359 resultados para Tibet


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Luego de obtener el premio Nobel de paz, el XIV Dalai Lama inició una estrategia de movilización internacional para obtener la Luego de obtener el premio Nobel de paz, el XIV Dalai Lama inició una estrategia de movilización internacional para obtener la independencia tibetana. El trabajo ilustra las reacciones del gobierno de la República Popular frente a la posición del líder tibetano y finalmente presenta un anàlisis de la estrategia del Dalai Lama.


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The Gongzha section of Tibet, China is located at the northern margin of the Indian Plate (SE Tethys) and is characterized by hemipelagic grey marls and marly limestones, light grey limestones and silty limestones, but no organic-rich sediments. High-resolution biostratigraphy reveals an expanded Cenomanian–Turonian (CT) boundary interval and the δ13C record includes the main features of the classical positive carbon-isotope excursion that characterizes the CT oceanic anoxic event. The biotic response inferred from the foraminifera suggests that oxic to dysoxic conditions prevailed, except for a short interval marked by peak abundance of Heterohelix that indicates a significantly dysoxic environment during the δ13C “b” peak excursion. The overall decreasing trend in redox-sensitive trace elements (RSTE) during the maximum δ13C excursion confirms the absence of significant longer-lasting anoxia in the Gongzha section. Enrichments in RSTE are linked to phases of increased detrital input. Chemical weathering indices suggest that the upper Cenomanian sediments accumulated under an increasingly hot and humid climate that culminated near the CT boundary. In the early Turonian lower weathering indices suggest a warm, drier climatic regime with reduced continental runoff. Phosphorus mass-accumulation rates show a significant peak at the onset of the positive δ13C excursion, followed by a decrease up to the basal Turonian. This pattern is positively correlated with the long-term decrease in detrital index as also observed in numerous other CT boundary sections (e.g., Eastbourne, Pueblo, and Whadi El Ghaib, Sinaï). Long-term phosphorus accumulation in the Gongzha section is therefore associated with changes in detrital input. The overall decreased detrital input can be explained by the increasingly remote continental sources due to the major transgression at the end of Cenomanian, coupled with changes in continental weathering intensity linked to increasingly more arid climate conditions.


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A small fauna of 11 species belonging to 10 genera of Permian Brachiopoda from the lower part of the Qubuerga Formation outcropping near Shengmi village in the Qomolangma region of southern Xizang (Tibet) is figured and new taxa are described. New taxa are Quinquenella semiglobosa and Costatumulus shengmiensis. The fauna is most likely of Wuchiapingian (Djhulfian) age as indicated by the majority of the brachiopod species.


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Brachiopods from the Selong Group at the Selong Xishan section indicate a typical Peri-Gondwanan affinity, but possibly a rapid invasion of tropical/subtropical Tethyan elements into the Himalayan region at the very end of Permian. A brief analysis of taphonomy and composition of the Selong fauna indicate that Selong Xishan lay on the shallow continental shelf near shore and brachiopods suffered substantial abrasion from contemporaneous wave action. Species of Spiriferida, Athyridida and Terebratulida are herein described and revised. New taxa are Nakmusiella selongensis nov. gen. et sp. and ? Bullarina striata nov. sp.


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A brachiopod fauna of 16 species belonging to 11 genera and three genera and species indeterminate from the middle and upper parts of the Juripu Formation in the Yarlung-Zangbo (Indus-Tsangbo) Suture zone (=Yarlung-Zangbo River zone), southern Tibet, is described and figured for the first time. A new species, Taeniothaerus zhongbaensis, is described. The fauna is comparable with that in the Kalabagh Member of the Wargal Formation of the Salt Range, Pakistan, and is considered to be most likely Capitanian (late Guadalupian/Middle Permian) to Wuchiapingian (early Lopingian/early Late Permian) in age, as indicated by the majority of the brachiopod species and by being constrained by an underlying fusulinacean fauna (Parafusulina Zone) and an overlying ammonite fauna (Cyclolobus fauna).


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A brachiopod fauna including 19 species of 17 genera from an exotic block in the Indus–Tsangpo suture zone in southern Tibet is described and illustrated. The brachiopod fauna is dominated by Martinia elegans and two new taxa: Jinomarginifera lhazeensis gen. et sp. nov. and Zhejiangospirifer giganteus sp. nov. The fauna is closely comparable with those from the middle and upper parts of the Wargal Formation and the Chhidru Formation in the Salt Range of Pakistan, the Chitichun Limestone in southern Tibet, and the Basleo area of West Timor, and these correlations suggest a Wuchiapingian age. The fauna exhibits substantial links with both peri–Gondwanan and Cathaysian faunas, which may imply that it is a seamount biota originally located in the southern margin of the Neotethys during the Late Permian, and was later (in the early Cenozoic) displaced and became sandwiched into younger marine deposits in the collision process between India and Eurasia.


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A total of 17 brachiopod species belonging to 15 genera are recorded from a limestone block of about 3×4 km2 in the Indus–Tsangbo suture zone at Xiukang in Lhaze County of Tibet. The brachiopod fauna generally indicates a Late Guadalupian age (late Wordian–Capitanian, late Middle Permian) based on its association with the Timorites-bearing ammonoid fauna and the presence of the brachiopod Urushtenoidea crenulata. Palaeobiogeographically, the fauna exhibits transitional/mixed characters between the warm-water Cathaysian and cold to temperate Gondwanan faunas and may have developed on a carbonate build-up or seamount on the oceanic crust.


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Investigations of the Permian-Triassic sections and limestone blocks scattered in the Indus-Tsangbo Suture Zone in southern Tibet show widespread distribution of the Lopingian strata. The Lopingian deposits mostly contain rich brachiopod fossils and characteristic conodonts of the Mesogondolella shenz Zone of latest Changhsingian age in the topmost part. Brachiopod assemblages are largely comparable with those known from the upper Wargal and Chhidru Formations of the Salt Range, Pakistan, the Zewan Formation of Kashmir, the upper part of the Kuling Group in Spiti of India and the Hardman Formation of Western Australia. A revised Lopingian (Late Permian) age is proposed for the Selong Group and its equivalents in southern Tibet. The Lopingian deposits in southern Tibet can be grouped into three different sedimentary types, each of which reflects different sedimentary environments from coastal to continental shelfal settings on the northern peri-Gondwanan margin. The Qubu-type sequence represents marine coastal and proximal barrier-lagoon sediments during a gradual sea-level rise. Micaceous sandstone and shale of regressive origin, with abundant palynomorphs and acritarches, developed during the Late Lopingian sea-level lowstand, which is followed by a major rapid transgression at the very end of Permian. The Selong-type sequence in the Selong area consists of bioclastic limestone and calcareous shale in the lower part, and crinoid grainstone in the upper part. The latter part is believed to have been formed in a high-energy inner shelf shoal setting. The Chitichun-type sequence, sporadically distributed along the Indus-Tsangbo suture zone as small limestone blocks, consists of pure bioclastic sparite with the ammonoid Cyclolobus fauna. It is interpreted as the break-up products of sea-mounts and/or small isolated carbonate build-ups developed on the outer shelfal settings.


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This thesis traces the development of diverse life-narrative practices in the Tibetan diaspora, arguing that these constitute a central form of non-violent transnational political action within which life-stories are presented as evidentiary and contestatory. In this, relationships of witnessing constitute an increasingly important, largely unrecognised, nexus between Tibetans and non-Tibetans.


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This paper reviews and compares three deliberative approaches to conflict, and applies the deliberative approach to the Tibet issue. It examines the case of a deliberative workshop, its achievements and limits. Deliberative dialogue appears to have improved knowledge and mutual understanding, enhanced mutual trust and deliberative capacities, and produced moderating effects.