80 resultados para Tillandsia stricta


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the production of dairy goats fed different species of cactus. Pluriparous five Saanen goats were used, with nine weeks of lactation, and average live weight of 50 kg ± 4 kg. The animals were distributed in latin square design (5x5) with 5 diets and 5 periods. No differences (P>0,05) were observed in the DM of the experimental diets by getting average values of 2.251,84 g dia-1 , 4,46 %PV e 118,91g kg0,75 . The DM contents of the diets were 50,55 to 55,92% by presenting a maximum variation of 10% between them. A significant difference (P<0,05) water consumption way tendered, between diets with different cactus species. The treatments cactus “Orelha de Elefante Mexicana” and Facheiro had lower water consumption compared to cactus “Palma Miúda. For milk yield no significant difference (P> 0,05) between diets formulated with cactus species, with an average of 1,90 kg/day treatments. The analysis of variance show a significant difference (P<0,05) among treatments for milk corrected to 4% fat and fat production. There was an effect (P<0,05) of the diets with different cactus on the crude protein (CP) and lactose in milk. All treatments with different cactus species can be used for dairy goats in view consumption have afforded sufficient to meet the nutritional requirements for milk nutrients, besides presenting the higher than levels of physical and chemical composition to minimum levels established by current legislation


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Bacteria living on and in leaves and roots influence many aspects of plant health, so the extent of a plant's genetic control over its microbiota is of great interest to crop breeders and evolutionary biologists. Laboratory-based studies, because they poorly simulate true environmental heterogeneity, may misestimate or totally miss the influence of certain host genes on the microbiome. Here we report a large-scale field experiment to disentangle the effects of genotype, environment, age and year of harvest on bacterial communities associated with leaves and roots of Boechera stricta (Brassicaceae), a perennial wild mustard. Host genetic control of the microbiome is evident in leaves but not roots, and varies substantially among sites. Microbiome composition also shifts as plants age. Furthermore, a large proportion of leaf bacterial groups are shared with roots, suggesting inoculation from soil. Our results demonstrate how genotype-by-environment interactions contribute to the complexity of microbiome assembly in natural environments.