158 resultados para Torresian Crow


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What is a social network? How does an online community differ from a real world community? See also: Anne Hornsby, 'Surfing the net for community: a Durkheimian analysis of electronic gatherings' ch.3 in Peter Kivisto (ed.) Illuminating Social Life (3rd ed 2005). Libr ref HM51KIV. Graham Crow and Catherine Maclean, 'Community' in Geoff Payne (ed.) Social Divisions (2nd ed. 2006) HM821PAY.


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El mercado de textos de inglés en la ciudad de Quito presenta muchas barreras de ingreso por lo que se requiere de un estudio detallado del mercado y el desarrollo de un plan estratégico de mercadeo para lograr el ingreso y posicionarse como líder en el mercado. Para hacerlo se realiza un estudio en cuanto a los aspectos del mix de mercadeo de la empresa. Primero hay que definir el producto a ofertarse y su valor agregado. En segundo lugar, se revisa el nivel de precios en el mercado y la estructura de costos en base a la cual se puede trabajar un sistema de fijación de precios apropiado para la empresa y el mercado. Se revisa luego los diferentes sistemas de distribución a utilizarse para finalizar con el diseño promocional. Revisados estos cuatro aspectos se define las competencias diferenciadoras de Bookstore y se analiza detenidamente tanto a la competencia como al mercado antes de desarrollar estrategias. Para realizar una propuesta de estrategias se colecta toda la información sobre el mercado, la competencia, y la compañía en si. Ayudados por herramientas como las 5 fuerzas de Porter, o el análisis FODA, se va definiendo una propuesta de estrategias en base a los elementos del mix de mercadeo.


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This review highlights the importance of right hemisphere language functions for successful social communication and advances the hypothesis that the core deficit in psychosis is a failure of segregation of right from left hemisphere functions. Lesion studies of stroke patients and dichotic listening and functional imaging studies of healthy people have shown that some language functions are mediated by the right hemisphere rather than the left. These functions include discourse planning/comprehension, understanding humour, sarcasm, metaphors and indirect requests, and the generation/comprehension of emotional prosody. Behavioural evidence indicates that patients with typical schizophrenic illnesses perform poorly on tests of these functions, and aspects of these functions are disturbed in schizo-affective and affective psychoses. The higher order language functions mediated by the right hemisphere are essential to an accurate understanding of someone's communicative intent, and the deficits displayed by patients with schizophrenia may make a significant contribution to their social interaction deficits. We outline a bi-hemispheric theory of the neural basis of language that emphasizes the role of the sapiens-specific cerebral torque in determining the four-chambered nature of the human brain in relation to the origins of language and the symptoms of schizophrenia. Future studies of abnormal lateralization of left hemisphere language functions need to take account of the consequences of a failure of lateralization of language functions to the right as well as the left hemisphere.


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Mesospheric temperature inversions are well established observed phenomena, yet their properties remain the subject of ongoing research. Comparisons between Rayleigh-scatter lidar temperature measurements obtained by the University of Western Ontario's Purple Crow Lidar (42.9°N, 81.4°W) and the Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model are used to quantify the statistics of inversions. In both model and measurements, inversions occur most frequently in the winter and exhibit an average amplitude of ∼10 K. The model exhibits virtually no inversions in the summer, while the measurements show a strongly reduced frequency of occurrence with an amplitude about half that in the winter. A simple theory of mesospheric inversions based on wave saturation is developed, with no adjustable parameters. It predicts that the environmental lapse rate must be less than half the adiabatic lapse rate for an inversion to form, and it predicts the ratio of the inversion amplitude and thickness as a function of environmental lapse rate. Comparison of this prediction to the actual amplitude/thickness ratio using the lidar measurements shows good agreement between theory and measurements.


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Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACIs) interfere with the epigenetic process of histone acetylation and are known to have analgesic properties in models of chronic inflammatory pain. The aim of this study was to determine whether these compounds could also affect neuropathic pain. Different class I HDACIs were delivered intrathecally into rat spinal cord in models of traumatic nerve injury and antiretroviral drug-induced peripheral neuropathy (stavudine, d4T). Mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity was attenuated by 40% to 50% as a result of HDACI treatment, but only if started before any insult. The drugs globally increased histone acetylation in the spinal cord, but appeared to have no measurable effects in relevant dorsal root ganglia in this treatment paradigm, suggesting that any potential mechanism should be sought in the central nervous system. Microarray analysis of dorsal cord RNA revealed the signature of the specific compound used (MS-275) and suggested that its main effect was mediated through HDAC1. Taken together, these data support a role for histone acetylation in the emergence of neuropathic pain.


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The psychiatric and psychosocial evaluation of the heart transplant candidate can identify particular predictors for postoperative problems. These factors, as identified during the comprehensive evaluation phase, provide an assessment of the candidate in context of the proposed transplantation protocol. Previous issues with compliance, substance abuse, and psychosis are clear indictors of postoperative problems. The prolonged waiting list time provides an additional period to evaluate and provide support to patients having a terminal disease who need a heart transplant, and are undergoing prolonged hospitalization. Following transplantation, the patient is faced with additional challenges of a new self-image, multiple concerns, anxiety, and depression. Ultimately, the success of the heart transplantation remains dependent upon the recipient's ability to cope psychologically and comply with the medication regimen. The limited resource of donor hearts and the high emotional and financial cost of heart transplantation lead to an exhaustive effort to select those patients who will benefit from the improved physical health the heart transplant confers.


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The principle aim of the research is to develop a framework that provides certainty for end-users and clients to achieve, from capital works projects, an outstanding or excellent outcome while creating additional wealth for all stakeholders and suppliers. If the framework were applied to all Australian capital works projects, there would be $10bn savings each year to the total economy.


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A series of performance investigations that negotiate site, body and shadow.


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Groin pain is a condition with a high prevalence in young Australian football players. It is considered that early identification of this condition allows for optimal management. Eighty-six players from two elite under-age Australian football sides were screened weekly for hip adductor muscle strength, using a hand-held dynamometer and for the onset of groin pain. The maximum variation in the average hip adductor muscle strength values of the sample was a 2.6% decrease from baseline in week 7 of the study. Twelve players (14% of the sample studied) reported groin pain for two consecutive weeks and were considered to have an onset of groin injury. The mean hip adductor muscle strength of these players was decreased significantly from baseline by an average of 11.75 ± 2.50% at the week of pain onset (F = 264.76 (1,11), p < 0.001), and 5.82 ± 5.16% in the week preceding the onset of pain (F = 14.03 (1,10), p = 0.004). These results confirm that hip adductor muscle strength is decreased both preceding and during the onset of groin injury in elite under-age Australian footballers.


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The Japanese currency has appreciated substantially against most other currencies over the last two decades. During the same time Japan has become one of the world's largest providers of FDI. Japan's share of total FDI outflows increased from about 6 percent during the late 70's to 21 percent in 1990 while its share of the total stock of FDI in the world increased from less than 1 percent in 1960 to more than 13 percent in 1993. Not surprisingly, Japan's role in international business in general and its FDI activities, in particular, have attracted considerable attention from researchers world wide. However, much of this attention has been directed towards the patterns and determinants of Japanese foreign direct investment, in particular to the United States. The impact of changes in the value of the Yen on Japanese FDI has been largely overlooked. Thus, this paper fills an important gap in the literature by focusing on the influence of changes of the exchange rate on Japanese foreign direct investment. A comprehensive simultaneous equa-tion model of Japanese FDI is developed on a regional level to gauge the extent to which currency fluctuations affect Japanese FDI activities. The results suggest that the exchange rate is an effective mechanism through which to influence FDI. Thus, the exchange rate should not be overlooked by the World Trade Organisation in its efforts to further liberalise investment through the Multilateral Agreement on Investment.


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Abstract: The evolution of online teaching in higher education demands a change in the types of pedagogical philosophies and methods used in these courses. This chapter will discuss how a jigsaw model facilitated independent learning and enhanced student learning by working in teams. To accomplish this objective each student needed to communicate with a small group of other students on line and contribute equally for a common goal. A parallel aim was to overcome postgraduate students’ reluctance to utilise technology and communicate within the Cloud, in particular when student groups are big. The authors have found that postgraduate students often experience a sense of learning in isolation. An added benefit was the social dimension experienced within the activity. The chapter will reveal how a jigsaw style integrated learning tool was a successful collaborative learning experience in a classroom setting. The jigsaw activity was designed to enable students to share ‘artefacts’ and knowledge with a small group of students and the lecturer by using the E-Portfolio.  In conclusion, it will be argued that this creative and innovative participatory Cloud learning experience offered more students the opportunity to collaborate within a team in the Cloud. This E-portfolio learning activity introduced the electronic style of information sharing to postgraduate students and additionally the interactive and creative jigsaw learning activity assisted students to navigate the Cloud, use E-portfolio and engage in an environment in which they felt comfortable to communicate in.


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Les premiers concepts de schizophrénie comprenaient des définitions non-spécifiques sur le trouble schizophrénique. Ce n est qu en 1980 que Crow a proposé la classification la plus connue pour ce trouble: la distinction en soustypes I et II, de symptomatologie positive ou négative, les symptômes du syndrome positif correspondant aux hallucinations et aux délires et ceux du syndrome négatif au repli affectif et à la pauvreté du discours. Bien que la thérapie médicamenteuse présente des avancées dans le traitement de la maladie, la psychothérapie est la plus indiquée pour remédier aux préjudices sociaux et interpersonnels que celle-ci provoque. L objectif de cette étude est de relater une intervention comportementale, dans un Centre de Soins Psychosocial, auprès d une patiente de 19 ans, en utilisant des Exercices de Réadaptation Psychosociale (SAT) en tant que la possibilité de traitement de la schizophrénie. Ce processus a contribué à une réduction du stéréotype de la maladie chez la jeune patiente, considérant qu elle a élargi son répertoire social et a rendu possible des avancées dans les sphères psychologique, sociale et professionnelle.