910 resultados para Tooth Wear
The problem of erosive tooth wear appears increasingly to be encountered by clinicians and researchers. An adequate way of defining and recording erosive tooth wear is essential in order to assess the extent of this clinical phenomenon, both on an individual level and in the population, and for the adequate provision of preventive and therapeutic measures. Well-established erosion indices have been used in most of these studies, although in many cases modifications have been made to suit the different research aims. This use of different indices is one reason why it still cannot be claimed that there is enough current knowledge on this clinical phenomenon. This article summarises the proceedings of a workshop to discuss the topic of dental erosion indices. The result of the workshop is the proposal for a new scoring system (Basic Erosive Wear Examination, BEWE) designed for use both within the research field and for dental clinicians, with the aims of standardising assessment of erosion for international comparisons, raising awareness and providing guidelines for treatment of erosive tooth wear in dental practice.
There is some evidence that dental erosion is steadily spreading. To diagnose erosion, dental professionals have to rely on clinical appearance, as there is no device available to detect it. Adequate preventive measures can only be initiated if the different risk factors and potential interactions between them are known. When substance loss, caused by erosive tooth wear, reaches a certain degree, oral rehabilitation becomes necessary. Prior to the most recent decade, the severely eroded dentition could only be rehabilitated by the provision of extensive crown and bridgework or removable dentures. As a result of the improvements in composite restorative materials and in adhesive techniques, it has become possible to rehabilitate eroded dentitions in a less invasive manner.
When substance loss caused by erosive tooth wear reaches a certain degree, oral rehabilitation becomes necessary. Until some 20 years ago, the severely eroded dentition could only be rehabilitated by the provision of extensive crown and bridge work or removable overdentures. As a result of the improvements in resin composite restorative materials, and in adhesive techniques, it has become possible to rehabilitate eroded dentitions in a less invasive manner. However, even today advanced erosive destruction requires the placement of more extensive restorations such as overlays and crowns. It has to be kept in mind that the etiology of the erosive lesions needs to be determined in order to halt the disease, otherwise the erosive process will continue to destroy tooth substance. This overview presents aspects concerning the restorative materials as well as the treatment options available to rehabilitate patients with erosive tooth wear, from minimally invasive direct composite reconstructions to adhesively retained all-ceramic restorations. Restorative treatment is dependent on individual circumstances and the perceived needs and concerns of the patient. Long-term success is only possible when the cause is eliminated. In all situations, the restorative preparations have to follow the principles of minimally invasive treatment.
A prerequisite for preventive measures is to diagnose erosive tooth wear and to evaluate the different etiological factors in order to identify persons at risk. No diagnostic device is available for the assessment of erosive defects. Thus, they can only be detected clinically. Consequently, erosion not diagnosed at an early stage may render timely preventive measures difficult. In order to assess the risk factors, patients should record their dietary intake for a distinct period of time. Then a dentist can determine the erosive potential of the diet. A table with common beverages and foodstuffs is presented for judging the erosive potential. Particularly, patients with more than 4 dietary acid intakes have a higher risk for erosion when other risk factors are present. Regurgitation of gastric acids is a further important risk factor for the development of erosion which has to be taken into account. Based on these analyses, an individually tailored preventive program may be suggested to the patients. It may comprise dietary advice, use of calcium-enriched beverages, optimization of prophylactic regimes, stimulation of salivary flow rate, use of buffering medicaments and particular motivation for nondestructive toothbrushing habits with an erosive-protecting toothpaste as well as rinsing solutions. Since erosion and abrasion often occur simultaneously, all of the causative components must be taken into consideration when planning preventive strategies but only those important and feasible for an individual should be communicated to the patient.
Erosive demineralisation causes characteristic histological features. In enamel, mineral is dissolved from the surface, resulting in a roughened structure similar to an etching pattern. If the acid impact continues, the initial surface mineral loss turns into bulk tissue loss and with time a visible defect can develop. The microhardness of the remaining surface is reduced, increasing the susceptibility to physical wear. The histology of eroded dentine is much more complex because the mineral component of the tissue is dissolved by acids whereas the organic part is remaining. At least in experimental erosion, a distinct zone of demineralised organic material develops, the thickness of which depends on the acid impact. This structure is of importance for many aspects, e.g. the progression rate or the interaction with active agents and physical impacts, and needs to be considered when quantifying mineral loss. The histology of experimental erosion is increasingly well understood, but there is lack of knowledge about the histology of in vivo lesions. For enamel erosion, it is reasonable to assume that the principal features may be similar, but the fate of the demineralised dentine matrix in the oral cavity is unclear. As dentine lesions normally appear hard clinically, it can be assumed that it is degraded by the variety of enzymes present in the oral cavity. Erosive tooth wear may lead to the formation of reactionary or reparative dentine.
There is evidence that the presence of erosion is growing steadily. Due to different scoring systems, samples and examiners, it is difficult to compare the different studies. Preschool children from 2 to 5 years showed erosion on deciduous teeth in 1 to 79% of the subjects. Schoolchildren (aged from 5 to 9 years) already had erosive lesions on permanent teeth in 14% of the cases. In the adolescent group (aged between 9 and 20 years), 7 to 100% of the persons examined showed signs of erosion. Incidence data (the increase in the number of subjects presenting signs of dental erosion) was evaluated in four of these studies and presented average annual values between 3.5 and 18%, depending on the initial age of the examined sample. In adults (aged from 18 to 88 years) prevalence data ranged between 4 and 100%. Incidence data are scarce in this age group, and only one study was found analysing the increase of affected surfaces, showing an incidence of 5% for the younger and 18% for older age groups. In general, males present more erosive tooth wear than females. The distribution showed a predominance of affected occlusal surfaces (mandibular first molars) followed by facial surfaces (anterior maxillary teeth). Oral erosion was frequently found on maxillary incisors and canines. Overall, prevalence data are not homogeneous. Nevertheless, there is a trend towards a more pronounced rate of erosion in younger age groups. Furthermore, a tendency was found for more erosive lesions with increasing age and these erosions progressed with age.
The therapeutic management of tooth wear lesions does not require the removal of diseased tissue. Nevertheless, diverse etiological factors may be associated with the condition and they could be difficult to eliminate; this has to be considered when planning therapy. Interceptive procedures should be reserved for such situations while regular monitoring is recommended for other cases, in accordance with advice provided for using the Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE). Direct and indirect adhesive procedures with composite resins allow treatment of most clinical situations, including even extensive restorations. The possibility of managing subsequent interventions should be considered when planning the initial therapeutic approach.
The effectiveness of fluoride in caries prevention has been convincingly proven. In recent years, researchers have investigated the preventive effects of different fluoride formulations on erosive tooth wear with positive results, but their action on caries and erosion prevention must be based on different requirements, because there is no sheltered area in the erosive process as there is in the subsurface carious lesions. Thus, any protective mechanism from fluoride concerning erosion is limited to the surface or the near surface layer of enamel. However, reports on other protective agents show superior preventive results. The mechanism of action of tin-containing products is related to tin deposition onto the tooth surface, as well as the incorporation of tin into the near-surface layer of enamel. These tin-rich deposits are less susceptible to dissolution and may result in enhanced protection of the underlying tooth. Titanium tetrafluoride forms a protective layer on the tooth surface. It is believed that this layer is made up of hydrated hydrogen titanium phosphate. Products containing phosphates and/or proteins may adsorb either to the pellicle, rendering it more protective against demineralization, or directly to the dental hard tissue, probably competing with H(+) at specific sites on the tooth surface. Other substances may further enhance precipitation of calcium phosphates on the enamel surface, protecting it from additional acid impacts. Hence, the future of fluoride alone in erosion prevention looks grim, but the combination of fluoride with protective agents, such as polyvalent metal ions and some polymers, has much brighter prospects.
A saliva é um fluido biológico com importante papel nos fenômenos que ocorrem na cavidade bucal. O efeito da sua composição sobre as perdas de estruturas dentais de origem não cariosa, como o desgaste dental, tem sido estudado. No entanto, há conflitos nos resultados apresentados por esses estudos, mostrando uma dificuldade em identificar os fatores salivares que possam proteger ou intensificar a evolução do processo. Assim, o presente estudo se propôs a analisar as características clínicas, comportamentais e de alguns parâmetros salivares em dois grupos experimentais: pacientes que apresentam lesões cervicais não cariosas (LCNCs) (n=20) e um grupo controle (n=20). Foram coletados dados clínicos e comportamentais através de um exame clínico e de uma entrevista, a seguir amostras de saliva estimulada e não-estimulada foram coletadas e analisados: pH, capacidade tampão, fluxo salivar, concentração de proteínas totais, atividade da amilase salivar, concentração de ureia salivar e a concentração dos íons sódio, fósforo, potássio, magnésio e cálcio. A capacidade tampão foi medida pela titulação da saliva com uma solução de HCL 0,01N; o fluxo salivar se deu pela relação entre o volume de saliva e o tempo de coleta (ml/min); as concentrações de proteínas totais, ureia e a atividade da amilase foram determinadas por método colorimétrico; as concentrações dos íons cálcio, fósforo, magnésio, potássio e sódio foram determinadas por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma acoplado indutivamente (ICP-OES). Os resultados foram submetidos aos testes Qui-quadrado, teste t e Mann-Whitney (p<0,05). As características relacionadas aos hábitos de higiene dental, dieta ácida, hábitos parafuncionais, presença de distúrbios gástricos, secura bucal e prévio tratamento periodontal, não mostraram relação com a presença de lesões cervicais não cariosas. Os pacientes portadores de LCNCs se queixaram mais de sensibilidade dental (p=0,0014). Foi observado um maior número de lesões cervicais de pequena profundidade (79%), em formato de cunha (72%), apresentando hipersensibilidade dentinária (HD) (86%), localizados nos dentes posteriores (88,18%) e na maxila (66,14%), sendo os pré-molares os dentes mais afetados (56,69%). Os níveis de cálcio na saliva não-estimulada do grupo de pacientes com LCNCs foi significativamente maior em relação ao controle (p=0,041). A concentração de potássio na saliva estimulada foi significativamente maior no grupo controle (p=0,028). As variáveis fluxo salivar, pH, capacidade tampão, concentração de proteínas totais, ureia, amilase, sódio, magnésio e fósforo não mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois grupos. Conclui-se que os fatores comportamentais não interferiram no aparecimento das lesões cervicais não cariosas. As LCNCs são pouco profundas, em formato de cunha, acometem mais dentes superiores e pré-molares e são acompanhadas de HD. As concentrações de cálcio e potássio podem interferir na formação das LCNCs.
This article is a review of the recent literature pertaining to the oral sequelae of eating disorders (EDs). Dentists are recognized as being some of the first health care professionals to whom a previously undiagnosed eating disorder patient (EDP) may present. However, despite the prevalence (up to 4 per cent) of such conditions in teenage girls and young adult females, there is relatively little published in the recent literature regarding the oral sequelae of EDs. This compares unfavourably with the attention given recently in the dental literature to conditions such as diabetes mellitus, which have a similar prevalence in the adult population. The incidence of EDs is increasing and it would be expected that dentists who treat patients in the affected age groups would encounter more individuals exhibiting EDs. Most of the reports in the literature concentrate on the obvious clinical features of dental destruction (perimolysis), parotid swelling and biochemical abnormalities particularly related to salivary and pancreatic amylase. However, there is no consistency in explanation of the oral phenomena and epiphenomena seen in EDs. Many EDPs are nutritionally challenged; there is a relative lack of information pertaining to non-dental, oral lesions associated with nutritional deficiencies.
A erosão dentária é o resultado físico da perda patológica, crónica e localizada de tecidos dentários mineralizados, provocada quimicamente por ácidos e/ou quelantes, sem envolvimento bacteriano. O diagnóstico diferencial das lesões de erosão dentária deve ser feito o mais precocemente possível, sendo que as suas características clínicas dificilmente se dissociam de fenómenos de atrição e/ou de abrasão. Desta forma é importante o uso de índices de abordagem do desgaste dentário não demasiado discriminatórios, mas que possam ser válidos num âmbito clínico para monitorizar o desgaste, e avaliar a eficácia das medidas preventivas instituídas. A intervenção clínica face á perda estrutural de causa erosiva implica o controlo dos fatores etiológicos nomeadamente dietéticos, comportamentais e patológicos, associado a um aporte diário de agentes de reforço da estrutura dentária. O objectivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma pesquisa bibliográfica de forma a sistematizar os pontos importantes a ter em conta na abordagem clínica das lesões erosivas. Este tema torna-se importante e útil dado que estes conhecimentos podem ser aplicados diariamente na prática clínica.
Aim: To evaluate the clinical performance of a composite resin (CR) and a resin-modified glassionomer cement (RMGIC) for the treatment of abfraction lesions. Methods: Thirty patients with abfraction lesions in at least two premolar teeth were selected and invited to participate in this study. All restorations were made within the same clinical time frame. One tooth was restored with CR Z100TM (3M, St. Paul, MN, USA), and the other was restored with RMGIC VitremerTM (3M). The restorations were assessed immediately and 1, 6 and 12 months after the restoration, using modified US Public Health Service (USPHS) criteria: marginal integrity, marginal discoloration, wear, retention, secondary caries and hypersensitivity. The statistical analysis was based on Friedman ANOVA test and Mann-Whitney test, considering p<0.05 for statistical significance. Results: Both materials demonstrated satisfactory clinical performance after one year. In the individual analysis of each material, there was a significant difference (p<0.05) in the criteria marginal integrity and wear, for both CR and RMGIC. RMGIC exhibited more damage one year after the restoration. Comparing both materials, it was found a significant difference only for marginal discoloration, while the RMGIC restorations showed the worst prognosis after a year of evaluation. There was no significant difference in the number of retentions, caries or hypersensitivity between CR and RMGIC. Conclusions: It was concluded that CR exhibited the best clinical performance according to the cost-effectiveness and evaluation criteria used in this study.
O bruxismo caracteriza-se por um ato involuntário de apertar e/ou ranger os dentes sendo este hábito um fator de risco que pode comprometer a função do sistema estomatognático com várias sequelas associadas (dor dentária e muscular, desgaste dentário, etc.). Esta pesquisa bibliográfica pretende rever as possibilidades terapêuticas que se podem apresentar como soluções no controlo desta parafunção. A bibliografia ainda é inconclusiva sobre qual o melhor tratamento a seguir sugerindo uma abordagem multidisciplinar, tendo em conta a etiologia e a sintomatologia para a definição de um plano de tratamento mais completo e adequado. Têm surgido cada vez mais alternativas terapêuticas e cada uma delas, ao longo do tempo, tem desenvolvido novas metodologias mais eficazes no tratamento do bruxismo.
Paleoprimatologists depend on relationships between form and function of teeth to reconstruct the diets of fossil species. Most of this work has been limited to studies of unworn teeth. A new approach, dental topographic analysis, allows the characterization and comparison of worn primate teeth. Variably worn museum specimens have been used to construct species-specific wear sequences so that measurements can be compared by wear stage among taxa with known differences in diet. This assumes that individuals in a species tend to wear their molar teeth in similar ways, a supposition that has yet to be tested. Here we evaluate this assumption with a longitudinal study of changes in tooth form over time in primates. Fourteen individual mantled howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata) were captured and then recaptured after 2, 4, and 7 years when possible at Hacienda La Pacifica in Costa Rica between 1989-1999. Dental impressions were taken each time, and molar casts were produced and analyzed using dental topographic analysis. Results showed consistent decreases in crown slope and occlusal relief. In contrast, crown angularity, a measure of surface jaggedness, remained fairly constant except with extreme wear. There were no evident differences between specimens collected in different microhabitats. These results suggest that different individual mantled howling monkeys wear their teeth down in similar ways, evidently following a species-specific wear sequence. Dental topographic analysis may therefore be used to compare morphology among similarly worn individuals from different species.
Composite resins and glass-ionomer cements were introduced to dentistry in the 1960s and 1970s, respectively. Since then, there has been a series of modifications to both materials as well as the development other groups claiming intermediate characteristics between the two. The result is a confusion of materials leading to selection problems. While both materials are tooth-colored, there is a considerable difference in their properties, and it is important that each is used in the appropriate situation. Composite resin materials are esthetic and now show acceptable physical strength and wear resistance. However, they are hydrophobic, and therefore more difficult to handle in the oral environment, and cannot support ion migration. Also, the problems of gaining long-term adhesion to dentin have yet to be overcome. On the other hand, glass ionomers are water-based and therefore have the potential for ion migration, both inward and outward from the restoration, leading to a number of advantages. However, they lack the physical properties required for use in load-bearing areas. A logical classification designed to differentiate the materials was first published by McLean et al in 1994, but in the last 15 years, both types of material have undergone further research and modification. This paper is designed to bring the classification up to date so that the operator can make a suitable, evidence-based, choice when selecting a material for any given situation.