956 resultados para Tourist routes


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Échelle(s) : [ca 1:24 391 000], échelle de 10 myriamètres [= 4,1 cm]


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Parental concerns about traffic and strangers have reduced children’s freedom to move about their neighborhoods on their own. Programs like the Walking School Bus — an adult-supervised walk to school — identify safe routes to school, and teach safe crossing practices and “street smart” skills. Appropriate infrastructure like sidewalks and bicycling paths is also important.


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Tumor-regressions following tumor-associated-antigen vaccination in animal models contrast with the limited clinical outcomes in cancer patients. Most animal studies however used subcutaneous-tumor-models and questions arise as whether these are relevant for tumors growing in mucosae; whether specific mucosal-homing instructions are required; and how this may be influenced by the tumor.


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Comprend : [Fig. p.9 : navire.] A toutes voiles. [Cote : 16 ° G 987/Microfilm R 122011] ; [Fig. p.15 : poissons volants.] [Cote : 16 ° G 987/Microfilm R 122011] ; [Fig. p.19 : côtes de l'Afrique.] [Cote : 16 ° G 987/Microfilm R 122011] ; [Fig. p.24 : le pont d'un navire dans la tempête.] Tempêtes et guerres. [Cote : 16 ° G 987/Microfilm R 122011] ; [Fig. p.28 : navire dans une tempête.] [Cote : 16 ° G 987/Microfilm R 122011] ; [Fig. p.41 : un train en Afrique.] [Cote : 16 ° G 987/Microfilm R 122011] ; [pl. p.47 : girafes se blessant sur les fils des poteaux électriques.] [Cote : 16 ° G 987/Microfilm R 122011] ; [pl. en reg. p.55 : convoi tiré par des boeufs au zambèze, dans la région de Buluwayo.] En wagon à boeufs. [Cote : 16 ° G 987/Microfilm R 122011] ; [Fig. p.57 : pièce de l'attelage des convois à boeufs du Zambèze.] [Cote : 16 ° G 987/Microfilm R 122011] ; [Fig. p.71 : une pirogue sur le fleuve zambèze.] En pirogue. [Cote : 16 ° G 987/Microfilm R 122011] ; [Fig. p.73 : les variétés d'oiseaux du Zambèze.] [Cote : 16 ° G 987/Microfilm R 122011] ; [Fig. p.75 : crocodiles du Zambèze.] [Cote : 16 ° G 987/Microfilm R 122011] ; [Fig. p.79 : campement sur les bords du Zambèze.] [Cote : 16 ° G 987/Microfilm R 122011] ; [Fig. p.86 : un pagayeur Africain.] [Cote : 16 ° G 987/Microfilm R 122011] ; [Fig. p.90 : missionnaire en Afrique.] [Cote : 16 ° G 987/Microfilm R 122011]


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Formica pratensis (Hyménoptères Formicidae) figure sur la liste rouge des espèces menacées de Suisse. Cette espèce de fourmis des bois colonise les milieux herbacés ouverts comme les prés et prairies sèches peu exploitées, les talus bien exposés. Face à la raréfaction de ces habitats liée à l'intensification de l'agriculture, elle colonise de plus en plus souvent les talus herbeux en bordure de routes. Afin de mieux comprendre la situation actuelle de l'espèce et ses besoins en milieux naturels, nous avons mené une étude à large échelle dans le cnaton de Vaud (Suisse). F.pratensis se rencontre sur l'ensemble du territoire, principalement en dessous de 800 m, mais elle ne semble plus aussi fréquente qu'autrefois. F.pratensis recherche surtout des stations en pente bien exposées au soleil et avec une végétation assez ouverte. De tels milieux se faisant de plus en plus rares dans le paysage agricole moderne, les talus de route apparaissent souvent comme une alternative (ou milieu de subsitution) pour F.pratensis. les importantes perturbations (pollution, fauche répétitive, pauvreté du milieu) ne permettent toutefois pas aux sociétés de fourmis de se développer pleinement et la survie de l'espèce passe par la sauvegarde d'autres milieux ouverts exploités extensivement. Grâce aux données collectées, un suivi comparatif des populations pourra être effectuée dans les années à venir


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The development of new rail systems in the first part of the 21st century is the result of a wide range of trends that are making it increasingly difficult to maintain regional mobility using the two dominant intercity travel modes, auto and air. These trends include the changing character of the economic structure of industry. The character of the North American industrial structure is moving rapidly from a manufacturing base to a service based economy. This is increasing the need for business travel while the increase in disposable income due to higher salaries has promoted increased social and tourist travel. Another trend is the change in the regulatory environment. The trend towards deregulation has dramatically reduced the willingness of the airlines to operate from smaller airports and the level of service has fallen due to the creation of hub and spoke systems. While new air technology such as regional jets may mitigate this trend to some degree in medium-size airports, smaller airports will continue to lose out. Finally, increasing environmental concerns have reduced the ability of the automobile to meet intercity travel needs because of increased suburban congestion and limited highway capacity in big cities. Against this background the rail mode offers new options due to first, the existing rail rights-of-way offering direct access into major cities that, in most cases, have significant capacity available and, second, a revolution in vehicle technology that makes new rail rolling stock faster and less expensive to purchase and operate. This study is designed to evaluate the potential for rail service making an important contribution to maintaining regional mobility over the next 30 to 50 years in Iowa. The study evaluates the potential for rail service on three key routes across Iowa and assesses the impact of new train technology in reducing costs and improving rail service. The study also considers the potential for developing the system on an incremental basis. The service analysis and recommendations do not involve current Amtrak intercity service. That service is presumed to continue on its current route and schedule. The study builds from data and analyses that have been generated for the Midwest Rail Initiative (MWRI) Study. For example, the zone system and operating and capital unit cost assumptions are derived from the MWRI study. The MWRI represents a cooperative effort between nine Midwest states, Amtrak and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) contracting with Transportation Economics & Management Systems, Inc. to evaluate the potential for a regional rail system. The 1 The map represents the system including the decision on the Iowa route derived from the current study. Iowa Rail Route Alternatives Analysis TEMS 1-2 system is to offer modern, frequent, higher speed train service to the region, with Chicago as the connecting hub. Exhibit 1-1 illustrates the size of the system, and how the Iowa route fits in to the whole.


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We show that the dispersal routes reconstruction problem can be stated as an instance of a graph theoretical problem known as the minimum cost arborescence problem, for which there exist efficient algorithms. Furthermore, we derive some theoretical results, in a simplified setting, on the possible optimal values that can be obtained for this problem. With this, we place the dispersal routes reconstruction problem on solid theoretical grounds, establishing it as a tractable problem that also lends itself to formal mathematical and computational analysis. Finally, we present an insightful example of how this framework can be applied to real data. We propose that our computational method can be used to define the most parsimonious dispersal (or invasion) scenarios, which can then be tested using complementary methods such as genetic analysis.