998 resultados para Titian, ca. 1488-1576.


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Correspondence, reports, minutes, manuscripts, and clippings relating to the activities of Wolf, Mowshowitch, and the Joint Foreign Committee, as well as to the political situation of Jews in various countries and to the Paris Peace Conference. Papers of Lucien Wolf include his diary, lectures on English-German relations and English-Russian relations; bibliography of Wolf's works on Jewish themes; clippings of Wolf's articles; congratulations on his seventieth birthday; article on his last interview with Chamberlain; and correspondence with parents, 1869-1882, A. Abrahams, 1914-1925, Chief Rabbi Dr. J.H. Hertz, 1892-1923, Clara Melchior, 1913-1929, Jacob Schiff, 1910, Maxim Vinawer, 1917, Mark Wischnitzer, 1926-1928, Lord Robert Cecil, 1916-1919, Lord Rothschild, 1906, Cyrus Adler, Count J. Bernstorff, Szymon Ashkenazy, Solomon Dingol, Louis Marshall, Claude G. Montefiore, Sir Edward Sassoon, Jacob Schiff, Lord William Selborne, Nakhum Sokolow, Oscar Straus, Chaim Weizmann, the American Jewish Congress, 1916-1923, Hilfsverein der Deutschen Juden, 1913, and Jewish Historical Society of England.


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English translation of "Berliner Kindheit um 1900" by Shierry Weber Nicholsen.


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Collection includes promotional material such as posters and pamphlets, surveys conducted by the BJE, and press releases. Also includes numerous publications, the majority being bulletins, newsletters, educational material, and bibliographies.


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We have shown previously that the Ca2+-specific fluorescent dyes chlortetracycline (CTC) and indo-1/AM can be used to distinguish between prestalk and prespore cells in Dictyostelium discoideum at a very early stage. In the present study, pre- and post-aggregative amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum were labelled with CTC or indo-1 and their fluorescence monitored after being drawn into a fine glass capillary. The cells rapidly form two zones of Ca2+-CTC or Ca2+-indo-1 fluorescence. Anterior (air side) cells display a high level of fluorescence; the level drops in the middle portion of the capillary and rises again to a lesser extent in the posteriormost cells (oil side). When bounded by air on both sides, the cells display high fluorescence at both ends. When oil is present at both ends of the capillary, there is little fluorescence except for small regions at the ends. These outcomes are evident within a couple of minutes of the start of the experiment and the fluorescence pattern intensifies over the course of time. By using the indicator neutral red, as well as with CTC and indo-1, we show that a band displaying strong fluorescence moves away from the anterior end before stabilizing at the anterior-posterior boundary. We discuss our findings in relation to the role of Ca2+ in cell-type differentiation in Dictyostelium discoideum.


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The 270 MHz 1H n.m.r. spectrum of benzyloxycarbonyl-Pro-N-methylamide in CDCl3 is exchange broadened at 293° K. Spectral lines due to two species are frozen out at 253° K and a dynamically averaged spectrum is obtained at 323° K. A selective broadening of the Cβ and Cγ resonances in the 13C n.m.r. spectrum is observed at 253° K, with a splitting of the Cβ and Cγ resonances into a pair of lines of unequal intensity. A similar broadening of Cβ and Cγ peaks is also detected in pivaloyl-Pro-N-methylamide where cis-trans interconversion about the imide bond is precluded by the bulky t-butyl group. The rate process is thus attributed to rotation about the Cα-CO bond (ψ) and a barrier (ΔG#) of 14kcal mol-1 is estimated. 13C n.m.r. data for pivaloyl-Pro-N-methylamide in a number of solvents is presented and the differences in the Cβ and Cγ chemical shifts are interpreted in terms of rotational isomerism about the Cα-CO bond.


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Phase relations in the system Ca-Ti-O have been established by equilibration of several samples at 1200 K for prolonged periods and identification of phases in quenched samples by optical and scanning electron microscopy, XRD and EDS. Samples representing 20 compositions in the ternary system were analyzed. There was negligible solid solubility of Ca in the phases along the binary Ti-O, and of Ti in CaO. Four ternary oxides were identified: CaTiO3, Ca4Ti3O10 and Ca3Ti2O7 containing tetravalent titanium, and CaTi2O4 containing trivalent titanium. Tie-lines link calcium titanite (CaTi2O4) with the three calcium titanates (CaTiO3, Ca4Ti3O10 and Ca3Ti2O7), CaO, oxygen excess TiO1+delta and stoichiometric TiO. Tie-lines connect CaTiO3 with TiO2-x, Magneli phases TinO2n-1 (28 >= n >= 4), Ti3O5, Ti2O3 and TiO1+delta. CaO was found to coexist with TiO, and Ti-O solid solutions alpha and beta. The phase diagram is useful for understanding the mechanisms and kinetics of direct calciothermic reduction of TiO2 to metal and electrochemical reduction of TiO2 using graphite anode and molten CaCl2 electrolyte.


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We describe an investigation of (Ba3MMWO9)-M-II-W-IV oxides for M-II = Ca, Zn, and other divalent metals and M-IV = Ti, Zr. In general, a 1:2-ordered 6H (hexagonal, P6(3)/mmc) perovskite structure is stabilized at high temperatures (1300 degrees C) for all of the (Ba3MTiWO9)-Ti-II oxides investigated. An intermediate phase possessing a partially ordered 1:1 double perovskite (3C) structure with the cation distribution, Ba-2(Zn2/3Ti1/3)(W2/3Ti1/3)O-6, is obtained at 1200 degrees C for Ba3ZnTiWO9. Sr substitution for Ba in the latter stabilizes the cubic 3C structure instead of the 6H structure. A metastable Ba3CaZrWO9 that adopts the 3C (cubic, Fm (3) over barm) structure has also been synthesized by a low-temperature metathesis route. Besides yielding several new perovskite oxides that may be useful as dielectric ceramics, the present investigation provides new insights into the complex interplay of crystal chemistry (tolerance factor) and chemical bonding (anion polarization and d(0)-induced distortion of metal-oxygen octahedra) in the stabilization of 6H versus 3C perovskite structures for the (Ba3MMWO9)-M-II-W-IV series.


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We describe an investigation of (Ba3MMWO9)-M-II-W-IV oxides for M-II = Ca, Zn, and other divalent metals and M-IV = Ti, Zr. In general, a 1:2-ordered 6H (hexagonal, P6(3)/mmc) perovskite structure is stabilized at high temperatures (1300 degrees C) for all of the (Ba3MTiWO9)-Ti-II oxides investigated. An intermediate phase possessing a partially ordered 1:1 double perovskite (3C) structure with the cation distribution, Ba-2(Zn2/3Ti1/3)(W2/3Ti1/3)O-6, is obtained at 1200 degrees C for Ba3ZnTiWO9. Sr substitution for Ba in the latter stabilizes the cubic 3C structure instead of the 6H structure. A metastable Ba3CaZrWO9 that adopts the 3C (cubic, Fm (3) over barm) structure has also been synthesized by a low-temperature metathesis route. Besides yielding several new perovskite oxides that may be useful as dielectric ceramics, the present investigation provides new insights into the complex interplay of crystal chemistry (tolerance factor) and chemical bonding (anion polarization and d(0)-induced distortion of metal-oxygen octahedra) in the stabilization of 6H versus 3C perovskite structures for the (Ba3MMWO9)-M-II-W-IV series.


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The infra-red spectra of Cu, Ca, Sr, Ba and Pb chloroacetates were studied in order to investigate the effect of co-ordination on the vibration spectra of the ligand. The shifts of the symmetric and antisymmetric COO− vibrational frequencies indicate a bridged structure as the most probable one for the complexes investigated. No linear relationship between the shifts of the COO− stretching frequencies and E/r (where E is the electron excitation energy and r the ionic radius) was observed. No systematic mass effect on these COO− frequencies also could be established.


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By roller quenching and water quenching melts of Bi2(Ca, Sr)3Cu2O8+δ, glasses have been obtained. These glasses exhibit two glass transitions as well as two crystallization transitions. Microwave absorption studies show the glass to be weakly superconducting at 77 K, probably due to the presence of ultramicrocrystallites. The glass on crystallization at 870 K gives the crystalline n=1 member of the homologous series Bi2(Ca, Sr)n+1CunO 2n+4 and the n=2 member on annealing at 1100 K. The glass route provides a unique means of obtaining the n=2 member of the series. On prolonged annealing of the glass at 1120 K, the n=3 member seems to be formed.


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In the (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Cu-O system we have examined many compositions which are either metallic or semiconducting. In the Bi2-xPbx(Ca, Sr)n+1 Cun O2n+4+δ system, we have established the superconducting properties of the n = 1 to 4 members. The Tc increases from n = 1 to 3 and does not increase further when n = 4. In Bi2Ca1-x,YxSr2Cu2Oy, the Tc decreases with increase in x.


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Glasses obtained from quenching melts of superconducting bismuth cuprates of the formula Bi2(Ca,Sr)n+1CunO2n+4 with n=1 and 3 exhibit novel dielectric properties. They possess relatively high dielectric constants as well as high electrical conductivity. The novel dielectric properties of these cuprate glasses are likely to be of electronic origin. They exhibit a weak microwave absorption due to the presence of microcrystallites.


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A comparative neutron diffraction study of Bi2CaSr2Cu2O8+δ, Bi2Ca2SrCu2O8+δ and Bi2Ca1.5Y0.5SrCu2O8+δ has not only shown the presence of considerable oxygen excess in the Bi layers, but also evidence for oxygen pairing giving rise to O1−2 or O2−2 type species, probably the latter. The proportion of the paired species increases when Y partly replaces Ca. Furthermore, the Tc decreases with an increase in paired species.


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Superconducting oxides of the Bi1.5Pb0.5(Ca, Sr)n+1CunO2n+4+δ series with n = 1, 2, 3 and 4 have been characterized. The superconducting transition temperature increases markedly with n up to n = 3, but the Tc of the n = 4 member is not much higher than that of the n = 3 member. The Tc does not change significantly in Bi2−xPbxCaSr2Cu2O8+δ with x (0.1 < x ≤ 0.5).


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Détermination de l'activité du calcium par la méthode d'effusion de Knudsen. Calcul, à partir de la distribution mesurée pour l'aluminium entre l'alliage et du fer pur, de l'activité de l'aluminium dans des alliages riches en calcium. Détermination en combinant les deux méthodes, des activités des deux composants et de l'énergie de Gibbs de mélange pour tout le domaine de composition. Calcul et analyse du facteur de structure concentration-concentration