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The research was developed to evaluate the use of different types of roofing materials regularly used in poultry houses. Measurements of thermal comfort were made through the use of techniques such as the Black Globe and Humidity Index (BGHI), the Thermal Heat Load (THL) and Enthalpy (H). Conducted in the State University of Goiás, during the months of April and May, 2011, the experiment was composed of five different treatments: AC - Asbestos cement tiles, BA -Bamboo tiles, BAP - Bamboo tiles painted in white, FB -Vegetable fiber tiles and bitumen, FBP -Vegetable fiber tiles and bitumen painted in white. The experiment consisted in 15 repetitions, which were considered the different days of measurements taken. Throughout the studied period, the time of the day considered the least comfortable was the one observed at 2:00pm, and the coverage of vegetable fiber and bitumen showed the highest value of BGHI (84.1) when compared to other types of coverage, characterizing a situation of lower thermal comfort, and no difference was found for THL and H on treatments in the studied region.


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Thermal discomfort inside facilities is one of the factors responsible for low productivity of caprines in the Brazilian Northeast region, because inadequate weather conditions can cause elevated rectal temperature, increased respiratory rate, decreased food ingestion and reduced production. The present paper aimed to study the behavior of physiological thermoregulation of the animals (respiratory rate - RR and rectal temperature - RT) at four different times of the day (8 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.) and their relation to bioclimatic indexes (Temperature Humidity Index - THI, Black Globe Humidity Index - BGHI and Radiant Heat Load - RHL) in order to determine whether the type of covering used in the animals facilities (ceramic covering - CC, asbestos cement covering - AC and straw covering - SC) interferes with the physiology of thermoregulation. The time of data collection was related to the values of environmental and physiological variables. At 2 p.m. it was found the highest values of Radiant Heat Load on the three types of covering. The values of RT and RR were higher at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., and the straw tile provided better thermal conditions of microclimate for the animals. The increased RR maintained the caprines homeothermy.


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This study aimed to assess five composter types in poultry carcasses decomposition and to perform a physicochemical analysis of the compounds obtained. Composter types used were six-hole brick, wood, screen, windrow with three PVC pipes with six holes and windrow with three PVC pipes with 10 holes. Composting was followed by four periods using wood shaving like substrate with one bird carcass placed in each composter. Pile turning was performed every 10 days and temperature in each layer was measured on 1st, 7th, 14th, 19th and 29th day, at 3 p.m., as well as room temperature. Temperature during pile turning was also measured at five points per layer and carcass weighing performed to calculate decomposition percentage. Physicochemical parameters evaluated in substrates were moisture, ash, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, pH, organic carbon and C/N ratio, up to 30 days. Data were analyzed by repeated measures model, using MIXED method of SAS software. All values of final physicochemical composition of substrates were found according to values of IN-25, except nitrogen. The composter types were efficient in decomposition of poultry carcasses.


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Extracellular matrix (ECM) components such as fibrillar collagens play a fundamental role in wound repair and have also been studied in association with the gastric ulcer healing process in gastroenterology. Nevertheless, there have been no studies in the literature to date regarding the description and characterization of ECM components, neither in normal nor in injured gastric tissue of primate species. The objective of this study was to investigate the expression of gastric collagen types I, III, and IV in marmosets (Callithrix sp.). Histological specimens from the stomach of 6 Callithrix jacchus, 12 C. kuhli, and 12 C. geoffroyi were evaluated. The specimens were immunostained with anti-types I and III collagen polyclonal antibodies and anti-type IV collagen monoclonal antibody. Collagen types I and III were detected in the submucosa and lamina propria between the mucosal glands while collagen type IV was detected in the muscularis mucosae, muscular layers, blood vessels, and gastric mucosa between the mucosal glands. It is hoped that these findings can contribute to future studies on the gastric extracellular matrix components in primates and to comparative studies in the area of gastroenterology.


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The serum neutralization (SN) test is the gold standard method to measure neutralizing antibodies to bovine herpesviruses. However, in view of the further subdivisions of bovine herpesviruses in types/subtypes, defining which virus to use at challenge in SN tests may be difficult. In view of that, this study was carried out to re-evaluate (SN) sensitivity with different types/subtypes of bovine herpesviruses types 1 (BoHV-1) and 5 (BoHV-5) as challenge viruses. Bovine sera (n=810) were collected from two distinct geographic regions and tested by SN with three type 1 viruses (BoHV-1.1 strains "Los Angeles" and "EVI123/98"; BoHV-1.2a strain "SV265/96") and three type 5 viruses (BoHV-5a strain "EVI88/95"; BoHV-5b strain "A663" and BoHV-5c "ISO97/95"). SN tests were performed with a 1 hour incubation of the serum-virus mixtures at 37ºC against 100 TCID50 of each of the viruses. SN sensitivity varied greatly depending on the challenge virus used in the test. The highest sensitivity (327 positive/810 total sera tested; 40.37%) was attained when the positive results to the six viruses were added together. No association could be found between any particular type or subtype of virus and the sensitivity of the test. When positive results to each single strain were considered, SN sensitivity varied from 41.7% to 81.7%, depending on the virus and the geographic region of origin of the sera. Variation was detected even when challenge viruses belonged to the same subtype, where disagreement between positive results reached 41%. These results indicate that one hour incubation SN tests against single viruses, as performed here, may display a significantly low sensitivity (p=0.05); performing SN tests against a number of different viruses may increase considerably SN sensitivity. Furthermore, the choice of virus used for challenge is critical in SN tests. In addition, sera from different geographic regions may give rise to disagreeing results with different strains of BoHV-1 and BoHV-5. This might be particularly relevant for control programs and in international trade, were maximum sensitivity should be targeted.


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The study of canine immunohematology is very important for veterinary transfusion medicine. The objective of this study was to determine the DEA blood type frequencies in a purebred canine blood donor population from Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. One hundred clinically healthy purebred dogs were chosen, 20 dogs from each breed (Great Dane, Rottweiler, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd and Argentine Dogo). Blood samples were taken in ACD-A tubes and the MSU hemagglutination tube test (MI, USA) was used to determine the blood types. The studied population presented general frequencies of 61% for DEA 1.1, 22% for DEA 1.2, 7% for DEA 3, 100% for DEA 4, 9% for DEA 5 and 16% for DEA 7. A significant association was found between breeds and certain combinations of blood types in this population. The results are in agreement with the literature since most part of the canine population studied was positive for DEA 1.1, the most antigenic blood type in dogs. Differences were found among the studied breeds and those should be considered when selecting a blood donor. The knowledge of blood types frequencies and their combinations in different canine populations, including different breeds, is important because it shows the particularities of each group, helps to keep a data bank of local frequencies and minimizes the risks of transfusion reactions.


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The effects of selective (e.g. mineral supplement formulated on the basis of nutritional and clinical examination of the herd) or commercial mineral supplementation of crossbred dairy heifers (Holstein-Mantiqueira), on daily weight gain (DWG), body condition score (BCS), age at first mating (AFM) and the intake of mineral mixture (IMM) managed on Xaraés palissadgrass pasture (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraés) were evaluated from February 2006 to March 2008. Structural characteristics, forage allowance and nutritional value of Xaraés palissadgrass were also evaluated. The structural variables of pasture, allowances and nutritive value of forage, besides the DWG were only affected (p<0.05) by season, with highest results for spring and summer. Throughout the experimental period (730 days), no sign of mineral deficiency was detected in heifers that ingested the selective supplement. The DWG and AFM were not influenced by the mineral mixture offered (0.52 and 0.33 kg/day during the spring/summer and in fall/winter for DWG, respectively, and 813 days of AFM). The IMM was higher for commercial mineral mixture than for selective (61.6 and 51.0g/day respectively). The BCS was slightly higher for selective (3.17) than for the commercial (3.02) mineral mixture. Thus, the selective mineral supplement was a strategy to prevent mineral deficiency in this herd and resulted in similar performance at lower costs (e.g. due to less IMM) of crossbred heifers when compared with the commercial mineral supplementation.


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Inselbergs are isolated rock outcrops that rise abruptly above the surrounding plains. Granitic and gneissic inselbergs are geologically and geomorphologically old and occur throughout a broad spectrum of climatic zones. They form microclimatically and edaphically dry growth sites that support a highly specialized vegetation. Based on physiognomic criteria a number of habitat types can be distinguished that are widespread on inselbergs (e.g. ephemeral flush vegetation, monocotyledonous mats, rock pools). Three hot spots of global inselberg plant diversity can be identified which are both rich in species and endemics: a) southeastern Brazil, b) Madagascar and c) southwestern Australia.


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The Guayana Shield, located in north-eastern South America, consists of a highly complex and composite mosaic of landscape elements. Amongst these, inselbergs are very conspicuous, because of their peculiar shape and their unusual associated vegetation. Geologically, these rock outcrops are part of the underlying ancient igneous-metamorphic basement and occur mainly in the lowlands of the periphery of the shield. As azonal habitats, inselbergs harbour a highly specialized flora. The characteristic vegetation is composed of lithophytic and savanna-like plant communities, as well as low dry forests. As a whole, the vegetation of an inselberg may be interpreted as a mosaic of marginal habitats. Therefore a large number of taxa find suitable niches in a quite condensed space. Gradients of soil depth and water availability are the main factors determining the floristic composition. A preliminary floristic inventory of the Venezuelan inselberg flora comprises 614 vascular plant species. 24% of them are endemic to the Guayana region, 15% are endemic to inselbergs of the Guayana region. The distribution patterns of these latter, eco-endemic species allows to distinguish a northern and a southern inselberg district. The two districts overlap in the Átures area, in the surroundings of Puerto Ayacucho, where a true centre of endemism is located. The distinction into two districts is emphasised by different phytogeographic relations. The southern inselberg district shows connections to the "tepui" flora, whereas the northern district reveals phytogeographic relations to the Caribbean region as well as to the Brazilian Shield. Possible explanations for the floristic interchange across the equator are discussed.


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It is generally accepted that mitochondria are able to proliferate even in postmitotic cells due to their natural turnover and also to satisfy increased cell energy requirements. However, no detailed studies are available, particularly with respect to specific cell types. Since [3H]-thymidine is incorporated not only into nuclear (n) DNA but also into the DNA of cytoplasmic mitochondria, an autoradiographic approach was developed at the light microscopy level in order to study basic questions of mitochondrial (mt) proliferation in organs of rodents in situ via the cytoplasmic incorporation of [3H]-thymidine injected into the animals 1 h before sacrifice. Experiments carried out on mice after X-irradiation showed that cytoplasmic labeling was not due to a process such as unscheduled nuclear DNA synthesis (nUDS). Furthermore, half-lives of mitochondria between 8-23 days were deduced specifically in relation to cell types. The phase of mtDNA synthesis was about 75 min. Finally, mt proliferation was measured in brain cells of mice as a function of age. While all neurons showed a decreasing extent of mtDNA synthesis during old age, nUDS decreased only in distinct cell types of the cortex and hippocampus. We conclude that the leading theories explaining the phenomenon of aging are closely related, i.e., aging is due to a decreasing capacity of nDNA repair, which leads to unrepaired nDNA damage, or to an accumulation of mitochondria with damaged mtDNA, which leads to a deficit of cellular energy production


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GLUT4 protein expression in white adipose tissue (WAT) and skeletal muscle (SM) was investigated in 2-month-old, 12-month-old spontaneously obese or 12-month-old calorie-restricted lean Wistar rats, by considering different parameters of analysis, such as tissue and body weight, and total protein yield of the tissue. In WAT, a ~70% decrease was observed in plasma membrane and microsomal GLUT4 protein, expressed as µg protein or g tissue, in both 12-month-old obese and 12-month-old lean rats compared to 2-month-old rats. However, when plasma membrane and microsomal GLUT4 tissue contents were expressed as g body weight, they were the same. In SM, GLUT4 protein content, expressed as µg protein, was similar in 2-month-old and 12-month-old obese rats, whereas it was reduced in 12-month-old obese rats, when expressed as g tissue or g body weight, which may play an important role in insulin resistance. Weight loss did not change the SM GLUT4 content. These results show that altered insulin sensitivity is accompanied by modulation of GLUT4 protein expression. However, the true role of WAT and SM GLUT4 contents in whole-body or tissue insulin sensitivity should be determined considering not only GLUT4 protein expression, but also the strong morphostructural changes in these tissues, which require different types of data analysis.


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Adenylyl cyclase (AC) isoforms catalyze the synthesis of 3',5'-cyclic AMP from ATP. These isoforms are critically involved in the regulation of gene transcription, metabolism, and ion channel activity among others. Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous product whose synthesis from L-arginine is catalyzed by the enzyme NO synthase. It has been well established that NO activates the enzyme guanylyl cyclase, but little has been reported on the effects of NO on other important second messengers, such as AC. In the present study, the effects of sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a nitric oxide-releasing compound, on COS-7 cells transfected with plasmids containing AC types I, II, V and VI were evaluated. Total inhibition (~98.5%) of cAMP production was observed in COS-7 cells transfected with the AC I isoform and previously treated with SNP (10 mM) for 30 min, when stimulated with ionomycin. A high inhibition (~76%) of cAMP production was also observed in COS-7 cells transfected with the AC VI isoform and previously treated with SNP (10 mM) for 30 min, when stimulated with forskolin. No effect on cAMP production was observed in cells transfected with AC isoforms II and V.


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The objective of the present study was to assess the effect of transcutaneous electrical diaphragmatic stimulation (TEDS) on different types of diaphragm muscle fibers. Male Wistar rats (8-12 weeks old) were divided into 2 experimental groups (N = 8 in each group): 1) control, 2) animals submitted to TEDS [frequency = 50 Hz; T ON/T OFF (contraction/relaxation time) = 2/2 s; pulse duration = 0.4 ms, intensity = 5 mA with a 1 mA increase every 3 min for 20 min] for 7 days. After completing this treatment period, the I, IIA, IIB, and IID diaphragm muscle fibers were identified using the mATPase technique. Statistical analysis consisted of the normality, homoscedasticity and t-tests (P < 0.05). There was a 19.6% (P < 0.05) reduction in the number of type I fibers and a 49.7% increase (P < 0.05) in type IID fibers in the TEDS group compared with the control group. An important result of the present study was that electrical stimulation with surface electrodes was efficient in altering the distribution of fibers in diaphragm muscle. This therapeutic resource could be used in the treatment of respiratory muscle alterations.


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Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the world and is related to the etiology of cervical cancer. The most common high-risk HPV types are 16 and 18; however, the second most prevalent type in the Midwestern region of Brazil is HPV-33. New vaccine strategies against HPV have shown that virus-like particles (VLP) of the major capsid protein (L1) induce efficient production of antibodies, which confer protection against the same viral type. The methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris is an efficient and inexpensive expression system for the production of high levels of heterologous proteins stably using a wild-type gene in combination with an integrative vector. It was recently demonstrated that P. pastoris can produce the HPV-16 L1 protein by using an episomal vector associated with the optimized L1 gene. However, the use of an episomal vector is not appropriate for protein production on an industrial scale. In the present study, the vectors were integrated into the Pichia genome and the results were positive for L1 gene transcription and protein production, both intracellularly and in the extracellular environment. Despite the great potential for expression by the P. pastoris system, our results suggest a low yield of L1 recombinant protein, which, however, does not make this system unworkable. The achievement of stable clones containing the expression cassettes integrated in the genome may permit optimizations that could enable the establishment of a platform for the production of VLP-based vaccines.


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The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between total nitrite/nitrate concentrations (NOx) and the kinetic parameters of monoamine oxidase enzymes (MAO-A and MAO-B) and semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) in human mesenteric arteries. Arteries were from non-diabetic and type 2 diabetic patients with sigmoid or rectum carcinoma for whom surgery was the first option and who were not exposed to neo-adjuvant therapy. Segments of human inferior mesenteric arteries from non-diabetic (61.1 ± 8.9 years old, 7 males and 5 females, N = 12) and type 2 diabetic patients (65.8 ± 6.2 years old, 8 males and 4 females, N = 12) were used to determine NOx concentrations and the kinetic parameters of MAO-A, MAO-B and SSAO by the Griess reaction and by radiochemical assay, respectively. The NOx concentrations in arteries from diabetic patients did not differ significantly from those of the non-diabetic group (10.28 ± 4.61 vs 10.71 ± 4.32 nmol/mg protein, respectively). In the non-diabetic group, there was a positive correlation between NOx concentrations and MAO-B parameters: Km (r = 0.612, P = 0.034) and Vmax (r = 0.593, P = 0.042), and a negative correlation with the SSAO parameters: Km (r = -0.625, P = 0.029) and Vmax (r = -0.754, P = 0.005). However, in the diabetic group no correlation was found between NOx concentrations and the three kinetic parameters of the enzymes. These results suggest an important function of sympathetic nerves and vascular NOx concentrations in arteries of non-diabetic patients. Thus, these results confirm the importance of a balance between oxidants and antioxidants in the maintenance of vascular homeostasis to prevent oxidative stress.