993 resultados para Trade regulation -- Catalonia -- Barcelona -- 13th-15th centuries
En "Estructura y dinámica del dominio de Santo Toribio de Liébana (siglos XIII-XVI)" se trata de explicar las características diferenciales que presenta un dominio monástico del área septentrional de la Península Ibérica. En la primera parte, siglo XIII y principios del siglo XIV, se considera que la pobreza material que ostenta el cenobio, observable en el escaso volumen de la renta y en las sucesivas enajenaciones de bienes efectuadas por sectores jerarquizados locales, es el resultado de la dispar consolidación de las estructuras feudales en el espacio. Frente a áreas cercanas al emplazamiento del monasterio en donde el señor limita la movilidad campesina y extrae excedentes elevados y estables, existen otras, consideradas como la "periferia" del dominio, en donde la pervivencia del ejercicio del derecho de retorno limitaba seriamente la consolidación de la propiedad dominical señorial. En dichas áreas, la estabilización de los derechos de propiedad del señor sólo se concretó a partir de la conformación de estructuras coercitivas de poder a nivel local que anularon el ejercicio efectivo del retorno familiar. En la segunda parte, siglos XIV-XVI, se analizan las estrategias específicas que permitieron el incremento del volumen de la renta en el largo plazo. Frente a las tesis que sostienen una temprana parcelación de la reserva y una conmutación de las prestaciones de trabajo, se observa aquí, por el contrario, el aumento de su extensión en los siglos finales de la Edad Media. Al mismo tiempo se detecta un proceso de parcelación de las tenencias campesinas, impulsado por el señor, que propiciaba un incremento de los fuegos sobre los que recaían las exacciones. Ambos aspectos, apropiación señorializada del espacio y aumento de la tasa de la renta, fueron el resultado del ejercicio efectivo de la coacción política.
This paper begins to address the international regulation of emerging technologies taking an approach that includes the co-production of technologies and the nature of wicked problems. Both the development of technologies over time, the role of science in regulation, and results from case studies in the regulation of biotechnologies are discusses. Biotechnology, nanotechnology and synthetic biology receive the most attention.
Constructing an original panel on Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) in pesticides for 50 countries over 2006-2012, this paper studies the effect of heterogeneity in MRL regulation on bilateral trade. We find evidence of regulatory heterogeneity diminishing trade at the extensive margin when the exporter faces more stringent regulation abroad, suggesting compliance costs in entering the destination market. Significantly, however, we also find strong evidence of regulatory heterogeneity increasing trade at the intensive margin for exports coming from countries that set the strictest standards, alluding to the positive informative effect of such regulation.
More than three decades of research on trade costs and goods trade have unveiled fundamental insights into the determinants, the nature and the consequences of goods trade agreements. A cottage literature has also evolved studying similar issues from a services trade perspective, but the two-way interaction between goods and services trade has not been explored formally. We bridge this gap by providing a formal treatment of the inter-linkages between goods and services trade. The model provides insights into how trade agreements impact goods and services trade. We also explore the impact of the complementarities of goods and services agreements on goods and services trade empirically using bilateral goods and services trade data for OECD and BRICS trading partners over 1995-2010.
India’s success story in services is well documented at the national level, but similar literature does not exist for India’s states. In this paper, we bridge this gap in research by looking at India’s services growth at the sub-national level and in doing so, also challenge existing literature by arguing that this growth has positive implications for income distribution. We find that even as per capita income is not converging across India’s states, per capita services are; evidence is provided both in terms of traditional measures of sigma- and beta-convergence and more recent panel unit root tests. A more disaggregated analysis of services sectors reveals convergence in railways, public administration and financial services. Finally, a Jensen & Kletzer (2005) approach to determining tradability provides evidence of most services being “traded” across India’s states, suggesting the role of such trade in the services growth and convergence story.
This paper explores a number of procedural and substantive considerations arising from ongoing attempts to craft a plurilateral Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) among the so-called “Really Good Friends of Services” coalition of WTO Members. The paper suggests that considerable scope exists to move forward a multilateral negotiating agenda on services that both the digital revolution and a continued surge of preferential rule-making has rendered increasingly obsolete. As the most significant attempt to date to craft a GATS Article V-compatible PTA in services, TISA offers considerable promise. The paper, however, cautions that the case for embedding TISA into the architecture of WTO rules alongside the General Agreement on Trade in Services or in its place is weak on both procedural and substantive grounds to the extent that the ongoing talks take place behind doors that remain closed even to the WTO Secretariat, let alone to many of the world’s leading developing country suppliers of services, and involve potentially significant departures from GATS rules liable to complicate any hoped for multilateral migratory journey. Key words: WTO, GATS, trade in services, plurilateral agreements, critical mass negotiations, preferential trade liberalization.
With its wide coverage of economic spheres and the variety of trade and investment measures currently under negotiation, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) opens windows of opportunity for climate change mitigation and adaptation. The paper examines the possible avenues and the WTO law implications for the alignment of emissions standards between the European Union (EU) and United States of America (US). Looking particularly at the automobile sector, it argues that TTIP negotiators should strive for the mutual recognition of equivalence of EU and US car emissions standards, while pursuing full harmonisation in the long term. It concludes that the preferential trade agreement (PTA) status of TTIP would not be able to exempt measures taken for regulatory convergence from compliance with applicable WTO rules, particularly the rules of the WTO’s Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). Furthermore, the EU and the US would not be able to ignore requests for the recognition of equivalence of third countries’ standards and would need to provide the grounds upon which they assess third countries’ standards as not adequately fulfilling the objectives of their own regulations and therefore rejecting them.
Anirudh Shingal presents at the joint NCCR Trade Regulation/NCCR Climate Workshop on “Border measures and the PPM issue in the context of climate change”. This presentation explores the possibility of a unilateral tariff increase on the imports of the most carbon-intensive products (identified from literature) from countries non-committed to climate-friendly polices in a bid to push them towards “global” climate policies. The presentation provides a first look at the empirical model to be used as well as the choice of trading partners, carbon-intensive products and the time period. Preliminary statistical analysis undertaken reveals the importance of these products in the trade flows of both importing and exporting countries as well as the existence of low tariffs (on these products) in destination markets.
Cover title.
Shipping list no. 93-0534-P.
"January 1994."
Item 0857-G-01.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Shipping list no.: 94-0061-P.