987 resultados para Tourism -- Catalonia -- Costa Brava


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Costa Rica is a small Central American nation that has gained an international reputation as a leader in environmental conservation. This has formed the base for its highly successful and lucrative small-scale ecotourism industry. However, there are threats from high rates of deforestation and expanding large scale tourism that is trading on strong environmental credentials. This paper sets out an ecologically sustainable economic framework to firstly examine the Costa Rican experience, and then analyse lessons for general policy development of any ecotourism industry. The analysis is conducted from a political economy perspective on the trade-offs between small-scale and large-scale tourism.


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The managing Conselho of public politics constitute one of the main experiences of democracy in Brazil contemporary representing a conquest for construction of a democratic institutionalism. The historical newness consists of the intensification and the institutionalization of the dialogue between government and society - in public and plural canals - as condition for an allocation more efficient joust and of the public resources. In this context the present study it objectified to understand from readings of the performance of represented group of bencheses the dynamics of functioning of the Tourist Conselho Pólo Costa das Dunas while space of participation and social control. The bibliographical research contemplated diverse sources in order to compile knowledge of credential authors in the quarrel of inherent subjects to the civil society and the public sphere to the construction of the citizenship to the conception formation and dynamics of the social control through Conselho of public politics. A qualitative perspective the case study was adopted as research method and for attainment of the data interviews with the members of the Conselho had been carried through beyond consultation the referring documents the dynamics of functioning of the Conselho. The profiles capacities and limitations of the members of the Conselho had been identified constitution social and dynamic organization of functioning of the Conselho and the readings of the members of the Conselho concerning the power to decide instances and participation. The results had shown that the allotment of being able in the Conselho does not occur of equal form. The functions of coordination of the activities of the Conselho are assumed by the representatives of the public agencies. Level of qualification of council members also if presents as difficulty to development of activities of Conselho since the majority of the interviewed ones disclosed unreliability and unfamiliarity when thematic specific that runs away from its organizacional reality they are boarded in the assemblies. Of this form the Conselho if presents more as half of institutional legitimation of what half of characterization of the creation of a public sphere properly said. Finally he could himself be concluded that a democratic culture inexists that inside crosses practical the institutional ones of the Conselho thus limiting the possibility to reach the effective social control of the public politics of tourism in the Rio Grande do Norte


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It treats tourism as part of the places urban development dynamics and the touristic urbanization process as a strategy of cities international competitiveness strengthen, detaching institucional agents role as promoters of this process. It aims to understand how happens the interinstitucional cooperation existing between the agents (Estate, private initiative and third sector) that composes the Development Council of Pólo Costa das Dunas/RN, littoral potiguar region, where are invested the resources deriving from the Program of Development of Tourism in the northeast of Brazil (PRODETUR/NE). Making use of economy referencials, urban sociology and urban geography, as a possibility of a more consistent theoretical construction, capable to accomplish the sustainable development and sustainable tourism concepts amplitude, this work brings out an experience of interinstitucional cooperation, where it glimpses itself the possibility of implementation of a alternative development model, based on the sustainability principles


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Being available as a tourist destination is a necessary condition but not enough for the expansion and success of tourism activity. To be successful, tourism requires investment, inputs, appropriate planning and management, like any other economic activity. A fundamental goal of the destination management is to understand how the competitiveness of a tourist destination can be improved and sustained. Competitive position of tourism can be measured and assessed by various models. Evaluating the indicators of competitiveness of a tourist destination involves a multivariate analysis, ranging from issues directly related to tourism activity itself to the indirect factors. These are elements that are interrelated and that together will point out the competitive condition of this destination. From the definition and characterization of competitiveness, sustainability and management in the context of tourist destinations, understood as the main concepts of this study, we present the main theoretical and methodological models of assessment of competitiveness of tourist destinations in the literature and represent the state of the issue in the scientific treatment of the subject. These models, designed by researchers from several countries and applied in different tourist destinations, are confronted about their structure, indicators considered and localities in which they were applied. The aim of this study was to know and evaluate the condition of tourist competitiveness of the destination Pólo Costa das Dunas, from the constraints attributes of superior performance of the evaluation model of tourist competitiveness of destinations Competenible, suggested by Mazaro, and that suit the requirements of international market aware of the strength and importance of sustainability. The condition of competitiveness of tourist destination in Rio Grande do Norte Pólo Costa das Dunas was moderate. The competitive strengths and weaknesses of the destination Pólo Costa das Dunas revealed through the dozens of sustainable attributes of the model Competenible showed guidelines and initiatives that can be taken to guide strategic decisions related to their planning and management. Thus, this study should serve as support for strategic planning and long-term management of the sector and as a crucial tool for making decisions related to public policies, sectoral investments, monitor processes, strategic planning, direction and control of the local and regional tourism development of destinations


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This study aims to compare the thermal performance of tiles made from recycled material (waste packaging cardboard with aluminized film) with the tiles of fiber and bitumen, fiber cement and red ceramic with the aim of verifying the suitability of tile to be used in hot and humid climate of low latitude. The samples were selected according to the availability from Natal RN market, as they are sold to the consumers. The methodology was based on studies that used experimental apparatus composed of thermal chambers heated by banks of incandescent bulbs, to analyze the thermal performance of materials. The tiles in the study were submitted to analysis of thermal performance, thermophysical properties and absorptance, using chambers of thermal performance, measuring the thermophysical properties and portable spectrometer, respectively. Comparative analysis of thermal performance between two samples of the recycled material with dimple sizes and different amounts of aluminum were made, in order to verify, if these characteristics had some interference on the thermal performance of them; the results showed no significant performance differences between the samples. The data obtained in chambers of thermal performance and confirmed by statistical analysis, showed, that the tile of recycled material have similar thermal performance to the tile of fiber cement. In addition to these tests was carried out the automatic monitoring of a building covered with tiles of recycled material, to verify its thermal performance in a real situation. The results showed that recycled shingles must be used with technical criteria similar to those used for fiber cement tiles, with regard to the heat gain into the building. Within these criteria should be taken into account local characteristics, especially in regions with hot and humid climate, and its use must be associated, according to the literature, to elements of thermal insulation and use of passive techniques such as vented attics, ceilings and right foot higher


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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This FAL Bulletin analyses the relevance of the cruise industry for the region and particularly for Caribbean countries. The article begins with an overview of the tourism industry, followed by a discussion of the relevance of the cruise industry for the region, and finally an approach to maritime education and training.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar a implementação da política pública de ecoturismo para a região amazônica, com recorte no Programa de Desenvolvimento do Ecoturismo na Amazônia Legal (PROECOTUR), no pólo Belém/Costa Atlântica. Objetiva-se, ainda, analisar a participação dos atores sociais neste processo bem como a contribuição do Programa para o desenvolvimento sustentável na área em questão. Este estudo tem por base levantamentos bibliográficos, documentais incluindo fotografias e mapas e pesquisa de campo para a coleta de dados. Com base nestes procedimentos, descreve-se o processo de implementação deste Programa e os fatores que contribuíram para sua descontinuidade. A análise de políticas públicas de turismo, notadamente de ecoturismo, revela que estes são realidades raramente analisadas. Procura-se, então, contribuir para a ampliação dos conhecimentos sobre as mesmas. E, também, colaborar para que os atores sociais envolvidos compreendam a importância de sua participação no processo de implementação destas políticas, de tal sorte que se possa promover o desenvolvimento sustentável tão almejado.


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Se describen las tendencias en las capturas accidentales de tortuga boba (Caretta caretta) a lo largo de la costa catalana (Mediterráneo occidental) a partir de los datos del Centro de Recuperación de Animales Marinos de Cataluña. En Girona, la provincia más septentrional y base de la fracción mayor de la flota pesquera de Cataluña, es donde se produce un mayor número de capturas accidentales de esta especie. La mayoría de estas capturas se dan en los meses de verano, coincidiendo con el mayor esfuerzo pesquero del año. La gran mayoría de los individuos son capturados vivos, siendo el palangre el aparejo que provoca más de la mitad de las capturas incidentales en esta región. ABSTRACT: Trends in the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) captured along the Catalonian coasts (Western Mediterranean) are described using data collected by the Marine Animal Rescue Centre of Catalonia. Girona, the most northerly province and base of the greater fraction of the fishing fleet of Catalonia, is the area where the greater part of loggerhead turtle was captured, particularly during the summer, coinciding with the higher fishing effort season. The majority of individuals were caught alive, and the longline appeared to be the fishing gear that causes more than half of the incidental captures in this region


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This article examines the opinions of the local population on the south coast of the Spanish province of Alicante regarding the development of tourism in recent years, analysing their perception of the benefits of tourism using the social exchange theory. This study is presented in two stages. The qualitative stage, which is based on in-depth interviews and focus groups, acts as a guide for the second stage, which consists of a survey conducted with the resident Spanish population. It was found that people linked to the tourist sector through their work view tourism as the driving force behind the economic and social development of their towns, although they are more critical than others of the model that has been established. They defend the development process that has taken place, but feel that overcrowding brings their towns to a standstill and needs to be resolved.


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El destino turístico Costa Blanca se caracteriza por la existencia de una amplia oferta turística y por su situación privilegiada respecto a los mercados potenciales de demanda. En la actualidad, ambas características no son suficientes para garantizar la competitividad de este espacio; en un contexto turístico enormemente dinámico en el que la diversidad de elementos de atracción y la imagen del destino puede incidir en la decisión de viaje de los turistas. Por ello, ante la necesidad de acometer procesos de renovación del destino Costa Blanca que permitan garantizar la competitividad de la actividad en términos territoriales y económicos, se apuesta por el patrimonio cultural como uno de los argumentos que mayores posibilidades puede ofrecer desde el ámbito de la planificación del destino turístico para diseñar y ejecutar actuaciones encaminadas a la renovación del mismo. Así, la presente comunicación se basa en los principales resultados obtenidos en el Plan Costa Blanca Cultura, con el objetivo de analizar el grado de uso turístico del patrimonio cultural de la provincia de Alicante, para a partir de un diagnóstico previo, proponer estrategias y actuaciones encaminadas al diseño y gestión posterior de productos temáticos de naturaleza cultural. La metodología de trabajo se ha basado entre otras acciones, en la participación de los agentes turísticos y sociales, aspecto que ha llevado a la selección de las líneas de trabajo prioritarias basadas en temas que superarían la dicotomía entre litoral e interior otorgando al patrimonio un papel integrador del territorio, y a la propuesta de un modelo de gestión innovador en el destino Costa Blanca.


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There we analyce the first touristic nucleus arouse in the Spanish Mediterranean coast between World War II and the Petroleum Crisis (1945-75). Special attention is payed to the characteristics of these new villages: the relation of their urban frame with nature -original or artificial- and the lack of industry. We make a distintion of three types: cluster nucleus (La Manga and El Saler), tridimentional urbanism (Playa de San Juan y Urbanova) and extreme typologies (Campoamor and Benidorm). With them the cities for vacations are discovered, mainly for second home purpouse (vacation home/holiday home). The panorama after the current crisis is a lineal chain of small urban settlements on the coast. Finally, Finally, we can see how these "secondary cities" without industry and specialized in leisure, are developing to our days until become new cities of services, doubling the existing ones; now they are "the other cities".


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This paper analyses the system of actors involved in the development of residential tourism on the north east coast of Brazil. The study observes the socio-political effects of the 2001-2008 real estate boom, focused on the promotion of second homes in closed residential areas. Stakeholder Analysis (SA) is used to identify the various actors’ roles and positions within a particular social space in a tourist setting which is exposed to transnational and real estate interests. The method reveals an unequal and conflict-ridden social reality. The results show that residential tourism shapes the local socio-political configuration, strengthening some actors (urban developers, real estate companies) whilst positioning others in a situation of dependence (local communities, cities).