999 resultados para Trade schools
Students fill a lecture room at the New York Trade School. The illustration on the board indicates that this is probably a lecture in the Electrical Department. Black and white photograph.
Portrait of Bennett Archambault who was a speaker at the evening school graduation of the New York Trade School in 1949. From a press release attached to the portrait: "Walter Weir, Inc., 250 West 57th Street, New York 19, N.Y., John Black, Public Relations & Publicity Department, Plaza 7-0140, May 23, 1949, For Release: Friday, May 27, 1949, BENNETT ARCHAMBAULT: Member of the Board of Trustees, New York Trade School, and Treasurer, The M.W. Kellogg Company, who reviewed the school's long history and drew an impressive picture of its future, in an address at the 68th Annual Evening School Graduation, held last night (May 26) in the school building on East 67th Street, New York." Black and white photograph.
This photo of the Lithographic Technical Forum shows the booth of the Lithographic Technical Foundation, Inc. The foundation was founded in 1924 to foster research and education in the lithography industry. The slogan "Research to improve lithography . . . Education to improve craft skill" can be seen at the very top of the booth. A group of people are depicted looking at the range of educational material about lithography on display. Black and white photograph.
Students watch monitors that show a voltage meter being filmed in the Automotive Dept by department head William C. H. Meyer as part of a demonstration of a new technique in closed-circuit television. This is one of a series of photographs accompanying a press release about the development and demonstration of the new technique at the New York Trade School. Original caption reads, "In a classroom on another floor, students all have "front row" seats for the demonstration. Camera concentrates on close-up of a meter, where readings show the result of the voltage-regulator check. Instructor (standing at microphone) is Arthur Richards." Black and white photograph with accompanying caption.
This is one of a series of photographs accompanying a press release by the New York Trade School announcing the development and demonstration of a new technique in closed-circuit TV. In this work student Joseph Germer asks a question about the demonstration. Original caption reads, "Microphone goes to student Joseph Germer, who asks a question about another phase of the demonstration." Black and white photograph with caption.
One of a series of photographs accompanying a press release by the New York Trade School announcing the development and demonstration of a new technique in closed-circuit TV. Student Dennis Mahoney serves as one of the cameramen as William C. H. Meyers of the Automotive Department performs the demonstration. Black and white photograph.
Several people are looking at sample prints in this photograph of the Lithographic Technical Forum. In the background the booth for the Lithographic Technical Foundation, Inc. can be seen. Black and white photograph.
A person is shown demonstrating projection of an image at the Lithographic Technical Forum. Black and white photograph.
Three people are posed in front of the Lithographic Technical Foundation, Inc. booth at the Lithographic Technical Forum. The Lithographic Technical Foundation was founded in 1924 as an industry organization to promote research and education. In the 1960s the foundation changed its name to the Graphic Arts Technical Foundation and in the late 1990s merged with Printing Industry America. The organization ha a number of educational materials about lithography on display. Black and white photograph.
Two men are pictured on either side of an LTF Sensitivity Guide at a booth at the Lithographic Technical Forum. Black and white photograph.
Several people are shown posing around a cardboard cutout at the Lithographic Technical Forum. To the right others can be seen enjoying refreshments. Black and white photograph.
A presentation at the Lithographic Technical Forum is being filmed. Notice the RCA Victor Television camera being used. Black and white photograph.
Two men are pictured standing outside the entrance to the Lithographic Technical Forum. It is unclear whether or not the forum was held at the New York Trade School. Black and white photograph.
In this photo two men are shown giving a presentation at the Lithographic Technical Forum. Black and white photograph.
Este trabalho trata dos desafios de implementação em nível local do Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Técnico e Emprego – Brasil Sem Miséria (Pronatec-BSM) a partir de uma perspectiva de gênero. A dissertação buscou problematizar o acesso de mulheres de baixa renda em cursos de qualificação profissional. A qualificação profissional tem sido alvo de políticas públicas desde a criação das primeiras escolas técnicas pelo presidente Getúlio Vargas, na década de 1940, até os dias de hoje. O Pronatec – vigente desde 2011 – configura-se atualmente como a política mais recente nesse campo de atuação. De abrangência nacional e coordenado pelo Ministério da Educação, o Programa, que prevê parcerias com outros ministérios e com outros níveis da federação para que seja executado, oferece diversas modalidades de oferta de cursos, dentre essas modalidades, a Bolsa Formação Trabalhador, a qual prioriza o ingresso do público beneficiário dos programas sociais do governo federal. Compreendendo a relevância do Pronatec no percurso das políticas de qualificação profissional no Brasil, esta dissertação o toma como objeto de análise buscando problematizar os desafios enfrentados em sua implementação e a relação desses desafios com a perspectiva de gênero. Como estudos de caso foram analisadas as experiências de implementação em dois municípios da região metropolitana de São Paulo: Suzano e Osasco. As fontes analíticas para o estudo constituiram-se: a) falas de gestores e gestoras nacionais, b) conteúdo dos materiais produzidos pelo governo federal para regular e orientar a execução do Programa nos municípios; e, finalmente, c) discursos das pessoas envolvidas na implementação local – de servidores(as) municipais, de funcionário(as)s das escolas e das próprias beneficiárias. A pesquisa identificou (1) a necessidade da construção de convergências entre as instituições para que o Programa1 se efetive e, (2) a relevância das imagens de gênero que permeiam as ações de implementadores(as) de todos os níveis e que influenciam, por sua vez, o acesso de mulheres de baixa renda aos cursos de qualificação profissional em que sua presença é minoritária.