937 resultados para Trait-mediated indirect effect


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The growth in demand and expenditure currently being experienced in the Australian health sector is also accompanied by a rise in dysfunctional customer behaviour, such as verbal abuse and physical violence, perpetrated against health service providers. While service failure and poor recovery are known to trigger consumer misbehaviour, this study investigates whether lower than expected perceived service quality generates cognitive and emotional appraisals that trigger two common forms of misbehaviour: refusal to participate and verbal abuse. Data were collected using a 2 × 2 between-subjects experiment administered via online written survey and analysed using path modelling. The findings indicate that perceptions of service encounter quality have an indirect effect on whether consumers refuse to participate in the service and/or verbally abuse the service provider through the mediating effect of anger.


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Background Understanding the organisational predictors of burnout (emotional exhaustion) in haemodialysis nurses is critical for staff retention and improving nurse and patient outcomes. Previous research has demonstrated high levels of emotional exhaustion among haemodialysis nurses; yet the relationships among nurses’ work environment, job satisfaction, stress and emotional exhaustion are poorly understood. Aim To test an explanatory model of the relationships among the nursing work environment, job satisfaction, job stress and emotional exhaustion for haemodialysis nurses, drawing on Kanter’s Structural Theory of Organisational Empowerment. Methods Using a cross-sectional design 417 haemodialysis nurses completed an online survey between October 2011 and April 2012 using validated instruments to measure the work environment, and levels of job satisfaction, job stress and emotional exhaustion. Results Overall, the explanatory model demonstrated adequate fit and we found partial support for the hypothesised relationships. Haemodialysis nurses’ work environment had a direct positive effect on job satisfaction, explaining 88% of the variance. Greater job satisfaction, in turn, predicted lower job stress, explaining 82% of the variance. Job satisfaction also had an indirect effect on emotional exhaustion by mitigating job stress. However, job satisfaction did not have a direct effect on emotional exhaustion. Conclusion The work environment of haemodialysis nurses is pivotal to the development of job satisfaction. Nurses’ job satisfaction also affects the levels of job stress and emotional exhaustion. Our findings suggest nurse managers can improve staff retention by creating empowering work environments that promote job satisfaction in haemodialysis nurses.


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The period between 15 and 25 years is characterised by much personal change and is the peak age of onset of mental health problems. This prompts an interest in everyday strategies that young people might use to support their well-being. Music use is the preferred leisure activity among young people yet little is known about how music is linked to well-being in this population. This study aimed to develop and test a model of the relationships between young people’s use of music and their well-being, drawing on theories from the music psychology and clinical psychology fields. A qualitative analysis of transcripts from focus groups with 11 participants aged 15–25 years revealed four ways in which music listening links with well-being: relationship building, modifying emotions, modifying cognitions and emotional immersion. These linking variables were operationalised using questionnaire scores and tested on a new sample of 107 young people. Results of a multiple mediation analysis revealed that music listening was significantly related to all four linking variables, but not directly related to well-being as measured by the Mental Health Continuum. Nevertheless, the four linking variables indirectly mediated the effect of music listening on social wellbeing. The findings are consistent with earlier research on the role of music in emotion regulation and social connection although there are clearly other factors involved in determining young peoples’ well-being. These findings will help inform music-based interventions for young people.


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Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) is discussed in academia and industry as a vehicle to guide IT implementations, alignment, compliance assessment, or technology management. Still, a lack of knowledge prevails about how EAM can be successfully used, and how positive impact can be realized from EAM. To determine these factors, we identify EAM success factors and measures through literature reviews and exploratory interviews and propose a theoretical model that explains key factors and measures of EAM success. We test our model with data collected from a cross-sectional survey of 133 EAM practitioners. The results confirm the existence of an impact of four distinct EAM success factors, ‘EAM product quality’, ‘EAM infrastructure quality’, ‘EAM service delivery quality’, and ‘EAM organizational anchoring’, and two important EAM success measures, ‘intentions to use EAM’ and ‘Organizational and Project Benefits’ in a confirmatory analysis of the model. We found the construct ‘EAM organizational anchoring’ to be a core focal concept that mediated the effect of success factors such as ‘EAM infrastructure quality’ and ‘EAM service quality’ on the success measures. We also found that ‘EAM satisfaction’ was irrelevant to determining or measuring success. We discuss implications for theory and EAM practice.


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Business scholars have recently proposed that the virtue of personal wisdom may predict leadership behaviors and the quality of leader–follower relationships. This study investigated relationships among leaders’ personal wisdom—defined as the integration of advanced cognitive, reflective, and affective personality characteristics (Ardelt, Hum Dev 47:257–285, 2004)—transformational leadership behaviors, and leader–member exchange (LMX) quality. It was hypothesized that leaders’ personal wisdom positively predicts LMX quality and that intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration, two dimensions of transformational leadership, mediate this relationship. Data came from 75 religious leaders and 1–3 employees of each leader (N = 158). Results showed that leaders’ personal wisdom had a positive indirect effect on follower ratings of LMX quality through individualized consideration, even after controlling for Big Five personality traits, emotional intelligence, and narcissism. In contrast, intellectual stimulation and the other two dimensions of transformational leadership (idealized influence and inspirational motivation) did not mediate the positive relationship between leaders’ personal wisdom and LMX quality. Implications for future research on personal wisdom and leadership are discussed, and some tentative suggestions for leadership development are outlined.


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Focus on opportunities is a cognitive-motivational facet of occupational future time perspective that describes how many new goals, options, and possibilities individuals expect to have in their personal work-related futures. This study examined focus on opportunities as a mediator of the relationships between age and work performance and between job complexity and work performance. In addition, it was expected that job complexity buffers the negative relationship between age and focus on opportunities and weakens the negative indirect effect of age on work performance. Results of mediation, moderation, and moderated mediation analyses with data collected from 168 employees in 41 organizations (mean age = 40.22 years, SD = 10.43, range = 19-64 years) as well as 168 peers providing work performance ratings supported the assumptions. The findings suggest that future studies on the role of age for work design and performance should take employees' focus on opportunities into account.


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It is proposed that the wave mediated indirect wave-particle interaction may be responsible for nonlinear saturation of current driven low frequency ion-acoustic turbulence. This process decreases the growth rate and increases the damping rate of the wave. Comparison has been made with some experiments.


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It is proposed that the wave mediated indirect wave-particle interaction may be responsible for nonlinear saturation of current driven low frequency ion-acoustic turbulence. This process decreases the growth rate and increases the damping rate of the wave. Comparison has been made with some experiments.


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Recently it has been recognized that evolutionary aspects play a major role in conservation issues of a species. In this thesis I have combined evolutionary research with conservation studies to provide new insight into these fields. The study object of this thesis is the house sparrow, a species that has features that makes it interesting for this type of study. The house sparrow has been ubiquitous almost all over the world. Even though being still abundant, several countries have reported major declines. These declines have taken place in a relatively short time covering both urban and rural habitats. In Finland this species has declined by more than two thirds in just over two decades. In addition, as the house sparrow lives only in human inhabited areas it can also raise public awareness to conservation issues. I used both an extensive museum collection of house sparrows collected in 1980s from all over Finland as well as samples collected in 2009 from 12 of the previously collected localities. I used molecular techniques to study neutral genetic variation within and genetic differentiation between the study populations. This knowledge I then combined with data gathered on morphometric measurements. In addition I analyzed eight heavy metals from the livers of house sparrows that lived in either rural or urban areas in the 1980s and evaluated the role of heavy metal pollution as a possible cause of the declines. Even though dispersal of house sparrows is limited I found that just as the declines started in 1980s the house sparrows formed a genetically panmictic population on the scale of the whole Finland. When compared to Norway, where neutral genetic divergence has been found even with small geographic distances, I concluded that this difference would be due to contrasting landscapes. In Finland the landscape is rather homogeneous facilitating the movements of these birds and maintaining gene flow even with the low dispersal. To see whether the declines have had an effect on the neutral genetic variation of the populations I did a comparison between the historical and contemporary genetic data. I showed that even though genetic diversity has not decreased due to the drastic declines the populations have indeed become more differentiated from each other. This shows that even in a still quite abundant species the declines can have an effect on the genetic variation. It is shown that genetic diversity and differentiation may approach their new equilibriums at different rates. This emphasizes the importance of studying both of them and if the latter has increased it should be taken as a warning sign of a possible loss of genetic diversity in the future. One of the factors suggested to be responsible for the house sparrow declines is heavy metal pollution. When studying the livers of house sparrows from 1980s I discovered higher levels of heavy metal concentrations in urban than rural habitats, but the levels of the metals were comparatively low and based on that heavy metal pollution does not seem to be a direct cause for the declines in Finland. However, heavy metals are known to decrease the amount of insects in urban areas and thus in the cities heavy metals may have an indirect effect on house sparrows. Although neutral genetic variation is an important tool for conservation genetics it does not tell the whole story. Since neutral genetic variation is not affected by selection, information can be one-sided. It is possible that even neutral genetic differentiation is low, there can be substantial variation in additive genetic traits indicating local adaptation. Therefore I performed a comparison between neutral genetic differentiation and phenotypic differentiation. I discovered that two traits out of seven are likely to be under directional selection, whereas the others could be affected by random genetic drift. Bergmann s rule may be behind the observed directional selection in wing length and body mass. These results highlight the importance of estimating both neutral and adaptive genetic variation.


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This thesis studies the effect of income inequality on economic growth. This is done by analyzing panel data from several countries with both short and long time dimensions of the data. Two of the chapters study the direct effect of inequality on growth, and one chapter also looks at the possible indirect effect of inequality on growth by assessing the effect of inequality on savings. In Chapter two, the effect of inequality on growth is studied by using a panel of 70 countries and a new EHII2008 inequality measure. Chapter contributes on two problems that panel econometric studies on the economic effect of inequality have recently encountered: the comparability problem associated with the commonly used Deininger and Squire s Gini index, and the problem relating to the estimation of group-related elasticities in panel data. In this study, a simple way to 'bypass' vagueness related to the use of parametric methods to estimate group-related parameters is presented. The idea is to estimate the group-related elasticities implicitly using a set of group-related instrumental variables. The estimation results with new data and method indicate that the relationship between income inequality and growth is likely to be non-linear. Chapter three incorporates the EHII2.1 inequality measure and a panel with annual time series observations from 38 countries to test the existence of long-run equilibrium relation(s) between inequality and the level of GDP. Panel unit root tests indicate that both the logarithmic EHII2.1 inequality measure and the logarithmic GDP per capita series are I(1) nonstationary processes. They are also found to be cointegrated of order one, which implies that there is a long-run equilibrium relation between them. The long-run growth elasticity of inequality is found to be negative in the middle-income and rich economies, but the results for poor economies are inconclusive. In the fourth Chapter, macroeconomic data on nine developed economies spanning across four decades starting from the year 1960 is used to study the effect of the changes in the top income share to national and private savings. The income share of the top 1 % of population is used as proxy for the distribution of income. The effect of inequality on private savings is found to be positive in the Nordic and Central-European countries, but for the Anglo-Saxon countries the direction of the effect (positive vs. negative) remains somewhat ambiguous. Inequality is found to have an effect national savings only in the Nordic countries, where it is positive.


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The likely response of freshwater plankton to the direct and indirect effects of sustained global warming are summarized. The increase in CO2 posited by climatologists will have a direct effect on many biological processes, and an even more important indirect effect on the global climate. Lake plankton populations are relatively well buffered against sudden fluctuations in temperature but can react in unexpected ways to seasonal changes in the wind speed, with effects on seasonal growth and succession of plankton. The direct


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O presente trabalho apresenta a aplicação das fórmulas de Vincenty nos cálculos das correções do terreno e do efeito indireto, que desempenham papel relevante na construção de cartas geoidais. Implementa-se um programa de processamento que realiza a integração numérica sobre o modelo digital do terreno, discretizado em células triangulares de Delaunay. O sistema foi desenvolvido com a linguagem de programação FORTRAN, para a execução de intensos algoritmos numéricos usando compiladores livres e robustos. Para o cálculo do efeito indireto, considera-se a redução gravimétrica efetuada com base no segundo método de condensação de Helmert, face ao pequeno valor de efeito indireto no cálculo do geóide, em função da mudança que este produz no potencial da gravidade devido ao deslocamento da massa topográfica. Utiliza-se, o sistema geodésico SIRGAS 2000 como sistema de referência para o cômputo das correções. Simplificando o exame dos resultados alcançados, distingue-se o processamento e desenvolvimento do trabalho em etapas como a escolha de ferramentas geodésicas para máxima precisão dos resultados, elaboração de subrotinas e comparação de resultados com cálculos anteriores. Os resultados encontrados foram de geração sadia e satisfatória e podem ser perfeitamente empregados no cálculo do geóide em qualquer área do globo.


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O primeiro objetivo da Tese consistiu na identificação e caracterização dos instrumentos de aferição epidemiológicos que vêm sendo propostos para a abordagem de IA domiciliar, bem como na síntese de suas propriedades psicométricas. Para tal, realizou-se busca sistemática em três bases de dados eletrônicas: MEDLINE, LILACS e SciELO. Não houve delimitação do período de publicação. Os resultados são apresentados no artigo intitulado Household food insecurity: a systematic review of the measuring instruments used in epidemiological studies. Foram identificados 24 instrumentos, todos breves e de fácil aplicação. A maioria foi desenvolvida nos Estados Unidos. O instrumento HFSSM apresentou o maior número de estudos de utilização e psicométricos, podendo ser recomendado sem hesitação. O segundo e principal objetivo desta Tese foi avaliar se a ocorrência de violência psicológica e física entre parceiros íntimos pode ser considerada um fator de risco para a ocorrência de Insegurança Alimentar (IA) domiciliar. As informações que subjazem a pesquisa originaram-se de um inquérito domiciliar realizado no Distrito de Campos Elíseos, Município de Duque de Caxias, entre abril a novembro de 2010. A população de estudo foi selecionada por meio de amostragem por conglomerados em três estágios (setor censitário, domicílio, indivíduo) com técnicas de amostragem inversa para a seleção dos domicílios. A amostra do estudo incluiu 849 mulheres que no período da entrevista relataram possuir algum relacionamento amoroso nos 12 meses anteriores. As informações foram obtidas por meio de entrevista utilizando-se um questionário estruturado, contendo instrumentos previamente validados, como a Revised Conflict Tatics Scales (CTS2) para a mensuração das violências e a Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar (EBIA) para a IA domiciliar. Utilizou-se a análise de caminhos (Path Analysis) na análise de dados o que permitiu explorar as relações entre as violências, entre estas e o Transtorno Mental Comum (TMC), este último e a IA, bem como as relações mais distais do modelo teórico. Os resultados são apresentados no artigo intitulado Violência entre parceiros íntimos, transtornos mentais comuns e insegurança alimentar: modelagem de equações estruturais. A hipótese central deste estudo foi corroborada, na medida em que tanto a violência psicológica, como a violência física se mostraram importantes fatores de risco para a IA, via a ocorrência de TMC. Contrariamente ao esperado, notou-se um maior efeito da violência psicológica do que da violência física na ocorrência do desfecho. Espera-se que a divulgação dos resultados desta Tese auxilie os profissionais e gestores na área de segurança alimentar e nutricional, bem como pesquisadores da área na tomada de decisões em relação ao instrumento de aferição a ser utilizado para a caracterização das situações e ampliem o olhar sobre o problema, incorporando outros fatores de risco, tais como as violências entre parceiros íntimos, aqueles estritamente econômicos, habitualmente considerados no debate sobre os determinantes e estratégias de enfrentamento da IA.


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A hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) é um problema de saúde pública, geralmente associada a outras doenças, como obesidade, diabetes, doença renal, aterosclerose, acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) e identificado como um dos fatores de risco mais prevalentes para o desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares. Orgãos-alvo, como coração, rins, cérebro e olhos, são comumente afetados em pacientes hipertensos. No entanto, o dano testicular causado pela hipertensão não foi claramente definido. A hipertensão é um fator de risco bem estabelecido para a disfunção erétil, mas sua relação com o dano testicular e a fertilidade masculina não é claramente compreendida. Este estudo avalia a morfologia testicular e alguns parâmetros espermáticos de ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR), virgem de tratamento e tratados com enalapril. Ratos SHR foram distribuídos em dois grupos, um grupo hipertenso (H), e um grupo tratado com enalapril (HE). Ratos Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) foram utilizados como controles. A pressão arterial sistólica foi medida semanalmente, até o final do experimento. A concentração de espermatozóides, motilidade e viabilidade foram determinadas em amostras coletadas da cauda do epidídimo. Métodos estereológicos foram usados para analisar objetivamente a morfologia testicular macroscopicamente e microscopicamente. Todos os dados foram analisados por ANOVA com pós-teste de Tukey, considerando p <0,05. Ao final do experimento a pressão arterial sistólica no grupo HE (153,9 mmHg 21,03 ) foi semelhante a dos animais pertencentes ao grupo WKY (153,4 24,41) e menor que a dos animais H (205,1 24,9). A concentração espermática do grupo H (1,31 x 107 sptz/ml 0,27) foi inferior à do grupo WKY (2,11 x 107 sptz/ml 0,34), entretanto o controle da pressão arterial com o enalapril melhorou este parâmetro e a concentração espermática do grupo HE (2,46 x 107 sptz/ml 0,54) foi semelhante a do WKY. A densidade volumétrica vascular também foi alterada no grupo de hipertensos, enquanto que os animais do grupo HE foram semelhantes aos controles. O epitélio seminífero dos animais HE apresentou a maior densidade volumétrica, indicando um possível efeito protetor indireto do enalapril na espermatogênese. Neste modelo animal, a HAS promoveu alterações morfológicas no testículo, com conseqüências sobre a produção de espermatozóides. O controle da pressão arterial com o enalapril protegeu o testículo destas alterações, restabelecendo a produção normal dos espermatozóides.


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Contaminated land remediation has traditionally been viewed as sustainable practice because it reduces urban sprawl and mitigates risks to human being and the environment. However, in an emerging green and sustainable remediation (GSR) movement, remediation practitioners have increasingly recognized that remediation operations have their own environmental footprint. The GSR calls for sustainable behaviour in the remediation industry, for which a series of white papers and guidance documents have been published by various government agencies and professional organizations. However, the relationship between the adoption of such sustainable behaviour and its underlying driving forces has not been studied. This study aims to contribute to sustainability science by rendering a better understanding of what drives organizational behaviour in adopting sustainable practices. Factor analysis (FA) and structural equation modelling (SEM) were used to investigate the relationship between sustainable practices and key factors driving these behaviour changes in the remediation field. A conceptual model on sustainability in the environmental remediation industry was developed on the basis of stakeholder and institutional theories. The FA classified sustainability considerations, institutional promoting and impeding forces, and stakeholder's influence. Subsequently the SEM showed that institutional promoting forces had significant positive effects on adopting sustainability measures, and institutional impeding forces had significant negative effects. Stakeholder influences were found to have only marginal direct effect on the adoption of sustainability; however, they exert significant influence on institutional promoting forces, thus rendering high total effect (i.e. direct effect plus indirect effect) on the adoption of sustainability. This study suggests that sustainable remediation represents an advanced sustainable practice, which may only be fully endorsed by both internal and external stakeholders after its regulatory, normative and cognitive components are institutionalized. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.