975 resultados para Three-wave interaction


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We have developed a classical two- and three-body interaction potential to simulate the hydroxylated, natively oxidized Si surface in contact with water solutions, based on the combination and extension of the Stillinger-Weber potential and of a potential originally developed to simulate SiO(2) polymorphs. The potential parameters are chosen to reproduce the structure, charge distribution, tensile surface stress, and interactions with single water molecules of a natively oxidized Si surface model previously obtained by means of accurate density functional theory simulations. We have applied the potential to the case of hydrophilic silicon wafer bonding at room temperature, revealing maximum room temperature work of adhesion values for natively oxidized and amorphous silica surfaces of 97 and 90 mJm(2), respectively, at a water adsorption coverage of approximately 1 ML. The difference arises from the stronger interaction of the natively oxidized surface with liquid water, resulting in a higher heat of immersion (203 vs 166 mJm(2)), and may be explained in terms of the more pronounced water structuring close to the surface in alternating layers of larger and smaller densities with respect to the liquid bulk. The computed force-displacement bonding curves may be a useful input for cohesive zone models where both the topographic details of the surfaces and the dependence of the attractive force on the initial surface separation and wetting can be taken into account.


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The Heisenberg-Euler correction due to photon-photon scattering, a still unverified quantum electrodynamics effect, on electromagnetic wave interaction inside a plasma channel is investigated theoretically. From a signal laser beam in the relativistic overdense plasma channel, photon-photon scattering can produce a detectable output beam of different frequency and polarization. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Part I

Particles are a key feature of planetary atmospheres. On Earth they represent the greatest source of uncertainty in the global energy budget. This uncertainty can be addressed by making more measurement, by improving the theoretical analysis of measurements, and by better modeling basic particle nucleation and initial particle growth within an atmosphere. This work will focus on the latter two methods of improvement.

Uncertainty in measurements is largely due to particle charging. Accurate descriptions of particle charging are challenging because one deals with particles in a gas as opposed to a vacuum, so different length scales come into play. Previous studies have considered the effects of transition between the continuum and kinetic regime and the effects of two and three body interactions within the kinetic regime. These studies, however, use questionable assumptions about the charging process which resulted in skewed observations, and bias in the proposed dynamics of aerosol particles. These assumptions affect both the ions and particles in the system. Ions are assumed to be point monopoles that have a single characteristic speed rather than follow a distribution. Particles are assumed to be perfect conductors that have up to five elementary charges on them. The effects of three body interaction, ion-molecule-particle, are also overestimated. By revising this theory so that the basic physical attributes of both ions and particles and their interactions are better represented, we are able to make more accurate predictions of particle charging in both the kinetic and continuum regimes.

The same revised theory that was used above to model ion charging can also be applied to the flux of neutral vapor phase molecules to a particle or initial cluster. Using these results we can model the vapor flux to a neutral or charged particle due to diffusion and electromagnetic interactions. In many classical theories currently applied to these models, the finite size of the molecule and the electromagnetic interaction between the molecule and particle, especially for the neutral particle case, are completely ignored, or, as is often the case for a permanent dipole vapor species, strongly underestimated. Comparing our model to these classical models we determine an “enhancement factor” to characterize how important the addition of these physical parameters and processes is to the understanding of particle nucleation and growth.

Part II

Whispering gallery mode (WGM) optical biosensors are capable of extraordinarily sensitive specific and non-specific detection of species suspended in a gas or fluid. Recent experimental results suggest that these devices may attain single-molecule sensitivity to protein solutions in the form of stepwise shifts in their resonance wavelength, \lambda_{R}, but present sensor models predict much smaller steps than were reported. This study examines the physical interaction between a WGM sensor and a molecule adsorbed to its surface, exploring assumptions made in previous efforts to model WGM sensor behavior, and describing computational schemes that model the experiments for which single protein sensitivity was reported. The resulting model is used to simulate sensor performance, within constraints imposed by the limited material property data. On this basis, we conclude that nonlinear optical effects would be needed to attain the reported sensitivity, and that, in the experiments for which extreme sensitivity was reported, a bound protein experiences optical energy fluxes too high for such effects to be ignored.


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基于能量守恒和三波耦合波方程, 建立了超短脉冲在参变过程中二次谐波产生时的I类和II类相位匹配条件、基波与谐波之间的群速延迟时间、以及群速失配对晶体长度限制的理论基础。以负单轴非线性光学晶体CsLiB6O10为例, 分析和数值计算了超短脉冲宽度为100 fs时, 谐波的群速匹配长度随基波波长变化的规律。研究结果表明在I类相位匹配条件下, 基波波长为642 nm时, 群速延迟最小, 相应的群速匹配晶体长度最长为19.1 mm;在II类相位匹配条件下, 基波波长为767 nm, 群速延迟最小, 群速匹配长度最


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Experimental investigations of nondegenerate ultrabroadband chirped pulse optical parametric amplification have been carried out. The general mathematical expressions for evaluating parametric bandwidth, gain and gain bandwidth for arbitrary three-wave mixing parametric amplifiers are presented. In our experiments, a type-I noncollinear phase-matched optical parametric amplifier based on lithium triborate, which was pumped by a 5-ns second harmonic pulses from a Q-switched Nd:YAG operating at 10 Hz, seeded by a 14-fs Ti:sapphire laser at 800 nm, was presented. The 0.85 nJ energy of input chirped signal pulse with 57-FWHM has been amplified to 3.1 muJ at pump intensity 3 GW/cm(2), the corresponding parametric gain reached 3.6 x 10(3), the 53 nm-FWHM gain spectrum bandwidth of output signal has been obtained. The large gain and broad gain bandwidth, which have been confirmed experimentally, provide great potentials to amplify efficiently the broad bandwidth femtosecond light pulses to generate new extremes in power, intensity, and pulse duration using optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers pumped by powerful nanosecond systems.


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The spectral bandwidth of three-wave-mixing optical parametric amplification has been investigated. A general mathematical model for evaluating the spectral bandwidth of optical parametric amplification is developed with parametric bandwidth and gain bandwidth via three-wave noncollinear interactions. The spectral bandwidth is determined by expanding the wave-vector mismatch in a Taylor series and retaining terms through second order. The model takes into account the effects of crystal length, noncollinear angle, group velocity, group-velocity dispersion and gain coefficient. The relation between parametric bandwidth and gain bandwidth is clearly defined. The model is applied to a BBO OPA, a LBO OPA and a CLBO OPA.


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We investigate slow-light pulse propagation in an optical fiber via transient stimulated Brillouin scattering. Space-time evolution of a generating slow-light pulse is numerically calculated by solving three-wave coupled-mode equations between a pump beam, an acoustic wave, and a counterpropagating signal pulse. Our mathematical treatments are applicable to both narrowband and broadband pump cases. We show that the time delay of 85% pulse width can be obtained for a signal pulse of the order of subnanosecond pulse width by using a broadband pump, while the signal pulse is broadened only by 40% of the input signal pulse. The physical origin of the pulse broadening and distortion is explained in terms of the temporal decay of the induced acoustic field. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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We present a numerical study of shear viscosity and thermal conductivity of symmetric nuclear matter, pure neutron matter, and beta-stable nuclear matter, in the framework of the Brueckner theory. The calculation of in-medium cross sections and nucleon effective masses is performed with a consistent two- and three-body interaction. The investigation covers a wide baryon density range as needed in the applications to neutron stars. The results for the transport coefficients in beta-stable nuclear matter are used to make preliminary predictions on the damping time scales of nonradial modes in neutron stars.


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On the Qinghai-Tibet plateau increased livestock numbers have resulted in degradation of the grasslands with potential impacts on native biodiversity. Concurrently, perceived increases in populations of native small mammals such as plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) have led to poisoning programs, with uncertain impacts on species such as ground-nesting birds. We explored the relationships between the local seasonal abundance of small birds and (1) the density of pika burrows; (2) livestock grazing practices; and (3) local poisoning of pikas. Around Naqu prefecture, central Tibet, we used a nested experimental design to collect data from areas rested from grazing over summer, nearby areas with year-round grazing and areas subjected to pika poisoning. Additional data were collected from a site where grazing had not occurred for at least 4 years prior to the study. Poisoning pikas in spring had no detectable effect on the local abundance of birds the following autumn. However, two ground-nesting species, white-rumped and rufous-necked snowfinches, showed positive associations with the density of pika burrows, indicating that long-term 'pika poisoning could reduce the density of these species by reducing the density of pika burrows. Rufous-necked snowfinches and non ground-nesting species including horned larks and common hoopoes showed positive responses to reduced grazing pressure from livestock, particularly in the long-rested site, indicating current grazing levels could be having a negative impact on these species. Conservation of small passerine biodiversity in this system will require changed management practices for livestock and pikas that consider the complex three-way interaction between livestock grazing, pikas and small birds. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the nature of the three-mode interaction inside an optomechanically active microtoroid with a sizable ?(2) coefficient. Experimental techniques are quickly advancing to the point where structures with the necessary properties can be made, and we argue that these provide a natural setting in which to observe rich dynamics leading, for instance, to genuine tripartite steady-state entanglement. We also show that this approach lends itself to a full characterization of the three-mode state of the system.


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The combinatorial frequency generation by the periodic stacks of binary layers of anisotropic nonlinear dielectrics is examined. The products of nonlinear scattering are characterised in terms of the three-wave mixing processes. It is shown that the intensity of the scattered waves of combinatorial frequencies is strongly influenced by the constitutive and geometrical parameters of the anisotropic layers, and the frequency ratio and angles of incidence of pump waves. The enhanced efficiency of the frequency conversion at Wolf-Bragg resonances has been demonstrated for the lossless and lossy-layered structures. © 2012 O. V. Shramkova and A. G. Schuchinsky.


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The pulse mixing and scattering by finite nonlinear Thue-Morse quasi-periodic dielectric multilayered structure illuminated by two Gaussian pulses with different centre frequencies and lengths are investigated. The three-wave mixing technique is applied to study the nonlinear processes. The properties of the scattered waveforms and the effects of the structure and the incident pulses' parameters on the mixing process are discussed.


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The nonlinear scattering of pulses by periodic stacks of semiconductor layers with magnetic bias has been studied in the self-consistent problem formulation, taking into account mobility of carriers. The three-wave mixing technique has been applied to the analysis of the waveform evolution in the stacks illuminated by two Gaussian pulses with different central frequencies and lengths. The effects of external magnetic bias, and stack physical and geometrical parameters on the properties of the scattered waveforms are discussed. © 2013 IEEE.


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The pulsed second harmonic generation (SHG) by periodic stacks of nonlinear semiconductor layers with external magnetic bias has been studied in the self-consistent problem formulation, taking into account mobility of carriers. The products of nonlinear scattering in the three-wave mixing process are examined. It is demonstrated that the waveform evolution in magnetoactive weakly nonlinear semiconductor periodic structure illuminated by Gaussian pulse is strongly affected by the magnetic bias and collision frequency of the carriers. The effect of nonreciprocity on the SHG efficiency is discussed and illustrated by the examples. © 2013 European Microwave Association.