954 resultados para Time Rt-pcr


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Financial support: CNPq and Pasteur Institute of São Paulo


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1) Background: The most common methods to evaluate clarithromycin resistance is the E-Test, but is time consuming. Resistance of Hp to clarithromycin is due to point mutations in the 23S rRNA. Eight different point mutations have been related to CH resistance, but the large majority of the clarithromycin resistance depends on three point mutations (A2142C, A2142G and A2143G). A novel PCR-based clarithromycin resistance assays, even on paraffin-embedded biopsy specimens, have been proposed. Aims: to assess clarithromycin resistance detecting these point mutation (E-Test as a reference method);secondly, to investigate relation with MIC values. Methods: Paraffin-embedded biopsies of patients Hp-positive were retrieved. The A2142C, A2142G and A2143G point mutations were detected by molecular analysis after DNA extraction by using a TaqMan real-time PCR. Results: The study enrolled 86 patients: 46 resistant and 40 sensible to CH. The Hp status was evaluated at endoscopy, by rapid urease test (RUT), histology and hp culture. According to real-time PCR, 37 specimens were susceptible to clarithromycin (wild type dna) whilst the remaining 49 specimens (57%) were resistant. A2143G is the most frequent mutation. A2142C always express a resistant phenotype and A2142G leads to a resitant phenotype only if homozigous. 2) Background: Colonoscopy work-load for endoscopy services is increasing due to colorectal cancer prevention. We tested a combination of faecal tests to improve accuracy and prioritize the access to colonoscopy. Methods: we tested a combination of fecal tests (FOBT, M2-PK and calprotectin) in a group of 280 patients requiring colonoscopy. Results: 47 patients had CRC and 85 had advanced adenoma/s at colonoscopy/histology. In case of single test, for CRC detection FOBT was the test with the highest specificity and PPV, M2-PK had the highest sensitivity and higher NPV. Combination was more interesting in term of PPV. And the best combination of tests was i-FOBT + M2-PK.


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Telomere length measurement has been proposed as a promising tool to estimate the age of individuals in natural populations. We used real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) to measure relative telomere length in four tissues (brain, kidney, liver and muscle) of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) in different groups based upon body length an otolith age estimate. We observed a high level of inter-individual differences in the measurements of relative telomere length in hakes of similar age and body length groups. The results of qPCR analysis showed a great variability in all measures and a lack of repeatability and reproducibility with significant statistical differences in the results of the different assays. The paper discusses the technical reasons for the variability in qPCR obtained in this work and by other authors.


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A real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was developed for rapid identification of Bacillus anthracis in environmental samples. These samples often harbor Bacillus cereus bacteria closely related to B. anthracis, which may hinder its specific identification by resulting in false positive signals. The assay consists of two duplex real-time PCR: the first PCR allows amplification of a sequence specific of the B. cereus group (B. anthracis, B. cereus, Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus weihenstephanensis, Bacillus pseudomycoides, and Bacillus mycoides) within the phosphoenolpyruvate/sugar phosphotransferase system I gene and a B. anthracis specific single nucleotide polymorphism within the adenylosuccinate synthetase gene. The second real-time PCR assay targets the lethal factor gene from virulence plasmid pXO1 and the capsule synthesis gene from virulence plasmid pXO2. Specificity of the assay is enhanced by the use of minor groove binding probes and/or locked nucleic acids probes. The assay was validated on 304 bacterial strains including 37 B. anthracis, 67 B. cereus group, 54 strains of non-cereus group Bacillus, and 146 Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria strains. The assay was performed on various environmental samples spiked with B. anthracis or B. cereus spores. The assay allowed an accurate identification of B. anthracis in environmental samples. This study provides a rapid and reliable method for improving rapid identification of B. anthracis in field operational conditions.


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This study compared the results of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and traditional virus isolation on cell culture in detection of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) and infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV). RT-PCR was used for 172 tissue sample pools (total of 859 fish) originating from a field survey on the occurrence of VHSV and IHNV in farmed and wild salmonids in Switzerland. These samples represented all sites with fish that were either identified as virus-positive by means of virus isolation (three sites, four positive tissue sample pools) and/or demonstrated positive anti-VHSV-antibody titres (83 sites, 121 positive blood samples) in a serum plaque neutralization test (SPNT). The RT-PCR technique confirmed the four VHSV-positive tissue sample pools detected by virus isolation and additionally identified one VHSV-positive sample that showed positive anti-VHSV-AB titres, but was negative in virus isolation. With IHNV, RT-PCR detected two positive samples not identified by virus isolation while in these fish the SPNT result had been questionable. One of the IHNV-positive samples represents the first detection of IHNV-RNA in wild brown trout in Switzerland. Compared to SPNT, the RT-PCR method detected, as with virus isolation, a much lower number of positive cases; reasons for this discrepancy are discussed. Our results indicate that RT-PCR can not only be successfully applied in field surveys, but may also be slightly more sensitive than virus isolation. However, in a titration experiment under laboratory conditions, the sensitivity of RT-PCR was not significantly higher when compared with virus isolation.


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Typing of Clostridium perfringens strains by PCR-based determination of toxin genes proved to be a reliable method for diagnosis of enterotoxaemia in various animal species. We report the establishment and validation of three real-time fluorogenic (TaqMan) multiplex PCRs for the detection of C. perfringens alpha-, beta-, beta2-, epsilon-, entero- and iota-toxin genes. The composition of the PCRs was chosen with regard to robustness of the assays and in order to increase sensitivity compared to the conventional simplex PCRs. The combination of probe dyes selected for the real-time assays (FAM/TAMRA, Cy-5/BHQ-2 and VIC/TAMRA) as well as the designation of the chromosome-borne alpha-toxin as internal positive control allowed the creation of highly specific and sensitive, as well as time and cost effective PCRs. One hundred and three strains of C. perfringens isolated in Switzerland derived from clinical or suspected cases of enterotoxaemia in 10 different animal species were tested. The toxin genotypes were in agreement in both the conventional PCRs and the newly designed multiplex PCRs. Furthermore, the real-time PCR carried out as simplex allows to quantitate the copy numbers of plasmid-borne toxin genes in relation to the chromosomally located alpha-toxin gene.


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We used a PCR method to quantify the loads of Chlamydia trachomatis organisms in self-collected urine and vulvovaginal swab (VVS) samples from 93 women and 30 men participating in the Chlamydia Screening Studies Project, a community-based study of individuals not seeking health care. For women, self-collected VVS had a higher mean chlamydial load (10,405 organisms/ml; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 5,167 to 21,163 organisms/ml) than did first-void urines (FVU) (503 organisms/ml; 95% CI, 250 to 1,022 organisms/ml; P < 0.001). Chlamydial loads in female and male self-collected FVU specimens were similar (P = 0.634). The mean chlamydial load in FVU specimens decreased with increasing age in females and males. There was no strong statistical evidence of differences in chlamydial load in repeat male and female FVU specimens taken when patients attended for treatment a median of 23.5 (range, 14 to 62) and 28 (range, 13 to 132) days later, respectively, or in VVS taken a median of 35 (range, 14 to 217) days later. In this study, chlamydial load values for infected persons in the community who were not seeking treatment were lower than those published in other studies involving symptomatic patients attending clinical settings. This might have implications for estimates of the infectiousness of chlamydia. The results of this study provide a scientific rationale for preferring VVS to FVU specimens from women.


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The previously described Nc5-specific PCR test for the diagnosis of Neospora caninum infections was used to develop a quantitative PCR assay which allows the determination of infection intensities within different experimental and diagnostic sample groups. The quantitative PCR was performed by using a dual fluorescent hybridization probe system and the LightCycler Instrument for online detection of amplified DNA. This assay was successfully applied for demonstrating the parasite proliferation kinetics in organotypic slice cultures of rat brain which were infected in vitro with N. caninum tachyzoites. This PCR-based method of parasite quantitation with organotypic brain tissue samples can be regarded as a novel ex vivo approach for exploring different aspects of cerebral N. caninum infection.


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The goal of this work was the development of suitable (real-time) RT-PCR techniques for fast and sensitive diagnosis of EAV and for molecular-epidemiological characterisation of viral strains, as an alternative to virus isolation. To this purpose two conventional RT-PCR methods and one real-time RT-PCR were adapted to detect the broadest possible spectrum of viral strains. Several dilutions with Bucyrus strain showed a 100-fold higher sensitivity of real-time RT-PCR and heminested RT-PCR compared to simple RT-PCR. Making use of 11 cell culture supernatants of different EAV isolates and 7 semen samples of positive stallions, the suitability of the techniques could be shown. Phylogenetic analysis of sequences of the newly analysed samples compared with known sequences indicated that more EAV-lineages exist than presently described.


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Serial quantification of BCR-ABL1 mRNA is an important therapeutic indicator in chronic myeloid leukaemia, but there is a substantial variation in results reported by different laboratories. To improve comparability, an internationally accepted plasmid certified reference material (CRM) was developed according to ISO Guide 34:2009. Fragments of BCR-ABL1 (e14a2 mRNA fusion), BCR and GUSB transcripts were amplified and cloned into pUC18 to yield plasmid pIRMM0099. Six different linearised plasmid solutions were produced with the following copy number concentrations, assigned by digital PCR, and expanded uncertainties: 1.08±0.13 × 10(6), 1.08±0.11 × 10(5), 1.03±0.10 × 10(4), 1.02±0.09 × 10(3), 1.04±0.10 × 10(2) and 10.0±1.5 copies/μl. The certification of the material for the number of specific DNA fragments per plasmid, copy number concentration of the plasmid solutions and the assessment of inter-unit heterogeneity and stability were performed according to ISO Guide 35:2006. Two suitability studies performed by 63 BCR-ABL1 testing laboratories demonstrated that this set of 6 plasmid CRMs can help to standardise a number of measured transcripts of e14a2 BCR-ABL1 and three control genes (ABL1, BCR and GUSB). The set of six plasmid CRMs is distributed worldwide by the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (Belgium) and its authorised distributors (https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/reference-materials/catalogue/; CRM code ERM-AD623a-f).


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The association of a particular mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutation with different clinical phenotypes is a well-known feature of mitochondrial diseases. A simple genotype–phenotype correlation has not been found between mutation load and disease expression. Tissue and intercellular mosaicism as well as mtDNA copy number are thought to be responsible for the different clinical phenotypes. As disease expression of mitochondrial tRNA mutations is mostly in postmitotic tissues, studies to elucidate disease mechanisms need to be performed on patient material. Heteroplasmy quantitation and copy number estimation using small patient biopsy samples has not been reported before, mainly due to technical restrictions. In order to resolve this problem, we have developed a robust assay that utilizes Molecular Beacons to accurately quantify heteroplasmy levels and determine mtDNA copy number in small samples carrying the A8344G tRNALys mutation. It provides the methodological basis to investigate the role of heteroplasmy and mtDNA copy number in determining the clinical phenotypes.