22 Items entwickelt, mit Hilfe derer der theoretische Nutzen von TDM in der Pharmakotherapie von substanzbezogenen Abhängigkeitserkrankungen auf der Basis von pharmakologischen Eigenschaften der Medikamente und von Patientencharakteristika evaluiert wurde. Die vorgenommene Einschätzung zeigte für Bupropion, Buprenorphin, Disulfiram (oder einen Metaboliten), Methadon (chirale Bestimmung wenn möglich) und Naltrexon einen potentiellen Nutzen von TDM.rnFür die meisten Medikamente, die zur Behandlung von Abhängigkeitserkrankungen zugelassen sind, fehlen valide Messverfahren für TDM. Im Alltag werden überwiegend Drogen Screening-Tests in Form immunologischer Schnelltests angewendet. Für die Anwendung von TDM wurden in dieser Arbeit chromatographische Verfahren für die Bestimmung von Naltrexon und 6β-Naltrexol, Bupropion und Hydroxybupropion sowie R,S-Methadon und R,S-2-Ethyliden-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidin entwickelt, optimiert und validiert. Es handelt sich dabei HPLC-UV-Methoden mit Säulenschaltung sowie zur Bestimmung von Naltrexon und 6β-Naltrexol zusätzlich eine LC-MS/MS-Methode. Voraussetzung für die Interpretation der Plasmaspiegel ist im Wesentlichen die Kenntnis eines therapeutischen Bereichs. Für Naltrexon und seinen aktiven Metaboliten 6β-Naltrexol konnte eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen dem auftretenden Craving und der Summenkonzentration gefunden werden. Mittels Receiver-Operation-Characteristics-Kurven-Analyse wurde ein Schwellenwert von 16,6 ng/ml ermittelt, oberhalb dessen mit einem erhöhten Ansprechen gerechnet werden kann. Für Levomethadon wurde bezüglich der Detoxifikationsbehandlung ein Zusammenhang in der prozentualen Reduktion des Plasmaspiegels und den objektiven und subjektiven Entzugssymptomen gefunden. rnDoch nicht nur die Wirkstoffe, sondern auch das Patientenmerkmal substanzbezogene Abhängigkeit wurde charakterisiert, zum einen bezüglich pharmakokinetischer Besonderheiten, zum anderen in Hinsicht auf die Therapietreue (Adhärenz). Für Patienten mit komorbider Substanzabhängigkeit konnte eine verminderte Adhärenz unabhängig von der Hauptdiagnose gezeigt werden. Die Betrachtung des Einflusses von veränderten Leberwerten zeigt für komorbide Patienten eine hohe Korrelation mit dem Metabolisiererstatus, nicht aber für Patienten ohne Substanzabhängigkeit.rnÜbergeordnetes Ziel von TDM ist die Erhöhung der Therapiesicherheit und die Steigerung der Therapieeffizienz. Dies ist jedoch nur möglich, wenn TDM im klinischen Alltag integriert ist und korrekt eingesetzt wird. Obwohl es klare Evidenz für TDM von psychiatrischer Medikation gibt, ist die Diskrepanz zwischen Laborempfehlung und der klinischen Umsetzung hoch. Durch Intensivierung der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit zwischen Ärzten und Labor, der Entwicklung von interaktivem TDM (iTDM), konnte die Qualität der Anwendung von TDM verbessert und das Risiko von unerwünschten Arzneimittelwirkungen vermindert werden. rnInsgesamt konnte durch die eigenen Untersuchungen gezeigt werden, dass TDM für die medikamentöse Einstellung von Patienten mit Abhängigkeitserkrankung sinnvoll ist und dass optimales TDM eine interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit erfordert.rn


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Eine der Hauptursachen für unerwünschte oder reduzierte Wirkungen von Medikamenten ist die Induktion von Enzymen und Transportern des Medikamentenstoffwechsels. Diese Induktion stellt ursprünglich eine physiologische Reaktion auf die Aufnahme von potentiell schädlichen Fremdstoffen aus der Umwelt dar und sichert so die Gesundheit und Fortpflanzungsfähigkeit von Lebewesen. Beim Menschen sowie anderen Säugetieren werden Fremdstoffe hauptsächlich von den nukleären Rezeptoren PXR und CAR in der Leber und im Dünndarm detektiert. Zu den Medikamenten, welche über PXR und CAR wirken, gehören unter anderem Antikonvulsiva, Statine, antiretrovirale Medikamente, Glucocorticoide sowie Antimykotika. Die durch Fremdstoffe aktivierten Transkriptionsfaktoren PXR und CAR steigern die Menge der Enzyme und Transporter des Fremdstoffmetabolismus. Hierzu zählen vor allem die Cytochrom P450-Enzyme (Cyp-Enzyme) mit breitem Substratspektrum oder der Transporter MDR1, welcher eine Vielzahl von Substraten über Membranen transportiert. Durch die Biotransformation werden die induzierenden, lipophilen Substanzen so modifiziert, dass sie leichter über den Urin oder die Galle ausgeschieden werden können. \r\nDie Dauer der Induktion sollte auf die Zeit der Fremdstoffexposition beschränkt sein, um Störungen des endogenen Stoffwechsels zu vermindern. In dieser Arbeit werden jedoch Hinweise auf dauerhafte und sogar generationsübergreifende Effekte von Medikamenten in Mäusen geliefert. Nachkommen von Müttern, welche bereits vor ihrer Verpaarung einmalig mit TCPOBOP, einem Liganden des murinen CAR, injiziert wurden, hatten eine ungefähr 100-fach gesteigerte Genexpression von Cyp2b10. Auch gab es Expressionsänderungen von Genen, deren Produkte eine Rolle im Lipidstoffwechsel sowie bei Immunkrankheiten spielen. Eine Hochdurchsatz-RNA-Sequenzierung der injizierten Elterngeneration ergab außerdem dauerhafte Expressionsveränderungen anderer Gene des Medikamentenstoffwechsels sowie von Genen mit Verbindung zum Energiemetabolismus. \r\nBerücksichtigt man die enge evolutionäre Verwandtschaft der nukleären Rezeptoren CAR und PXR, sind Langzeitveränderungen auch für PXR möglich und wurden im Verlauf dieser Arbeit ebenfalls untersucht. Eine Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierung ergab für Mäuse, welche mit dem PXR-Aktivator PCN induziert wurden, dass selbst noch drei Monate nach der Exposition Gene verändert exprimiert waren, welche im Zusammenhang mit Lebernekrosen stehen. Bei Nachkommen von PCN-injizierten Müttern wurden Gene unterschiedlich exprimiert, welche eine Rolle bei der Energiehomöostase sowie im Glukosestoffwechsel spielen. Im Erwachsenenalter sind bei diesen Nachkommen darüber hinaus noch Gene unterschiedlich exprimiert, deren Produkte eine Funktion in der Immunantwort haben. \r\nDa Erwachsene aufgrund ihrer Lebensdauer sowie der absoluten Krankheitshäufigkeit wesentlich öfter Kontakt mit Fremdstoffen haben, war medizinisch von besonderem Interesse, ob anhaltende Genexpressionsänderungen auch bei Erwachsenen zu beobachten sind. So konnte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, dass auch einmalig exponierte Adulttiere Gene dauerhaft verändert exprimieren und die Veränderungen im Medikamentenstoffwechsel an die nächste Generation übertrugen. \r\n\r\nBisher sind klinische Studien zur Risikobewertung von Medikamenten (Pharmakovigilanz) nicht generationsübergreifend angelegt. Diese Arbeit gibt Anstöße dafür, dass dies in Zukunft für viel mehr Medikamente notwendig werden könnte. Neben Veränderungen im Medikamentenstoffwechsel ergeben sich Nebenwirkungen von PXR- und CAR-Liganden vor allem aus ihrer Beteiligung an endogenen Stoffwechselwegen. Nach Aktivierung von CAR, welcher viele metabolische Stoffwechselwege steuert, treten beispielsweise Störungen des Energiestoffwechsels auf. Ein tieferes Verständnis der Rezeptoraktivität von CAR samt einer gezielten Modulierung seiner Aktivität würde wichtige Beiträge zum Verständnis der Regulation des Fremdstoffmetabolismus sowie der Entstehung von Nebenwirkungen durch eine Behandlung mit CAR-Liganden leisten. Dauerhafte Veränderungen endogener Stoffwechselwege könnten dann möglicherweise über eine pharmakologische Modulierung der CAR-Aktivität reduziert werden. \r\nZu diesem Zweck wurden im Verlauf dieser Arbeit die CAR-Rezeptoren der Amphibien (Xenopus tropicalis, Xenopus laevis) und Reptilien (Anolis carolinensis) erstmals kloniert, als Proteine exprimiert und charakterisiert. Vergleiche zwischen Tierarten ermöglichen ein besseres Verständnis von humanen Proteinen. Funktionelle Analysen ergaben Ähnlichkeiten des Xenopus laevis-CAR mit dem PXR der Säugetiere: eine niedrige basale Aktivität sowie eine starke Induzierbarkeit durch Liganden. In weiteren funktionellen Analysen wurden die Determinanten der basalen Aktivität des Xenopus laevis-CAR untersucht. Die basale Aktivität war nicht abhängig von der subzellulären Lokalisation, sondern ergab sich aus der Proteinstruktur, welche nur beim CAR der Landvertebraten in einer aktiven Konformation fixiert ist. Ähnlich dem PXR der Säugetiere besitzt CAR der Amphibien eine Aktivierungsdomäne, welche erst durch Ligandenbindung in eine aktive Konformation gebracht wird. Mutationen einzelner Aminosäuren zum jeweils humanen Homolog erhöhten die basale Aktivität des Xenopus laevis-CAR auf die des humanen Rezeptors. Diese Mutanten mit erhöhter basalen Aktivität zeigten eine verstärkte Interaktion mit dem Kofaktor PGC-1a, einem Regulator des Energiestoffwechsels bei Säugetieren. Die hepatischen Zielgene des CAR der Amphibien überlappen zum Teil mit den humanen Zielgenen und spielen ebenfalls eine Rolle im Energiestoffwechsel.


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This study assessed the effects of the serotonin (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) transporter inhibitor duloxetine on the effects of 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) in vitro and in 16 healthy subjects. The clinical study used a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, four-session, crossover design. In vitro, duloxetine blocked the release of both 5-HT and NE by MDMA or by its metabolite 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine from transmitter-loaded human cells expressing the 5-HT or NE transporter. In humans, duloxetine inhibited the effects of MDMA including elevations in circulating NE, increases in blood pressure and heart rate, and the subjective drug effects. Duloxetine inhibited the pharmacodynamic response to MDMA despite an increase in duloxetine-associated elevations in plasma MDMA levels. The findings confirm the important role of MDMA-induced 5-HT and NE release in the psychotropic effects of MDMA. Duloxetine may be useful in the treatment of psychostimulant dependence.


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We propose robust and e±cient tests and estimators for gene-environment/gene-drug interactions in family-based association studies. The methodology is designed for studies in which haplotypes, quantitative pheno- types and complex exposure/treatment variables are analyzed. Using causal inference methodology, we derive family-based association tests and estimators for the genetic main effects and the interactions. The tests and estimators are robust against population admixture and strati¯cation without requiring adjustment for confounding variables. We illustrate the practical relevance of our approach by an application to a COPD study. The data analysis suggests a gene-environment interaction between a SNP in the Serpine gene and smok- ing status/pack years of smoking that reduces the FEV1 volume by about 0.02 liter per pack year of smoking. Simulation studies show that the pro- posed methodology is su±ciently powered for realistic sample sizes and that it provides valid tests and effect size estimators in the presence of admixture and stratification.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of plasma concentrations obtained by a low dose constant rate infusion (CRI) of racemic ketamine or S-ketamine on the nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) in standing ponies. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, blinded, cross-over study. ANIMALS: Six healthy 5-year-old Shetland ponies. METHODS: Ponies received either 0.6 mg kg(-1) racemic ketamine (group RS) or 0.3 mg kg(-1) S-ketamine (group S) intravenously (IV), followed by a CRI of 20 microg kg(-1)minute(-1) racemic ketamine (group RS) or 10 microg kg(-1)minute(-1) S-ketamine (group S) for 59 minutes. The NWR was evoked by transcutaneous electrical stimulation of a peripheral nerve before drug administration, 15 and 45 minutes after the start of the bolus injection and 15 minutes after the end of the CRI. Electromyographic responses were recorded and analysed. Arterial blood was collected before stimulation and plasma concentrations of ketamine and norketamine were measured enantioselectively using capillary electrophoresis. Ponies were video recorded and monitored to assess drug effects on behaviour, heart rate (HR), mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and respiratory rate. RESULTS: The NWR was significantly depressed in group RS at plasma concentrations between 20 and 25 ng mL(-1) of each enantiomer. In group S, no significant NWR depression could be observed; plasma concentrations of S-ketamine (9-15 ng mL(-1)) were lower, compared to S-ketamine concentrations in group RS, although this difference was not statistically significant. Minor changes in behaviour, HR and MAP only occurred within the first 5-10 minutes after bolus drug administration in both groups. CONCLUSION: Antinociceptive activity in standing ponies, demonstrated as a depression of the NWR, could only be detected after treatment with racemic ketamine. S-ketamine may have lacked this effect as a result of lower plasma concentrations, a more rapid metabolism or a lower potency of S-ketamine in Equidae so further investigation is necessary.


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The topic of this study was to evaluate state-dependent effects of diazepam on the frequency characteristics of 47-channel spontaneous EEG maps. A novel method, the FFT-Dipole-Approximation (Lehmann and Michel, 1990), was used to study effects on the strength and the topography of the maps in the different frequency bands. Map topography was characterized by the 3-dimensional location of the equivalent dipole source and map strength was defined as the spatial standard deviation (the Global Field Power) of the maps of each frequency point. The Global Field Power can be considered as a measure of the amount of energy produced by the system, while the source location gives an estimate of the center of gravity of all sources in the brain that were active at a certain frequency. State-dependency was studied by evaluating the drug effects before and after a continuous performance task of 25 min duration. Clear interactions between drug (diazepam vs. placebo) and time after drug intake (before and after the task) were found, especially in the inferior-superior location of the dipole sources. It supports the hypothesis that diazepam, like other drugs, has different effects on brain functions depending on the momentary functional state of the brain. In addition to the drug effects, clearly different source locations and Global Field Power were found for the different frequency bands, replicating earlier reports (Michel et al., 1992).


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A model of Drosophila circadian rhythm generation was developed to represent feedback loops based on transcriptional regulation of per, Clk (dclock), Pdp-1, and vri (vrille). The model postulates that histone acetylation kinetics make transcriptional activation a nonlinear function of [CLK]. Such a nonlinearity is essential to simulate robust circadian oscillations of transcription in our model and in previous models. Simulations suggest that two positive feedback loops involving Clk are not essential for oscillations, because oscillations of [PER] were preserved when Clk, vri, or Pdp-1 expression was fixed. However, eliminating positive feedback by fixing vri expression altered the oscillation period. Eliminating the negative feedback loop in which PER represses per expression abolished oscillations. Simulations of per or Clk null mutations, of per overexpression, and of vri, Clk, or Pdp-1 heterozygous null mutations altered model behavior in ways similar to experimental data. The model simulated a photic phase-response curve resembling experimental curves, and oscillations entrained to simulated light-dark cycles. Temperature compensation of oscillation period could be simulated if temperature elevation slowed PER nuclear entry or PER phosphorylation. The model makes experimental predictions, some of which could be tested in transgenic Drosophila.


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Stress response pathways allow cells to sense and respond to environmental changes and adverse pathophysiological states. Pharmacological modulation of cellular stress pathways has implications in the treatment of human diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. The quinone methide triterpene celastrol, derived from a traditional Chinese medicinal herb, has numerous pharmacological properties, and it is a potent activator of the mammalian heat shock transcription factor HSF1. However, its mode of action and spectrum of cellular targets are poorly understood. We show here that celastrol activates Hsf1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae at a similar effective concentration seen in mammalian cells. Transcriptional profiling revealed that celastrol treatment induces a battery of oxidant defense genes in addition to heat shock genes. Celastrol activated the yeast Yap1 oxidant defense transcription factor via the carboxy-terminal redox center that responds to electrophilic compounds. Antioxidant response genes were likewise induced in mammalian cells, demonstrating that the activation of two major cell stress pathways by celastrol is conserved. We report that celastrol's biological effects, including inhibition of glucocorticoid receptor activity, can be blocked by the addition of excess free thiol, suggesting a chemical mechanism for biological activity based on modification of key reactive thiols by this natural product.


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Enterococcus faecalis, the third most frequent cause of bacterial endocarditis, appears to be equipped with diverse surface-associated proteins showing structural-fold similarity to the immunoglobulin-fold family of staphylococcal adhesins. Among the putative E. faecalis surface proteins, the previously characterized adhesin Ace, which shows specific binding to collagen and laminin, was detectable in surface protein preparations only after growth at 46 degrees C, mirroring the finding that adherence was observed in 46 degrees C, but not 37 degrees C, grown E. faecalis cultures. To elucidate the influence of different growth and host parameters on ace expression, we investigated ace expression using E. faecalis OG1RF grown in routine laboratory media (brain heart infusion) and found that ace mRNA levels were low in all growth phases. However, quantitative reverse transcription-PCR showed 18-fold-higher ace mRNA amounts in cells grown in the presence of collagen type IV compared to the controls. Similarly, a marked increase was observed when cells were either grown in the presence of collagen type I or serum but not in the presence of fibrinogen or bovine serum albumin. The production of Ace after growth in the presence of collagen type IV was demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy, mirroring the increased ace mRNA levels. Furthermore, increased Ace expression correlated with increased collagen and laminin adhesion. Collagen-induced Ace expression was also seen in three of three other E. faecalis strains of diverse origins tested, and thus it appears to be a common phenomenon. The observation of host matrix signal-induced adherence of E. faecalis may have important implications on our understanding of this opportunistic pathogen.


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Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) participates in diverse fibrotic processes including glomerulosclerosis. The adenylyl cyclase agonist forskolin inhibits CTGF expression in mesangial cells by unclear mechanisms. We recently reported that the histone H3K79 methyltransferase disruptor of telomeric silencing-1 (Dot1) suppresses CTGF gene expression in collecting duct cells (J Clin Invest 117: 773-783, 2007) and HEK 293 cells (J Biol Chem In press). In the present study, we characterized the involvement of Dot1 in mediating the inhibitory effect of forskolin on CTGF transcription in mouse mesangial cells. Overexpression of Dot1 or treatment with forskolin dramatically suppressed basal CTGF mRNA levels and CTGF promoter-luciferase activity, while hypermethylating H3K79 in chromatin associated with the CTGF promoter. siRNA knockdown of Dot1 abrogated the inhibitory effect of forskolin on CTGF mRNA expression. Analysis of the Dot1 promoter sequence identified a CREB response element (CRE) at -384/-380. Overexpression of CREB enhanced forskolin-stimulated Dot1 promoter activity. A constitutively active CREB mutant (CREB-VP16) strongly induced Dot1 promoter-luciferase activity, whereas overexpression of CREBdLZ-VP16, which lacks the CREB DNA-binding domain, abolished this activation. Mutation of the -384/-380 CRE resulted in 70% lower levels of Dot1 promoter activity. ChIP assays confirmed CREB binding to the Dot1 promoter in chromatin. We conclude that forskolin stimulates CREB-mediated trans-activation of the Dot1 gene, which leads to hypermethylation of histone H3K79 at the CTGF promoter, and inhibition of CTGF transcription. These data are the first to describe regulation of the Dot1 gene, and disclose a complex network of genetic and epigenetic controls on CTGF transcription.


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Adenosine has been implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In vitro studies suggest that activation of the A2B adenosine receptor (A2BAR) results in proinflammatory and profibrotic effects relevant to the progression of lung diseases; however, in vivo data supporting these observations are lacking. Adenosine deaminase-deficient (ADA-deficient) mice develop pulmonary inflammation and injury that are dependent on increased lung adenosine levels. To investigate the role of the A2BAR in vivo, ADA-deficient mice were treated with the selective A2BAR antagonist CVT-6883, and pulmonary inflammation, fibrosis, and airspace integrity were assessed. Untreated and vehicle-treated ADA-deficient mice developed pulmonary inflammation, fibrosis, and enlargement of alveolar airspaces; conversely, CVT-6883-treated ADA-deficient mice showed less pulmonary inflammation, fibrosis, and alveolar airspace enlargement. A2BAR antagonism significantly reduced elevations in proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines as well as mediators of fibrosis and airway destruction. In addition, treatment with CVT-6883 attenuated pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis in wild-type mice subjected to bleomycin-induced lung injury. These findings suggest that A2BAR signaling influences pathways critical for pulmonary inflammation and injury in vivo. Thus in chronic lung diseases associated with increased adenosine, antagonism of A2BAR-mediated responses may prove to be a beneficial therapy.